blob: 197ba3f421020999eef1e0f777f582e18a19ef11 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <random>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "testutil/gtest-util.h"
#include "testutil/rand-util.h"
#include "testutil/mem-util.h"
#include "util/bit-packing.h"
#include "util/bit-stream-utils.inline.h"
#include "common/names.h"
using std::uniform_int_distribution;
using std::mt19937;
namespace impala {
namespace {
constexpr int NUM_IN_VALUES = 64 * 1024;
template <typename UINT_T>
constexpr UINT_T ComputeMask(int bit_width) {
return (bit_width < sizeof(UINT_T) * CHAR_BIT) ?
((1UL << bit_width) - 1) : static_cast<UINT_T>(~0UL);
/// Test unpacking a subarray of values to/from smaller buffers that are sized to exactly
/// fit the the input and output. 'in' is the original unpacked input, 'packed' is the
/// bit-packed data. The test copies 'num_in_values' packed values to a smaller temporary
/// buffer, then unpacks them to another temporary buffer. Both buffers are sized to the
/// minimum number of bytes required to fit the packed/unpacked data.
/// This is to test that we do not overrun either the input or output buffer for smaller
/// batch sizes.
template <typename UINT_T>
void UnpackSubset(const UINT_T* in, const uint8_t* packed, int num_in_values,
int bit_width, bool aligned);
/// Test a packing/unpacking round-trip of the 'num_in_values' values in 'in',
/// packed with 'bit_width'. If 'aligned' is true, buffers for packed and unpacked data
/// are allocated at a 64-byte aligned address. Otherwise the buffers are misaligned
/// by 1 byte from a 64-byte aligned address.
template <typename UINT_T>
void PackUnpack(const UINT_T* in, int num_in_values, int bit_width, bool aligned) {
LOG(INFO) << "num_in_values = " << num_in_values << " bit_width = " << bit_width
<< " aligned = " << aligned;
// Mask out higher bits so that the values to pack are in range.
const UINT_T mask = ComputeMask<UINT_T>(bit_width);
const int misalignment = aligned ? 0 : 1;
const int bytes_required = BitUtil::RoundUpNumBytes(bit_width * num_in_values);
AlignedAllocation storage(bytes_required + misalignment);
uint8_t* packed = + misalignment;
BitWriter writer(packed, bytes_required);
if (bit_width > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < num_in_values; ++i) {
ASSERT_TRUE(writer.PutValue(in[i] & mask, bit_width));
LOG(INFO) << "Wrote " << writer.bytes_written() << " bytes.";
// Test unpacking all the values. Trying to unpack extra values should have the same
// result because the input buffer size 'num_in_values' limits the number of values to
// return.
for (const int num_to_unpack : {num_in_values, num_in_values + 1, num_in_values + 77}) {
LOG(INFO) << "Unpacking " << num_to_unpack;
// Size buffer exactly so that ASAN can detect reads/writes that overrun the buffer.
AlignedAllocation out_storage(num_to_unpack * sizeof(UINT_T) + misalignment);
UINT_T* out = reinterpret_cast<UINT_T*>( + misalignment);
const auto result = BitPacking::UnpackValues<UINT_T>(
bit_width, packed, writer.bytes_written(), num_to_unpack, out);
ASSERT_EQ(packed + writer.bytes_written(), result.first)
<< "Unpacked different # of bytes from the # written";
if (bit_width == 0) {
// If no bits, we can get back as many as we ask for.
ASSERT_EQ(num_to_unpack, result.second) << "Unpacked wrong # of values";
} else if (bit_width < CHAR_BIT) {
// We may get back some garbage values that we didn't actually pack if we
// didn't use all of the trailing byte.
const int max_packed_values = writer.bytes_written() * CHAR_BIT / bit_width;
ASSERT_EQ(min(num_to_unpack, max_packed_values), result.second)
<< "Unpacked wrong # of values";
} else {
ASSERT_EQ(num_in_values, result.second) << "Unpacked wrong # of values";
for (int i = 0; i < num_in_values; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(in[i] & mask, out[i]) << "Didn't get back input value " << i << "."
<< " Bit width: " << bit_width << ".";
UnpackSubset<UINT_T>(in, packed, num_in_values, bit_width, aligned);
template <typename UINT_T>
void UnpackSubset(const UINT_T* in, const uint8_t* packed, int num_in_values,
int bit_width, bool aligned) {
const int misalignment = aligned ? 0 : 1;
for (int num_to_unpack : {1, 10, 77, num_in_values - 7}) {
if (num_to_unpack < 0 || num_to_unpack > num_in_values) continue;
// Size buffers exactly so that ASAN can detect buffer overruns.
const int64_t bytes_to_read = BitUtil::RoundUpNumBytes(num_to_unpack * bit_width);
AlignedAllocation packed_copy_storage(bytes_to_read + misalignment);
uint8_t* packed_copy = + misalignment;
memcpy(packed_copy, packed, bytes_to_read);
AlignedAllocation out_storage(num_to_unpack * sizeof(UINT_T) + misalignment);
UINT_T* out = reinterpret_cast<UINT_T*>( + misalignment);
const auto result = BitPacking::UnpackValues<UINT_T>(
bit_width, packed_copy, bytes_to_read, num_to_unpack, out);
ASSERT_EQ(packed_copy + bytes_to_read, result.first) << "Read wrong # of bytes";
ASSERT_EQ(num_to_unpack, result.second) << "Unpacked wrong # of values";
for (int i = 0; i < num_to_unpack; ++i) {
ASSERT_EQ(in[i] & ComputeMask<UINT_T>(bit_width), out[i])
<< "Didn't get back input value " << i;
template <typename INT_T>
std::vector<INT_T> GenerateRandomInput(int length, INT_T lower, INT_T higher) {
std::vector<INT_T> in(length);
mt19937 rng;
RandTestUtil::SeedRng("BIT_PACKING_TEST_RANDOM_SEED", &rng);
uniform_int_distribution<INT_T> dist(lower, higher);
std::generate(in.begin(), in.end(), [&rng, &dist] { return dist(rng); });
return in;
// Test various odd input lengths to exercise boundary cases for full and partial
// batches of 32.
std::vector<int> GetLengths() {
vector<int> lengths{NUM_IN_VALUES, NUM_IN_VALUES - 1, NUM_IN_VALUES - 16,
for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
return lengths;
template <typename UINT_T>
void RandomUnpackTest() {
const std::vector<UINT_T> in = GenerateRandomInput<UINT_T>(NUM_IN_VALUES,
std::numeric_limits<UINT_T>::min(), std::numeric_limits<UINT_T>::max());
const std::vector<int> lengths = GetLengths();
constexpr int MAX_BITWIDTH = BitPacking::MAX_BITWIDTH;
const int max_bit_width = std::min<int>(MAX_BITWIDTH, sizeof(UINT_T) * CHAR_BIT);
for (int bit_width = 0; bit_width <= max_bit_width; ++bit_width) {
for (const int length : lengths) {
// Test that unpacking to/from aligned and unaligned memory works.
for (const bool aligned : {true, false}) {
PackUnpack<UINT_T>(, length, bit_width, aligned);
TEST(BitPackingTest, RandomUnpack8) {
TEST(BitPackingTest, RandomUnpack16) {
TEST(BitPackingTest, RandomUnpack32) {
TEST(BitPackingTest, RandomUnpack64) {
// This is not the full dictionary encoding, only a big bit-packed literal run, no RLE is
// used.
template <typename T>
std::pair<std::vector<T>, std::vector<uint8_t>>
DictEncode(const std::vector<T>& input, int bit_width) {
// Create dictionary and indices.
std::unordered_map<T, std::size_t> index_map;
std::vector<T> dict;
std::vector<uint64_t> indices;
for (const T value : input) {
auto it = index_map.find(value);
if (it != index_map.end()) {
} else {
const std::size_t next_index = dict.size();
index_map[value] = next_index;
// Bit pack the indices.
const int bytes_required = BitUtil::RoundUpNumBytes(bit_width * input.size());
std::vector<uint8_t> out_data(bytes_required);
// We do not write data if we do not have any. Doing it could also lead to undefined
// behaviour as may be nullptr and BitWriter uses memcpy internally, and
// passing a null pointer to memcpy is undefined behaviour.
if (bytes_required > 0) {
BitWriter writer(, bytes_required);
if (bit_width > 0) {
for (const uint64_t index : indices) {
EXPECT_TRUE(writer.PutValue(index, bit_width));
return std::make_pair(dict, out_data);
template <typename T>
void ExpectEqualsWithStride(const T* expected, int num_values,
const uint8_t* actual, int actual_length, int stride) {
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_values; i++) {
const T expected_value = expected[i];
DCHECK_LE(i * stride + sizeof(T), actual_length);
const T actual_value = *reinterpret_cast<const T*>(&actual[i * stride]);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_value, actual_value);
// This does not test the full dictionary decoding, only the unpacking of a single
// bit-packed literal run (no RLE).
template <typename UINT_T>
void RandomUnpackAndDecodeTest() {
constexpr int MAX_BITWIDTH = BitPacking::MAX_BITWIDTH;
const int max_bit_width = std::min<int>({MAX_BITWIDTH, sizeof(UINT_T) * 8,
sizeof(uint32_t) * 8 /* dictionary indices are 32 bit values */});
const std::vector<int> lengths = GetLengths();
for (int bit_width = 0; bit_width <= max_bit_width; ++bit_width) {
const UINT_T max_dict_size = bit_width == sizeof(UINT_T) * 8
? std::numeric_limits<UINT_T>::max() : (1UL << bit_width);
const std::vector<UINT_T> input = GenerateRandomInput<UINT_T>(NUM_IN_VALUES, 0,
max_dict_size - 1 /* inclusive range */);
for (int length : lengths) {
const std::vector<UINT_T> in_data(input.begin(), input.begin() + length);
std::pair<std::vector<UINT_T>, std::vector<uint8_t>> dict_and_data
= DictEncode(in_data, bit_width);
std::vector<UINT_T>& dict = dict_and_data.first;
const std::vector<uint8_t>& data = dict_and_data.second;
const std::vector<int> strides = {sizeof(UINT_T), sizeof(UINT_T) + 5,
2 * sizeof(UINT_T) + 5};
for (int stride : strides) {
bool decode_error = false;
std::vector<uint8_t> out(in_data.size() * stride);
std::pair<const uint8_t*, int64_t> res
= BitPacking::UnpackAndDecodeValues<UINT_T>(bit_width,,
data.size(),, dict.size(), in_data.size(),
reinterpret_cast<UINT_T*>(, stride, &decode_error);
EXPECT_EQ(in_data.size(), res.second);
ExpectEqualsWithStride<UINT_T>(, in_data.size(),,
out.size(), stride);
TEST(BitPackingTest, RandomUnpackAndDecode8) {
TEST(BitPackingTest, RandomUnpackAndDecode16) {
TEST(BitPackingTest, RandomUnpackAndDecode32) {
TEST(BitPackingTest, RandomUnpackAndDecode64) {