blob: 1d2b63315630d8fea78eda20fd9b1899c038a6f1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "common/logging.h"
#include "gutil/dynamic_annotations.h"
#include "gutil/threading/thread_collision_warner.h"
#include "util/bit-util.h"
namespace impala {
class MemTracker;
/// A MemPool maintains a list of memory chunks from which it allocates memory in
/// response to Allocate() calls;
/// Chunks stay around for the lifetime of the mempool or until they are passed on to
/// another mempool.
/// The caller registers a MemTracker with the pool; chunk allocations are counted
/// against that tracker and all of its ancestors. If chunks get moved between pools
/// during AcquireData() calls, the respective MemTrackers are updated accordingly.
/// Chunks freed up in the d'tor are subtracted from the registered trackers.
/// An Allocate() call will attempt to allocate memory from the chunk that was most
/// recently added; if that chunk doesn't have enough memory to
/// satisfy the allocation request, the free chunks are searched for one that is
/// big enough otherwise a new chunk is added to the list.
/// In order to keep allocation overhead low, chunk sizes double with each new one
/// added, until they hit a maximum size. But if the required size is greater than the
/// next chunk size, then a new chunk with the required size is allocated and the next
/// chunk size is set to the min(2*(required size), max chunk size). However if the
/// 'enforce_binary_chunk_sizes' flag passed to the c'tor is true, then all chunk sizes
/// allocated will be rounded up to the next power of two.
/// Allocated chunks can be reused for new allocations if Clear() is called to free
/// all allocations or ReturnPartialAllocation() is called to return part of the last
/// allocation.
/// All chunks before 'current_chunk_idx_' have allocated memory, while all chunks
/// after 'current_chunk_idx_' are free. The chunk at 'current_chunk_idx_' may or may
/// not have allocated memory.
/// Example:
/// MemPool* p = new MemPool();
/// for (int i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) {
/// returns 8-byte aligned memory (effectively 24 bytes):
/// .. = p->Allocate(17);
/// }
/// at this point, 17K have been handed out in response to Allocate() calls and
/// 28K of chunks have been allocated (chunk sizes: 4K, 8K, 16K)
/// We track total and peak allocated bytes. At this point they would be the same:
/// 28k bytes. A call to Clear will return the allocated memory so
/// total_allocated_bytes_ becomes 0.
/// p->Clear();
/// the entire 1st chunk is returned:
/// .. = p->Allocate(4 * 1024);
/// 4K of the 2nd chunk are returned:
/// .. = p->Allocate(4 * 1024);
/// a new 20K chunk is created
/// .. = p->Allocate(20 * 1024);
/// MemPool* p2 = new MemPool();
/// the new mempool receives all chunks containing data from p
/// p2->AcquireData(p, false);
/// At this point p.total_allocated_bytes_ would be 0.
/// The one remaining (empty) chunk is released:
/// delete p;
/// This class is not thread-safe. A DFAKE_MUTEX is used to help enforce correct usage.
class MemPool {
/// 'tracker' tracks the amount of memory allocated by this pool. Must not be NULL.
/// If 'enforce_binary_chunk_sizes' is set to true then all chunk sizes
/// allocated will be rounded up to the next power of two.
MemPool(MemTracker* mem_tracker, bool enforce_binary_chunk_sizes = false);
/// Frees all chunks of memory and subtracts the total allocated bytes
/// from the registered limits.
/// Allocates a section of memory of 'size' bytes with DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT at the end
/// of the the current chunk. Creates a new chunk if there aren't any chunks
/// with enough capacity.
uint8_t* Allocate(int64_t size) noexcept {
return Allocate<false>(size, DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT);
/// Same as Allocate() except the mem limit is checked before the allocation and
/// this call will fail (returns NULL) if it does.
/// The caller must handle the NULL case. This should be used for allocations
/// where the size can be very big to bound the amount by which we exceed mem limits.
uint8_t* TryAllocate(int64_t size) noexcept {
return Allocate<true>(size, DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT);
/// Same as TryAllocate() except a non-default alignment can be specified. It
/// should be a power-of-two in [1, alignof(std::max_align_t)].
uint8_t* TryAllocateAligned(int64_t size, int alignment) noexcept {
DCHECK_GE(alignment, 1);
DCHECK_LE(alignment, alignof(std::max_align_t));
DCHECK_EQ(BitUtil::RoundUpToPowerOfTwo(alignment), alignment);
return Allocate<true>(size, alignment);
/// Same as TryAllocate() except returned memory is not aligned at all.
uint8_t* TryAllocateUnaligned(int64_t size) noexcept {
// Call templated implementation directly so that it is inlined here and the
// alignment logic can be optimised out.
return Allocate<true>(size, 1);
/// Returns 'byte_size' to the current chunk back to the mem pool. This can
/// only be used to return either all or part of the previous allocation returned
/// by Allocate().
void ReturnPartialAllocation(int64_t byte_size) {
DCHECK_GE(byte_size, 0);
DCHECK(current_chunk_idx_ != -1);
ChunkInfo& info = chunks_[current_chunk_idx_];
DCHECK_GE(info.allocated_bytes, byte_size);
info.allocated_bytes -= byte_size;
ASAN_POISON_MEMORY_REGION( + info.allocated_bytes, byte_size);
total_allocated_bytes_ -= byte_size;
/// Return a dummy pointer for zero-length allocations.
static uint8_t* EmptyAllocPtr() {
return reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&zero_length_region_);
/// Makes all allocated chunks available for re-use, but doesn't delete any chunks.
void Clear();
/// Deletes all allocated chunks. FreeAll() or AcquireData() must be called for
/// each mem pool
void FreeAll();
/// Absorb all chunks that hold data from src. If keep_current is true, let src hold on
/// to its last allocated chunk that contains data.
/// All offsets handed out by calls to GetCurrentOffset() for 'src' become invalid.
void AcquireData(MemPool* src, bool keep_current);
/// Change the MemTracker, updating consumption on the current and new tracker.
void SetMemTracker(MemTracker* new_tracker);
std::string DebugString();
int64_t total_allocated_bytes() const { return total_allocated_bytes_; }
int64_t total_reserved_bytes() const { return total_reserved_bytes_; }
MemTracker* mem_tracker() { return mem_tracker_; }
/// Return sum of chunk_sizes_.
int64_t GetTotalChunkSizes() const;
/// TODO: make a macro for doing this
/// For C++/IR interop, we need to be able to look up types by name.
static const char* LLVM_CLASS_NAME;
static const int DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT = 8;
friend class MemPoolTest;
static const int INITIAL_CHUNK_SIZE = 4 * 1024;
/// The maximum size of chunk that should be allocated. Allocations larger than this
/// size will get their own individual chunk. Chosen to be small enough that it gets
/// a freelist in TCMalloc's central cache.
static const int MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = 512 * 1024;
struct ChunkInfo {
uint8_t* data; // Owned by the ChunkInfo.
int64_t size; // in bytes
/// bytes allocated via Allocate() in this chunk
int64_t allocated_bytes;
explicit ChunkInfo(int64_t size, uint8_t* buf);
: data(NULL),
allocated_bytes(0) {}
/// A static field used as non-NULL pointer for zero length allocations. NULL is
/// reserved for allocation failures. It must be as aligned as max_align_t for
/// TryAllocateAligned().
static uint32_t zero_length_region_ alignas(std::max_align_t);
/// Ensures a MemPool is not used by two threads concurrently.
/// chunk from which we served the last Allocate() call;
/// always points to the last chunk that contains allocated data;
/// chunks 0..current_chunk_idx_ - 1 are guaranteed to contain data
/// (chunks_[i].allocated_bytes > 0 for i: 0..current_chunk_idx_ - 1);
/// chunks after 'current_chunk_idx_' are "free chunks" that contain no data.
/// -1 if no chunks present
int current_chunk_idx_;
/// The size of the next chunk to allocate.
int next_chunk_size_;
/// sum of allocated_bytes_
int64_t total_allocated_bytes_;
/// sum of all bytes allocated in chunks_
int64_t total_reserved_bytes_;
std::vector<ChunkInfo> chunks_;
/// The current and peak memory footprint of this pool. This is different from
/// total allocated_bytes_ since it includes bytes in chunks that are not used.
MemTracker* mem_tracker_;
/// If set to true, all chunk sizes allocated will be rounded up to the next power of
/// two.
const bool enforce_binary_chunk_sizes_;
/// Find or allocated a chunk with at least min_size spare capacity and update
/// current_chunk_idx_. Also updates chunks_, chunk_sizes_ and allocated_bytes_
/// if a new chunk needs to be created.
/// If check_limits is true, this call can fail (returns false) if adding a
/// new chunk exceeds the mem limits.
bool FindChunk(int64_t min_size, bool check_limits) noexcept;
/// Check integrity of the supporting data structures; always returns true but DCHECKs
/// all invariants.
/// If 'check_current_chunk_empty' is true, checks that the current chunk contains no
/// data. Otherwise the current chunk can be either empty or full.
bool CheckIntegrity(bool check_current_chunk_empty);
/// Return offset to unoccupied space in current chunk.
int64_t GetFreeOffset() const {
if (current_chunk_idx_ == -1) return 0;
return chunks_[current_chunk_idx_].allocated_bytes;
template <bool CHECK_LIMIT_FIRST>
uint8_t* ALWAYS_INLINE Allocate(int64_t size, int alignment) noexcept {
DCHECK_GE(size, 0);
if (UNLIKELY(size == 0)) return reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&zero_length_region_);
if (current_chunk_idx_ != -1) {
ChunkInfo& info = chunks_[current_chunk_idx_];
int64_t aligned_allocated_bytes = BitUtil::RoundUpToPowerOf2(
info.allocated_bytes, alignment);
if (aligned_allocated_bytes + size <= info.size) {
// Ensure the requested alignment is respected.
int64_t padding = aligned_allocated_bytes - info.allocated_bytes;
uint8_t* result = + aligned_allocated_bytes;
DCHECK_LE(info.allocated_bytes + size, info.size);
info.allocated_bytes += padding + size;
total_allocated_bytes_ += padding + size;
DCHECK_LE(current_chunk_idx_, chunks_.size() - 1);
return result;
// If we couldn't allocate a new chunk, return NULL. malloc() guarantees alignment
// of alignof(std::max_align_t), so we do not need to do anything additional to
// guarantee alignment.
INITIAL_CHUNK_SIZE >= alignof(std::max_align_t), "Min chunk size too low");
if (UNLIKELY(!FindChunk(size, CHECK_LIMIT_FIRST))) return NULL;
ChunkInfo& info = chunks_[current_chunk_idx_];
uint8_t* result = + info.allocated_bytes;
DCHECK_LE(info.allocated_bytes + size, info.size);
info.allocated_bytes += size;
total_allocated_bytes_ += size;
DCHECK_LE(current_chunk_idx_, chunks_.size() - 1);
return result;
// Stamp out templated implementations here so they're included in IR module
template uint8_t* MemPool::Allocate<false>(int64_t size, int alignment) noexcept;
template uint8_t* MemPool::Allocate<true>(int64_t size, int alignment) noexcept;