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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// distributed with this work for additional information
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// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include "runtime/bufferpool/buffer-pool.h"
namespace impala {
class Suballocation;
/// Helper class to subdivide buffers from the buffer pool. Implements a buddy
/// allocation algorithm optimised for power-of-two allocations. At or above the
/// 'min_buffer_len' value, each allocation is backed by a power-of-two buffer from
/// a BufferPool. Below that threshold, each allocation is backed by a
/// 'min_buffer_len' buffer split recursively into equal-sized buddies until the
/// desired allocation size is reached. Every time an allocation is freed,
/// free buddies are coalesced eagerly and whole buffers are freed eagerly.
/// The algorithms used are asymptotically efficient: O(log(max allocation size)), but
/// the implementation's constant-factor overhead is not optimised. Thus, the allocator
/// is best suited for relatively large allocations where the constant CPU/memory
/// overhead per allocation is not paramount, e.g. bucket directories of hash tables.
/// All allocations less than MIN_ALLOCATION_BYTES are rounded up to that amount.
/// Methods of Suballocator are not thread safe.
/// Implementation:
/// ---------------
/// The allocator uses two key data structures: a number of binary trees representing
/// the buddy relationships between allocations and a set of free lists, one for each
/// power-of-two size.
/// Each buffer allocated from the buffer pool has a tree of Suballocations associated
/// with it that use the memory from that buffer. The root of the tree is the
/// Suballocation corresponding to the entire buffer. Each node has either zero children
/// (if it hasn't been split) or two children (if it has been split into two buddy
/// allocations). Each non-root Suballocation has pointers to its buddy and its parent
/// to enable coalescing the buddies into the parent when both are free.
/// Suballocations are eagerly coalesced when freed, so a Suballocation only has children
/// if one of its descendants is allocated.
/// The free lists are doubly-linked lists of free Suballocation objects that support
/// O(1) add and remove. The next and previous pointers are stored in the
/// Suballocation object so no auxiliary memory is required.
class Suballocator {
/// Constructs a suballocator that allocates memory from 'pool' with 'client'.
/// Suballocations smaller than 'min_buffer_len' are handled by allocating a
/// buffer of 'min_buffer_len' and recursively splitting it.
BufferPool* pool, BufferPool::ClientHandle* client, int64_t min_buffer_len);
/// Allocate bytes from BufferPool. The allocation is nullptr if unsuccessful because
/// the client's reservation was insufficient. If an unexpected error is encountered,
/// returns that status. The allocation size is rounded up to the next power-of-two.
/// The caller must always free the allocation by calling Free() (otherwise destructing
/// the returned 'result' will DCHECK on debug builds or otherwise misbehave on release
/// builds).
/// Allocate() will try to increase the client's buffer pool reservation to fulfill
/// the requested allocation if needed.
/// The memory returned is at least 8-byte aligned.
Status Allocate(int64_t bytes, std::unique_ptr<Suballocation>* result);
/// Free the allocation. Does nothing if allocation is nullptr (e.g. was the result of a
/// failed Allocate() call).
void Free(std::unique_ptr<Suballocation> allocation);
/// Upper bounds on the max allocation size and the number of different
/// power-of-two allocation sizes. Used to bound the number of free lists.
static constexpr int LOG_MAX_ALLOCATION_BYTES = BufferPool::LOG_MAX_BUFFER_BYTES;
static constexpr int64_t MAX_ALLOCATION_BYTES = BufferPool::MAX_BUFFER_BYTES;
/// Don't support allocations less than 4kb to avoid high overhead.
static constexpr int LOG_MIN_ALLOCATION_BYTES = 12;
/// Compute the index for allocations of size 'bytes' in 'free_lists_'. 'bytes' is
/// rounded up to the next power-of-two if it is not already a power-of-two.
int ComputeListIndex(int64_t bytes) const;
/// Allocate a buffer of size 'bytes' < MAX_ALLOCATION_BYTES from the buffer pool and
/// initialize 'result' with it. If the reservation is insufficient, try to increase
/// the reservation to fit.
Status AllocateBuffer(int64_t bytes, std::unique_ptr<Suballocation>* result);
/// Split the free allocation until we get an allocation of 'target_bytes' rounded up
/// to a power-of-two. This allocation is returned. The other allocations resulting
/// from the splits are added to free lists. node->in_use must be false and 'node'
/// must not be in any free list. Can fail if allocating memory for data structures
/// fails.
Status SplitToSize(std::unique_ptr<Suballocation> node, int64_t target_bytes,
std::unique_ptr<Suballocation>* result);
// Add allocation to the free list with given index.
void AddToFreeList(std::unique_ptr<Suballocation> node);
// Remove allocation from its free list.
std::unique_ptr<Suballocation> RemoveFromFreeList(Suballocation* node);
// Get the allocation at the head of the free list at index 'list_idx'. Return nullptr
// if list is empty.
std::unique_ptr<Suballocation> PopFreeListHead(int list_idx);
/// Coalesce two free buddies, 'b1' and 'b2'. Frees 'b1' and 'b2' and marks the parent
/// not in use.
std::unique_ptr<Suballocation> CoalesceBuddies(
std::unique_ptr<Suballocation> b1, std::unique_ptr<Suballocation> b2);
/// The pool and corresponding client to allocate buffers from.
BufferPool* pool_;
BufferPool::ClientHandle* client_;
/// The minimum length of buffer to allocate. To serve allocations below this threshold,
/// a larger buffer is allocated and split into multiple allocations.
const int64_t min_buffer_len_;
/// Track how much memory has been returned in allocations but not freed.
int64_t allocated_;
/// Free lists for each supported power-of-two size. Statically allocate the maximum
/// possible number of lists for simplicity. Indexed by log2 of the allocation size
/// minus log2 of the minimum allocation size, e.g. 16k allocations are at index 2.
/// Each free list should only include one buddy of each pair: if both buddies are
/// free, they should have been coalesced.
/// Each free list is implemented as a doubly-linked list.
static constexpr int NUM_FREE_LISTS =
std::unique_ptr<Suballocation> free_lists_[NUM_FREE_LISTS];
/// An allocation made by a Suballocator. Each allocation returned by Suballocator must
/// be freed with Suballocator::Free().
/// Unique_ptr is used to manage ownership of these Suballocations as a guard against
/// memory leaks. The owner of the unique_ptr is either:
/// - client code, if the suballocation is in use
/// - the free list array, if the suballocation is the head of a free list
/// - the previous free list entry, if the suballocation is a subsequent free list entry
/// - the suballocation's left child, if the suballocation is split
class Suballocation {
// Checks that the allocation is not in use (therefore not leaked).
~Suballocation() { DCHECK(!in_use_); }
uint8_t* data() const { return data_; }
int64_t len() const { return len_; }
friend class Suballocator;
/// Static constructor for Suballocation. Can fail if new fails to allocate memory.
static Status Create(std::unique_ptr<Suballocation>* new_suballocation);
// The actual constructor - Create() is used for its better error handling.
: data_(nullptr), len_(-1), buddy_(nullptr), prev_free_(nullptr), in_use_(false) {}
/// The allocation's data and its length.
uint8_t* data_;
int64_t len_;
/// The buffer backing the Suballocation, if the Suballocation is backed by an entire
/// buffer. Otherwise uninitialized. 'buffer_' is open iff 'buddy_' is nullptr.
BufferPool::BufferHandle buffer_;
/// If this is a left child, the parent of this and its buddy. The parent's allocation
/// is the contiguous memory buffer comprised of the two allocations. We store the
/// parent in only the left child so that it is uniquely owned.
std::unique_ptr<Suballocation> parent_;
/// The buddy allocation of this allocation. The buddy's memory buffer is the same
/// size and adjacent in memory. Two buddy Suballocation objects have the same
/// lifetime: they are created in SplitToSize() and destroyed in CoalesceBuddies().
Suballocation* buddy_;
/// If this is in a free list, the next element in the list. nullptr if this is the last
/// element in the free list. This pointer owns the next element in the linked list,
/// which itself stores a raw back-pointer.
std::unique_ptr<Suballocation> next_free_;
/// If this is in a free list, the previous element in the list. nullptr if this is the
/// first element. If non-nullptr, this Suballocation is owned by 'prev_free_'.
Suballocation* prev_free_;
/// True if was returned from Allocate() and hasn't been freed yet, or if it has been
/// split into two child Suballocations.
bool in_use_;