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# Impala process failure test suite
import pytest
from tests.common.custom_cluster_test_suite import (
# The exact query doesn't matter much for these tests, just want a query that touches
# data on all nodes.
QUERY = "select count(l_comment) from lineitem"
# Validates killing and restarting impalad processes between query executions
class TestProcessFailures(CustomClusterTestSuite):
def test_restart_coordinator(self, vector):
"""Restarts the coordinator between queries"""
impalad = self.cluster.get_any_impalad()
client = impalad.service.create_beeswax_client()
self.execute_query_using_client(client, QUERY, vector)
statestored = self.cluster.statestored
statestored.service.wait_for_live_subscribers(NUM_SUBSCRIBERS, timeout=60)
# Reconnect
client = impalad.service.create_beeswax_client()
impalad.service.wait_for_metric_value('catalog.ready', 1, timeout=60)
self.execute_query_using_client(client, QUERY, vector)
def test_restart_statestore(self, vector):
"""Tests the cluster still functions when the statestore dies"""
impalad = self.cluster.get_any_impalad()
client = impalad.service.create_beeswax_client()
statestored = self.cluster.statestored
'statestore-subscriber.connected', 0, timeout=60)
# impalad should still see the same number of live backends
assert impalad.service.get_num_known_live_backends() == CLUSTER_SIZE
self.execute_query_using_client(client, QUERY, vector)
# Reconnect
'statestore-subscriber.connected', 1, timeout=60)
statestored.service.wait_for_live_subscribers(NUM_SUBSCRIBERS, timeout=60)
# Wait for the number of live backends to reach the cluster size. Even though
# all backends have subscribed to the statestore, this impalad may not have
# received the update yet.
impalad.service.wait_for_num_known_live_backends(CLUSTER_SIZE, timeout=60)
self.execute_query_using_client(client, QUERY, vector)
def test_kill_restart_worker(self, vector):
"""Verifies a worker is able to be killed"""
impalad = self.cluster.get_any_impalad()
client = impalad.service.create_beeswax_client()
self.execute_query_using_client(client, QUERY, vector)
# select a different impalad and restart it
worker_impalad = self.cluster.get_different_impalad(impalad)
print "Coordinator impalad: %s Worker impalad: %s" % (impalad, worker_impalad)
# Start executing a query. It will be cancelled due to a killed worker.
handle = self.execute_query_async_using_client(client, QUERY, vector)
statestored = self.cluster.statestored
# First wait until the the statestore realizes the impalad has gone down.
statestored.service.wait_for_live_subscribers(NUM_SUBSCRIBERS - 1, timeout=60)
# Wait until the impalad registers another instance went down.
impalad.service.wait_for_num_known_live_backends(CLUSTER_SIZE - 1, timeout=60)
# Wait until the in-flight query has been cancelled.
# The in-flight query should have been cancelled, reporting a failed worker as the
# cause. The query may have been cancelled because the state store detected a failed
# node, or because a stream sender failed to establish a thrift connection. It is
# non-deterministic which of those paths will initiate cancellation, but in either
# case the query status should include the failed (or unreachable) worker.
impalad.service.wait_for_query_state(client, handle,\
# Wait for the query status on the query profile web page to contain the
# expected failed hostport.
query_id = handle.get_handle().id
failed_hostport = "%s:%s" % (worker_impalad.service.hostname,\
query_status_match =\
impalad.service.wait_for_query_status(client, query_id, failed_hostport)
if not query_status_match:
query_profile_page = impalad.service.read_query_profile_page(query_id)
assert False, "Query status did not contain expected hostport %s\n\n%s"\
% (failed_hostport, query_profile_page)
self.close_query_using_client(client, handle)
# Should work fine even if a worker is down.
self.execute_query_using_client(client, QUERY, vector)
# Bring the worker back online and validate queries still work.
statestored.service.wait_for_live_subscribers(NUM_SUBSCRIBERS, timeout=60)
worker_impalad.service.wait_for_metric_value('catalog.ready', 1, timeout=60)
self.execute_query_using_client(client, QUERY, vector)
def test_restart_catalogd(self, vector):
# Choose a random impalad verify a query can run against it.
impalad = self.cluster.get_any_impalad()
client = impalad.service.create_beeswax_client()
self.execute_query_using_client(client, QUERY, vector)
# Kill the catalogd.
catalogd = self.cluster.catalogd
# The statestore should detect the catalog service has gone down.
statestored = self.cluster.statestored
statestored.service.wait_for_live_subscribers(NUM_SUBSCRIBERS - 1, timeout=60)
# We should still be able to execute queries using the impalad.
self.execute_query_using_client(client, QUERY, vector)
# Start the catalog service back up.
statestored.service.wait_for_live_subscribers(NUM_SUBSCRIBERS, timeout=60)
# Execute a query against the catalog service.
impalad.service.wait_for_metric_value('catalog.ready', 1, timeout=60)
self.execute_query_using_client(client, "refresh lineitem", vector)
self.execute_query_using_client(client, QUERY, vector)
def test_restart_all_impalad(self, vector):
"""Restarts all the impalads and runs a query"""
impalad = self.cluster.get_any_impalad()
client = impalad.service.create_beeswax_client()
self.execute_query_using_client(client, QUERY, vector)
# Kill each impalad and wait for the statestore to register the failures.
for impalad_proc in self.cluster.impalads:
statestored = self.cluster.statestored
# There should be 1 remining subscriber, the catalogd
statestored.service.wait_for_live_subscribers(1, timeout=60)
# Start each impalad back up and wait for the statestore to see them.
for impalad_proc in self.cluster.impalads:
# The impalads should re-register with the statestore on restart at which point they
# can execute queries.
statestored.service.wait_for_live_subscribers(NUM_SUBSCRIBERS, timeout=60)
for impalad in self.cluster.impalads:
impalad.service.wait_for_num_known_live_backends(CLUSTER_SIZE, timeout=60)
impalad.service.wait_for_metric_value('catalog.ready', 1, timeout=60)
client = impalad.service.create_beeswax_client()
self.execute_query_using_client(client, QUERY, vector)
# Make sure the catalog service is actually back up by executing an operation
# against it.
self.execute_query_using_client(client, "refresh lineitem", vector)
self.execute_query_using_client(client, QUERY, vector)