blob: d76baee857dbe54a0a99c427b209dd1aac355094 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
#include "runtime/string-value.h"
#include <cstring>
#include "util/cpu-info.h"
#include "util/sse-util.h"
namespace impala {
/// Compare two strings. Returns:
/// < 0 if s1 < s2
/// 0 if s1 == s2
/// > 0 if s1 > s2
/// - s1/n1: ptr/len for the first string
/// - s2/n2: ptr/len for the second string
/// - len: min(n1, n2) - this can be more cheaply passed in by the caller
static inline int StringCompare(const char* s1, int n1, const char* s2, int n2, int len) {
// memcmp has undefined behavior when called on nullptr for either pointer
const int result = (len == 0) ? 0 : memcmp(s1, s2, len);
if (result != 0) return result;
return n1 - n2;
inline int StringValue::Compare(const StringValue& other) const {
int l = std::min(len, other.len);
if (l == 0) {
if (len == other.len) {
return 0;
} else if (len == 0) {
return -1;
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(other.len, 0);
return 1;
return StringCompare(this->ptr, this->len, other.ptr, other.len, l);
inline bool StringValue::Eq(const StringValue& other) const {
if (this->len != other.len) return false;
return StringCompare(this->ptr, this->len, other.ptr, other.len, this->len) == 0;
inline bool StringValue::operator==(const StringValue& other) const {
return Eq(other);
inline bool StringValue::Ne(const StringValue& other) const {
return !Eq(other);
inline bool StringValue::operator!=(const StringValue& other) const {
return Ne(other);
inline bool StringValue::Le(const StringValue& other) const {
return Compare(other) <= 0;
inline bool StringValue::operator<=(const StringValue& other) const {
return Le(other);
inline bool StringValue::Ge(const StringValue& other) const {
return Compare(other) >= 0;
inline bool StringValue::operator>=(const StringValue& other) const {
return Ge(other);
inline bool StringValue::Lt(const StringValue& other) const {
return Compare(other) < 0;
inline bool StringValue::operator<(const StringValue& other) const {
return Lt(other);
inline bool StringValue::Gt(const StringValue& other) const {
return Compare(other) > 0;
inline bool StringValue::operator>(const StringValue& other) const {
return Gt(other);
inline StringValue StringValue::Substring(int start_pos) const {
return StringValue(ptr + start_pos, len - start_pos);
inline StringValue StringValue::Substring(int start_pos, int new_len) const {
return StringValue(ptr + start_pos, (new_len < 0) ? (len - start_pos) : new_len);
inline StringValue StringValue::Trim() const {
// Remove leading and trailing spaces.
int32_t begin = 0;
while (begin < len && ptr[begin] == ' ') {
int32_t end = len - 1;
while (end > begin && ptr[end] == ' ') {
return StringValue(ptr + begin, end - begin + 1);
inline void StringValue::PadWithSpaces(char* cptr, int64_t cptr_len, int64_t num_chars) {
DCHECK(cptr != NULL);
DCHECK_GE(cptr_len, 1);
DCHECK_GE(cptr_len, num_chars);
memset(&cptr[num_chars], ' ', cptr_len - num_chars);
inline int64_t StringValue::UnpaddedCharLength(const char* cptr, int64_t len) {
DCHECK(cptr != NULL);
DCHECK_GE(len, 0);
int64_t last = len - 1;
while (last >= 0 && cptr[last] == ' ') --last;
return last + 1;