blob: 86156f461131dadb34374fe3dcf0b29d650ff415 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include "common/atomic.h"
#include "common/object-pool.h"
#include "gen-cpp/ImpalaInternalService_types.h"
#include "gen-cpp/Types_types.h"
#include "gutil/threading/thread_collision_warner.h" // for DFAKE_*
#include "runtime/tmp-file-mgr.h"
#include "util/container-util.h"
#include "util/counting-barrier.h"
#include "util/uid-util.h"
namespace impala {
class ControlServiceProxy;
class FragmentInstanceState;
class InitialReservations;
class MemTracker;
class ReportExecStatusRequestPB;
class ReservationTracker;
class RuntimeState;
class ScannerMemLimiter;
class ThriftSerializer;
/// Central class for all backend execution state (example: the FragmentInstanceStates
/// of the individual fragment instances) created for a particular query.
/// This class contains or makes accessible state that is shared across fragment
/// instances; in contrast, fragment instance-specific state is collected in
/// FragmentInstanceState.
/// The lifetime of a QueryState is dictated by a reference count. Any thread that
/// executes on behalf of a query, and accesses any of its state, must obtain a
/// reference to the corresponding QueryState and hold it for at least the
/// duration of that access. The reference is obtained and released via
/// QueryExecMgr::Get-/ReleaseQueryState() or via QueryState::ScopedRef (the latter
/// for references limited to the scope of a single function or block).
/// As long as the reference count is greater than 0, all of a query's control
/// structures (contained either in this class or accessible through this class, such
/// as the FragmentInstanceStates) are guaranteed to be alive.
/// Query execution resources (non-control-structure memory, scratch files, threads, etc)
/// are also managed via a separate resource reference count, which should be released as
/// soon as the resources are not needed to free resources promptly.
/// We maintain a state denoted by BackendExecState. The initial state is PREPARING.
/// Once all query fragment instances have finished FIS::Prepare(), the BackendExecState
/// will transition to:
/// - EXECUTING if all fragment instances succeeded in Prepare()
/// - ERROR if any fragment instances failed during or after Prepare()
/// - CANCELLED if the query is cancelled
/// Please note that even if some fragment instances hit an error during or after
/// Prepare(), the state transition from PREPARING won't happen until all fragment
/// instances have finished Prepare(). This makes sure the query state is initialized
/// to handle either a Cancel() RPC or a PublishFilter() RPC after PREPARING state.
/// Once BackendExecState() enters EXECUTING state, any error will trigger the
/// BackendExecState to go into ERROR state and the query execution is considered over
/// on this backend.
/// When any fragment instance execution returns with an error status, all fragment
/// instances are automatically cancelled. The query state thread (started by
/// QueryExecMgr) periodically reports the overall status, the current state of execution
/// and the profile of each fragment instance to the coordinator. The frequency of those
/// reports is controlled by the flag status_report_interval_ms; Setting it to 0 disables
/// periodic reporting altogether. Regardless of the value of that flag, a report is sent
/// at least once at the end of execution with an overall status and profile (and 'done'
/// indicator). If execution ended with an error, that error status will be part of
/// the final report (it will not be overridden by the resulting cancellation).
/// Thread-safe, unless noted otherwise.
/// TODO:
/// - set up kudu clients in Init(), remove related locking
class QueryState {
/// Use this class to obtain a QueryState for the duration of a function/block,
/// rather than manually via QueryExecMgr::Get-/ReleaseQueryState().
/// Pattern:
/// {
/// QueryState::ScopedRef qs(qid);
/// if (qs->query_state() == nullptr) <do something, such as return>
/// ...
/// }
class ScopedRef {
/// Looks up the query state with GetQueryState(). The query state is non-NULL if
/// the query was already registered.
ScopedRef(const TUniqueId& query_id);
/// may return nullptr
QueryState* get() const { return query_state_; }
QueryState* operator->() const { return query_state_; }
QueryState* query_state_;
/// a shared pool for all objects that have query lifetime
ObjectPool* obj_pool() { return &obj_pool_; }
const TQueryCtx& query_ctx() const { return query_ctx_; }
const TUniqueId& query_id() const { return query_ctx().query_id; }
const TQueryOptions& query_options() const {
return query_ctx_.client_request.query_options;
MemTracker* query_mem_tracker() const { return query_mem_tracker_; }
/// The following getters are only valid after Init().
ScannerMemLimiter* scanner_mem_limiter() const { return scanner_mem_limiter_; }
/// The following getters are only valid after Init() and should be called only from
/// the backend execution (ie. not the coordinator side, since they require holding
/// an backend resource refcnt).
ReservationTracker* buffer_reservation() const {
DCHECK_GT(backend_resource_refcnt_.Load(), 0);
return buffer_reservation_;
InitialReservations* initial_reservations() const {
DCHECK_GT(backend_resource_refcnt_.Load(), 0);
return initial_reservations_;
TmpFileMgr::FileGroup* file_group() const {
DCHECK_GT(backend_resource_refcnt_.Load(), 0);
return file_group_;
/// The following getters are only valid after StartFInstances().
int64_t fragment_events_start_time() const { return fragment_events_start_time_; }
/// The following getters are only valid after StartFInstances() and should be called
/// only from the backend execution (ie. not the coordinator side, since they require
/// holding an backend resource refcnt).
const DescriptorTbl& desc_tbl() const {
DCHECK_GT(backend_resource_refcnt_.Load(), 0);
return *desc_tbl_;
/// Sets up state required for fragment execution: memory reservations, etc. Fails if
/// resources could not be acquired. Acquires a backend resource refcount and returns
/// it to the caller on both success and failure. The caller must release it by
/// calling ReleaseBackendResourceRefcount().
/// Uses few cycles and never blocks. Not idempotent, not thread-safe.
/// The remaining public functions must be called only after Init().
Status Init(const ExecQueryFInstancesRequestPB* exec_rpc_params,
const TExecPlanFragmentInfo& fragment_info) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Performs the runtime-intensive parts of initial setup and starts all fragment
/// instances belonging to this query. Each instance receives its own execution
/// thread. Not idempotent, not thread-safe. Must only be called by the query state
/// thread. Returns true iff all fragment instance threads were started successfully.
/// Returns false otherwise.
bool StartFInstances();
/// Monitors the execution of all underlying fragment instances and updates the query
/// state accordingly. This is also responsible for sending status reports periodically
/// to the coordinator. Not idempotent, not thread-safe. Must only be called by the
/// query state thread.
void MonitorFInstances();
/// Blocks until all fragment instances have finished their Prepare phase.
/// Returns the fragment instance state for 'instance_id' in *fi_state,
/// or nullptr if it is not present.
/// Returns an error if fragment preparation failed.
Status GetFInstanceState(
const TUniqueId& instance_id, FragmentInstanceState** fi_state);
/// Blocks until all fragment instances have finished their Prepare phase.
void PublishFilter(const TPublishFilterParams& params);
/// Cancels all actively executing fragment instances. Blocks until all fragment
/// instances have finished their Prepare phase. Idempotent.
void Cancel();
/// Increment the resource refcount. Must be decremented before the query state
/// reference is released. A refcount should be held by a fragment or other entity
/// for as long as it is consuming query backend execution resources (e.g. memory).
void AcquireBackendResourceRefcount();
/// Decrement the execution resource refcount and release resources if it goes to zero.
/// All resource refcounts must be released before query state references are released.
/// Should be called by the owner of the refcount after it is done consuming query
/// execution resources.
void ReleaseBackendResourceRefcount();
/// Checks whether spilling is enabled for this query. Must be called before the first
/// call to BufferPool::Unpin() for the query. Returns OK if spilling is enabled. If
/// spilling is not enabled, logs a MEM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED error from
/// tracker->MemLimitExceeded() to 'runtime_state'.
Status StartSpilling(RuntimeState* runtime_state, MemTracker* mem_tracker);
/// Return overall status of Prepare() phases of fragment instances. A failure
/// in any instance's Prepare() will cause this function to return an error status.
/// Blocks until all fragment instances have finished their Prepare() phase.
Status WaitForPrepare();
/// Called by a FragmentInstanceState thread to notify that it's done preparing.
void DonePreparing() { discard_result(instances_prepared_barrier_->Notify()); }
/// Called by a FragmentInstanceState thread to notify that it's done executing.
void DoneExecuting() { discard_result(instances_finished_barrier_->Notify()); }
/// Called by a fragment instance thread to notify that it hit an error during Prepare()
/// Updates the query status and the failed instance ID if it's not set already.
/// Also notifies anyone waiting on WaitForPrepare() if this is called by the last
/// fragment instance to complete Prepare().
void ErrorDuringPrepare(const Status& status, const TUniqueId& finst_id);
/// Called by a fragment instance thread to notify that it hit an error during Execute()
/// Updates the query status and records the failed instance ID if they're not set
/// already. Also notifies anyone waiting on WaitForFinishOrTimeout().
void ErrorDuringExecute(const Status& status, const TUniqueId& finst_id);
/// The default BATCH_SIZE.
static const int DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE = 1024;
friend class QueryExecMgr;
/// test execution
friend class RuntimeState;
friend class TestEnv;
/// Blocks until all fragment instances have finished executing or until one of them
/// hits an error, or until 'timeout_ms' milliseconds has elapsed. Returns 'true' if
/// all fragment instances finished or one of them hits an error. Return 'false' on
/// time out.
bool WaitForFinishOrTimeout(int32_t timeout_ms);
/// Blocks until all fragment instances have finished executing or until one of them
/// hits an error.
void WaitForFinish();
/// States that a query goes through during its lifecycle.
enum class BackendExecState {
/// PREPARING: The inital state on receiving an ExecQueryFInstances() RPC from the
/// coordinator. Implies that the fragment instances are being started.
/// EXECUTING: All fragment instances managed by this QueryState have successfully
/// completed Prepare(). Implies that the query is executing.
/// FINISHED: All fragment instances managed by this QueryState have successfully
/// completed executing.
/// CANCELLED: This query received a CancelQueryFInstances() RPC or was directed by
/// the coordinator to cancel itself from a response to a ReportExecStatus() RPC.
/// Does not imply that all the fragment instances have realized cancellation however.
/// ERROR: received an error from a fragment instance.
/// Pseudo-lock to verify only query state thread is updating 'backend_exec_state_'.
/// Current state of this query in this executor.
/// Thread-safety: Only updated by the query state thread.
BackendExecState backend_exec_state_ = BackendExecState::PREPARING;
/// Protects 'overall_status_' and 'failed_finstance_id_'.
SpinLock status_lock_;
/// The overall status of this QueryState.
/// A backend can have an error from a specific fragment instance, or it can have a
/// general error that is independent of any individual fragment. If reporting a
/// single error, this status is always set to the error being reported. If reporting
/// multiple errors, the status is set by the following rules:
/// 1. A general error takes precedence over any fragment instance error.
/// 2. Any fragment instance error takes precedence over any cancelled status.
/// 3. If multiple fragments have errors, the first fragment to hit an error is given
/// preference.
/// Status::OK if all the fragment instances managed by this QS are also Status::OK;
/// Protected by 'status_lock_'.
Status overall_status_;
/// ID of first fragment instance to hit an error.
/// Protected by 'status_lock_'.
TUniqueId failed_finstance_id_;
/// set in c'tor
const TQueryCtx query_ctx_;
/// the top-level MemTracker for this query (owned by obj_pool_), created in c'tor
MemTracker* query_mem_tracker_ = nullptr;
/// The RPC proxy used when reporting status of fragment instances to coordinator.
/// Set in Init().
std::unique_ptr<ControlServiceProxy> proxy_;
/// Set in Init(). TODO: find a way not to have to copy this
ExecQueryFInstancesRequestPB exec_rpc_params_;
TExecPlanFragmentInfo fragment_info_;
/// Buffer reservation for this query (owned by obj_pool_). Set in Init().
ReservationTracker* buffer_reservation_ = nullptr;
/// Pool of buffer reservations used to distribute initial reservations to operators
/// in the query. Contains a ReservationTracker that is a child of
/// 'buffer_reservation_'. Owned by 'obj_pool_'. Set in Init().
InitialReservations* initial_reservations_ = nullptr;
/// Tracks expected memory consumption of all multithreaded scans for this query on
/// this daemon. Owned by 'obj_pool_'. Set in Init().
ScannerMemLimiter* scanner_mem_limiter_ = nullptr;
/// Number of active fragment instances for this query that may consume resources for
/// query backend execution (i.e. threads, memory) on the Impala daemon. Query-wide
/// backend execution resources for this query are released once this goes to zero.
AtomicInt32 backend_resource_refcnt_;
/// Temporary files for this query (owned by obj_pool_). Non-null if spilling is
/// enabled. Set in Prepare().
TmpFileMgr::FileGroup* file_group_ = nullptr;
/// created in StartFInstances(), owned by obj_pool_
DescriptorTbl* desc_tbl_ = nullptr;
/// Barrier for the completion of the Prepare() phases of all fragment instances. This
/// just blocks until ALL fragment instances have finished preparing, regardless of
/// whether they hit an error or not.
std::unique_ptr<CountingBarrier> instances_prepared_barrier_;
/// Barrier for the completion of all the fragment instances.
/// If the 'Status' is not OK due to an error during fragment instance execution, this
/// barrier is unblocked immediately. 'overall_status_' is set once this is unblocked
/// and so is 'failed_instance_id_' if an error is hit.
std::unique_ptr<CountingBarrier> instances_finished_barrier_;
/// map from instance id to its state (owned by obj_pool_), populated in
/// StartFInstances(); Not valid to read from until 'instances_prepared_barrier_'
/// is set (i.e. readers should always call WaitForPrepare()).
std::unordered_map<TUniqueId, FragmentInstanceState*> fis_map_;
/// map from fragment index to its instances (owned by obj_pool_), populated in
/// StartFInstances(). Only written by the query state thread (i.e. the thread
/// which executes StartFInstances()). Not valid to read from until
/// 'instances_prepared_barrier_' is set (i.e. accessor should always call
/// WaitForPrepare()).
std::unordered_map<int, std::vector<FragmentInstanceState*>> fragment_map_;
ObjectPool obj_pool_;
AtomicInt32 refcnt_;
/// set to 1 when any fragment instance fails or when Cancel() is called; used to
/// initiate cancellation exactly once
AtomicInt32 is_cancelled_;
/// True if and only if ReleaseExecResources() has been called.
bool released_backend_resources_ = false;
/// Whether the query has spilled. 0 if the query has not spilled. Atomically set to 1
/// when the query first starts to spill. Required to correctly maintain the
/// "num-queries-spilled" metric.
AtomicInt32 query_spilled_;
/// Records the point in time when fragment instances are started up. Set in
/// StartFInstances().
int64_t fragment_events_start_time_ = 0;
/// Tracks host resource usage of this backend. Owned by 'obj_pool_', created in c'tor.
RuntimeProfile* const host_profile_;
/// The number of failed intermediate reports since the last successfully sent report.
int64_t num_failed_reports_ = 0;
/// If a status report fails, set to the current time using MonotonicMillis(). Reset to
/// 0 on a successful report. Used to track how long we've been trying unsuccessfully to
/// send a status report so that we can cancel after a configurable timeout.
int64_t failed_report_time_ms_ = 0;
/// Create QueryState w/ a refcnt of 0 and a memory limit of 'mem_limit' bytes applied
/// to the query mem tracker. The query is associated with the resource pool set in
/// 'query_ctx.request_pool' or from 'request_pool', if the former is not set (needed
/// for tests).
QueryState(const TQueryCtx& query_ctx, int64_t mem_limit,
const std::string& request_pool = "");
/// Execute the fragment instance and decrement the refcnt when done.
void ExecFInstance(FragmentInstanceState* fis);
/// Called from Init() to set up buffer reservations and the file group.
Status InitBufferPoolState() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Releases resources used for query backend execution. Guaranteed to be called only
/// once. Must be called before destroying the QueryState. Not idempotent and not
/// thread-safe.
void ReleaseBackendResources();
/// Helper for ReportExecStatus() to construct a status report to be sent to the
/// coordinator. The execution statuses (e.g. 'done' indicator) of all fragment
/// instances belonging to this query state are stored in 'report'. The Thrift
/// serialized runtime profiles of fragment instances are stored in 'profiles_forest'.
void ConstructReport(bool instances_started, ReportExecStatusRequestPB* report,
TRuntimeProfileForest* profiles_forest);
/// Gather statuses and profiles of all fragment instances belonging to this query state
/// and send it to the coordinator via ReportExecStatus() RPC. Returns true if the
/// report rpc was successful or if it was unsuccessful and we've reached the maximum
/// number of allowed failures and cancelled.
bool ReportExecStatus();
/// Returns the amount of time in ms to wait before sending the next status report,
/// calculated as a function of the status report interval with backoff based on the
/// number of consecutive failed reports.
int64_t GetReportWaitTimeMs() const;
/// Returns true if the overall backend status is already set with an error.
bool HasErrorStatus() const {
return !overall_status_.ok() && !overall_status_.IsCancelled();
/// Returns true if the query has reached a terminal state.
bool IsTerminalState() const {
return backend_exec_state_ == BackendExecState::FINISHED
|| backend_exec_state_ == BackendExecState::CANCELLED
|| backend_exec_state_ == BackendExecState::ERROR;
/// Updates the BackendExecState based on 'overall_status_'. Should only be called when
/// the current state is a non-terminal state. The transition can either be to the next
/// legal state or ERROR if 'overall_status_' is an error. Called by the query state
/// thread only. It acquires the 'status_lock_' to synchronize with the fragment
/// instance threads' updates to 'overall_status_'.
/// Upon reaching a terminal state, it will call ReportExecStatus() to send the final
/// report to the coordinator and not expect to be called afterwards.
void UpdateBackendExecState();
/// A string representation of 'state'.
const char* BackendExecStateToString(const BackendExecState& state);