blob: f3aa89534575d64fe42828e23df400bb3b835419 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <string>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
#include "common/atomic.h"
#include "common/status.h"
#include "common/thread-debug-info.h"
#include "util/promise.h"
#include "gen-cpp/control_service.pb.h"
#include "gen-cpp/ImpalaInternalService_types.h"
#include "gutil/threading/thread_collision_warner.h" // for DFAKE_*
#include "runtime/row-batch.h"
#include "util/condition-variable.h"
#include "util/promise.h"
#include "util/runtime-profile.h"
namespace impala {
class TPlanFragmentCtx;
class TPlanFragmentInstanceCtx;
class TBloomFilter;
class TUniqueId;
class TNetworkAddress;
class TQueryCtx;
class QueryState;
class RuntimeProfile;
class ExecNode;
class PlanRootSink;
class Thread;
class DataSink;
class RuntimeState;
/// FragmentInstanceState handles all aspects of the execution of a single plan fragment
/// instance, including setup and finalization, both in the success and error case.
/// Close() happens automatically at the end of Exec() and frees all memory allocated
/// for this fragment instance and closes all data streams.
/// The FIS makes an aggregated profile for the entire fragment available, which
/// includes profile information for the plan itself as well as the output sink. It also
/// contains a timeline of events of the fragment instance.
/// This class is thread-safe.
/// All non-getter public functions other than Exec() block until the Prepare phase
/// finishes.
/// No member variables, other than the ones passed to the c'tor, are valid before
/// the Prepare phase finishes.
/// TODO:
/// - absorb RuntimeState?
class FragmentInstanceState {
FragmentInstanceState(QueryState* query_state, const TPlanFragmentCtx& fragment_ctx,
const TPlanFragmentInstanceCtx& instance_ctx);
/// Main loop of fragment instance execution. Blocks until execution finishes and
/// automatically releases resources. Returns execution status.
/// Must only be called once.
/// Cancels execution. Idempotent.
void Cancel();
/// Blocks until the Prepare phase of Exec() is finished and the exec tree is
/// opened, and returns that status. If the preparation phase encountered an error,
/// GetOpenStatus() will return that error without blocking.
Status WaitForOpen();
/// Publishes filter with ID 'filter_id' to this fragment instance's filter bank.
void PublishFilter(const TPublishFilterParams& params);
/// Called periodically by query state thread to get the current status of this fragment
/// instance. The fragment instance's status is stored in 'instance_status' and its
/// Thrift runtime profile is stored in 'thrift_profile'.
void GetStatusReport(FragmentInstanceExecStatusPB* instance_status,
TRuntimeProfileTree* thrift_profile);
/// After each call to GetStatusReport(), the query state thread should call one of the
/// following to indicate if the report rpc was successful. Note that in the case of
/// ReportFailed(), the report may have been received by the coordinator even though the
/// rpc appeared to fail.
void ReportSuccessful(const FragmentInstanceExecStatusPB& instance_status);
void ReportFailed(const FragmentInstanceExecStatusPB& instance_status);
/// Returns fragment instance's sink if this is the root fragment instance. Valid after
/// the Prepare phase. May be nullptr.
PlanRootSink* GetRootSink() const;
/// Returns a string description of 'state'.
static const string& ExecStateToString(FInstanceExecStatePB state);
/// Name of the counter that is tracking per query, per host peak mem usage.
/// TODO: this doesn't look like it belongs here
static const std::string PER_HOST_PEAK_MEM_COUNTER;
QueryState* query_state() { return query_state_; }
RuntimeState* runtime_state() { return runtime_state_; }
RuntimeProfile* profile() const;
const TQueryCtx& query_ctx() const;
const TPlanFragmentCtx& fragment_ctx() const { return fragment_ctx_; }
const TPlanFragmentInstanceCtx& instance_ctx() const { return instance_ctx_; }
const TUniqueId& query_id() const { return query_ctx().query_id; }
const TUniqueId& instance_id() const { return instance_ctx_.fragment_instance_id; }
FInstanceExecStatePB current_state() const { return current_state_.Load(); }
bool final_report_sent() const { return final_report_sent_; }
const TNetworkAddress& coord_address() const { return query_ctx().coord_address; }
bool IsDone() const { return current_state_.Load() == FInstanceExecStatePB::FINISHED; }
ObjectPool* obj_pool();
/// Returns true if the current thread is a thread executing the whole or part of
/// a fragment instance.
static bool IsFragmentExecThread() {
const static size_t name_len =
const char* name = GetThreadDebugInfo()->GetThreadName();
return name != nullptr &&
(strncmp(name, FINST_THREAD_NAME_PREFIX.c_str(), name_len) == 0 ||
strncmp(name, "join-build-thread", 17) == 0);
static const std::string FINST_THREAD_GROUP_NAME;
static const std::string FINST_THREAD_NAME_PREFIX;
QueryState* query_state_;
const TPlanFragmentCtx& fragment_ctx_;
const TPlanFragmentInstanceCtx& instance_ctx_;
/// All following member variables that are initialized to nullptr are set
/// in Prepare().
ExecNode* exec_tree_ = nullptr; // lives in obj_pool()
RuntimeState* runtime_state_ = nullptr; // lives in obj_pool()
/// A 'fake mutex' to detect any race condition in accessing 'report_seq_no_' below.
/// There should be only one thread doing status report at the same time.
/// Monotonically increasing sequence number used in status report to prevent
/// duplicated or out-of-order reports.
int64_t report_seq_no_ = 0;
/// True iff the final report has already been sent. Read exclusively by the query
/// state thread only. Written in GetStatusReport() by the query state thread.
bool final_report_sent_ = false;
/// The non-idempotent parts of any reports that were generated but may not have been
/// received by the coordinator.
std::vector<StatefulStatusPB> prev_stateful_reports_;
/// True if a report has been generated where 'done' is true, after which the sequence
/// number should not be bumped for future reports.
bool final_report_generated_ = false;
/// Profile for timings for each stage of the plan fragment instance's lifecycle.
/// Lives in obj_pool().
RuntimeProfile* timings_profile_ = nullptr;
/// Event sequence tracking the completion of various stages of this fragment instance.
/// Updated in UpdateState().
RuntimeProfile::EventSequence* event_sequence_ = nullptr;
/// Events that change the current state of this instance's execution, which is kept in
/// 'current_state_'. Events are issued throughout the execution by calling
/// UpdateState(), which implements a state machine. See the implementation of
/// UpdateState() for valid state transitions.
enum class StateEvent {
/// Indicates the start of execution.
/// Indicates that codegen will get called. Omitted if not doing codegen.
/// Indicates the call to Open().
/// Indicates waiting for the first batch to arrive.
/// Indicates that a new batch was produced by this instance.
/// Indicates that a batch has been sent.
/// Indicates that no new batches will be received.
/// Indicates the end of this instance's execution.
/// The current state of this fragment instance's execution. Only updated by the
/// fragment instance thread in UpdateState() and read by the profile reporting threads.
AtomicEnum<FInstanceExecStatePB> current_state_{FInstanceExecStatePB::WAITING_FOR_EXEC};
/// Output sink for rows sent to this fragment. Created in Prepare(), lives in
/// obj_pool().
DataSink* sink_ = nullptr;
/// should live in obj_pool(), but managed separately so we can delete it in Close()
boost::scoped_ptr<RowBatch> row_batch_;
/// Set when Prepare() returns.
Promise<Status> prepared_promise_;
/// Set when OpenInternal() returns.
Promise<Status> opened_promise_;
/// Returns the monotonically increasing sequence number.
/// Called by query state thread only.
int64_t AdvanceReportSeqNo() {
return ++report_seq_no_;
/// A counter for the per query, per host peak mem usage. Note that this is not the
/// max of the peak memory of all fragments running on a host since it needs to take
/// into account when they are running concurrently. All fragments for a single query
/// on a single host will have the same value for this counter.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* per_host_mem_usage_ = nullptr;
/// Number of rows returned by this fragment
/// TODO: by this instance?
RuntimeProfile::Counter* rows_produced_counter_ = nullptr;
/// Average number of thread tokens for the duration of the fragment instance execution.
/// Instances that do a lot of cpu work (non-coordinator fragment) will have at
/// least 1 token. Instances that contain a hdfs scan node will have 1+ tokens
/// depending on system load. Other nodes (e.g. hash join node) can also reserve
/// additional tokens.
/// This is a measure of how much CPU resources this instance used during the course
/// of the execution.
/// TODO-MT: remove
RuntimeProfile::Counter* avg_thread_tokens_ = nullptr;
/// Sampled memory usage at even time intervals.
RuntimeProfile::TimeSeriesCounter* mem_usage_sampled_counter_ = nullptr;
/// Sampled thread usage (tokens) at even time intervals.
RuntimeProfile::TimeSeriesCounter* thread_usage_sampled_counter_ = nullptr;
/// Prepare for execution. runtime_state() will not be valid until Prepare() is called.
/// runtime_state() will always be valid after Prepare() returns.
/// If request.query_options.mem_limit > 0, it is used as an
/// approximate limit on the number of bytes this query can consume at runtime. The
/// query will be aborted (MEM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED) if it goes over that limit.
/// A failure in Prepare() will result in partially-initialized state.
Status Prepare() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Executes Open() logic and returns resulting status.
/// Pulls row batches from exec_tree_ and pushes them to sink_ in a loop. Returns
/// OK if the input was exhausted and sent to the sink successfully, an error otherwise.
/// If ExecInternal() returns without an error condition, all rows will have been sent
/// to the sink and the sink will have been flushed.
Status ExecInternal() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Closes the underlying fragment instance and frees up all resources allocated in
/// Prepare() and Open(). Can handle partially-finished Prepare().
void Close();
/// Handle the execution event 'event'. This implements a state machine and will update
/// the current execution state of this fragment instance. Also marks an event in
/// 'event_sequence_' for some states. Must not be called by multiple threads
/// concurrently.
void UpdateState(const StateEvent event);
/// Releases the thread token for this fragment executor. Can handle
/// partially-finished Prepare().
void ReleaseThreadToken();
/// Print stats about scan ranges for each volumeId in params to info log.
void PrintVolumeIds();