blob: 344ebbfc976a236aa599609cf0992f4113aec315 [file] [log] [blame]
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# Module used for executing queries and gathering results.
# The QueryExecutor is meant to be generic and doesn't
# have the knowledge of how to actually execute a query. It takes a query and its config
# and executes is against a executor function.
# For example (in pseudo-code):
# def exec_func(query, config):
# ...
# config = ImpalaBeeswaxQueryExecConfig()
# executor = QueryExecutor('beeswax', query, config, exec_func)
# result = executor.result
import logging
import os
import re
from tests.performance.query import Query
# Setup logging for this module.
LOG = logging.getLogger('query_executor')
# Globals.
hive_result_regex = 'Time taken: (\d*).(\d*) seconds'
# Match any CRUD statement that can follow EXPLAIN.
# The statement may begin with SQL line comments starting with --
COMMENT_LINES_REGEX = r'(?:\s*--.*\n)*'
## TODO: Split executors into their own modules.
class QueryExecConfig(object):
"""Base Class for Execution Configs
plugin_runner (PluginRunner?)
def __init__(self, plugin_runner=None):
self.plugin_runner = plugin_runner
class ImpalaQueryExecConfig(QueryExecConfig):
"""Base class for Impala query execution config
impalad (str): address of impalad <host>:<port>
def __init__(self, plugin_runner=None, impalad='localhost:21000'):
super(ImpalaQueryExecConfig, self).__init__(plugin_runner=plugin_runner)
self._impalad = impalad
def impalad(self):
return self._impalad
def impalad(self, value):
self._impalad = value
class JdbcQueryExecConfig(ImpalaQueryExecConfig):
"""Impala query execution config for jdbc
tranport (?): ?
JDBC_CLIENT_PATH = os.path.join(os.environ['IMPALA_HOME'], 'bin/')
def __init__(self, plugin_runner=None, impalad='localhost:21050', transport=None):
super(JdbcQueryExecConfig, self).__init__(plugin_runner=plugin_runner,
self.transport = transport
def jdbc_client_cmd(self):
"""The args to run the jdbc client.
Constructed on the fly, since the impalad it points to can change.
assert self.transport is not None
return JdbcQueryExecConfig.JDBC_CLIENT_PATH + ' -i "%s" -t %s' % (self._impalad,
class ImpalaHS2QueryConfig(ImpalaQueryExecConfig):
def __init__(self, use_kerberos=False, impalad="localhost:21050", plugin_runner=None):
super(ImpalaHS2QueryConfig, self).__init__(plugin_runner=plugin_runner,
# TODO Use a config dict for query execution options similar to HS2
self.use_kerberos = use_kerberos
class HiveHS2QueryConfig(QueryExecConfig):
def __init__(self,
exec_options = None,
super(HiveHS2QueryConfig, self).__init__()
self.exec_options = dict()
self.use_kerberos = use_kerberos
self.user = user
self.hiveserver = hiveserver
def _build_options(self, exec_options):
"""Read the exec_options into self.exec_options
exec_options (str): String formatted as "command1;command2"
if exec_options:
# exec_options are seperated by ; on the command line
options = exec_options.split(';')
for option in options:
key, value = option.split(':')
# The keys in HiveService QueryOptions are lower case.
self.exec_options[key.lower()] = value
class BeeswaxQueryExecConfig(ImpalaQueryExecConfig):
"""Impala query execution config for beeswax
use_kerberos (boolean)
exec_options (str): String formatted as "opt1:val1;opt2:val2"
impalad (str): address of impalad <host>:<port>
plugin_runner (?): ?
use_kerberos (boolean)
exec_options (dict str -> str): execution options
def __init__(self, use_kerberos=False, exec_options=None, impalad='localhost:21000',
plugin_runner=None, user=None, password=None, use_ssl=False):
super(BeeswaxQueryExecConfig, self).__init__(plugin_runner=plugin_runner,
self.use_kerberos = use_kerberos
self.exec_options = dict()
self.user = user
self.password = password
self.use_ssl = use_ssl
def _build_options(self, exec_options):
"""Read the exec_options into self.exec_options
exec_options (str): String formatted as "opt1:val1;opt2:val2"
if exec_options:
# exec_options are seperated by ; on the command line
options = exec_options.split(';')
for option in options:
key, value = option.split(':')
# The keys in ImpalaService QueryOptions are upper case.
self.exec_options[key.upper()] = value
class QueryExecutor(object):
"""Executes one or more queries.
name (str): eg. "hive"
query (Query): Container holding 1 or more ;-delimited SQL statements to be executed
func (function): Function that accepts a QueryExecOption parameter and returns a
ImpalaQueryResult. Eg. execute_using_impala_beeswax
config (QueryExecOption)
exit_on_error (boolean): Exit right after an error encountered.
exec_func (function): Function that accepts a QueryExecOption parameter and returns
an ImpalaQueryResult.
exec_config (QueryExecOption)
query (Query): Container holding 1 or more ;-delimited SQL statements to be executed
exit_on_error (boolean): Exit right after an error encountered.
executor_name (str): eg. "hive"
result (ImpalaQueryResult): Contains the result after execute method is called.
def __init__(self, name, query, func, config, exit_on_error):
self.exec_func = func
self.exec_config = config
self.query = query
self.exit_on_error = exit_on_error
self.executor_name = name
self._result = None
def prepare(self, impalad):
"""Prepare the query to be run.
For now, this sets the impalad that the query connects to. If the executor is hive,
it's a no op.
if 'hive' not in self.executor_name:
self.exec_config.impalad = impalad
def execute(self, plan_first=False):
"""Execute a set of SQL statements using the given execution function,
and return a result object. SQL statements can be the familiar SELECT, INSERT,
DELETE, UPDATE and UPSERT DML commands as well as utilities like SET, SHOW,
If plan_first is true, EXPLAIN the "explainable" queries in the set
first so timing does not include the initial metadata loading
required for planning.
This function furnishes a query result object in self._result, for the last
query in the batch ONLY.
assert isinstance(self.query, Query)
orig_query_str = self.query.query_str
statements = self.query.query_str.split(';')
if plan_first:
# Break out multiple statements in self.query
for stmt in statements:
ddl_crud_match = DDL_CRUD_PATTERN.match(stmt)
if not ddl_crud_match:
# Don't EXPLAIN this statement
self.query.query_str = 'EXPLAIN ' + stmt + ';'
LOG.debug('Planning %s' % self.query.query_str)
self.exec_func(self.query, self.exec_config)
# Now actually execute
for stmt in statements:
self.query.query_str = stmt + ';'
LOG.debug('Executing %s' % self.query.query_str)
self._result = self.exec_func(self.query, self.exec_config)
if not self._result.success:
if self.exit_on_error:
raise RuntimeError(self._result.query_error)
else:"Continuing execution")
self.query.query_str = orig_query_str
# We do not need to restore the SET options we changed for the next batch
# (Query object) because the scheduler runs each Query on its own connection
# (XXX pretty strange for a performance test. :)
def result(self):
"""Getter for the result of the query execution.
A result is a ImpalaQueryResult object that contains the details of a single run of
the query.
return self._result