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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# This module is used to make instantation of Query() objects a little easier when
# building them for testing. In typical usage, Query objects and their attributes
# (clauses, expressions, etc.) are instantiated with little data and built up over time.
# That works for the query generator, because a lot of logical steps need to happen
# before the Query building is completed. For our testing purposes, though, we need
# completed, static Query() objects, and a way to build them up rather easily and
# expressively.
# Thus we have lightweight functions that handle initialization and any attribute
# setting as needed.
# TODO: As much as possible, it would be better to refactor our data structures to be
# more testable. But we have a chicken and egg problem in that we have no tests. We have
# chosen to leave the original datastructures alone, and after we build up some tests to
# gain confidence, we can modify them to be more testable, and we can remove items from
# here.
from tests.comparison.common import Column, Table
from tests.comparison.funcs import AnalyticFirstValue
from tests.comparison.query import Query, SelectClause, SelectItem
def FakeColumn(name, type_, is_primary_key=False):
Return a Column, the creation of which allows the user not to have to specify the
first argument, which is the table to which the column belongs.
Typical use should be when creating a FakeTable, use FakeColumns as arguments.
col = Column(None, name, type_)
col.is_primary_key = is_primary_key
return col
def FakeTable(name, fake_columns, storage_format='TEXTFILE'):
Return a Table consisting of one or more FakeColumns. Because Columns are added via
method, we support nesting here instead.
table = Table(name)
if not fake_columns:
raise Exception('You must supply at least one FakeColumn argument')
for fake_column in fake_columns:
table.storage_format = storage_format
return table
def FakeSelectClause(*args):
Return a SelectClause from value expressions args. This abstracts away from the
user the need to explicitly make the value expression items SelectItems.
return SelectClause([SelectItem(_) for _ in args])
def FakeQuery(
Return a Query object constructed by the keyword args above. select_clause and
from_clause are required.
query = Query()
query.with_clause = with_clause
query.select_clause = select_clause
query.from_clause = from_clause
query.where_clause = where_clause
query.group_by_clause = group_by_clause
query.having_clause = having_clause
query.union_clause = union_clause
query.order_by_clause = order_by_clause
query.limit_clause = limit_clause
if select_clause is None or from_clause is None:
raise Exception('FakeQuery must at least contain a select_clause and a from_clause')
return query
def FakeFirstValue(
Return an AnalyticFirstValue object based on val_expr and optional clauses. The
clauses must be *Clause objects (see the funcs and query modules).
first_value = AnalyticFirstValue.create_from_args(val_expr)
first_value.partition_by_clause = partition_by_clause
first_value.order_by_clause = order_by_clause
first_value.window_clause = window_clause
return first_value