blob: ff17d2d54fe1c724488ee66bfa2d243a4c4119d5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// under the License.
#pragma once
#include "exprs/scalar-expr.h"
namespace impala {
/// Macro to generate implementations for the below functions. 'val_type' is
/// a UDF type name, e.g. IntVal and 'type_validation' is a DCHECK expression
/// referencing 'type_' to assert that the function is only called on expressions
/// of the appropriate type.
/// * ScalarExpr::GetBooleanVal()
/// * ScalarExpr::GetTinyIntVal()
/// * ScalarExpr::GetSmallIntVal()
/// * ScalarExpr::GetIntVal()
/// * ScalarExpr::GetBigIntVal()
/// * ScalarExpr::GetFloatVal()
/// * ScalarExpr::GetDoubleVal()
/// * ScalarExpr::GetTimestampVal()
/// * ScalarExpr::GetDecimalVal()
/// * ScalarExpr::GetStringVal()
/// * ScalarExpr::GetDateVal()
/// * ScalarExpr::GetCollectionVal()
#pragma push_macro("SCALAR_EXPR_GET_VAL")
#define SCALAR_EXPR_GET_VAL(val_type, type_validation) \
typedef val_type (*val_type##Wrapper)(ScalarExprEvaluator*, const TupleRow*); \
inline val_type ScalarExpr::Get##val_type( \
ScalarExprEvaluator* eval, const TupleRow* row) const { \
DCHECK(type_validation) << type_.DebugString(); \
DCHECK(eval != nullptr); \
if (codegend_compute_fn_ == nullptr) return Get##val_type##Interpreted(eval, row); \
val_type##Wrapper fn = reinterpret_cast<val_type##Wrapper>(codegend_compute_fn_); \
return fn(eval, row); \
SCALAR_EXPR_GET_VAL(BooleanVal, type_.type == PrimitiveType::TYPE_BOOLEAN);
SCALAR_EXPR_GET_VAL(TinyIntVal, type_.type == PrimitiveType::TYPE_TINYINT);
SCALAR_EXPR_GET_VAL(SmallIntVal, type_.type == PrimitiveType::TYPE_SMALLINT);
SCALAR_EXPR_GET_VAL(IntVal, type_.type == PrimitiveType::TYPE_INT);
SCALAR_EXPR_GET_VAL(BigIntVal, type_.type == PrimitiveType::TYPE_BIGINT);
SCALAR_EXPR_GET_VAL(FloatVal, type_.type == PrimitiveType::TYPE_FLOAT);
SCALAR_EXPR_GET_VAL(DoubleVal, type_.type == PrimitiveType::TYPE_DOUBLE);
SCALAR_EXPR_GET_VAL(TimestampVal, type_.type == PrimitiveType::TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
SCALAR_EXPR_GET_VAL(DecimalVal, type_.type == PrimitiveType::TYPE_DECIMAL);
SCALAR_EXPR_GET_VAL(StringVal, type_.IsStringType()
|| type_.type == PrimitiveType::TYPE_FIXED_UDA_INTERMEDIATE);
SCALAR_EXPR_GET_VAL(DateVal, type_.type == PrimitiveType::TYPE_DATE);
SCALAR_EXPR_GET_VAL(CollectionVal, type_.IsCollectionType());
#pragma pop_macro("SCALAR_EXPR_GET_VAL")