blob: 8bab7ee060c84407bd677afc6df53655d4234802 [file] [log] [blame]
---- QUERY
# IMPALA-3652: test limit on a hash join in a subplan where resources need to be
# transfered in Reset()
select count(*)
from customer c,
(select o1.o_orderkey, o2.o_orderdate
from c.c_orders o1, c.c_orders o2, c.c_orders o3
where o1.o_orderkey = o2.o_orderkey and o1.o_orderkey = o3.o_orderkey
limit 1) v
where c_custkey = 113644;
---- QUERY
# IMPALA-3652: test limit on a nested loop join in a subplan where resources need to be
# transfered in Reset()
select count(*)
from customer c,
(select o1.o_orderkey, o2.o_orderdate
from c.c_orders o1 join /* +broadcast */ c.c_orders o2, c.c_orders o3
where o1.o_orderkey < o2.o_orderkey and o1.o_orderkey < o3.o_orderkey
limit 1) v
where c_custkey = 113644;