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Apache Ignite C++ Build Instructions
Here you can find instruction on how to build Apache Ignite C++.
In order to build examples you need to build and install Apache Ignite C++
libraries then refer to $IGNITE_HOME/platforms/cpp/example/README.txt for
further instructions.
For details on ODBC driver installation and usage please refer to
Common Requirements:
* C++ compiler and SDK:
Linux and Mac OS X:
* clang >= 3.9 or gcc >= 3.6
* Visual Studio 2010 or later
* Windows SDK 7.1 or later
* CMake >= 3.6 must be installed
Core module requirements:
* Java Development Kit (JDK) must be installed:
* JAVA_HOME environment variable must be set pointing to Java installation directory.
* IGNITE_HOME environment variable must be set to Ignite installation directory.
Building core module is enabled by default, you can disable building core module by setting CMake
Thin-client module requirements:
* OpenSSL, 1.0 or later
Thin-client module is disabled by default, you can enable it by setting CMake option -DWITH_THIN_CLIENT=ON
ODBC module requirements:
* OpenSSL, 1.0 or later
* UnixODBC on Linux or Mac OS X
ODBC module is disabled by default, you can enable it by setting CMake option -DWITH_ODBC=ON.
OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR environment variable must be set to openssl installation directory on Windows, on other platforms
it is required if you want to use non-system openssl.
To build the Apache Ignite C++ components the following steps and command line commands should be executed one by one:
* cd $IGNITE_HOME/platforms/cpp
* mkdir cmake-build-[release|debug]
* cd ./cmake-build-[release|debug]
* run CMake configuration:
* on Linux or Mac OS X:
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=[Release|Debug] [-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install_dir>] [-DWITH_THIN_CLIENT=ON]
* on Windows:
CMake by default generate on Windows Visual Studio projects. You can find generated projects in CMake
build directory (./cmake-build-[release|debug]) and open Ignite.C++.sln in Visual Studio.
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX option should only be used if you want to install Ignite in non-default directory. This option
will only be used later during installation step, so you may safely ignore it if you are not planning on installing
Ignite or if you are OK with the default installation directory.
* Build Ignite C++ using following command:
cmake --build . --config [Release|Debug]
Note, that installing Ignite in default installation directory will most probably require a super-user privileges,
so if you don't have them or don't want to install Ignite C++ using them you should make sure you have set your
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX option appropriately in the previous step.
* Install Ignite C++ using following command:
cmake --build . --target install --config [Release|Debug]
This step is optional, but it is required to build and run examples as they can only find installed Ignite C++.
Tests are disabled by default, you can enable them by setting CMake option -DWITH_TESTS=ON.
For building tests, boost framework is required. The following boost libraries are used:
* boost_unit_test_framework
* boost_thread
* boost_system
* boost_chrono
* boost_regex
BOOST_ROOT environment variable must be set to boost installation directory.
Running test:
* For core tests: ctest -V -R IgniteCoreTest
* For thin-client tests: ctest -V -R IgniteThinClientTest
* For ODBC tests: ctest -V -R IgniteOdbcTest
* For all tests: ctest -V
* For running ODBC tests, ODBC driver must be installed in driver manager. See odbc/README.txt for details.
* On Mac OS X Homebrew doesn't create symlinks for OpenSSL, so they should be created or as alternative
OPENSSL_HOME should be set before running ODBC or thin-client tests.
Building ODBC Installers on Windows:
* Install WiX Toolset if you do not have it yet.
* Add WiX Toolset "bin" directory to your PATH environmental variable.
* Navigate to the directory $IGNITE_HOME/platforms/cpp
* mkdir cmake-build-release-[32|64]
* cd ./cmake-build-release-[32|64]
* Run CMake configuration:
* cmake --build . --target install --config Release
ODBC msi installers will be located in <install_dir>/bin
Importing CMake projects to Visual Studio (tm) (since 2015):
Use files in root directory as a template real CMakeSettings.json.
Edit it manually to set up correct environment variables and import CMake projects as usual.
Building with QT Creator (tm):
* File -> Open file or project -> and choose from ($IGNITE_HOME/modules/platforms) CMakeLists.txt
* If you have no $JAVA_HOME env variable, you need to append it.
* Additionally for odbc-test or thin-client-test you need to set following environment variables:
IGNITE_NATIVE_TEST_CPP_THIN_CONFIG_PATH=$IGNITE_HOME/modules/platforms/cpp/thin-client-test/config for thin-client-test
IGNITE_NATIVE_TEST_ODBC_CONFIG_PATH=$IGNITE_HOME/modules/platforms/cpp/odbc-test/config for odbc-test
* Command line arguments for tests running need to have this additional lines : --catch_system_errors=no --log_level=all