| = Benchmarking Ignite With Yardstick Framework |
| |
| == Yardstick Ignite Benchmarks |
| |
| Apache Ignite benchmarks are written on top of the Yardstick Framework, allowing you to measure the performance of |
| various Apache Ignite components and modules. The documentation below describes how to execute and configure pre-assembled |
| benchmarks. If you need to add new benchmarks |
| or build existing one, then refer to the instructions from Ignite's `DEVNOTES.txt` file in the source directory. |
| |
| Visit the https://github.com/gridgain/yardstick[Yardstick Repository, window=_blank] for more details on the resulting graphs generation |
| and how the framework works. |
| |
| == Running Ignite Benchmarks Locally |
| |
| The simplest way to start with benchmarking is to use one of the executable scripts available under the `benchmarks/bin` directory: |
| |
| [tabs] |
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| tab:Shell[] |
| [source, shell] |
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| ./bin/benchmark-run-all.sh config/benchmark-sample.properties |
| ---- |
| -- |
| |
| The command above will benchmark the cache `put` operations for a distributed atomic cache. The results of the benchmark |
| will be added to an auto-generated `output/results-{DATE-TIME}+\` directory. |
| |
| If the `./bin/benchmark-run-all.sh` command is executed as-is without any parameters and modifications in the configuration |
| file, then all the available benchmarks will be executed on a local machine using the `config/benchmark.properties` |
| configuration. In case of any issues, refer to the logs that are added to an auto-generated `output/logs-{DATE-TIME}` directory. |
| |
| For more information about available benchmarks and configuration parameters, refer to the |
| <<existing-benchmarks,Existing Benchmarks>> and <<properties-and-command-line-arguments,Properties And Command Line Arguments>> |
| sections below. |
| |
| == Running Ignite Benchmarks Remotely |
| |
| To benchmark Apache Ignite across several remote hosts: |
| |
| . Go to `config/ignite-remote-config.xml` and replace `<value></value>` with actual IPs of all the remote |
| hosts. Refer to the documentation section below if you prefer to use another kind of IP finder: link:clustering/clustering[Cluster Configuration] |
| . Go to `config/benchmark-remote-sample.properties` and replace `localhost` with actual IPs of the remote hosts in the following places: |
| `SERVERS=localhost,localhost` |
| `DRIVERS=localhost,localhost` |
| where the `DRIVER` is a host (usually an Ignite client node) that executes benchmarking logic. `SERVERS` are Ignite nodes |
| that are benchmarked. Replace the `localhost` occurrences in the same places in the `config/benchmark-remote.properties` |
| file if you plan to execute a full set of benchmarks available. |
| . Upload Ignite Yardstick Benchmarks to one of your `DRIVERS` host in its own working directory. |
| . Log in on the remote host that will be the `DRIVER`, and execute the following command: |
| + |
| [tabs] |
| -- |
| tab:Shell[] |
| [source, shell] |
| ---- |
| ./bin/benchmark-run-all.sh config/benchmark-remote-sample.properties |
| ---- |
| -- |
| |
| By default, all the necessary files will be automatically uploaded from the host in which you run the command above to |
| every other host to the same path. If you prefer to do it manually set the `AUTO_COPY` variable in property file to `false`. |
| |
| The command above will benchmark the cache put operation for a distributed atomic cache. The results of the benchmark will |
| be added to an auto-generated `output/results-{DATE-TIME}` directory. |
| |
| If you want to execute all the available benchmarks across the remote hosts, then execute the following command on the `DRIVER` side: |
| [tabs] |
| -- |
| tab:Shell[] |
| [source, shell] |
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| ./bin/benchmark-run-all.sh config/benchmark-remote.properties |
| ---- |
| -- |
| |
| == Existing Benchmarks |
| |
| The following benchmarks are provided by default: |
| |
| . `GetBenchmark` - benchmarks atomic distributed cache get operation. |
| . `PutBenchmark` - benchmarks atomic distributed cache put operation. |
| . `PutGetBenchmark` - benchmarks atomic distributed cache put and get operations together. |
| . `PutTxBenchmark` - benchmarks transactional distributed cache put operation. |
| . `PutGetTxBenchmark` - benchmarks transactional distributed cache put and get operations together. |
| . `SqlQueryBenchmark` - benchmarks distributed SQL query over cached data. |
| . `SqlQueryJoinBenchmark` - benchmarks distributed SQL query with a Join over cached data. |
| . `SqlQueryPutBenchmark` - benchmarks distributed SQL query with simultaneous cache updates. |
| . `AffinityCallBenchmark` - benchmarks affinity call operation. |
| . `ApplyBenchmark` - benchmarks apply operation. |
| . `BroadcastBenchmark` - benchmarks broadcast operations. |
| . `ExecuteBenchmark` - benchmarks execute operations. |
| . `RunBenchmark` - benchmarks running task operations. |
| . `PutGetOffHeapBenchmark` - benchmarks atomic distributed cache put and get operations together off-heap. |
| . `PutGetOffHeapValuesBenchmark` - benchmarks atomic distributed cache put value operations off-heap. |
| . `PutOffHeapBenchmark` - benchmarks atomic distributed cache put operations off-heap. |
| . `PutOffHeapValuesBenchmark` - benchmarks atomic distributed cache get value operations off-heap. |
| . `PutTxOffHeapBenchmark` - benchmarks transactional distributed cache put operation off-heap. |
| . `PutTxOffHeapValuesBenchmark` - benchmarks transactional distributed cache put value operation off-heap. |
| . `SqlQueryOffHeapBenchmark` -benchmarks distributed SQL query over cached data off-heap. |
| . `SqlQueryJoinOffHeapBenchmark` - benchmarks distributed SQL query with a Join over cached data off-heap. |
| . `SqlQueryPutOffHeapBenchmark` - benchmarks distributed SQL query with simultaneous cache updates off-heap. |
| . `PutAllBenchmark` - benchmarks atomic distributed cache batch put operation. |
| . `PutAllTxBenchmark` - benchmarks transactional distributed cache batch put operation. |
| |
| == Properties And Command Line Arguments |
| |
| Note that this section only describes configuration parameters specific to Ignite benchmarks, and not for Yardstick framework. |
| To run Ignite benchmarks and generate graphs, you will need to run them using the Yardstick framework scripts in the `bin` folder. |
| |
| Refer to the https://github.com/gridgain/yardstick/blob/master/README.md[Yardstick Documentation, window=_blank] for common Yardstick |
| properties and command line arguments for running Yardstick scripts. |
| |
| The following Ignite benchmark properties can be defined in the benchmark configuration: |
| |
| * `-b <num>` or `--backups <num>` - Number of backups for every key. |
| * `-cfg <path>` or `--Config <path>` - Path to Ignite configuration file. |
| * `-cs` or `--cacheStore` - Enable or disable cache store readThrough, writeThrough. |
| * `-cl` or `--client` - Client flag. Use this flag if you running more than one `DRIVER`, otherwise additional drivers would behave like a `servers`. |
| * `-nc` or `--nearCache` - Near cache flag. |
| * `-nn <num>` or `--nodeNumber <num>` - Number of nodes (automatically set in `benchmark.properties`); used to wait for the specified number of nodes to start. |
| * `-sm <mode>` or `-syncMode <mode>` - Synchronization mode (defined in CacheWriteSynchronizationMode`). |
| * `-r <num>` or `--range` - Range of keys that are randomly generated for cache operations. |
| * `-rd or --restartdelay` - Restart delay in seconds. |
| * `-rs or --restartsleep` - Restart sleep in seconds. |
| * `-rth <host>` or `--restHost <host>` - REST TCP host. |
| * `-rtp <num>` or `--restPort <num>` - REST TCP port, indicates that a Ignite node is ready to process Ignite Clients. |
| * `-ss` or `--syncSend` - Flag indicating whether synchronous send is used in `TcpCommunicationSpi`. |
| * `-txc <value>` or `--txConcurrency <value>` - Cache transaction concurrency control, either `OPTIMISTIC` or `PESSIMISTIC` (defined in `CacheTxConcurrency`). |
| * `-txi <value>` or `--txIsolation <value>` - Cache transaction isolation (defined in `CacheTxIsolation`). |
| * `-wb` or `--writeBehind` - Enable or disable writeBehind for cache store. |
| |
| For example, if you want to run 2 `IgniteNode` servers on localhost with the `PutBenchmark` benchmark, number of |
| backups set to `1`, and synchronization mode set to `PRIMARY_SYNC`, then the following configuration should be specified |
| in the `benchmark.properties` file: |
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| SERVER_HOSTS=localhost,localhost |
| ... |
| |
| # Note that -dn and -sn, which stand for data node and server node, |
| # are native Yardstick parameters and are documented in |
| # Yardstick framework. |
| CONFIGS="-b 1 -sm PRIMARY_SYNC -dn PutBenchmark`IgniteNode" |
| ---- |
| -- |
| |
| == Building From Sources |
| |
| Run `mvn clean package -Pyardstick -pl modules/yardstick -am -DskipTests` in the Apache Ignite root directory. |
| |
| This command will compile the project and also unpack the scripts from `yardstick-resources.zip` file to `modules/yardstick/target/assembly/bin` directory. |
| |
| Artifacts can be found in the `modules/yardstick/target/assembly` directory. |
| |
| == Custom Ignite Benchmarks |
| |
| All benchmarks extend the `AbstractBenchmark` class. A new benchmark should also extend this abstract class and |
| implement the `test` method (this is the method that actually tests performance). |