blob: d59b286d4421ba40467907178a18de47e45bad4e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import javax.cache.CacheException;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteCheckedException;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteException;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteSystemProperties;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.affinity.AffinityFunction;
import org.apache.ignite.cluster.ClusterNode;
import org.apache.ignite.configuration.CacheConfiguration;
import org.apache.ignite.configuration.DataRegionConfiguration;
import org.apache.ignite.configuration.DataStorageConfiguration;
import org.apache.ignite.configuration.NearCacheConfiguration;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteInternalFuture;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.cluster.ClusterTopologyServerNotFoundException;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.managers.discovery.DiscoCache;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.managers.discovery.DiscoveryCustomMessage;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.managers.eventstorage.GridLocalEventListener;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.affinity.AffinityAssignment;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.affinity.AffinityTopologyVersion;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.affinity.GridAffinityAssignmentCache;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.ClientCacheDhtTopologyFuture;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.GridDhtAffinityAssignmentResponse;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.GridDhtAssignmentFetchFuture;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.preloader.CacheGroupAffinityMessage;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.preloader.GridDhtPartitionFullMap;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.preloader.GridDhtPartitionMap;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.preloader.GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.topology.GridClientPartitionTopology;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.topology.GridDhtPartitionState;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.topology.GridDhtPartitionTopology;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cluster.DiscoveryDataClusterState;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.GridConcurrentHashSet;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.tracing.Span;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.GridLongList;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.GridPartitionStateMap;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.future.GridCompoundFuture;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.future.GridFinishedFuture;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.future.GridFutureAdapter;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.lang.GridPlainRunnable;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.lang.IgniteInClosureX;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.F;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.internal.CU;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.internal.U;
import org.apache.ignite.lang.IgniteClosure;
import org.apache.ignite.lang.IgniteFuture;
import org.apache.ignite.lang.IgniteInClosure;
import org.apache.ignite.lang.IgniteUuid;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import static org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheMode.LOCAL;
import static org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheMode.PARTITIONED;
import static org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheRebalanceMode.NONE;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.topology.GridDhtPartitionState.OWNING;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.tracing.SpanType.AFFINITY_CALCULATION;
public class CacheAffinitySharedManager<K, V> extends GridCacheSharedManagerAdapter<K, V> {
/** */
private final long clientCacheMsgTimeout =
IgniteSystemProperties.getLong(IgniteSystemProperties.IGNITE_CLIENT_CACHE_CHANGE_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT, 10_000);
/** */
private static final IgniteClosure<ClusterNode, UUID> NODE_TO_ID = new IgniteClosure<ClusterNode, UUID>() {
@Override public UUID apply(ClusterNode node) {
/** */
private static final IgniteClosure<ClusterNode, Long> NODE_TO_ORDER = new IgniteClosure<ClusterNode, Long>() {
@Override public Long apply(ClusterNode node) {
return node.order();
/** Affinity information for all started caches (initialized on coordinator). */
private ConcurrentMap<Integer, CacheGroupHolder> grpHolders = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
/** */
private CacheMemoryOverheadValidator validator = new CacheMemoryOverheadValidator();
/** Topology version which requires affinity re-calculation (set from discovery thread). */
private AffinityTopologyVersion lastAffVer;
/** Registered caches (updated from exchange thread). */
private CachesRegistry cachesRegistry;
/** */
private WaitRebalanceInfo waitInfo;
/** */
private final Object mux = new Object();
/** Pending affinity assignment futures. */
private final ConcurrentMap<Long, GridDhtAssignmentFetchFuture> pendingAssignmentFetchFuts =
new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
/** */
private final ThreadLocal<ClientCacheChangeDiscoveryMessage> clientCacheChanges = new ThreadLocal<>();
/** Discovery listener. */
private final GridLocalEventListener discoLsnr = new GridLocalEventListener() {
@Override public void onEvent(Event evt) {
DiscoveryEvent e = (DiscoveryEvent)evt;
assert e.type() == EVT_NODE_LEFT || e.type() == EVT_NODE_FAILED;
ClusterNode n = e.eventNode();
for (GridDhtAssignmentFetchFuture fut : pendingAssignmentFetchFuts.values())
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void start0() throws IgniteCheckedException {
cctx.kernalContext().event().addLocalEventListener(discoLsnr, EVT_NODE_LEFT, EVT_NODE_FAILED);
cachesRegistry = new CachesRegistry(cctx);
* Callback invoked from discovery thread when discovery message is received.
* @param type Event type.
* @param customMsg Custom message instance.
* @param node Event node.
* @param topVer Topology version.
* @param state Cluster state.
void onDiscoveryEvent(int type,
@Nullable DiscoveryCustomMessage customMsg,
ClusterNode node,
AffinityTopologyVersion topVer,
DiscoveryDataClusterState state) {
if (type == EVT_NODE_JOINED && node.isLocal())
lastAffVer = null;
if ((state.transition() || ! &&
if ((!node.isClient() && (type == EVT_NODE_FAILED || type == EVT_NODE_JOINED || type == EVT_NODE_LEFT)) ||
DiscoveryCustomEvent.requiresCentralizedAffinityAssignment(customMsg)) {
synchronized (mux) {
assert lastAffVer == null || topVer.compareTo(lastAffVer) > 0 :
"lastAffVer=" + lastAffVer + ", topVer=" + topVer + ", customMsg=" + customMsg;
lastAffVer = topVer;
* Must be called from exchange thread.
public IgniteInternalFuture<?> initCachesOnLocalJoin(
Map<Integer, CacheGroupDescriptor> grpDescs,
Map<String, DynamicCacheDescriptor> cacheDescs
) {
return cachesRegistry.init(grpDescs, cacheDescs);
* Callback invoked from discovery thread when discovery custom message is received.
* @param msg Customer message.
* @return {@code True} if minor topology version should be increased.
boolean onCustomEvent(CacheAffinityChangeMessage msg) {
if (msg.exchangeId() != null) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Ignore affinity change message [lastAffVer=" + lastAffVer +
", msgExchId=" + msg.exchangeId() +
", msgVer=" + msg.topologyVersion() + ']');
return false;
// Skip message if affinity was already recalculated.
boolean exchangeNeeded = lastAffVer == null || lastAffVer.equals(msg.topologyVersion());
if (exchangeNeeded) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Need process affinity change message [lastAffVer=" + lastAffVer +
", msgExchId=" + msg.exchangeId() +
", msgVer=" + msg.topologyVersion() + ']');
else {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Ignore affinity change message [lastAffVer=" + lastAffVer +
", msgExchId=" + msg.exchangeId() +
", msgVer=" + msg.topologyVersion() + ']');
return exchangeNeeded;
* @param topVer Expected topology version.
private void onCacheGroupStopped(AffinityTopologyVersion topVer) {
CacheAffinityChangeMessage msg = null;
synchronized (mux) {
if (waitInfo == null || !waitInfo.topVer.equals(topVer))
if (waitInfo.waitGrps.isEmpty()) {
msg = affinityChangeMessage(waitInfo);
waitInfo = null;
try {
if (msg != null)
catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
U.error(log, "Failed to send affinity change message.", e);
* @param top Topology.
* @param checkGrpId Group ID.
void checkRebalanceState(GridDhtPartitionTopology top, Integer checkGrpId) {
CacheAffinityChangeMessage msg = null;
synchronized (mux) {
if (waitInfo == null || !waitInfo.topVer.equals(lastAffVer))
Set<Integer> partWait = waitInfo.waitGrps.get(checkGrpId);
boolean rebalanced = true;
if (partWait != null) {
CacheGroupHolder grpHolder = grpHolders.get(checkGrpId);
if (grpHolder != null) {
for (Iterator<Integer> it = partWait.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Integer part =;
List<ClusterNode> owners = top.owners(part, waitInfo.topVer);
List<ClusterNode> ideal = waitInfo.assignments.get(checkGrpId).get(part);
if (!owners.containsAll(ideal)) {
rebalanced = false;
if (rebalanced) {
if (waitInfo.waitGrps.isEmpty()) {
msg = affinityChangeMessage(waitInfo);
waitInfo = null;
try {
if (msg != null)
catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
U.error(log, "Failed to send affinity change message.", e);
* @return Group IDs.
public Set<Integer> waitGroups() {
synchronized (mux) {
if (waitInfo == null || !waitInfo.topVer.equals(lastAffVer))
return Collections.emptySet();
return new HashSet<>(waitInfo.waitGrps.keySet());
* @return {@code true} if rebalance expected.
public boolean rebalanceRequired() {
synchronized (mux) {
return waitInfo != null;
* Adds group partition to wait list.
* <p>
* Late affinity switch will be triggered as soons as wait list becomes empty.
* @param grpId Group id.
* @param part Part.
* @param topVer Topology version.
* @param assignment Ideal assignment.
public void addToWaitGroup(int grpId, int part, AffinityTopologyVersion topVer, List<ClusterNode> assignment) {
synchronized (mux) {
if (waitInfo == null)
waitInfo = new WaitRebalanceInfo(topVer);
waitInfo.add(grpId, part, assignment);
* @param waitInfo Cache rebalance information.
* @return Message.
@Nullable private CacheAffinityChangeMessage affinityChangeMessage(WaitRebalanceInfo waitInfo) {
if (waitInfo.assignments.isEmpty()) // Possible if all awaited caches were destroyed.
return null;
return new CacheAffinityChangeMessage(waitInfo.topVer, waitInfo.deploymentIds);
* @param grp Cache group.
void onCacheGroupCreated(CacheGroupContext grp) {
// no-op
* @param reqId Request ID.
* @param startReqs Client cache start request.
* @return Descriptors for caches to start.
@Nullable private List<DynamicCacheDescriptor> clientCachesToStart(
UUID reqId,
Map<String, DynamicCacheChangeRequest> startReqs
) {
List<DynamicCacheDescriptor> startDescs = new ArrayList<>(startReqs.size());
for (DynamicCacheChangeRequest startReq : startReqs.values()) {
DynamicCacheDescriptor desc = cachesRegistry.cache(CU.cacheId(startReq.cacheName()));
if (desc == null) {
CacheException err = new CacheException("Failed to start client cache " +
"(a cache with the given name is not started): " + startReq.cacheName());
cctx.cache().completeClientCacheChangeFuture(reqId, err);
return null;
if (cctx.cacheContext(desc.cacheId()) != null)
return startDescs;
* @param crd Coordinator flag.
* @param msg Change request.
* @param topVer Current topology version.
* @param discoCache Discovery data cache.
* @return Map of started caches (cache ID to near enabled flag).
@Nullable private Map<Integer, Boolean> processClientCacheStartRequests(
boolean crd,
ClientCacheChangeDummyDiscoveryMessage msg,
AffinityTopologyVersion topVer,
DiscoCache discoCache
) {
Map<String, DynamicCacheChangeRequest> startReqs = msg.startRequests();
List<DynamicCacheDescriptor> startDescs = clientCachesToStart(msg.requestId(), startReqs);
if (startDescs == null || startDescs.isEmpty()) {
cctx.cache().completeClientCacheChangeFuture(msg.requestId(), null);
return null;
Map<Integer, GridDhtAssignmentFetchFuture> fetchFuts = U.newHashMap(startDescs.size());
Map<Integer, Boolean> startedInfos = U.newHashMap(startDescs.size());
List<StartCacheInfo> startCacheInfos =
.map(desc -> {
DynamicCacheChangeRequest changeReq = startReqs.get(desc.cacheName());
startedInfos.put(desc.cacheId(), changeReq.nearCacheConfiguration() != null);
return new StartCacheInfo(
Set<String> startedCaches =
.map(info -> info.getCacheDescriptor().cacheName())
try {
catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
cctx.cache().closeCaches(startedCaches, false);
cctx.cache().completeClientCacheChangeFuture(msg.requestId(), e);
return null;
Set<CacheGroupDescriptor> groupDescs =
for (CacheGroupDescriptor grpDesc : groupDescs) {
try {
CacheGroupContext grp = cctx.cache().cacheGroup(grpDesc.groupId());
assert grp != null : grpDesc.groupId();
assert !grp.affinityNode() || grp.isLocal() : grp.cacheOrGroupName();
// Skip for local caches.
if (grp.isLocal())
CacheGroupHolder grpHolder = grpHolders.get(grp.groupId());
assert !crd || (grpHolder != null && grpHolder.affinity().idealAssignmentRaw() != null);
if (grpHolder == null)
grpHolder = getOrCreateGroupHolder(topVer, grpDesc);
// If current node is not client and current node have no aff holder.
if (grpHolder.nonAffNode() && !cctx.localNode().isClient()) {
GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture excFut = context().exchange().lastFinishedFuture();
grp.topology().updateTopologyVersion(excFut, discoCache, -1, false);
// Exchange free cache creation, just replacing client topology with dht.
// Topology should be initialized before the use.
grp.topology().beforeExchange(excFut, true, false);
grpHolder = new CacheGroupAffNodeHolder(grp, grpHolder.affinity());
grpHolders.put(grp.groupId(), grpHolder);
GridClientPartitionTopology clientTop =;
if (clientTop != null) {
assert grpHolder.affinity().lastVersion().equals(grp.affinity().lastVersion());
else if (!crd && !fetchFuts.containsKey(grp.groupId())) {
boolean topVerLessOrNotInitialized = !grp.topology().initialized() ||
grp.topology().readyTopologyVersion().compareTo(topVer) < 0;
if (grp.affinity().lastVersion().compareTo(topVer) < 0 || topVerLessOrNotInitialized) {
GridDhtAssignmentFetchFuture fetchFut = new GridDhtAssignmentFetchFuture(cctx,
fetchFuts.put(grp.groupId(), fetchFut);
catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
cctx.cache().closeCaches(startedCaches, false);
cctx.cache().completeClientCacheChangeFuture(msg.requestId(), e);
return null;
for (GridDhtAssignmentFetchFuture fetchFut : fetchFuts.values()) {
try {
CacheGroupContext grp = cctx.cache().cacheGroup(fetchFut.groupId());
assert grp != null;
GridDhtAffinityAssignmentResponse res = fetchAffinity(topVer,
GridDhtPartitionFullMap partMap;
ClientCacheDhtTopologyFuture topFut;
if (res != null) {
partMap = res.partitionMap();
assert partMap != null : res;
topFut = new ClientCacheDhtTopologyFuture(topVer);
else {
partMap = new GridDhtPartitionFullMap(cctx.localNodeId(), cctx.localNode().order(), 1);
topFut = new ClientCacheDhtTopologyFuture(topVer,
new ClusterTopologyServerNotFoundException("All server nodes left grid."));
grp.topology().update(topVer, partMap, null, Collections.emptySet(), null, null, null, null);
topFut.validate(grp, discoCache.allNodes());
catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
cctx.cache().closeCaches(startedCaches, false);
cctx.cache().completeClientCacheChangeFuture(msg.requestId(), e);
return null;
for (DynamicCacheDescriptor desc : startDescs) {
if (desc.cacheConfiguration().getCacheMode() != LOCAL) {
CacheGroupContext grp = cctx.cache().cacheGroup(desc.groupId());
assert grp != null;
grp.topology().onExchangeDone(null, grp.affinity().cachedAffinity(topVer), true);
cctx.cache().initCacheProxies(topVer, null);
startReqs.keySet().forEach(req -> cctx.cache().completeProxyInitialize(req));
cctx.cache().completeClientCacheChangeFuture(msg.requestId(), null);
return startedInfos;
* @param msg Change request.
* @param topVer Current topology version.
* @param crd Coordinator flag.
* @return Closed caches IDs.
private Set<Integer> processCacheCloseRequests(
ClientCacheChangeDummyDiscoveryMessage msg,
boolean crd,
AffinityTopologyVersion topVer
) {
Set<String> cachesToClose = msg.cachesToClose();
Set<Integer> closed = cctx.cache().closeCaches(cachesToClose, true);
for (CacheGroupHolder hld : grpHolders.values()) {
if (!hld.nonAffNode() && cctx.cache().cacheGroup(hld.groupId()) == null) {
int grpId = hld.groupId();
// All client cache groups were stopped, need create 'client' CacheGroupHolder.
CacheGroupHolder grpHolder = grpHolders.remove(grpId);
assert grpHolder != null && !grpHolder.nonAffNode() : grpHolder;
try {
grpHolder = createHolder(
grpHolders.put(grpId, grpHolder);
catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
U.error(log, "Failed to initialize cache: " + e, e);
cctx.cache().completeClientCacheChangeFuture(msg.requestId(), null);
return closed;
* Process non affinity node cache start/close requests, called from exchange thread.
* @param msg Change request.
void processClientCachesRequests(ClientCacheChangeDummyDiscoveryMessage msg) {
// Get ready exchange version.
AffinityTopologyVersion topVer =;
DiscoCache discoCache = cctx.discovery().discoCache(topVer);
ClusterNode node = discoCache.oldestAliveServerNode();
// Resolve coordinator for specific version.
boolean crd = node != null && node.isLocal();
Map<Integer, Boolean> startedCaches = null;
Set<Integer> closedCaches = null;
// Check and start caches via dummy message.
if (msg.startRequests() != null)
startedCaches = processClientCacheStartRequests(crd, msg, topVer, discoCache);
// Check and close caches via dummy message.
if (msg.cachesToClose() != null)
closedCaches = processCacheCloseRequests(msg, crd, topVer);
// Shedule change message.
if (startedCaches != null || closedCaches != null)
scheduleClientChangeMessage(startedCaches, closedCaches);
* Sends discovery message about started/closed client caches, called from exchange thread.
* @param timeoutObj Timeout object initiated send.
void sendClientCacheChangesMessage(ClientCacheUpdateTimeout timeoutObj) {
ClientCacheChangeDiscoveryMessage msg = clientCacheChanges.get();
// Timeout object was changed if one more client cache changed during timeout,
// another timeoutObj was scheduled.
if (msg != null && msg.updateTimeoutObject() == timeoutObj) {
assert !msg.empty() : msg;
try {
if (!msg.empty())
catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
U.error(log, "Failed to send discovery event: " + e, e);
* @param startedCaches Started caches.
* @param closedCaches Closed caches.
private void scheduleClientChangeMessage(Map<Integer, Boolean> startedCaches, Set<Integer> closedCaches) {
ClientCacheChangeDiscoveryMessage msg = clientCacheChanges.get();
if (msg == null) {
msg = new ClientCacheChangeDiscoveryMessage(startedCaches, closedCaches);
else {
msg.merge(startedCaches, closedCaches);
if (msg.empty()) {
if (msg.updateTimeoutObject() != null)
long timeout = clientCacheMsgTimeout;
if (timeout <= 0)
timeout = 10_000;
ClientCacheUpdateTimeout timeoutObj = new ClientCacheUpdateTimeout(cctx, timeout);
* @param fut Exchange future.
* @param exchActions Exchange actions.
public void onCustomMessageNoAffinityChange(
GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture fut,
@Nullable final ExchangeActions exchActions
) {
final ExchangeDiscoveryEvents evts = fut.context().events();
forAllCacheGroups(new IgniteInClosureX<GridAffinityAssignmentCache>() {
@Override public void applyx(GridAffinityAssignmentCache aff) {
if (exchActions != null && exchActions.cacheGroupStopping(aff.groupId()))
aff.clientEventTopologyChange(evts.lastEvent(), evts.topologyVersion());;
* @param cctx Stopped cache context.
public void stopCacheOnReconnect(GridCacheContext cctx) {
* @param grpCtx Stopped cache group context.
public void stopCacheGroupOnReconnect(CacheGroupContext grpCtx) {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void onDisconnected(IgniteFuture<?> reconnectFut) {
Iterator<Integer> it = grpHolders.keySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
int grpId =;
it.remove();, grpId, GridDhtAffinityAssignmentResponse.class);
assert grpHolders.isEmpty();
* Called during the rollback of the exchange partitions procedure in order to stop the given cache even if it's not
* fully initialized (e.g. failed on cache init stage).
* @param fut Exchange future.
* @param crd Coordinator flag.
* @param exchActions Cache change requests.
public void forceCloseCaches(
GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture fut,
boolean crd,
final ExchangeActions exchActions
) {
assert exchActions != null && !exchActions.empty() && exchActions.cacheStartRequests().isEmpty() : exchActions;
IgniteInternalFuture<?> res = cachesRegistry.update(exchActions);
assert res.isDone() : "There should be no caches to start: " + exchActions;
processCacheStopRequests(fut, crd, exchActions, true);
* Called on exchange initiated for cache start/stop request.
* @param fut Exchange future.
* @param crd Coordinator flag.
* @param exchActions Cache change requests.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
public IgniteInternalFuture<?> onCacheChangeRequest(
GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture fut,
boolean crd,
final ExchangeActions exchActions
) throws IgniteCheckedException {
assert exchActions != null && !exchActions.empty() : exchActions;
IgniteInternalFuture<?> res = cachesRegistry.update(exchActions);
// Affinity did not change for existing caches.
onCustomMessageNoAffinityChange(fut, exchActions);
fut.timeBag().finishGlobalStage("Update caches registry");
processCacheStartRequests(fut, crd, exchActions);
Set<Integer> stoppedGrps = processCacheStopRequests(fut, crd, exchActions, false);
if (stoppedGrps != null) {
AffinityTopologyVersion notifyTopVer = null;
synchronized (mux) {
if (waitInfo != null) {
for (Integer grpId : stoppedGrps) {
boolean rmv = waitInfo.waitGrps.remove(grpId) != null;
if (rmv) {
notifyTopVer = waitInfo.topVer;
if (notifyTopVer != null) {
final AffinityTopologyVersion topVer = notifyTopVer;
cctx.kernalContext().closure().runLocalSafe(new GridPlainRunnable() {
@Override public void run() {
ClientCacheChangeDiscoveryMessage msg = clientCacheChanges.get();
if (msg != null) {
if (msg.empty())
return res;
* Process cache start requests.
* @param fut Exchange future.
* @param crd Coordinator flag.
* @param exchActions Cache change requests.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
private void processCacheStartRequests(
GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture fut,
boolean crd,
final ExchangeActions exchActions
) throws IgniteCheckedException {
assert exchActions != null && !exchActions.empty() : exchActions;
final ExchangeDiscoveryEvents evts = fut.context().events();
Map<StartCacheInfo, DynamicCacheChangeRequest> startCacheInfos = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (ExchangeActions.CacheActionData action : exchActions.cacheStartRequests()) {
DynamicCacheDescriptor cacheDesc = action.descriptor();
DynamicCacheChangeRequest req = action.request();
boolean startCache;
NearCacheConfiguration nearCfg = null;
if (req.locallyConfigured() || (cctx.localNodeId().equals(req.initiatingNodeId()) && !exchActions.activate())) {
startCache = true;
nearCfg = req.nearCacheConfiguration();
else {
// Cache should not be started
assert cctx.cacheContext(cacheDesc.cacheId()) == null
: "Starting cache has not null context: " + cacheDesc.cacheName();
IgniteCacheProxyImpl cacheProxy = cctx.cache().jcacheProxy(req.cacheName(), false);
// If it has proxy then try to start it
if (cacheProxy != null) {
// Cache should be in restarting mode
assert cacheProxy.isRestarting()
: "Cache has non restarting proxy " + cacheProxy;
startCache = true;
else {
startCache = CU.affinityNode(cctx.localNode(),
if (startCache) {
new StartCacheInfo(
Map<StartCacheInfo, IgniteCheckedException> failedCaches = cctx.cache().prepareStartCachesIfPossible(startCacheInfos.keySet());
for (Map.Entry<StartCacheInfo, IgniteCheckedException> entry : failedCaches.entrySet()) {
if (cctx.localNode().isClient()) {
U.error(log, "Failed to initialize cache. Will try to rollback cache start routine. " +
"[cacheName=" + entry.getKey().getStartedConfiguration().getName() + ']', entry.getValue());
cctx.cache().closeCaches(Collections.singleton(entry.getKey().getStartedConfiguration().getName()), false);
cctx.cache().completeCacheStartFuture(startCacheInfos.get(entry.getKey()), false, entry.getValue());
throw entry.getValue();
Set<StartCacheInfo> failedCacheInfos = failedCaches.keySet();
List<StartCacheInfo> cacheInfos = startCacheInfos.keySet().stream()
for (StartCacheInfo info : cacheInfos) {
if (fut.cacheAddedOnExchange(info.getCacheDescriptor().cacheId(), info.getCacheDescriptor().receivedFrom())) {
if (
U.quietAndWarn(log, "No server nodes found for cache client: " + info.getCacheDescriptor().cacheName());
fut.timeBag().finishGlobalStage("Start caches");
initAffinityOnCacheGroupsStart(fut, exchActions, crd);
fut.timeBag().finishGlobalStage("Affinity initialization on cache group start");
* Initializes affinity for started cache groups received during {@code fut}.
* @param fut Exchange future.
* @param exchangeActions Exchange actions.
* @param crd {@code True} if local node is coordinator.
private void initAffinityOnCacheGroupsStart(
GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture fut,
ExchangeActions exchangeActions,
boolean crd
) throws IgniteCheckedException {
List<CacheGroupDescriptor> startedGroups = exchangeActions.cacheStartRequests().stream()
.map(action -> action.descriptor().groupDescriptor())
grpDesc -> {
initStartedGroup(fut, grpDesc, crd);
fut.timeBag().finishLocalStage("Affinity initialization on cache group start " +
"[grp=" + grpDesc.cacheOrGroupName() + "]");
return null;
* Process cache stop requests.
* @param fut Exchange future.
* @param crd Coordinator flag.
* @param exchActions Cache change requests.
* @param forceClose Force close flag.
* @return Set of cache groups to be stopped.
private Set<Integer> processCacheStopRequests(
GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture fut,
boolean crd,
final ExchangeActions exchActions,
boolean forceClose
) {
assert exchActions != null && !exchActions.empty() : exchActions;
for (ExchangeActions.CacheActionData action : exchActions.cacheStopRequests())
cctx.cache().blockGateway(action.request().cacheName(), true, action.request().restart());
for (ExchangeActions.CacheGroupActionData action : exchActions.cacheGroupsToStop());
Set<Integer> stoppedGrps = null;
for (ExchangeActions.CacheGroupActionData data : exchActions.cacheGroupsToStop()) {
if (data.descriptor().config().getCacheMode() != LOCAL) {
CacheGroupHolder cacheGrp = grpHolders.remove(data.descriptor().groupId());
assert !crd || (cacheGrp != null || forceClose) : data.descriptor();
if (cacheGrp != null) {
if (stoppedGrps == null)
stoppedGrps = new HashSet<>();
stoppedGrps.add(cacheGrp.groupId());, cacheGrp.groupId(), GridDhtAffinityAssignmentResponse.class);
return stoppedGrps;
public void clearGroupHoldersAndRegistry() {
* Called when received {@link CacheAffinityChangeMessage} which should complete exchange.
* @param exchFut Exchange future.
* @param msg Affinity change message.
public void onExchangeChangeAffinityMessage(
GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture exchFut,
CacheAffinityChangeMessage msg
) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Process exchange affinity change message [exchVer=" + exchFut.initialVersion() +
", msg=" + msg + ']');
assert exchFut.exchangeId().equals(msg.exchangeId()) : msg;
final AffinityTopologyVersion topVer = exchFut.initialVersion();
final Map<Integer, Map<Integer, List<UUID>>> assignment = msg.assignmentChange();
assert assignment != null;
forAllCacheGroups(new IgniteInClosureX<GridAffinityAssignmentCache>() {
@Override public void applyx(GridAffinityAssignmentCache aff) {
List<List<ClusterNode>> idealAssignment = aff.idealAssignmentRaw();
assert idealAssignment != null;
Map<Integer, List<UUID>> cacheAssignment = assignment.get(aff.groupId());
List<List<ClusterNode>> newAssignment;
if (cacheAssignment != null) {
newAssignment = new ArrayList<>(idealAssignment);
for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<UUID>> e : cacheAssignment.entrySet())
newAssignment.set(e.getKey(), toNodes(topVer, e.getValue()));
newAssignment = idealAssignment;
aff.initialize(topVer, newAssignment);
exchFut.timeBag().finishLocalStage("Affinity recalculate by change affinity message " +
"[grp=" + aff.cacheOrGroupName() + "]");
* Called on exchange initiated by {@link CacheAffinityChangeMessage} which sent after rebalance finished.
* @param exchFut Exchange future.
* @param msg Message.
public void onChangeAffinityMessage(
final GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture exchFut,
final CacheAffinityChangeMessage msg
) {
assert msg.topologyVersion() != null && msg.exchangeId() == null : msg;
assert msg.partitionsMessage() == null : msg;
assert msg.assignmentChange() == null : msg;
final AffinityTopologyVersion topVer = exchFut.initialVersion();
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Process affinity change message [exchVer=" + topVer +
", msgVer=" + msg.topologyVersion() + ']');
final Map<Integer, IgniteUuid> deploymentIds = msg.cacheDeploymentIds();
forAllCacheGroups(new IgniteInClosureX<GridAffinityAssignmentCache>() {
@Override public void applyx(GridAffinityAssignmentCache aff) {
AffinityTopologyVersion affTopVer = aff.lastVersion();
assert affTopVer.topologyVersion() > 0 : affTopVer;
CacheGroupDescriptor desc =;
assert desc != null : aff.cacheOrGroupName();
IgniteUuid deploymentId = desc.deploymentId();
if (!deploymentId.equals(deploymentIds.get(aff.groupId()))) {
aff.clientEventTopologyChange(exchFut.firstEvent(), topVer);
if (!aff.partitionPrimariesDifferentToIdeal(affTopVer).isEmpty())
aff.initialize(topVer, aff.idealAssignmentRaw());
else {
if (!aff.assignments(aff.lastVersion()).equals(aff.idealAssignmentRaw()))
// This should never happen on Late Affinity Assignment switch and must trigger Failure Handler.
throw new AssertionError("Not an ideal distribution duplication attempt on LAA " +
"[grp=" + aff.cacheOrGroupName() + ", lastAffinity=" + aff.lastVersion() +
", cacheAffinity=" + aff.cachedVersions() + "]");
aff.clientEventTopologyChange(exchFut.firstEvent(), topVer);
exchFut.timeBag().finishLocalStage("Affinity change by custom message " +
"[grp=" + aff.cacheOrGroupName() + "]");
* Called on exchange initiated by client node join/fail.
* @param fut Exchange future.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
public void onClientEvent(final GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture fut) throws IgniteCheckedException {
boolean locJoin = fut.firstEvent().eventNode().isLocal();
if (!locJoin) {
forAllCacheGroups(new IgniteInClosureX<GridAffinityAssignmentCache>() {
@Override public void applyx(GridAffinityAssignmentCache aff) throws IgniteCheckedException {
AffinityTopologyVersion topVer = fut.initialVersion();
aff.clientEventTopologyChange(fut.firstEvent(), topVer);;
* @param fut Future to add.
public void addDhtAssignmentFetchFuture(GridDhtAssignmentFetchFuture fut) {
GridDhtAssignmentFetchFuture old = pendingAssignmentFetchFuts.putIfAbsent(, fut);
assert old == null : "More than one thread is trying to fetch partition assignments [fut=" + fut +
", allFuts=" + pendingAssignmentFetchFuts + ']';
* @param fut Future to remove.
public void removeDhtAssignmentFetchFuture(GridDhtAssignmentFetchFuture fut) {
boolean rmv = pendingAssignmentFetchFuts.remove(, fut);
assert rmv : "Failed to remove assignment fetch future: " +;
* @param nodeId Node ID.
* @param res Response.
private void processAffinityAssignmentResponse(UUID nodeId, GridDhtAffinityAssignmentResponse res) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Processing affinity assignment response [node=" + nodeId + ", res=" + res + ']');
GridDhtAssignmentFetchFuture fut = pendingAssignmentFetchFuts.get(res.futureId());
if (fut != null)
fut.onResponse(nodeId, res);
* @param c Cache closure.
private void forAllRegisteredCacheGroups(IgniteInClosureX<CacheGroupDescriptor> c) {
Collection<CacheGroupDescriptor> affinityCaches = cachesRegistry.allGroups().values().stream()
.filter(desc -> desc.config().getCacheMode() != LOCAL)
try {
U.doInParallel(cctx.kernalContext().getSystemExecutorService(), affinityCaches, t -> {
return null;
catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
throw new IgniteException("Failed to execute affinity operation on cache groups", e);
* @param c Closure.
private void forAllCacheGroups(IgniteInClosureX<GridAffinityAssignmentCache> c) {
Collection<GridAffinityAssignmentCache> affinityCaches = grpHolders.values().stream()
try {
U.doInParallel(cctx.kernalContext().getSystemExecutorService(), affinityCaches, t -> {
return null;
catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
throw new IgniteException("Failed to execute affinity operation on cache groups", e);
* @param fut Exchange future.
* @param grpDesc Cache group descriptor.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
private void initStartedGroup(GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture fut, final CacheGroupDescriptor grpDesc, boolean crd)
throws IgniteCheckedException {
assert grpDesc != null && grpDesc.groupId() != 0 : grpDesc;
if (grpDesc.config().getCacheMode() == LOCAL)
int grpId = grpDesc.groupId();
CacheGroupHolder grpHolder = grpHolders.get(grpId);
CacheGroupContext grp = cctx.kernalContext().cache().cacheGroup(grpId);
if (grpHolder != null && grpHolder.nonAffNode() && grp != null) {
assert grpHolder.affinity().idealAssignmentRaw() != null;
grpHolder = new CacheGroupAffNodeHolder(grp, grpHolder.affinity());
grpHolders.put(grpId, grpHolder);
else if (grpHolder == null) {
grpHolder = getOrCreateGroupHolder(fut.initialVersion(), grpDesc);
calculateAndInit(, grpHolder.affinity(), fut.initialVersion());
else if (!crd && grp != null && grp.localStartVersion().equals(fut.initialVersion()))
initAffinity(, grp.affinity(), fut);
* Initialized affinity for cache received from node joining on this exchange.
* @param crd Coordinator flag.
* @param fut Exchange future.
* @param descs Cache descriptors.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
public IgniteInternalFuture<?> initStartedCaches(
boolean crd,
final GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture fut,
Collection<DynamicCacheDescriptor> descs
) throws IgniteCheckedException {
IgniteInternalFuture<?> res = cachesRegistry.addUnregistered(descs);
if (fut.context().mergeExchanges())
return res;
forAllRegisteredCacheGroups(new IgniteInClosureX<CacheGroupDescriptor>() {
@Override public void applyx(CacheGroupDescriptor desc) throws IgniteCheckedException {
CacheGroupHolder cache = getOrCreateGroupHolder(fut.initialVersion(), desc);
if (cache.affinity().lastVersion().equals(AffinityTopologyVersion.NONE)) {
initAffinity(desc, cache.affinity(), fut);;
fut.timeBag().finishLocalStage("Affinity initialization (new cache) " +
"[grp=" + desc.cacheOrGroupName() + ", crd=" + crd + "]");
return res;
* @param desc Cache group descriptor.
* @param aff Affinity.
* @param fut Exchange future.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
private void initAffinity(CacheGroupDescriptor desc,
GridAffinityAssignmentCache aff,
GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture fut)
throws IgniteCheckedException {
assert desc != null : aff.cacheOrGroupName();
ExchangeDiscoveryEvents evts = fut.context().events();
if (canCalculateAffinity(desc, aff, fut))
calculateAndInit(evts, aff, evts.topologyVersion());
else {
GridDhtAssignmentFetchFuture fetchFut = new GridDhtAssignmentFetchFuture(cctx,
* @param desc Cache group descriptor.
* @param aff Affinity.
* @param fut Exchange future.
* @return {@code True} if local node can calculate affinity on it's own for this partition map exchange.
private boolean canCalculateAffinity(CacheGroupDescriptor desc,
GridAffinityAssignmentCache aff,
GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture fut) {
assert desc != null : aff.cacheOrGroupName();
// Do not request affinity from remote nodes if affinity function is not centralized.
if (!aff.centralizedAffinityFunction())
return true;
// If local node did not initiate exchange or local node is the only cache node in grid.
Collection<ClusterNode> affNodes =;
return fut.cacheGroupAddedOnExchange(aff.groupId(), desc.receivedFrom()) ||
!fut.exchangeId().nodeId().equals(cctx.localNodeId()) ||
(affNodes.isEmpty() || (affNodes.size() == 1 && affNodes.contains(cctx.localNode())));
* @param grpId Cache group ID.
* @return Affinity assignments.
public GridAffinityAssignmentCache affinity(Integer grpId) {
CacheGroupHolder grpHolder = grpHolders.get(grpId);
assert grpHolder != null : debugGroupName(grpId);
return grpHolder.affinity();
* Applies affinity diff from the received full message.
* @param fut Current exchange future.
* @param idealAffDiff Map [Cache group id - Affinity distribution] which contains difference with ideal affinity.
public void applyAffinityFromFullMessage(
final GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture fut,
final Map<Integer, CacheGroupAffinityMessage> idealAffDiff
) {
// Please do not use following pattern of code (nodesByOrder, affCache). NEVER.
final Map<Long, ClusterNode> nodesByOrder = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
forAllCacheGroups(new IgniteInClosureX<GridAffinityAssignmentCache>() {
@Override public void applyx(GridAffinityAssignmentCache aff) {
ExchangeDiscoveryEvents evts = fut.context().events();
List<List<ClusterNode>> idealAssignment = aff.calculate(evts.topologyVersion(), evts, evts.discoveryCache()).assignment();
CacheGroupAffinityMessage affMsg = idealAffDiff != null ? idealAffDiff.get(aff.groupId()) : null;
List<List<ClusterNode>> newAssignment;
if (affMsg != null) {
Map<Integer, GridLongList> diff = affMsg.assignmentsDiff();
assert !F.isEmpty(diff);
newAssignment = new ArrayList<>(idealAssignment);
for (Map.Entry<Integer, GridLongList> e : diff.entrySet()) {
GridLongList assign = e.getValue();
newAssignment.set(e.getKey(), CacheGroupAffinityMessage.toNodes(assign,
newAssignment = idealAssignment;
aff.initialize(evts.topologyVersion(), newAssignment);
fut.timeBag().finishLocalStage("Affinity applying from full message " +
"[grp=" + aff.cacheOrGroupName() + "]");
* @param fut Current exchange future.
* @param receivedAff Map [Cache group id - Affinity distribution] received from coordinator to apply.
* @param resTopVer Result topology version.
* @return Set of cache groups with no affinity localed in given {@code receivedAff}.
public Set<Integer> onLocalJoin(
final GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture fut,
final Map<Integer, CacheGroupAffinityMessage> receivedAff,
final AffinityTopologyVersion resTopVer
) {
final Set<Integer> affReq = fut.context().groupsAffinityRequestOnJoin();
final Map<Long, ClusterNode> nodesByOrder = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
// Such cache group may exist if cache is already destroyed on server nodes
// and coordinator have no affinity for that group.
final Set<Integer> noAffinityGroups = new GridConcurrentHashSet<>();
forAllRegisteredCacheGroups(new IgniteInClosureX<CacheGroupDescriptor>() {
@Override public void applyx(CacheGroupDescriptor desc) throws IgniteCheckedException {
ExchangeDiscoveryEvents evts = fut.context().events();
CacheGroupHolder holder = getOrCreateGroupHolder(fut.initialVersion(), desc);
GridAffinityAssignmentCache aff = holder.affinity();
CacheGroupContext grp = cctx.cache().cacheGroup(holder.groupId());
if (affReq != null && affReq.contains(aff.groupId())) {
assert resTopVer.compareTo(aff.lastVersion()) >= 0 : aff.lastVersion();
CacheGroupAffinityMessage affMsg = receivedAff.get(aff.groupId());
if (affMsg == null) {
// Use ideal affinity to resume cache initialize process.
calculateAndInit(evts, aff, evts.topologyVersion());
List<List<ClusterNode>> assignments = affMsg.createAssignments(nodesByOrder, evts.discoveryCache());
assert resTopVer.equals(evts.topologyVersion()) : "resTopVer=" + resTopVer +
", evts.topVer=" + evts.topologyVersion();
List<List<ClusterNode>> idealAssign =
affMsg.createIdealAssignments(nodesByOrder, evts.discoveryCache());
if (idealAssign != null)
aff.idealAssignment(evts.topologyVersion(), idealAssign);
else {
assert !aff.centralizedAffinityFunction() : aff;
// Calculate ideal assignments.
aff.calculate(evts.topologyVersion(), evts, evts.discoveryCache());
aff.initialize(evts.topologyVersion(), assignments);
else if (grp != null && fut.cacheGroupAddedOnExchange(aff.groupId(), grp.receivedFrom()))
calculateAndInit(evts, aff, evts.topologyVersion());
if (grp != null)
grp.topology().initPartitionsWhenAffinityReady(resTopVer, fut);
fut.timeBag().finishLocalStage("Affinity initialization (local join) " +
"[grp=" + aff.cacheOrGroupName() + "]");
return noAffinityGroups;
* @param fut Current exchange future.
* @param crd Coordinator flag.
public void onServerJoinWithExchangeMergeProtocol(GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture fut, boolean crd) {
final ExchangeDiscoveryEvents evts = fut.context().events();
assert fut.context().mergeExchanges();
assert evts.hasServerJoin() && !evts.hasServerLeft();
initAffinityOnNodeJoin(fut, crd);
* @param fut Current exchange future.
* @return Computed difference with ideal affinity.
public Map<Integer, CacheGroupAffinityMessage> onServerLeftWithExchangeMergeProtocol(
final GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture fut
) {
final ExchangeDiscoveryEvents evts = fut.context().events();
assert fut.context().mergeExchanges();
assert evts.hasServerLeft();
return onReassignmentEnforced(fut);
* Called on exchange initiated by baseline server node leave on fully-rebalanced topology.
* @param fut Exchange future.
public void onExchangeFreeSwitch(final GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture fut) {
assert ( && !fut.firstEvent().eventNode().isClient()) : fut.firstEvent();
assert !fut.context().mergeExchanges();
final ExchangeDiscoveryEvents evts = fut.context().events();
forAllRegisteredCacheGroups(new IgniteInClosureX<CacheGroupDescriptor>() {
@Override public void applyx(CacheGroupDescriptor desc) throws IgniteCheckedException {
AffinityTopologyVersion topVer = evts.topologyVersion();
CacheGroupHolder cache = getOrCreateGroupHolder(topVer, desc);
calculateAndInit(evts, cache.affinity(), topVer); // Fully rebalanced. Initializing ideal assignment.
"Affinity initialization (exchange-free switch on fully-rebalanced topology) " +
"[grp=" + desc.cacheOrGroupName() + "]");
* Selects current alive owners for some partition as affinity distribution.
* @param aliveNodes Alive cluster nodes.
* @param curOwners Current affinity owners for some partition.
* @return List of current alive affinity owners.
* {@code null} if affinity owners should be inherited from ideal assignment as is.
private @Nullable List<ClusterNode> selectCurrentAliveOwners(
Set<ClusterNode> aliveNodes,
List<ClusterNode> curOwners
) {
List<ClusterNode> aliveCurOwners =;
return !aliveCurOwners.isEmpty() ? aliveCurOwners : null;
* Calculates affinity on coordinator for custom event types that require centralized assignment.
* @param fut Current exchange future.
* @return Computed difference with ideal affinity.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
public Map<Integer, CacheGroupAffinityMessage> onCustomEventWithEnforcedAffinityReassignment(
final GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture fut) throws IgniteCheckedException {
assert DiscoveryCustomEvent.requiresCentralizedAffinityAssignment(fut.firstEvent());
Map<Integer, CacheGroupAffinityMessage> result = onReassignmentEnforced(fut);
return result;
* Calculates new affinity assignment on coordinator and creates affinity diff messages for other nodes.
* @param fut Current exchange future.
* @return Computed difference with ideal affinity.
public Map<Integer, CacheGroupAffinityMessage> onReassignmentEnforced(
final GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture fut) {
final ExchangeDiscoveryEvents evts = fut.context().events();
forAllRegisteredCacheGroups(new IgniteInClosureX<CacheGroupDescriptor>() {
@Override public void applyx(CacheGroupDescriptor desc) throws IgniteCheckedException {
AffinityTopologyVersion topVer = evts.topologyVersion();
CacheGroupHolder grpHolder = getOrCreateGroupHolder(topVer, desc);
// Already calculated.
if (grpHolder.affinity().lastVersion().equals(topVer))
List<List<ClusterNode>> assign = grpHolder.affinity().calculate(topVer, evts, evts.discoveryCache()).assignment();
if (!grpHolder.rebalanceEnabled || fut.cacheGroupAddedOnExchange(desc.groupId(), desc.receivedFrom()))
grpHolder.affinity().initialize(topVer, assign);
fut.timeBag().finishLocalStage("Affinity initialization (enforced) " +
"[grp=" + desc.cacheOrGroupName() + "]");
Map<Integer, Map<Integer, List<Long>>> diff = initAffinityBasedOnPartitionsAvailability(evts.topologyVersion(),
return CacheGroupAffinityMessage.createAffinityDiffMessages(diff);
* Called on exchange initiated by server node join.
* @param fut Exchange future.
* @param crd Coordinator flag.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
public void onServerJoin(final GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture fut, boolean crd)
throws IgniteCheckedException {
assert !fut.firstEvent().eventNode().isClient();
boolean locJoin = fut.firstEvent().eventNode().isLocal();
if (locJoin) {
forAllRegisteredCacheGroups(new IgniteInClosureX<CacheGroupDescriptor>() {
@Override public void applyx(CacheGroupDescriptor desc) throws IgniteCheckedException {
AffinityTopologyVersion topVer = fut.initialVersion();
CacheGroupHolder grpHolder = getOrCreateGroupHolder(topVer, desc);
if (crd) {
calculateAndInit(, grpHolder.affinity(), topVer);;
fut.timeBag().finishLocalStage("First node affinity initialization (node join) " +
"[grp=" + desc.cacheOrGroupName() + "]");
if (!crd) {
fut.timeBag().finishLocalStage("Affinity fetch");
initAffinityOnNodeJoin(fut, crd);
* @param fut Exchange future
* @param crd Coordinator flag.
public void onBaselineTopologyChanged(final GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture fut, boolean crd) {
assert !fut.firstEvent().eventNode().isClient();
initAffinityOnNodeJoin(fut, crd);
* @param grpIds Cache group IDs.
* @return Cache names.
private String groupNames(Collection<Integer> grpIds) {
StringBuilder names = new StringBuilder();
for (Integer grpId : grpIds) {
String name =;
if (names.length() != 0)
names.append(", ");
return names.toString();
* @param grpId Group ID.
* @return Group name for debug purpose.
private String debugGroupName(int grpId) {
CacheGroupDescriptor desc =;
if (desc != null)
return desc.cacheOrGroupName();
return "Unknown group: " + grpId;
* @param evts Discovery events.
* @param aff Affinity.
* @param topVer Topology version.
private void calculateAndInit(ExchangeDiscoveryEvents evts,
GridAffinityAssignmentCache aff,
AffinityTopologyVersion topVer)
List<List<ClusterNode>> assignment = aff.calculate(topVer, evts, evts.discoveryCache()).assignment();
aff.initialize(topVer, assignment);
* @param fut Exchange future.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
private void fetchAffinityOnJoin(GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture fut) throws IgniteCheckedException {
AffinityTopologyVersion topVer = fut.initialVersion();
List<GridDhtAssignmentFetchFuture> fetchFuts = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>());
forAllRegisteredCacheGroups(new IgniteInClosureX<CacheGroupDescriptor>() {
@Override public void applyx(CacheGroupDescriptor desc) throws IgniteCheckedException {
CacheGroupHolder holder = getOrCreateGroupHolder(topVer, desc);
if (fut.cacheGroupAddedOnExchange(desc.groupId(), desc.receivedFrom())) {
// In case if merge is allowed do not calculate affinity since it can change on exchange end.
if (!fut.context().mergeExchanges())
calculateAndInit(, holder.affinity(), topVer);
else {
if (fut.context().fetchAffinityOnJoin()) {
GridDhtAssignmentFetchFuture fetchFut = new GridDhtAssignmentFetchFuture(cctx,
else {
if (!
calculateAndInit(, holder.affinity(), topVer);
for (int i = 0; i < fetchFuts.size(); i++) {
GridDhtAssignmentFetchFuture fetchFut = fetchFuts.get(i);
int grpId = fetchFut.groupId();
* @param topVer Topology version.
* @param events Discovery events.
* @param discoCache Discovery data cache.
* @param affCache Affinity.
* @param fetchFut Affinity fetch future.
* @return Affinity assignment response.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
private GridDhtAffinityAssignmentResponse fetchAffinity(
AffinityTopologyVersion topVer,
@Nullable ExchangeDiscoveryEvents events,
DiscoCache discoCache,
GridAffinityAssignmentCache affCache,
GridDhtAssignmentFetchFuture fetchFut
) throws IgniteCheckedException {
assert affCache != null;
GridDhtAffinityAssignmentResponse res = fetchFut.get();
if (res == null) {
List<List<ClusterNode>> aff = affCache.calculate(topVer, events, discoCache).assignment();
affCache.initialize(topVer, aff);
else {
List<List<ClusterNode>> idealAff = res.idealAffinityAssignment(discoCache);
if (idealAff != null)
affCache.idealAssignment(topVer, idealAff);
else {
assert !affCache.centralizedAffinityFunction();
affCache.calculate(topVer, events, discoCache);
List<List<ClusterNode>> aff = res.affinityAssignment(discoCache);
assert aff != null : res;
affCache.initialize(topVer, aff);
return res;
* Called on exchange initiated by server node leave or custom event with centralized affinity assignment.
* @param fut Exchange future.
* @param crd Coordinator flag.
* @return {@code True} if affinity should be assigned by coordinator.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
public boolean onCentralizedAffinityChange(final GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture fut,
boolean crd) throws IgniteCheckedException {
assert ( && !fut.firstEvent().eventNode().isClient()) ||
DiscoveryCustomEvent.requiresCentralizedAffinityAssignment(fut.firstEvent()) : fut.firstEvent();
forAllRegisteredCacheGroups(new IgniteInClosureX<CacheGroupDescriptor>() {
@Override public void applyx(CacheGroupDescriptor desc) throws IgniteCheckedException {
CacheGroupHolder cache = getOrCreateGroupHolder(fut.initialVersion(), desc);
fut.timeBag().finishLocalStage("Affinity centralized initialization (crd) " +
"[grp=" + desc.cacheOrGroupName() + ", crd=" + crd + "]");
synchronized (mux) {
waitInfo = null;
return true;
* @param fut Exchange future.
* @param newAff {@code True} if there are no older nodes with affinity info available.
* @return Future completed when caches initialization is done.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
public IgniteInternalFuture<?> initCoordinatorCaches(
final GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture fut,
final boolean newAff
) throws IgniteCheckedException {
boolean locJoin = fut.firstEvent().eventNode().isLocal();
if (!locJoin)
return null;
final List<IgniteInternalFuture<AffinityTopologyVersion>> futs = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>());
final AffinityTopologyVersion topVer = fut.initialVersion();
forAllRegisteredCacheGroups(new IgniteInClosureX<CacheGroupDescriptor>() {
@Override public void applyx(CacheGroupDescriptor desc) throws IgniteCheckedException {
CacheGroupHolder grpHolder = getOrCreateGroupHolder(topVer, desc);
if (grpHolder.affinity().idealAssignmentRaw() != null)
// Need initialize holders and affinity if this node became coordinator during this exchange.
int grpId = desc.groupId();
CacheGroupContext grp = cctx.cache().cacheGroup(grpId);
if (grp == null) {
grpHolder = createHolder(cctx, desc, topVer, null);
final GridAffinityAssignmentCache aff = grpHolder.affinity();
if (newAff) {
if (!aff.lastVersion().equals(topVer))
calculateAndInit(, aff, topVer);
grpHolder.topology(fut.context().events().discoveryCache()).beforeExchange(fut, true, false);
else {
List<GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture> exchFuts =;
int idx = exchFuts.indexOf(fut);
assert idx >= 0 && idx < exchFuts.size() - 1 : "Invalid exchange futures state [cur=" + idx +
", total=" + exchFuts.size() + ']';
GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture futureToFetchAffinity = null;
for (int i = idx + 1; i < exchFuts.size(); i++) {
GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture prev = exchFuts.get(i);
assert prev.isDone() && prev.topologyVersion().compareTo(topVer) < 0;
if (prev.isMerged())
futureToFetchAffinity = prev;
if (futureToFetchAffinity == null)
throw new IgniteCheckedException("Failed to find completed exchange future to fetch affinity.");
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Need initialize affinity on coordinator [" +
"cacheGrp=" + desc.cacheOrGroupName() +
"prevAff=" + futureToFetchAffinity.topologyVersion() + ']');
GridDhtAssignmentFetchFuture fetchFut = new GridDhtAssignmentFetchFuture(
final GridFutureAdapter<AffinityTopologyVersion> affFut = new GridFutureAdapter<>();
final GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture futureToFetchAffinity0 = futureToFetchAffinity;
fetchFut.listen(new IgniteInClosureX<IgniteInternalFuture<GridDhtAffinityAssignmentResponse>>() {
@Override public void applyx(IgniteInternalFuture<GridDhtAffinityAssignmentResponse> fetchFut)
throws IgniteCheckedException {
else {
grpHolder = new CacheGroupAffNodeHolder(grp);
if (newAff) {
GridAffinityAssignmentCache aff = grpHolder.affinity();
if (!aff.lastVersion().equals(topVer))
calculateAndInit(, aff, topVer);
grpHolder.topology(fut.context().events().discoveryCache()).beforeExchange(fut, true, false);
grpHolders.put(grpHolder.groupId(), grpHolder);;
fut.timeBag().finishLocalStage("Coordinator affinity cache init " +
"[grp=" + desc.cacheOrGroupName() + "]");
if (!futs.isEmpty()) {
GridCompoundFuture<AffinityTopologyVersion, ?> affFut = new GridCompoundFuture<>();
for (IgniteInternalFuture<AffinityTopologyVersion> f : futs)
return affFut;
return null;
* @param topVer Topology version.
* @param desc Cache descriptor.
* @return Cache holder.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
private CacheGroupHolder getOrCreateGroupHolder(AffinityTopologyVersion topVer, CacheGroupDescriptor desc)
throws IgniteCheckedException {
CacheGroupHolder cacheGrp = grpHolders.get(desc.groupId());
if (cacheGrp != null)
return cacheGrp;
return createGroupHolder(topVer, desc, cctx.cache().cacheGroup(desc.groupId()) != null);
* @param topVer Topology version.
* @param desc Cache descriptor.
* @param affNode Affinity node flag.
* @return Cache holder.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
private CacheGroupHolder createGroupHolder(
AffinityTopologyVersion topVer,
CacheGroupDescriptor desc,
boolean affNode
) throws IgniteCheckedException {
assert topVer != null;
assert desc != null;
CacheGroupContext grp = cctx.cache().cacheGroup(desc.groupId());, GridDhtAffinityAssignmentResponse.class,
assert (affNode && grp != null) || (!affNode && grp == null);
CacheGroupHolder cacheGrp = affNode ?
new CacheGroupAffNodeHolder(grp) :
createHolder(cctx, desc, topVer, null);
CacheGroupHolder old = grpHolders.put(desc.groupId(), cacheGrp);
assert old == null : old;
return cacheGrp;
* @param fut Current exchange future.
* @param crd Coordinator flag.
private void initAffinityOnNodeJoin(final GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture fut, boolean crd) {
final ExchangeDiscoveryEvents evts = fut.context().events();
final WaitRebalanceInfo waitRebalanceInfo = new WaitRebalanceInfo(evts.lastServerEventVersion());
forAllRegisteredCacheGroups(new IgniteInClosureX<CacheGroupDescriptor>() {
@Override public void applyx(CacheGroupDescriptor desc) throws IgniteCheckedException {
CacheGroupHolder grpHolder = getOrCreateGroupHolder(evts.topologyVersion(), desc);
CacheGroupHolder cache = getOrCreateGroupHolder(evts.topologyVersion(), desc);
// Already calculated.
if (cache.affinity().lastVersion().equals(evts.topologyVersion()))
Span affCalcSpan = cctx.kernalContext().tracing().create(AFFINITY_CALCULATION, fut.span())
.addTag("", desc.cacheOrGroupName());
boolean latePrimary = cache.rebalanceEnabled;
boolean grpAdded = evts.nodeJoined(desc.receivedFrom());
crd ? waitRebalanceInfo : null,
if (crd && grpAdded) {
AffinityAssignment aff = grpHolder.aff.cachedAffinity(grpHolder.aff.lastVersion());
assert evts.topologyVersion().equals(aff.topologyVersion()) : "Unexpected version [" +
"grp=" + grpHolder.aff.cacheOrGroupName() +
", evts=" + evts.topologyVersion() +
", aff=" + grpHolder.aff.lastVersion() + ']';
Map<UUID, GridDhtPartitionMap> map = affinityFullMap(aff);
for (GridDhtPartitionMap map0 : map.values())
grpHolder.topology(fut.context().events().discoveryCache()).update(fut.exchangeId(), map0, true);
fut.timeBag().finishLocalStage("Affinity initialization (node join) " +
"[grp=" + desc.cacheOrGroupName() + ", crd=" + crd + "]");
if (crd) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Computed new affinity after node join [topVer=" + evts.lastServerEventVersion() +
", waitGrps=" + groupNames(waitRebalanceInfo.waitGrps.keySet()) + ']');
synchronized (mux) {
waitInfo = !waitRebalanceInfo.empty() ? waitRebalanceInfo : null;
* @param aff Affinity assignment.
private Map<UUID, GridDhtPartitionMap> affinityFullMap(AffinityAssignment aff) {
Map<UUID, GridDhtPartitionMap> map = new HashMap<>();
for (int p = 0; p < aff.assignment().size(); p++) {
Collection<UUID> ids = aff.getIds(p);
for (UUID nodeId : ids) {
GridDhtPartitionMap partMap = map.get(nodeId);
if (partMap == null) {
partMap = new GridDhtPartitionMap(nodeId,
new GridPartitionStateMap(),
map.put(nodeId, partMap);
partMap.put(p, OWNING);
return map;
* @param evts Discovery events processed during exchange.
* @param addedOnExchnage {@code True} if cache group was added during this exchange.
* @param grpHolder Group holder.
* @param rebalanceInfo Rebalance information on coordinator or null on other nodes.
* @param latePrimary If {@code true} delays primary assignment if it is not owner.
private void initAffinityOnNodeJoin(
ExchangeDiscoveryEvents evts,
boolean addedOnExchnage,
CacheGroupHolder grpHolder,
@Nullable WaitRebalanceInfo rebalanceInfo,
boolean latePrimary
) {
GridAffinityAssignmentCache aff = grpHolder.affinity();
if (addedOnExchnage) {
if (!aff.lastVersion().equals(evts.topologyVersion()))
calculateAndInit(evts, aff, evts.topologyVersion());
AffinityTopologyVersion affTopVer = aff.lastVersion();
assert affTopVer.topologyVersion() > 0 : "Affinity is not initialized [grp=" + aff.cacheOrGroupName() +
", topVer=" + affTopVer + ", node=" + cctx.localNodeId() + ']';
List<List<ClusterNode>> curAff = aff.assignments(affTopVer);
assert aff.idealAssignment() != null : "Previous assignment is not available.";
List<List<ClusterNode>> idealAssignment = aff.calculate(evts.topologyVersion(), evts, evts.discoveryCache()).assignment();
List<List<ClusterNode>> newAssignment = null;
if (latePrimary) {
for (int p = 0; p < idealAssignment.size(); p++) {
List<ClusterNode> newNodes = idealAssignment.get(p);
List<ClusterNode> curNodes = curAff.get(p);
ClusterNode curPrimary = !curNodes.isEmpty() ? curNodes.get(0) : null;
ClusterNode newPrimary = !newNodes.isEmpty() ? newNodes.get(0) : null;
if (curPrimary != null && newPrimary != null && !curPrimary.equals(newPrimary)) {
assert cctx.discovery().node(evts.topologyVersion(), != null : curPrimary;
List<ClusterNode> nodes0 = latePrimaryAssignment(aff,
if (newAssignment == null)
newAssignment = new ArrayList<>(idealAssignment);
newAssignment.set(p, nodes0);
GridDhtPartitionTopology top = grpHolder.topology(evts.discoveryCache());
if (rebalanceInfo != null) {
List<ClusterNode> owners = top.owners(p, evts.topologyVersion());
// If current owners are empty no supplier can exist.
// A group with lost partitions never gets rebalanced so should not be added to waitInfo.
if (!owners.isEmpty() && !owners.containsAll(idealAssignment.get(p)) &&
rebalanceInfo.add(aff.groupId(), p, newNodes);
if (newAssignment == null)
newAssignment = idealAssignment;
aff.initialize(evts.topologyVersion(), newAssignment);
* @param aff Cache.
* @param part Partition.
* @param curPrimary Current primary.
* @param newNodes New ideal assignment.
* @param rebalance Rabalance information holder.
* @return Assignment.
private List<ClusterNode> latePrimaryAssignment(
GridAffinityAssignmentCache aff,
int part,
ClusterNode curPrimary,
List<ClusterNode> newNodes,
@Nullable WaitRebalanceInfo rebalance
) {
assert curPrimary != null;
assert !F.isEmpty(newNodes);
assert !curPrimary.equals(newNodes.get(0));
List<ClusterNode> nodes0 = new ArrayList<>(newNodes.size() + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < newNodes.size(); i++) {
ClusterNode node = newNodes.get(i);
if (!node.equals(curPrimary))
if (rebalance != null)
rebalance.add(aff.groupId(), part, newNodes);
return nodes0;
* @param fut Exchange future.
* @return Affinity assignment.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
public IgniteInternalFuture<Map<Integer, Map<Integer, List<UUID>>>> initAffinityOnNodeLeft(
final GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture fut) throws IgniteCheckedException {
assert !fut.context().mergeExchanges();
IgniteInternalFuture<?> initFut = initCoordinatorCaches(fut, false);
if (initFut != null && !initFut.isDone()) {
final GridFutureAdapter<Map<Integer, Map<Integer, List<UUID>>>> resFut = new GridFutureAdapter<>();
initFut.listen(new IgniteInClosure<IgniteInternalFuture<?>>() {
@Override public void apply(IgniteInternalFuture<?> initFut) {
try {
resFut.onDone(initAffinityBasedOnPartitionsAvailability(fut.initialVersion(), fut, NODE_TO_ID, false));
catch (Exception e) {
return resFut;
return new GridFinishedFuture<>(initAffinityBasedOnPartitionsAvailability(fut.initialVersion(), fut, NODE_TO_ID, false));
* Initializes current affinity assignment based on partitions availability. Nodes that have most recent data will
* be considered affinity nodes.
* @param topVer Topology version.
* @param fut Exchange future.
* @param c Closure converting affinity diff.
* @param initAff {@code True} if need initialize affinity.
* @return Affinity assignment for each of registered cache group.
private <T> Map<Integer, Map<Integer, List<T>>> initAffinityBasedOnPartitionsAvailability(
final AffinityTopologyVersion topVer,
final GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture fut,
final IgniteClosure<ClusterNode, T> c,
final boolean initAff
) {
final boolean enforcedCentralizedAssignment =
final WaitRebalanceInfo waitRebalanceInfo = enforcedCentralizedAssignment ?
new WaitRebalanceInfo(fut.exchangeId().topologyVersion()) :
new WaitRebalanceInfo(fut.context().events().lastServerEventVersion());
final Collection<ClusterNode> aliveNodes = fut.context().events().discoveryCache().serverNodes();
final Map<Integer, Map<Integer, List<T>>> assignment = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
forAllRegisteredCacheGroups(new IgniteInClosureX<CacheGroupDescriptor>() {
@Override public void applyx(CacheGroupDescriptor desc) throws IgniteCheckedException {
CacheGroupHolder grpHolder = getOrCreateGroupHolder(topVer, desc);
if (!grpHolder.rebalanceEnabled ||
(fut.cacheGroupAddedOnExchange(desc.groupId(), desc.receivedFrom()) && !enforcedCentralizedAssignment))
AffinityTopologyVersion affTopVer = grpHolder.affinity().lastVersion();
assert (affTopVer.topologyVersion() > 0 && !affTopVer.equals(topVer)) || enforcedCentralizedAssignment :
"Invalid affinity version [last=" + affTopVer + ", futVer=" + topVer + ", grp=" + desc.cacheOrGroupName() + ']';
List<List<ClusterNode>> curAssignment = grpHolder.affinity().assignments(affTopVer);
List<List<ClusterNode>> newAssignment = grpHolder.affinity().idealAssignmentRaw();
assert newAssignment != null;
List<List<ClusterNode>> newAssignment0 = initAff ? new ArrayList<>(newAssignment) : null;
GridDhtPartitionTopology top = grpHolder.topology(fut.context().events().discoveryCache());
Map<Integer, List<T>> cacheAssignment = null;
for (int p = 0; p < newAssignment.size(); p++) {
List<ClusterNode> newNodes = newAssignment.get(p);
List<ClusterNode> curNodes = curAssignment.get(p);
assert aliveNodes.containsAll(newNodes) : "Invalid new assignment [grp=" + grpHolder.aff.cacheOrGroupName() +
", nodes=" + newNodes +
", topVer=" + fut.context().events().discoveryCache().version() +
", evts=" + fut.context().events().events() + "]";
ClusterNode curPrimary = !curNodes.isEmpty() ? curNodes.get(0) : null;
ClusterNode newPrimary = !newNodes.isEmpty() ? newNodes.get(0) : null;
List<ClusterNode> newNodes0 = null;
assert newPrimary == null || aliveNodes.contains(newPrimary) : "Invalid new primary [" +
"grp=" + desc.cacheOrGroupName() +
", node=" + newPrimary +
", topVer=" + topVer + ']';
List<ClusterNode> owners = top.owners(p, topVer);
// It is essential that curPrimary node has partition in OWNING state.
if (!owners.isEmpty() && !owners.contains(curPrimary))
curPrimary = owners.get(0);
// If new assignment is empty preserve current ownership for alive nodes.
if (curPrimary != null && newPrimary == null) {
newNodes0 = new ArrayList<>(curNodes.size());
for (ClusterNode node : curNodes) {
if (aliveNodes.contains(node))
else if (curPrimary != null && !curPrimary.equals(newPrimary)) {
GridDhtPartitionState state = top.partitionState(, p);
if (aliveNodes.contains(curPrimary)) {
if (state != OWNING) {
newNodes0 = latePrimaryAssignment(grpHolder.affinity(),
else {
if (state != OWNING) {
for (int i = 1; i < curNodes.size(); i++) {
ClusterNode curNode = curNodes.get(i);
if (top.partitionState(, p) == OWNING &&
aliveNodes.contains(curNode)) {
newNodes0 = latePrimaryAssignment(grpHolder.affinity(),
if (newNodes0 == null) {
for (ClusterNode owner : owners) {
if (aliveNodes.contains(owner)) {
newNodes0 = latePrimaryAssignment(grpHolder.affinity(),
// This will happen if no primary is changed but some backups still need to be rebalanced.
if (!owners.isEmpty() && !owners.containsAll(newNodes) && !top.lostPartitions().contains(p))
waitRebalanceInfo.add(grpHolder.groupId(), p, newNodes);
if (newNodes0 != null) {
assert aliveNodes.containsAll(newNodes0) : "Invalid late assignment [grp=" + grpHolder.aff.cacheOrGroupName() +
", nodes=" + newNodes +
", topVer=" + fut.context().events().discoveryCache().version() +
", evts=" + fut.context().events().events() + "]";
if (newAssignment0 != null)
newAssignment0.set(p, newNodes0);
if (cacheAssignment == null)
cacheAssignment = new HashMap<>();
List<T> n = new ArrayList<>(newNodes0.size());
for (int i = 0; i < newNodes0.size(); i++)
cacheAssignment.put(p, n);
if (cacheAssignment != null)
assignment.put(grpHolder.groupId(), cacheAssignment);
if (initAff)
grpHolder.affinity().initialize(topVer, newAssignment0);
fut.timeBag().finishLocalStage("Affinity recalculation (partitions availability) " +
"[grp=" + desc.cacheOrGroupName() + "]");
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Computed new affinity after node left [topVer=" + topVer +
", waitGrps=" + groupNames(waitRebalanceInfo.waitGrps.keySet()) + ']');
synchronized (mux) {
waitInfo = !waitRebalanceInfo.empty() ? waitRebalanceInfo : null;
return assignment;
* @return All registered cache groups.
public Map<Integer, CacheGroupDescriptor> cacheGroups() {
return cachesRegistry.allGroups();
* @return All registered cache groups.
public Map<Integer, DynamicCacheDescriptor> caches() {
return cachesRegistry.allCaches();
* @param grpId Cache group ID
* @return Cache affinity cache.
@Nullable public GridAffinityAssignmentCache groupAffinity(int grpId) {
CacheGroupHolder grpHolder = grpHolders.get(grpId);
return grpHolder != null ? grpHolder.affinity() : null;
public void dumpDebugInfo() {
if (!pendingAssignmentFetchFuts.isEmpty()) {
U.warn(log, "Pending assignment fetch futures:");
for (GridDhtAssignmentFetchFuture fut : pendingAssignmentFetchFuts.values())
U.warn(log, ">>> " + fut);
* @param nodes Nodes.
* @return IDs.
private static List<UUID> toIds0(List<ClusterNode> nodes) {
List<UUID> partIds = new ArrayList<>(nodes.size());
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++)
return partIds;
* @param topVer Topology version.
* @param ids IDs.
* @return Nodes.
private List<ClusterNode> toNodes(AffinityTopologyVersion topVer, List<UUID> ids) {
List<ClusterNode> nodes = new ArrayList<>(ids.size());
for (int i = 0; i < ids.size(); i++) {
UUID id = ids.get(i);
ClusterNode node = cctx.discovery().node(topVer, id);
assert node != null : "Failed to get node [id=" + id +
", topVer=" + topVer +
", locNode=" + cctx.localNode() +
", allNodes=" + cctx.discovery().nodes(topVer) + ']';
return nodes;
* @return Primary nodes for local backups.
public Set<ClusterNode> idealPrimaryNodesForLocalBackups() {
Set<ClusterNode> res = new GridConcurrentHashSet<>();
ClusterNode loc = cctx.localNode();
forAllCacheGroups(new IgniteInClosureX<GridAffinityAssignmentCache>() {
@Override public void applyx(GridAffinityAssignmentCache aff) {
CacheGroupDescriptor desc =;
if (desc.config().getCacheMode() == PARTITIONED) {
List<List<ClusterNode>> assignment = aff.idealAssignmentRaw();
HashSet<ClusterNode> primaries = new HashSet<>();
for (List<ClusterNode> nodes : assignment) {
if (nodes.indexOf(loc) > 0)
return res;
abstract class CacheGroupHolder {
/** */
private final GridAffinityAssignmentCache aff;
/** */
private final boolean rebalanceEnabled;
* @param rebalanceEnabled Cache rebalance flag.
* @param aff Affinity cache.
* @param initAff Existing affinity cache.
CacheGroupHolder(boolean rebalanceEnabled,
GridAffinityAssignmentCache aff,
@Nullable GridAffinityAssignmentCache initAff) {
this.aff = aff;
if (initAff != null)
this.rebalanceEnabled = rebalanceEnabled;
* @return Client holder flag.
abstract boolean nonAffNode();
* @return Group ID.
int groupId() {
return aff.groupId();
* @return Partitions number.
int partitions() {
return aff.partitions();
* @param discoCache Discovery data cache.
* @return Cache topology.
abstract GridDhtPartitionTopology topology(DiscoCache discoCache);
* @return Affinity.
GridAffinityAssignmentCache affinity() {
return aff;
* Created cache is started on coordinator.
private class CacheGroupAffNodeHolder extends CacheGroupHolder {
/** */
private final CacheGroupContext grp;
* @param grp Cache group.
CacheGroupAffNodeHolder(CacheGroupContext grp) {
this(grp, null);
* @param grp Cache group.
* @param initAff Current affinity.
CacheGroupAffNodeHolder(CacheGroupContext grp, @Nullable GridAffinityAssignmentCache initAff) {
super(grp.rebalanceEnabled(), grp.affinity(), initAff);
assert !grp.isLocal() : grp;
this.grp = grp;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean nonAffNode() {
return false;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public GridDhtPartitionTopology topology(DiscoCache discoCache) {
return grp.topology();
* Created if cache is not started on coordinator.
private class CacheGroupNoAffOrFilteredHolder extends CacheGroupHolder {
/** */
private final GridCacheSharedContext cctx;
* @param rebalanceEnabled Rebalance flag.
* @param cctx Context.
* @param aff Affinity.
* @param initAff Current affinity.
boolean rebalanceEnabled,
GridCacheSharedContext cctx,
GridAffinityAssignmentCache aff,
@Nullable GridAffinityAssignmentCache initAff
) {
super(rebalanceEnabled, aff, initAff);
this.cctx = cctx;
* @param cctx Context.
* @param grpDesc Cache group descriptor.
* @param topVer Current exchange version.
* @return Cache holder.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
CacheGroupNoAffOrFilteredHolder create(
GridCacheSharedContext cctx,
CacheGroupDescriptor grpDesc,
AffinityTopologyVersion topVer
) throws IgniteCheckedException {
return create(cctx, grpDesc, topVer, null);
* @param cctx Context.
* @param grpDesc Cache group descriptor.
* @param topVer Current exchange version.
* @param initAff Current affinity.
* @return Cache holder.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
CacheGroupNoAffOrFilteredHolder create(
GridCacheSharedContext cctx,
CacheGroupDescriptor grpDesc,
AffinityTopologyVersion topVer,
@Nullable GridAffinityAssignmentCache initAff
) throws IgniteCheckedException {
assert grpDesc != null;
assert !cctx.kernalContext().clientNode() || !CU.affinityNode(cctx.localNode(), grpDesc.config().getNodeFilter());
CacheConfiguration<?, ?> ccfg = grpDesc.config();
assert ccfg != null : grpDesc;
assert ccfg.getCacheMode() != LOCAL : ccfg.getName();
assert !cctx.discovery().cacheGroupAffinityNodes(grpDesc.groupId(),
topVer).contains(cctx.localNode()) : grpDesc.cacheOrGroupName();
AffinityFunction affFunc = cctx.cache().clone(ccfg.getAffinity());
cctx.kernalContext().resource().injectCacheName(affFunc, ccfg.getName());
GridAffinityAssignmentCache aff = new GridAffinityAssignmentCache(cctx.kernalContext(),
ccfg.getCacheMode() == LOCAL
return new CacheGroupNoAffOrFilteredHolder(ccfg.getRebalanceMode() != NONE, cctx, aff, initAff);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean nonAffNode() {
return true;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public GridDhtPartitionTopology topology(DiscoCache discoCache) {
return, discoCache);
private CacheGroupNoAffOrFilteredHolder createHolder(
GridCacheSharedContext cctx,
CacheGroupDescriptor grpDesc,
AffinityTopologyVersion topVer,
@Nullable GridAffinityAssignmentCache initAff
) throws IgniteCheckedException {
assert grpDesc != null;
assert !cctx.kernalContext().clientNode() || !CU.affinityNode(cctx.localNode(), grpDesc.config().getNodeFilter());
CacheConfiguration<?, ?> ccfg = grpDesc.config();
assert ccfg != null : grpDesc;
assert ccfg.getCacheMode() != LOCAL : ccfg.getName();
assert !cctx.discovery().cacheGroupAffinityNodes(grpDesc.groupId(),
topVer).contains(cctx.localNode()) : grpDesc.cacheOrGroupName();
AffinityFunction affFunc = cctx.cache().clone(ccfg.getAffinity());
cctx.kernalContext().resource().injectCacheName(affFunc, ccfg.getName());
GridAffinityAssignmentCache aff = new GridAffinityAssignmentCache(cctx.kernalContext(),
ccfg.getCacheMode() == LOCAL
return new CacheGroupNoAffOrFilteredHolder(ccfg.getRebalanceMode() != NONE, cctx, aff, initAff);
* Tracks rebalance state on coordinator.
* After all partitions are rebalanced the current affinity is switched to ideal.
class WaitRebalanceInfo {
/** */
private final AffinityTopologyVersion topVer;
/** */
private final Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> waitGrps = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
/** */
private final Map<Integer /** Group id. */, Map<Integer /** Partition id. */, List<ClusterNode>>> assignments =
new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
/** */
private final Map<Integer, IgniteUuid> deploymentIds = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* @param topVer Topology version.
WaitRebalanceInfo(AffinityTopologyVersion topVer) {
this.topVer = topVer;
* @return {@code True} if there are partitions waiting for rebalancing.
boolean empty() {
boolean isEmpty = waitGrps.isEmpty();
if (!isEmpty) {
assert waitGrps.size() == assignments.size();
return false;
return isEmpty;
* Adds a partition to wait set.
* @param grpId Group ID.
* @param part Partition.
* @param assignment New assignment.
void add(Integer grpId, Integer part, List<ClusterNode> assignment) {
waitGrps.computeIfAbsent(grpId, k -> new HashSet<>()).add(part);
assignments.computeIfAbsent(grpId, k -> new HashMap<>()).put(part, assignment);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public String toString() {
return "WaitRebalanceInfo [topVer=" + topVer + ", grps=" + waitGrps + ']';
* Validator for memory overhead of persistent caches.
* Persistent cache requires some overhead in dataregion memory, e.g. a metapage per partition created by the cache.
* If this overhead reaches some limit (hardcoded to 15% for now) it may cause critical errors on node during
* checkpoint.
* Validator is intended to analyze cache group configuration and print warning to log to inform user about
* found problem.
class CacheMemoryOverheadValidator {
/** */
private static final double MEMORY_OVERHEAD_THRESHOLD = 0.15;
* Validates cache group configuration and prints warning if it violates 15% overhead limit.
* @param grpDesc Descriptor of cache group to validate.
void validateCacheGroup(CacheGroupDescriptor grpDesc) {
DataStorageConfiguration dsCfg = cctx.gridConfig().getDataStorageConfiguration();
CacheConfiguration<?, ?> grpCfg = grpDesc.config();
if (!CU.isPersistentCache(grpCfg, dsCfg) || CU.isSystemCache(grpDesc.cacheOrGroupName()))
CacheGroupHolder grpHolder = grpHolders.get(grpDesc.groupId());
if (grpHolder != null) {
int partsNum = 0;
UUID locNodeId = cctx.localNodeId();
List<List<ClusterNode>> assignment = grpHolder.aff.idealAssignment().assignment();
for (List<ClusterNode> nodes : assignment) {
if ( ->
if (partsNum == 0)
DataRegionConfiguration drCfg = findDataRegion(dsCfg, grpCfg.getDataRegionName());
if (drCfg == null)
if ((1.0 * partsNum * dsCfg.getPageSize()) / drCfg.getMaxSize() > MEMORY_OVERHEAD_THRESHOLD)
log.warning(buildWarningMessage(grpDesc, drCfg, dsCfg.getPageSize(), partsNum));
* Builds explanatory warning message.
* @param grpDesc Configuration of cache group violating memory overhead threshold.
* @param drCfg Configuration of data region configuration with not sufficient memory.
private String buildWarningMessage(CacheGroupDescriptor grpDesc,
DataRegionConfiguration drCfg,
int pageSize,
int partsNum
) {
String res = "Cache group '%s'" +
" brings high overhead for its metainformation in data region '%s'." +
" Metainformation required for its partitions (%d partitions, %d bytes per partition, %d MBs total)" +
" will consume more than 15%% of data region memory (%d MBs)." +
" It may lead to critical errors on the node and cluster instability." +
" Please reduce number of partitions, add more memory to the data region" +
" or add more server nodes for this cache group.";
return String.format(
U.sizeInMegabytes(partsNum * pageSize),
* Finds data region by name.
* @param dsCfg Data storage configuration.
* @param drName Data region name.
* @return Found data region.
@Nullable private DataRegionConfiguration findDataRegion(DataStorageConfiguration dsCfg, String drName) {
if (dsCfg.getDataRegionConfigurations() == null || drName == null)
return dsCfg.getDefaultDataRegionConfiguration();
if (dsCfg.getDefaultDataRegionConfiguration().getName().equals(drName))
return dsCfg.getDefaultDataRegionConfiguration();
Optional<DataRegionConfiguration> cfgOpt =
.filter(drCfg -> drCfg.getName().equals(drName))
return cfgOpt.isPresent() ? cfgOpt.get() : null;