blob: cd0c2a2c25b4fd87fe2299b9a1a275e8827a8ba3 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Ignite Release Notes
Apache Ignite In-Memory Data Fabric 1.4
* Added SSL support to communication and discovery.
* Added support for log4j2.
* Added versioned entry to cache API.
* Added client node based JDBC driver implementation.
* Fixed consistency issue for custom events processing within discovery.
* Fixed race in cache swap/unswap logic.
* Fixed IGNITE_HOME resolution with JBoss.
* Fixed configuration file resolution on classpath.
* Fixed MBean registration for caches.
* Fixed near cache evictions with offheap.
* Fixed SQL queries group index logic.
* Fixed memory leak in partitioned transactional cache.
* Fixed auto-retries for cache operations in recoverable cases.
* Fixed affinity routing in compute grid.
* Many stability and fault-tolerance fixes.
Apache Ignite In-Memory Data Fabric 1.3
* Added auto-retries for cache operations in recoverable cases.
* Added integration with Apache YARN.
* Added auto detection and dropping of slow client nodes.
* Fixed several issues with JTA integration.
* Fixed several issues with Hibernate L2 cache.
* Fixed issue with GAR files in source release.
* Stability fixes for TCP discovery SPI.
* Stability fixes for onheap and offheap SQL queries.
* Bug fixes in In-Memory Accelerator For Apache Hadoop.
* Many stability and fault-tolerance fixes.
Apache Ignite In-Memory Data Fabric 1.2
* Added client mode to TCP discovery SPI.
* Added memory based evictions.
* Added integration with Apache Spark.
* Added integration with Apache Mesos.
* Added IgniteCache.getAllOutTx() method.
* Added serializable cache store factories for built-in stores.
* Bug fixes in In-Memory Accelerator For Apache Hadoop.
* Many stability and fault-tolerance fixes.
Apache Ignite In-Memory Data Fabric 1.1
* Added Google Compute Engine TCP discovery IP finder.
* Added generic cloud TCP discovery IP finder (based on jclouds).
* Added SortedEvictionPolicy.
* Added chaining for IgniteConfiguration and CacheConfiguration setters.
* Added AffinityUuid class for easier generation of unique collocated keys.
* Added support for cache configuration templates.
* Added support for (*) star notation in cache names.
* Added "collocated" mode for SQL queries.
* Improved expiry policy handling (TTL based evictions) to avoid thrashing.
* Fixed job continuations.
* Fixed compilation and runtime with OpenJDK 7 & 8
* Fixed SQL Union support
* Fixed Word-Count streaming example to produce better results.
* Removed edtFTPj scanner from URI deployment due to licensing issues.
* Made deployment scanners for URI-based deployment pluggable.
* Many stability and fault-tolerance fixes.
Apache Ignite In-Memory Data Fabric 1.0
* Simplified query API.
* Added automatic aggregation, grouping, and sorting support to SQL queries.
* Added dynamic caches, i.e. ability to start and stop caches during runtime.
* Changed IgniteDataLoader to IgniteDataStreamer.
* Added automatic transformation support to streaming.
* Removed old streaming APIs in favor of new IgniteDataStreamer.
* Added many examples using Java8 lambdas and streams.
* Added new streaming examples based on new streaming and SQL querying APIs.
* Added automatic schema-import demo under examples.
* Improved javadoc documentation.
* Added ability to automatically exclude LGPL optional dependencies during build.
Apache Ignite In-Memory Data Fabric 1.0 RC3
This is the first release of Apache Ignite project. The source code in large part is based
on the 7 year old GridGain In-Memory Data Fabric, open source edition, v. 6.6.2, which was
donated to Apache Software Foundation in September 2014.
The main feature set of Ignite In-Memory Data Fabric includes:
* Advanced Clustering
* Compute Grid
* Data Grid
* Service Grid
* IGFS - Ignite File System
* Distributed Data Structures
* Distributed Messaging
* Distributed Events
* Streaming & CEP