blob: ac99dbf745a85c07d2aa490e89dff16a8b3e3fd8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.sql.BatchUpdateException;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import javax.cache.Cache;
import javax.cache.CacheException;
import javax.cache.integration.CacheLoaderException;
import javax.cache.integration.CacheWriterException;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import org.apache.ignite.Ignite;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteCheckedException;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteException;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteLogger;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.BinaryEnumObjectImpl;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.BinaryMarshaller;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.tostring.GridToStringExclude;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.C1;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.F;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.internal.U;
import org.apache.ignite.lang.IgniteBiInClosure;
import org.apache.ignite.lang.IgnitePredicate;
import org.apache.ignite.lifecycle.LifecycleAware;
import org.apache.ignite.resources.CacheStoreSessionResource;
import org.apache.ignite.resources.IgniteInstanceResource;
import org.apache.ignite.resources.LoggerResource;
import org.apache.ignite.thread.IgniteThreadFactory;
import org.apache.ignite.transactions.Transaction;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import static java.sql.Statement.EXECUTE_FAILED;
import static java.sql.Statement.SUCCESS_NO_INFO;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
* Implementation of {@link CacheStore} backed by JDBC.
* <p>
* Store works with database via SQL dialect. Ignite ships with dialects for most popular databases:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link DB2Dialect} - dialect for IBM DB2 database.</li>
* <li>{@link OracleDialect} - dialect for Oracle database.</li>
* <li>{@link SQLServerDialect} - dialect for Microsoft SQL Server database.</li>
* <li>{@link MySQLDialect} - dialect for Oracle MySQL database.</li>
* <li>{@link H2Dialect} - dialect for H2 database.</li>
* <li>{@link BasicJdbcDialect} - dialect for any database via plain JDBC.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* <h2 class="header">Configuration</h2>
* <ul>
* <li>Data source (see {@link #setDataSource(DataSource)}</li>
* <li>Dialect (see {@link #setDialect(JdbcDialect)}</li>
* <li>Maximum batch size for writeAll and deleteAll operations. (see {@link #setBatchSize(int)})</li>
* <li>Max workers thread count. These threads are responsible for load cache. (see {@link #setMaximumPoolSize(int)})</li>
* <li>Parallel load cache minimum threshold. (see {@link #setParallelLoadCacheMinimumThreshold(int)})</li>
* </ul>
* <h2 class="header">Java Example</h2>
* <pre name="code" class="java">
* ...
* // Create store factory.
* CacheJdbcPojoStoreFactory storeFactory = new CacheJdbcPojoStoreFactory();
* storeFactory.setDataSourceBean("your_data_source_name");
* storeFactory.setDialect(new H2Dialect());
* storeFactory.setTypes(array_with_your_types);
* ...
* ccfg.setCacheStoreFactory(storeFactory);
* ccfg.setReadThrough(true);
* ccfg.setWriteThrough(true);
* cfg.setCacheConfiguration(ccfg);
* ...
* </pre>
public abstract class CacheAbstractJdbcStore<K, V> implements CacheStore<K, V>, LifecycleAware {
/** Connection attribute property name. */
protected static final String ATTR_CONN_PROP = "JDBC_STORE_CONNECTION";
/** Thread name. */
private static final String CACHE_LOADER_THREAD_NAME = "jdbc-cache-loader";
/** Built in Java types names. */
protected static final Collection<String> BUILT_IN_TYPES = new HashSet<>();
static {
/** Auto-injected store session. */
private CacheStoreSession ses;
/** Auto injected ignite instance. */
protected Ignite ignite;
/** Auto-injected logger instance. */
protected IgniteLogger log;
/** Lock for metadata cache. */
private final Lock cacheMappingsLock = new ReentrantLock();
/** Data source. */
protected volatile DataSource dataSrc;
/** Cache with entry mapping description. (cache name, (key id, mapping description)). */
protected volatile Map<String, Map<Object, EntryMapping>> cacheMappings = Collections.emptyMap();
/** Maximum batch size for writeAll and deleteAll operations. */
private int batchSize = DFLT_BATCH_SIZE;
/** Database dialect. */
protected JdbcDialect dialect;
/** Maximum write attempts in case of database error. */
private int maxWrtAttempts = DFLT_WRITE_ATTEMPTS;
/** Max workers thread count. These threads are responsible for load cache. */
private int maxPoolSize = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
/** Parallel load cache minimum threshold. If {@code 0} then load sequentially. */
private int parallelLoadCacheMinThreshold = DFLT_PARALLEL_LOAD_CACHE_MINIMUM_THRESHOLD;
/** Types that store could process. */
private JdbcType[] types;
/** Hash calculator. */
protected JdbcTypeHasher hasher = JdbcTypeDefaultHasher.INSTANCE;
/** Types transformer. */
protected JdbcTypesTransformer transformer = JdbcTypesDefaultTransformer.INSTANCE;
/** Flag indicating that table and field names should be escaped in all SQL queries created by JDBC POJO store. */
private boolean sqlEscapeAll;
* Get field value from object for use as query parameter.
* @param cacheName Cache name.
* @param typeName Type name.
* @param typeKind Type kind.
* @param fieldName Field name.
* @param obj Cache object.
* @return Field value from object.
* @throws CacheException in case of error.
@Nullable protected abstract Object extractParameter(@Nullable String cacheName, String typeName, TypeKind typeKind,
String fieldName, Object obj) throws CacheException;
* Construct object from query result.
* @param <R> Type of result object.
* @param cacheName Cache name.
* @param typeName Type name.
* @param typeKind Type kind.
* @param flds Fields descriptors.
* @param loadColIdxs Select query columns index.
* @param rs ResultSet.
* @return Constructed object.
* @throws CacheLoaderException If failed to construct cache object.
protected abstract <R> R buildObject(@Nullable String cacheName, String typeName, TypeKind typeKind,
JdbcTypeField[] flds, Map<String, Integer> loadColIdxs, ResultSet rs) throws CacheLoaderException;
* Calculate type ID for object.
* @param obj Object to calculate type ID for.
* @return Type ID.
* @throws CacheException If failed to calculate type ID for given object.
protected abstract Object typeIdForObject(Object obj) throws CacheException;
* Calculate type ID for given type name.
* @param kind If {@code true} then calculate type ID for POJO otherwise for binary object .
* @param typeName String description of type name.
* @return Type ID.
* @throws CacheException If failed to get type ID for given type name.
protected abstract Object typeIdForTypeName(TypeKind kind, String typeName) throws CacheException;
* Prepare internal store specific builders for provided types metadata.
* @param cacheName Cache name to prepare builders for.
* @param types Collection of types.
* @throws CacheException If failed to prepare internal builders for types.
protected abstract void prepareBuilders(@Nullable String cacheName, Collection<JdbcType> types)
throws CacheException;
* Perform dialect resolution.
* @return The resolved dialect.
* @throws CacheException Indicates problems accessing the metadata.
protected JdbcDialect resolveDialect() throws CacheException {
Connection conn = null;
String dbProductName = null;
try {
conn = openConnection(false);
dbProductName = conn.getMetaData().getDatabaseProductName();
catch (SQLException e) {
throw new CacheException("Failed access to metadata for detect database dialect.", e);
finally {
if ("H2".equals(dbProductName))
return new H2Dialect();
if ("MySQL".equals(dbProductName))
return new MySQLDialect();
if (dbProductName.startsWith("Microsoft SQL Server"))
return new SQLServerDialect();
if ("Oracle".equals(dbProductName))
return new OracleDialect();
if (dbProductName.startsWith("DB2/"))
return new DB2Dialect();
U.warn(log, "Failed to resolve dialect (BasicJdbcDialect will be used): " + dbProductName);
return new BasicJdbcDialect();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void start() throws IgniteException {
if (dataSrc == null)
throw new IgniteException("Failed to initialize cache store (data source is not provided).");
if (dialect == null) {
dialect = resolveDialect();
if (log.isDebugEnabled() && dialect.getClass() != BasicJdbcDialect.class)
log.debug("Resolved database dialect: " + U.getSimpleName(dialect.getClass()));
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void stop() throws IgniteException {
// No-op.
* Gets connection from a pool.
* @param autocommit {@code true} If connection should use autocommit mode.
* @return Pooled connection.
* @throws SQLException In case of error.
protected Connection openConnection(boolean autocommit) throws SQLException {
Connection conn = dataSrc.getConnection();
return conn;
* @return Connection.
* @throws SQLException In case of error.
protected Connection connection() throws SQLException {
CacheStoreSession ses = session();
if (ses.transaction() != null) {
Map<String, Connection> prop =;
Connection conn = prop.get(ATTR_CONN_PROP);
if (conn == null) {
conn = openConnection(false);
// Store connection in session to used it for other operations in the same session.
prop.put(ATTR_CONN_PROP, conn);
return conn;
// Transaction can be null in case of simple load operation.
return openConnection(true);
* Closes connection.
* @param conn Connection to close.
protected void closeConnection(@Nullable Connection conn) {
CacheStoreSession ses = session();
// Close connection right away if there is no transaction.
if (ses.transaction() == null)
* Closes allocated resources depending on transaction status.
* @param conn Allocated connection.
* @param st Created statement,
protected void end(@Nullable Connection conn, @Nullable Statement st) {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void sessionEnd(boolean commit) throws CacheWriterException {
CacheStoreSession ses = session();
Transaction tx = ses.transaction();
if (tx != null) {
Map<String, Connection> sesProps =;
Connection conn = sesProps.get(ATTR_CONN_PROP);
if (conn != null) {
try {
if (commit)
catch (SQLException e) {
throw new CacheWriterException(
"Failed to end transaction [xid=" + tx.xid() + ", commit=" + commit + ']', e);
finally {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Transaction ended [xid=" + tx.xid() + ", commit=" + commit + ']');
* Construct load cache from range.
* @param em Type mapping description.
* @param clo Closure that will be applied to loaded values.
* @param lowerBound Lower bound for range.
* @param upperBound Upper bound for range.
* @param fetchSize Number of rows to fetch from DB.
* @return Callable for pool submit.
private Callable<Void> loadCacheRange(
final EntryMapping em,
final IgniteBiInClosure<K, V> clo,
@Nullable final Object[] lowerBound,
@Nullable final Object[] upperBound,
final int fetchSize
) {
return new Callable<Void>() {
@Override public Void call() throws Exception {
Connection conn = null;
PreparedStatement stmt = null;
try {
conn = openConnection(true);
stmt = conn.prepareStatement(lowerBound == null && upperBound == null
? em.loadCacheQry
: em.loadCacheRangeQuery(lowerBound != null, upperBound != null));
int idx = 1;
if (lowerBound != null)
for (int i = lowerBound.length; i > 0; i--)
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
stmt.setObject(idx++, lowerBound[j]);
if (upperBound != null)
for (int i = upperBound.length; i > 0; i--)
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
stmt.setObject(idx++, upperBound[j]);
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
while ( {
K key = buildObject(em.cacheName, em.keyType(), em.keyKind(), em.keyColumns(),
em.loadColIdxs, rs);
V val = buildObject(em.cacheName, em.valueType(), em.valueKind(), em.valueColumns(),
em.loadColIdxs, rs);
clo.apply(key, val);
catch (SQLException e) {
throw new IgniteCheckedException("Failed to load cache", e);
finally {
return null;
* Construct load cache in one select.
* @param m Type mapping description.
* @param clo Closure for loaded values.
* @return Callable for pool submit.
private Callable<Void> loadCacheFull(EntryMapping m, IgniteBiInClosure<K, V> clo) {
return loadCacheRange(m, clo, null, null, dialect.getFetchSize());
* Checks if type configured properly.
* @param cacheName Cache name to check mapping for.
* @param typeName Type name.
* @param flds Fields descriptors.
* @throws CacheException If failed to check type configuration.
private void checkTypeConfiguration(@Nullable String cacheName, TypeKind kind, String typeName,
JdbcTypeField[] flds) throws CacheException {
try {
if (kind == TypeKind.BUILT_IN) {
if (flds.length != 1)
throw new CacheException("More than one field for built in type " +
"[cache=" + U.maskName(cacheName) + ", type=" + typeName + " ]");
JdbcTypeField field = flds[0];
if (field.getDatabaseFieldName() == null)
throw new CacheException("Missing database name in mapping description [cache=" +
U.maskName(cacheName) + ", type=" + typeName + " ]");
for (JdbcTypeField field : flds) {
if (field.getDatabaseFieldName() == null)
throw new CacheException("Missing database name in mapping description " +
"[cache=" + U.maskName(cacheName) + ", type=" + typeName + " ]");
if (field.getJavaFieldName() == null)
throw new CacheException("Missing field name in mapping description " +
"[cache=" + U.maskName(cacheName) + ", type=" + typeName + " ]");
if (field.getJavaFieldType() == null)
throw new CacheException("Missing field type in mapping description " +
"[cache=" + U.maskName(cacheName) + ", type=" + typeName + " ]");
catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new CacheException("Failed to find class: " + typeName, e);
* @param type Type name to check.
* @param binarySupported True if binary marshaller enable.
* @return {@code True} if class not found.
protected TypeKind kindForName(String type, boolean binarySupported) {
if (BUILT_IN_TYPES.contains(type))
return TypeKind.BUILT_IN;
if (binarySupported)
return TypeKind.BINARY;
try {
return TypeKind.POJO;
catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new CacheException("Failed to find class " + type +
" (make sure the class is present in classPath or use BinaryMarshaller)", e);
* @param type Type name to check.
* @return {@code True} if class not found.
protected TypeKind kindForName(String type) {
return kindForName(type, ignite.configuration().getMarshaller() instanceof BinaryMarshaller);
* @param cacheName Cache name to check mappings for.
* @return Type mappings for specified cache name.
* @throws CacheException If failed to initialize cache mappings.
private Map<Object, EntryMapping> getOrCreateCacheMappings(@Nullable String cacheName) throws CacheException {
Map<Object, EntryMapping> entryMappings = cacheMappings.get(cacheName);
if (entryMappings != null)
return entryMappings;
try {
entryMappings = cacheMappings.get(cacheName);
if (entryMappings != null)
return entryMappings;
List<JdbcType> cacheTypes = new ArrayList<>(types.length);
for (JdbcType type : types)
if ((cacheName != null && cacheName.equals(type.getCacheName())) ||
(cacheName == null && type.getCacheName() == null))
entryMappings = U.newHashMap(cacheTypes.size());
if (!cacheTypes.isEmpty()) {
boolean binarySupported = ignite.configuration().getMarshaller() instanceof BinaryMarshaller;
for (JdbcType type : cacheTypes) {
String keyType = type.getKeyType();
String valType = type.getValueType();
TypeKind keyKind = kindForName(keyType, binarySupported);
checkTypeConfiguration(cacheName, keyKind, keyType, type.getKeyFields());
Object keyTypeId = typeIdForTypeName(keyKind, keyType);
if (entryMappings.containsKey(keyTypeId))
throw new CacheException("Key type must be unique in type metadata [cache=" +
U.maskName(cacheName) + ", type=" + keyType + "]");
TypeKind valKind = kindForName(valType, binarySupported);
checkTypeConfiguration(cacheName, valKind, valType, type.getValueFields());
entryMappings.put(keyTypeId, new EntryMapping(cacheName, dialect, type, keyKind, valKind, sqlEscapeAll));
Map<String, Map<Object, EntryMapping>> mappings = new HashMap<>(cacheMappings);
mappings.put(cacheName, entryMappings);
prepareBuilders(cacheName, cacheTypes);
cacheMappings = mappings;
return entryMappings;
finally {
* @param cacheName Cache name.
* @param typeId Type id.
* @return Entry mapping.
* @throws CacheException If mapping for key was not found.
private EntryMapping entryMapping(String cacheName, Object typeId) throws CacheException {
Map<Object, EntryMapping> mappings = getOrCreateCacheMappings(cacheName);
EntryMapping em = mappings.get(typeId);
if (em == null) {
String maskedCacheName = U.maskName(cacheName);
throw new CacheException("Failed to find mapping description [cache=" + maskedCacheName +
", typeId=" + typeId + "]. Please configure JdbcType to associate cache '" + maskedCacheName +
"' with JdbcPojoStore.");
return em;
* Find column index by database name.
* @param loadColIdxs Select query columns indexes.
* @param dbName Column name in database.
* @return Column index.
* @throws IllegalStateException if column not found.
protected Integer columnIndex(Map<String, Integer> loadColIdxs, String dbName) {
Integer colIdx = loadColIdxs.get(dbName.toUpperCase());
if (colIdx == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to find column index for database field: " + dbName);
return colIdx;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void loadCache(final IgniteBiInClosure<K, V> clo, @Nullable Object... args)
throws CacheLoaderException {
ExecutorService pool = null;
int fetchSz = dialect.getFetchSize();
String cacheName = session().cacheName();
try {
pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(maxPoolSize, new IgniteThreadFactory(, CACHE_LOADER_THREAD_NAME));
Collection<Future<?>> futs = new ArrayList<>();
Map<Object, EntryMapping> mappings = getOrCreateCacheMappings(cacheName);
if (args != null && args.length > 0) {
if (args.length % 2 != 0)
throw new CacheLoaderException("Expected even number of arguments, but found: " + args.length);
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Start loading entries from db using user queries from arguments...");
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i += 2) {
final String keyType = args[i].toString();
if (!F.exist(mappings.values(), new IgnitePredicate<EntryMapping>() {
@Override public boolean apply(EntryMapping em) {
return em.keyType().equals(keyType);
throw new CacheLoaderException("Provided key type is not found in store or cache configuration " +
"[cache=" + U.maskName(cacheName) + ", key=" + keyType + ']');
EntryMapping em = entryMapping(cacheName, typeIdForTypeName(kindForName(keyType), keyType));
Object arg = args[i + 1];
LoadCacheCustomQueryWorker<K, V> task;
if (arg instanceof PreparedStatement) {
PreparedStatement stmt = (PreparedStatement)arg;
if (log.isInfoEnabled())"Started load cache using custom statement [cache=" + U.maskName(cacheName) +
", keyType=" + keyType + ", stmt=" + stmt + ']');
task = new LoadCacheCustomQueryWorker<>(em, stmt, clo);
else {
String qry = arg.toString();
if (log.isInfoEnabled())"Started load cache using custom query [cache=" + U.maskName(cacheName) +
", keyType=" + keyType + ", query=" + qry + ']');
task = new LoadCacheCustomQueryWorker<>(em, qry, clo);
else {
Collection<String> processedKeyTypes = new HashSet<>();
for (EntryMapping em : mappings.values()) {
String keyType = em.keyType();
if (processedKeyTypes.contains(keyType))
if (log.isInfoEnabled())"Started load cache [cache=" + U.maskName(cacheName) + ", keyType=" + keyType + ']');
if (parallelLoadCacheMinThreshold > 0) {
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = connection();
PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(em.loadCacheSelRangeQry);
stmt.setInt(1, parallelLoadCacheMinThreshold);
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
if ( {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Multithread loading entries from db [cache=" + U.maskName(cacheName) +
", keyType=" + keyType + ']');
int keyCnt = em.keyCols.size();
Object[] upperBound = new Object[keyCnt];
for (int i = 0; i < keyCnt; i++)
upperBound[i] = rs.getObject(i + 1);
futs.add(pool.submit(loadCacheRange(em, clo, null, upperBound, fetchSz)));
while ( {
Object[] lowerBound = upperBound;
upperBound = new Object[keyCnt];
for (int i = 0; i < keyCnt; i++)
upperBound[i] = rs.getObject(i + 1);
futs.add(pool.submit(loadCacheRange(em, clo, lowerBound, upperBound, fetchSz)));
futs.add(pool.submit(loadCacheRange(em, clo, upperBound, null, fetchSz)));
catch (SQLException e) {
log.warning("Failed to load entries from db in multithreaded mode, will try in single thread " +
"[cache=" + U.maskName(cacheName) + ", keyType=" + keyType + ']', e);
finally {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Single thread loading entries from db [cache=" + U.maskName(cacheName) +
", keyType=" + keyType + ']');
futs.add(pool.submit(loadCacheFull(em, clo)));
for (Future<?> fut : futs)
if (log.isInfoEnabled())"Finished load cache: " + U.maskName(cacheName));
catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
throw new CacheLoaderException("Failed to load cache: " + U.maskName(cacheName), e.getCause());
finally {
U.shutdownNow(getClass(), pool, log);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Nullable @Override public V load(K key) throws CacheLoaderException {
assert key != null;
EntryMapping em = entryMapping(session().cacheName(), typeIdForObject(key));
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Load value from db [table= " + em.fullTableName() + ", key=" + key + ']');
Connection conn = null;
PreparedStatement stmt = null;
try {
conn = connection();
stmt = conn.prepareStatement(em.loadQrySingle);
fillKeyParameters(stmt, em, key);
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
if (
return buildObject(em.cacheName, em.valueType(), em.valueKind(), em.valueColumns(), em.loadColIdxs, rs);
catch (SQLException e) {
throw new CacheLoaderException("Failed to load object [table=" + em.fullTableName() +
", key=" + key + "]", e);
finally {
end(conn, stmt);
return null;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Map<K, V> loadAll(Iterable<? extends K> keys) throws CacheLoaderException {
assert keys != null;
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = connection();
String cacheName = session().cacheName();
Map<Object, LoadWorker<K, V>> workers = U.newHashMap(getOrCreateCacheMappings(cacheName).size());
Map<K, V> res = new HashMap<>();
for (K key : keys) {
Object keyTypeId = typeIdForObject(key);
EntryMapping em = entryMapping(cacheName, keyTypeId);
LoadWorker<K, V> worker = workers.get(keyTypeId);
if (worker == null)
workers.put(keyTypeId, worker = new LoadWorker<>(conn, em));
if (worker.keys.size() == em.maxKeysPerStmt)
for (LoadWorker<K, V> worker : workers.values())
return res;
catch (Exception e) {
throw new CacheWriterException("Failed to load entries from database", e);
finally {
* @param insStmt Insert statement.
* @param updStmt Update statement.
* @param em Entry mapping.
* @param entry Cache entry.
* @throws CacheWriterException If failed to update record in database.
private void writeUpsert(PreparedStatement insStmt, PreparedStatement updStmt,
EntryMapping em, Cache.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V> entry) throws CacheWriterException {
try {
CacheWriterException we = null;
for (int attempt = 0; attempt < maxWrtAttempts; attempt++) {
int paramIdx = fillValueParameters(updStmt, 1, em, entry.getValue());
fillKeyParameters(updStmt, paramIdx, em, entry.getKey());
if (updStmt.executeUpdate() == 0) {
paramIdx = fillKeyParameters(insStmt, em, entry.getKey());
fillValueParameters(insStmt, paramIdx, em, entry.getValue());
try {
if (attempt > 0)
U.warn(log, "Entry was inserted in database on second try [table=" + em.fullTableName() +
", entry=" + entry + "]");
catch (SQLException e) {
String sqlState = e.getSQLState();
SQLException nested = e.getNextException();
while (sqlState == null && nested != null) {
sqlState = nested.getSQLState();
nested = nested.getNextException();
// The error with code 23505 or 23000 is thrown when trying to insert a row that
// would violate a unique index or primary key.
if ("23505".equals(sqlState) || "23000".equals(sqlState)) {
if (we == null)
we = new CacheWriterException("Failed insert entry in database, violate a unique" +
" index or primary key [table=" + em.fullTableName() + ", entry=" + entry + "]");
U.warn(log, "Failed insert entry in database, violate a unique index or primary key" +
" [table=" + em.fullTableName() + ", entry=" + entry + "]");
throw new CacheWriterException("Failed insert entry in database [table=" + em.fullTableName() +
", entry=" + entry, e);
if (attempt > 0)
U.warn(log, "Entry was updated in database on second try [table=" + em.fullTableName() +
", entry=" + entry + "]");
throw we;
catch (SQLException e) {
throw new CacheWriterException("Failed update entry in database [table=" + em.fullTableName() +
", entry=" + entry + "]", e);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void write(Cache.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V> entry) throws CacheWriterException {
assert entry != null;
K key = entry.getKey();
EntryMapping em = entryMapping(session().cacheName(), typeIdForObject(key));
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Start write entry to database [table=" + em.fullTableName() + ", entry=" + entry + "]");
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = connection();
if (dialect.hasMerge()) {
PreparedStatement stmt = null;
try {
stmt = conn.prepareStatement(em.mergeQry);
int idx = fillKeyParameters(stmt, em, key);
fillValueParameters(stmt, idx, em, entry.getValue());
int updCnt = stmt.executeUpdate();
if (updCnt != 1)
U.warn(log, "Unexpected number of updated entries [table=" + em.fullTableName() +
", entry=" + entry + "expected=1, actual=" + updCnt + "]");
finally {
else {
PreparedStatement insStmt = null;
PreparedStatement updStmt = null;
try {
insStmt = conn.prepareStatement(em.insQry);
updStmt = conn.prepareStatement(em.updQry);
writeUpsert(insStmt, updStmt, em, entry);
finally {
catch (SQLException e) {
throw new CacheWriterException("Failed to write entry to database [table=" + em.fullTableName() +
", entry=" + entry + "]", e);
finally {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void writeAll(final Collection<Cache.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V>> entries)
throws CacheWriterException {
assert entries != null;
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = connection();
String cacheName = session().cacheName();
Object currKeyTypeId = null;
if (dialect.hasMerge()) {
PreparedStatement mergeStmt = null;
try {
EntryMapping em = null;
LazyValue<Object[]> lazyEntries = new LazyValue<Object[]>() {
@Override public Object[] create() {
return entries.toArray();
int fromIdx = 0, prepared = 0;
for (Cache.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V> entry : entries) {
K key = entry.getKey();
Object keyTypeId = typeIdForObject(key);
em = entryMapping(cacheName, keyTypeId);
if (currKeyTypeId == null || !currKeyTypeId.equals(keyTypeId)) {
if (mergeStmt != null) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Write entries to db [cache=" + U.maskName(cacheName) +
", keyType=" + em.keyType() + ", cnt=" + prepared + "]");
executeBatch(em, mergeStmt, "writeAll", fromIdx, prepared, lazyEntries);
mergeStmt = conn.prepareStatement(em.mergeQry);
currKeyTypeId = keyTypeId;
fromIdx += prepared;
prepared = 0;
int idx = fillKeyParameters(mergeStmt, em, key);
fillValueParameters(mergeStmt, idx, em, entry.getValue());
if (++prepared % batchSize == 0) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Write entries to db [cache=" + U.maskName(cacheName) +
", keyType=" + em.keyType() + ", cnt=" + prepared + "]");
executeBatch(em, mergeStmt, "writeAll", fromIdx, prepared, lazyEntries);
fromIdx += prepared;
prepared = 0;
if (mergeStmt != null && prepared % batchSize != 0) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Write entries to db [cache=" + U.maskName(cacheName) +
", keyType=" + em.keyType() + ", cnt=" + prepared + "]");
executeBatch(em, mergeStmt, "writeAll", fromIdx, prepared, lazyEntries);
finally {
else {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Write entries to db one by one using update and insert statements " +
"[cache=" + U.maskName(cacheName) + ", cnt=" + entries.size() + "]");
PreparedStatement insStmt = null;
PreparedStatement updStmt = null;
try {
for (Cache.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V> entry : entries) {
K key = entry.getKey();
Object keyTypeId = typeIdForObject(key);
EntryMapping em = entryMapping(cacheName, keyTypeId);
if (currKeyTypeId == null || !currKeyTypeId.equals(keyTypeId)) {
insStmt = conn.prepareStatement(em.insQry);
updStmt = conn.prepareStatement(em.updQry);
currKeyTypeId = keyTypeId;
writeUpsert(insStmt, updStmt, em, entry);
finally {
catch (SQLException e) {
throw new CacheWriterException("Failed to write entries in database", e);
finally {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void delete(Object key) throws CacheWriterException {
assert key != null;
EntryMapping em = entryMapping(session().cacheName(), typeIdForObject(key));
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Remove value from db [table=" + em.fullTableName() + ", key=" + key + "]");
Connection conn = null;
PreparedStatement stmt = null;
try {
conn = connection();
stmt = conn.prepareStatement(em.remQry);
fillKeyParameters(stmt, em, key);
int delCnt = stmt.executeUpdate();
if (delCnt != 1)
U.warn(log, "Unexpected number of deleted entries [table=" + em.fullTableName() + ", key=" + key +
", expected=1, actual=" + delCnt + "]");
catch (SQLException e) {
throw new CacheWriterException("Failed to remove value from database [table=" + em.fullTableName() +
", key=" + key + "]", e);
finally {
end(conn, stmt);
* @param em Entry mapping.
* @param stmt Statement.
* @param desc Statement description for error message.
* @param fromIdx Objects in batch start from index.
* @param prepared Expected objects in batch.
* @param lazyObjs All objects used in batch statement as array.
* @throws SQLException If failed to execute batch statement.
private void executeBatch(EntryMapping em, Statement stmt, String desc, int fromIdx, int prepared,
LazyValue<Object[]> lazyObjs) throws SQLException {
try {
int[] rowCounts = stmt.executeBatch();
int numOfRowCnt = rowCounts.length;
if (numOfRowCnt != prepared)
U.warn(log, "Unexpected number of updated rows [table=" + em.fullTableName() + ", expected=" + prepared +
", actual=" + numOfRowCnt + "]");
for (int i = 0; i < numOfRowCnt; i++) {
int cnt = rowCounts[i];
if (cnt != 1 && cnt != SUCCESS_NO_INFO) {
Object[] objs = lazyObjs.value();
U.warn(log, "Batch " + desc + " returned unexpected updated row count [table=" + em.fullTableName() +
", entry=" + objs[fromIdx + i] + ", expected=1, actual=" + cnt + "]");
catch (BatchUpdateException be) {
int[] rowCounts = be.getUpdateCounts();
for (int i = 0; i < rowCounts.length; i++) {
if (rowCounts[i] == EXECUTE_FAILED) {
Object[] objs = lazyObjs.value();
U.warn(log, "Batch " + desc + " failed on execution [table=" + em.fullTableName() +
", entry=" + objs[fromIdx + i] + "]");
throw be;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void deleteAll(final Collection<?> keys) throws CacheWriterException {
assert keys != null;
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = connection();
LazyValue<Object[]> lazyKeys = new LazyValue<Object[]>() {
@Override public Object[] create() {
return keys.toArray();
String cacheName = session().cacheName();
Object currKeyTypeId = null;
EntryMapping em = null;
PreparedStatement delStmt = null;
int fromIdx = 0, prepared = 0;
for (Object key : keys) {
Object keyTypeId = typeIdForObject(key);
em = entryMapping(cacheName, keyTypeId);
if (delStmt == null) {
delStmt = conn.prepareStatement(em.remQry);
currKeyTypeId = keyTypeId;
if (!currKeyTypeId.equals(keyTypeId)) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Delete entries from db [cache=" + U.maskName(cacheName) +
", keyType=" + em.keyType() + ", cnt=" + prepared + "]");
executeBatch(em, delStmt, "deleteAll", fromIdx, prepared, lazyKeys);
fromIdx += prepared;
prepared = 0;
currKeyTypeId = keyTypeId;
fillKeyParameters(delStmt, em, key);
if (++prepared % batchSize == 0) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Delete entries from db [cache=" + U.maskName(cacheName) +
", keyType=" + em.keyType() + ", cnt=" + prepared + "]");
executeBatch(em, delStmt, "deleteAll", fromIdx, prepared, lazyKeys);
fromIdx += prepared;
prepared = 0;
if (delStmt != null && prepared % batchSize != 0) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Delete entries from db [cache=" + U.maskName(cacheName) +
", keyType=" + em.keyType() + ", cnt=" + prepared + "]");
executeBatch(em, delStmt, "deleteAll", fromIdx, prepared, lazyKeys);
catch (SQLException e) {
throw new CacheWriterException("Failed to remove values from database", e);
finally {
* Sets the value of the designated parameter using the given object.
* @param stmt Prepare statement.
* @param idx Index for parameters.
* @param field Field descriptor.
* @param fieldVal Field value.
* @throws CacheException If failed to set statement parameter.
protected void fillParameter(PreparedStatement stmt, int idx, JdbcTypeField field, @Nullable Object fieldVal)
throws CacheException {
try {
if (fieldVal != null) {
if (field.getJavaFieldType() == UUID.class) {
switch (field.getDatabaseFieldType()) {
case Types.BINARY:
fieldVal = U.uuidToBytes((UUID)fieldVal);
case Types.CHAR:
case Types.VARCHAR:
fieldVal = fieldVal.toString();
// No-op.
else if (field.getJavaFieldType().isEnum()) {
if (fieldVal instanceof Enum) {
Enum val = (Enum)fieldVal;
fieldVal = NUMERIC_TYPES.contains(field.getDatabaseFieldType()) ? val.ordinal() :;
else if (fieldVal instanceof BinaryEnumObjectImpl) {
BinaryEnumObjectImpl val = (BinaryEnumObjectImpl)fieldVal;
fieldVal = val.enumOrdinal();
stmt.setObject(idx, fieldVal);
stmt.setNull(idx, field.getDatabaseFieldType());
catch (SQLException e) {
throw new CacheException("Failed to set statement parameter name: " + field.getDatabaseFieldName(), e);
* @param stmt Prepare statement.
* @param idx Start index for parameters.
* @param em Entry mapping.
* @param key Key object.
* @return Next index for parameters.
* @throws CacheException If failed to set statement parameters.
protected int fillKeyParameters(PreparedStatement stmt, int idx, EntryMapping em, Object key) throws CacheException {
for (JdbcTypeField field : em.keyColumns()) {
Object fieldVal = extractParameter(em.cacheName, em.keyType(), em.keyKind(), field.getJavaFieldName(), key);
fillParameter(stmt, idx++, field, fieldVal);
return idx;
* @param stmt Prepare statement.
* @param m Type mapping description.
* @param key Key object.
* @return Next index for parameters.
* @throws CacheException If failed to set statement parameters.
protected int fillKeyParameters(PreparedStatement stmt, EntryMapping m, Object key) throws CacheException {
return fillKeyParameters(stmt, 1, m, key);
* @param stmt Prepare statement.
* @param idx Start index for parameters.
* @param em Type mapping description.
* @param val Value object.
* @return Next index for parameters.
* @throws CacheException If failed to set statement parameters.
protected int fillValueParameters(PreparedStatement stmt, int idx, EntryMapping em, Object val)
throws CacheWriterException {
for (JdbcTypeField field : em.uniqValFlds) {
Object fieldVal = extractParameter(
fillParameter(stmt, idx++, field, fieldVal);
return idx;
* @return Data source.
public DataSource getDataSource() {
return dataSrc;
* @param dataSrc Data source.
public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSrc) {
this.dataSrc = dataSrc;
* Get database dialect.
* @return Database dialect.
public JdbcDialect getDialect() {
return dialect;
* Set database dialect.
* @param dialect Database dialect.
public void setDialect(JdbcDialect dialect) {
this.dialect = dialect;
* Get Max workers thread count. These threads are responsible for execute query.
* @return Max workers thread count.
public int getMaximumPoolSize() {
return maxPoolSize;
* Set Max workers thread count. These threads are responsible for execute query.
* @param maxPoolSize Max workers thread count.
public void setMaximumPoolSize(int maxPoolSize) {
this.maxPoolSize = maxPoolSize;
* Gets maximum number of write attempts in case of database error.
* @return Maximum number of write attempts.
public int getMaximumWriteAttempts() {
return maxWrtAttempts;
* Sets maximum number of write attempts in case of database error.
* @param maxWrtAttempts Number of write attempts.
public void setMaximumWriteAttempts(int maxWrtAttempts) {
this.maxWrtAttempts = maxWrtAttempts;
* Gets types known by store.
* @return Types known by store.
public JdbcType[] getTypes() {
return types;
* Sets store configurations.
* @param types Store should process.
public void setTypes(JdbcType... types) {
this.types = types;
* Gets hash code calculator.
* @return Hash code calculator.
public JdbcTypeHasher getHasher() {
return hasher;
* Sets hash code calculator.
* @param hasher Hash code calculator.
public void setHasher(JdbcTypeHasher hasher) {
this.hasher = hasher;
* Gets types transformer.
* @return Types transformer.
public JdbcTypesTransformer getTransformer() {
return transformer;
* Sets types transformer.
* @param transformer Types transformer.
public void setTransformer(JdbcTypesTransformer transformer) {
this.transformer = transformer;
* Get maximum batch size for delete and delete operations.
* @return Maximum batch size.
public int getBatchSize() {
return batchSize;
* Set maximum batch size for write and delete operations.
* @param batchSize Maximum batch size.
public void setBatchSize(int batchSize) {
this.batchSize = batchSize;
* Parallel load cache minimum row count threshold.
* @return If {@code 0} then load sequentially.
public int getParallelLoadCacheMinimumThreshold() {
return parallelLoadCacheMinThreshold;
* Parallel load cache minimum row count threshold.
* @param parallelLoadCacheMinThreshold Minimum row count threshold. If {@code 0} then load sequentially.
public void setParallelLoadCacheMinimumThreshold(int parallelLoadCacheMinThreshold) {
this.parallelLoadCacheMinThreshold = parallelLoadCacheMinThreshold;
* If {@code true} all the SQL table and field names will be escaped with double quotes like
* ({@code "tableName"."fieldsName"}). This enforces case sensitivity for field names and
* also allows having special characters in table and field names.
* @return Flag value.
public boolean isSqlEscapeAll() {
return sqlEscapeAll;
* If {@code true} all the SQL table and field names will be escaped with double quotes like
* ({@code "tableName"."fieldsName"}). This enforces case sensitivity for field names and
* also allows having special characters in table and field names.
* @param sqlEscapeAll Flag value.
public void setSqlEscapeAll(boolean sqlEscapeAll) {
this.sqlEscapeAll = sqlEscapeAll;
* @return Ignite instance.
protected Ignite ignite() {
return ignite;
* @return Store session.
protected CacheStoreSession session() {
return ses;
* Type kind.
protected enum TypeKind {
/** Type is known as Java built in type, like {@link String} */
/** Class for this type is available. */
/** Class for this type is not available. */
* Entry mapping description.
protected static class EntryMapping {
/** Cache name. */
private final String cacheName;
/** Database dialect. */
private final JdbcDialect dialect;
/** Select border for range queries. */
private final String loadCacheSelRangeQry;
/** Select all items query. */
private final String loadCacheQry;
/** Select item query. */
private final String loadQrySingle;
/** Select items query. */
private final String loadQry;
/** Merge item(s) query. */
private final String mergeQry;
/** Update item query. */
private final String insQry;
/** Update item query. */
private final String updQry;
/** Remove item(s) query. */
private final String remQry;
/** Max key count for load query per statement. */
private final int maxKeysPerStmt;
/** Database key columns. */
private final Collection<String> keyCols;
/** Database key columns prepared for building SQL queries.. */
private final Collection<String> sqlKeyCols;
/** Database unique value columns. */
private final Collection<String> cols;
/** Database unique value columns prepared for building SQL queries. */
private final Collection<String> sqlCols;
/** Select query columns index. */
private final Map<String, Integer> loadColIdxs;
/** Unique value fields. */
private final Collection<JdbcTypeField> uniqValFlds;
/** Type metadata. */
private final JdbcType typeMeta;
/** Key type kind. */
private final TypeKind keyKind;
/** Value type kind. */
private final TypeKind valKind;
/** Full table name. */
private final String fullTblName;
/** Full table name prepared for building SQL queries. */
private final String sqlFullTblName;
* Escape collection of column names.
* @param dialect Database dialect.
* @param cols Columns.
* @return Collection of escaped names.
private static Collection<String> escape(JdbcDialect dialect, Collection<String> cols) {
Collection<String> res = new ArrayList<>(cols.size());
for (String col : cols)
return res;
* @param cacheName Cache name.
* @param dialect JDBC dialect.
* @param typeMeta Type metadata.
* @param keyKind Type kind.
* @param valKind Value kind.
* @param escape Escape SQL identifiers flag.
public EntryMapping(@Nullable String cacheName, JdbcDialect dialect, JdbcType typeMeta,
TypeKind keyKind, TypeKind valKind, boolean escape) {
this.cacheName = cacheName;
this.dialect = dialect;
this.typeMeta = typeMeta;
this.keyKind = keyKind;
this.valKind = valKind;
JdbcTypeField[] keyFields = typeMeta.getKeyFields();
JdbcTypeField[] valFields = typeMeta.getValueFields();
keyCols = databaseColumns(F.asList(keyFields));
uniqValFlds = F.view(F.asList(valFields), new IgnitePredicate<JdbcTypeField>() {
@Override public boolean apply(JdbcTypeField col) {
return !keyCols.contains(col.getDatabaseFieldName());
String schema = typeMeta.getDatabaseSchema();
String tblName = typeMeta.getDatabaseTable();
Collection<String> uniqueValCols = databaseColumns(uniqValFlds);
cols = F.concat(false, keyCols, uniqueValCols);
loadColIdxs = U.newHashMap(cols.size());
int idx = 1;
for (String col : cols)
loadColIdxs.put(col.toUpperCase(), idx++);
fullTblName = F.isEmpty(schema) ? tblName : schema + "." + tblName;
Collection<String> sqlUniqueValCols;
if (escape) {
sqlFullTblName = F.isEmpty(schema) ? dialect.escape(tblName) : dialect.escape(schema) + "." + dialect.escape(tblName);
sqlCols = escape(dialect, cols);
sqlKeyCols = escape(dialect, keyCols);
sqlUniqueValCols = escape(dialect, uniqueValCols);
else {
sqlFullTblName = fullTblName;
sqlCols = cols;
sqlKeyCols = keyCols;
sqlUniqueValCols = uniqueValCols;
loadCacheQry = dialect.loadCacheQuery(sqlFullTblName, sqlCols);
loadCacheSelRangeQry = dialect.loadCacheSelectRangeQuery(sqlFullTblName, sqlKeyCols);
loadQrySingle = dialect.loadQuery(sqlFullTblName, sqlKeyCols, sqlCols, 1);
maxKeysPerStmt = dialect.getMaxParameterCount() / sqlKeyCols.size();
loadQry = dialect.loadQuery(sqlFullTblName, sqlKeyCols, sqlCols, maxKeysPerStmt);
insQry = dialect.insertQuery(sqlFullTblName, sqlKeyCols, sqlUniqueValCols);
updQry = dialect.updateQuery(sqlFullTblName, sqlKeyCols, sqlUniqueValCols);
mergeQry = dialect.mergeQuery(sqlFullTblName, sqlKeyCols, sqlUniqueValCols);
remQry = dialect.removeQuery(sqlFullTblName, sqlKeyCols);
* Extract database column names from {@link JdbcTypeField}.
* @param dsc collection of {@link JdbcTypeField}.
* @return Collection with database column names.
private static Collection<String> databaseColumns(Collection<JdbcTypeField> dsc) {
return F.transform(dsc, new C1<JdbcTypeField, String>() {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public String apply(JdbcTypeField col) {
return col.getDatabaseFieldName();
* @return Key type.
protected String keyType() {
return typeMeta.getKeyType();
* @return Key type kind.
protected TypeKind keyKind() {
return keyKind;
* @return Value type.
protected String valueType() {
return typeMeta.getValueType();
* @return Value type kind.
protected TypeKind valueKind() {
return valKind;
* Construct query for select values with key count less or equal {@code maxKeysPerStmt}
* @param keyCnt Key count.
* @return Load query statement text.
protected String loadQuery(int keyCnt) {
assert keyCnt <= maxKeysPerStmt;
if (keyCnt == maxKeysPerStmt)
return loadQry;
if (keyCnt == 1)
return loadQrySingle;
return dialect.loadQuery(sqlFullTblName, sqlKeyCols, sqlCols, keyCnt);
* Construct query for select values in range.
* @param appendLowerBound Need add lower bound for range.
* @param appendUpperBound Need add upper bound for range.
* @return Query with range.
protected String loadCacheRangeQuery(boolean appendLowerBound, boolean appendUpperBound) {
return dialect.loadCacheRangeQuery(sqlFullTblName, sqlKeyCols, sqlCols, appendLowerBound, appendUpperBound);
* Gets key columns.
* @return Key columns.
protected JdbcTypeField[] keyColumns() {
return typeMeta.getKeyFields();
* Gets value columns.
* @return Value columns.
protected JdbcTypeField[] valueColumns() {
return typeMeta.getValueFields();
* Get full table name.
* @return &lt;schema&gt;.&lt;table name&gt
protected String fullTableName() {
return fullTblName;
* Worker for load cache using custom user query.
* @param <K1> Key type.
* @param <V1> Value type.
private class LoadCacheCustomQueryWorker<K1, V1> implements Callable<Void> {
/** Entry mapping description. */
private final EntryMapping em;
/** User statement. */
private PreparedStatement stmt;
/** User query. */
private String qry;
/** Closure for loaded values. */
private final IgniteBiInClosure<K1, V1> clo;
* @param em Entry mapping description.
* @param stmt User statement.
* @param clo Closure for loaded values.
private LoadCacheCustomQueryWorker(EntryMapping em, PreparedStatement stmt, IgniteBiInClosure<K1, V1> clo) {
this.em = em;
this.stmt = stmt;
this.clo = clo;
* @param em Entry mapping description.
* @param qry User query.
* @param clo Closure for loaded values.
private LoadCacheCustomQueryWorker(EntryMapping em, String qry, IgniteBiInClosure<K1, V1> clo) {
this.em = em;
this.qry = qry;
this.clo = clo;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Void call() throws Exception {
Connection conn = null;
try {
if (stmt == null) {
conn = openConnection(true);
stmt = conn.prepareStatement(qry);
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
ResultSetMetaData meta = rs.getMetaData();
Map<String, Integer> colIdxs = U.newHashMap(meta.getColumnCount());
for (int i = 1; i <= meta.getColumnCount(); i++)
colIdxs.put(meta.getColumnLabel(i).toUpperCase(), i);
while ( {
K1 key = buildObject(em.cacheName, em.keyType(), em.keyKind(), em.keyColumns(), colIdxs, rs);
V1 val = buildObject(em.cacheName, em.valueType(), em.valueKind(), em.valueColumns(), colIdxs, rs);
clo.apply(key, val);
return null;
catch (SQLException e) {
throw new CacheLoaderException("Failed to execute custom query for load cache", e);
finally {
if (conn != null) {
* Lazy initialization of value.
* @param <T> Cached object type
private abstract static class LazyValue<T> {
/** Cached value. */
private T val;
* @return Construct value.
protected abstract T create();
* @return Value.
public T value() {
if (val == null)
val = create();
return val;
* Worker for load by keys.
* @param <K1> Key type.
* @param <V1> Value type.
private class LoadWorker<K1, V1> implements Callable<Map<K1, V1>> {
/** Connection. */
private final Connection conn;
/** Keys for load. */
private final Collection<K1> keys;
/** Entry mapping description. */
private final EntryMapping em;
* @param conn Connection.
* @param em Entry mapping description.
private LoadWorker(Connection conn, EntryMapping em) {
this.conn = conn;
this.em = em;
keys = new ArrayList<>(em.maxKeysPerStmt);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Map<K1, V1> call() throws Exception {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Load values from db [table= " + em.fullTableName() + ", keysCnt=" + keys.size() + "]");
PreparedStatement stmt = null;
try {
stmt = conn.prepareStatement(em.loadQuery(keys.size()));
int idx = 1;
for (Object key : keys) {
for (JdbcTypeField field : em.keyColumns()) {
Object fieldVal = extractParameter(em.cacheName, em.keyType(), em.keyKind(), field.getJavaFieldName(), key);
fillParameter(stmt, idx++, field, fieldVal);
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
Map<K1, V1> entries = U.newHashMap(keys.size());
while ( {
K1 key = buildObject(em.cacheName, em.keyType(), em.keyKind(), em.keyColumns(),
em.loadColIdxs, rs);
V1 val = buildObject(em.cacheName, em.valueType(), em.valueKind(), em.valueColumns(),
em.loadColIdxs, rs);
entries.put(key, val);
return entries;
finally {