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= Ignite.NET Standalone Nodes
== Overview
An Ignite.NET node can be started within the code of a .NET application by using `Ignition.Start()` or as a separate
process with `Apache.Ignite.exe` executable located under `{apache_ignite_release}\platforms\dotnet\bin` folder.
Internally `Apache.Ignite.exe` references `Apache.Ignite.Core.dll` and uses `Ignition.Start()` as you would normally do,
and can be configured with command line arguments, listed below, by passing them as command line options or setting directly
in `Apache.Ignite.exe.config` file.
Usually, you start server nodes in the standalone mode. An Ignite cluster is a group of server nodes interconnected
together in order to provide shared resources like RAM and CPU to your applications.
== Configure Standalone Node via Command Line
Below you can see basic Ignite parameters that can be passed as command line arguments when a node is started with
`Apache.Ignite.exe` executable:
|Command Line Argument |Description
|`-IgniteHome`| A path to Ignite installation directory (if not provided, the `IGNITE_HOME` environment variable is used)
|`-ConfigFileName`| A path to the app.config file (if not provided, `Apache.Ignite.exe.config` is used).
|`-ConfigSectionName`| The name of the `IgniteConfigurationSection` from a configuration file.
|`-SpringConfigUrl`| A path to a Spring configuration file.
|`-JvmDllPath`| A path to JVM library `jvm.dll` (if not provided, `JAVA_HOME` environment variable is used).
|`-JvmClasspath`| The classpath to pass to JVM started by Ignite.NET internally (use to enlist additional JAR files).
|`-SuppressWarnings`| Whether or not to print warnings.
|`-J<javaOption>`| Additional JVM options to be used during the initialization of the JVM.
|`-Assembly`| Additional .NET assemblies to be loaded.
|`-JvmInitialMemoryMB`| Initial Java heap size, in megabytes. Maps to the `-Xms` Java parameter.
|`-JvmMaxMemoryMB`| Maximum Java heap size, in megabytes. Maps to the `-Xmx` Java parameter.
|`/install`| Installs Ignite Windows service with provided options.
|`/uninstall`| Uninstalls Ignite Windows service.
Apache.Ignite.exe -ConfigFileName=c:\ignite\my-config.xml -ConfigSectionName=igniteConfiguration -Assembly=c:\ignite\my-code.dll -J-Xms1024m -J-Xmx2048m
== Configure Standalone Node via XML Files
A standalone node can be configured with app.config XML or Spring XML (or both). Every command line argument, listed above,
can also be used in `Apache.Ignite.exe.config` under `appSettings` section:
<section name="igniteConfiguration" type="Apache.Ignite.Core.IgniteConfigurationSection, Apache.Ignite.Core" />
<igniteConfiguration springConfigUrl="c:\ignite\spring.xml">
<cacheConfiguration name="myCache" cacheMode="Replicated" />
<add key="Ignite.Assembly.1" value="my-assembly.dll"/>
<add key="Ignite.Assembly.2" value="my-assembly2.dll"/>
<add key="Ignite.ConfigSectionName" value="igniteConfiguration" />
This example defines the `igniteConfiguration` section and uses it to start Ignite via the `Ignite.ConfigSectionName` setting.
It also references the Spring XML configuration file, whose settings will be added to the specified configuration.
== Load User Assemblies
Some Ignite APIs involve remote code execution and require you to load assemblies with your code into `Apache.Ignite.exe`
via `-Assembly` command line argument or `Ignite.Assembly` app setting.
The following functionality requires a corresponding assembly to be loaded on all nodes:
* ICompute (supports automatic loading, see link:net-specific/remote-assembly-loading[Remote Assembly Loading])
* Scan Queries with filter
* Continuous Queries with filter
* ICache.Invoke methods
* ICache.LoadCache with filter
* IServices
* IMessaging.RemoteListen
* IEvents.RemoteQuery
=== Missing User Assemblies
If a user assembly cannot be located a `Could not load file or assembly 'MyAssembly'` or one of its dependencies
exception will be thrown.
Note, that it is also necessary to add any dependencies of the user assembly to the list.
== Ignite.NET as Windows Service
`Apache.Ignite.exe` can be installed as a Windows Service so it is started automatically via `/install` command line argument.
All other command line arguments will be preserved and used each time the service starts. Use `/uninstall` to uninstall the service.
Apache.Ignite.exe /install -J-Xms513m -J-Xmx555m -ConfigSectionName=igniteConfiguration