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= Extending Ignite.NET With Custom Plugins
== Overview
The Ignite.NET plugin system allows you to extend the core Ignite.NET functionality with custom plugins. The best way to
explain how Ignite plugins work is by looking at the life cycle of plugins.
== IgniteConfiguration.PluginConfigurations
First, an Apache Ignite plugin has to be registered via the `IgniteConfiguration.PluginConfigurations` property which is
a collection of the `IPluginConfiguration` implementations. From a user's perspective, this is a manual process - a
plugin's assembly has to be referenced and configured explicitly.
The `IPluginConfiguration` interface has two members that interact with the Java part of Apache Ignite.NET. This is
described in the next section. Besides those two members, `IPluginConfiguration` implementation should contain all the
other plugin-specific configuration properties.
Another part of an `IPluginConfiguration` implementation is the mandatory `[PluginProviderType]` attribute that tethers a
plugin configuration with a plugin implementation. For example:
public class MyPluginConfiguration : IPluginConfiguration
public string MyProperty { get; set; } // Plugin-specific property
public int? PluginConfigurationClosureFactoryId
get { return null; } // No Java part
public void WriteBinary(IBinaryRawWriter writer)
// No-op.
To recap, this is how plugins are added and initialized:
* You add the `IPluginConfiguration` implementation instance to `IgniteConfiguration`.
* You start an Ignite node with the prepared configuration.
* Before the Ignite node initialization is finished, the Ignite plugin engine examines the `IPluginConfiguration` implementation
for the `[PluginProviderType]` attribute and instantiates the specified class.
== IPluginProvider
The `IPluginProvider` implementation is the work-horse of the newly added plugin. It deals with the Ignite node life cycle
by processing the calls to the `OnIgniteStart` and `OnIgniteStop` methods. In addition, it can provide an optional API
to be used by an end user via the `GetPlugin<T>()` method.
The first method to be invoked on the `IPluginProvider` implementation by the Ignite.NET engine is
`Start(IPluginContext<TestIgnitePluginConfiguration> context)`. `IPluginContext` provides an access to an initial plugin
configuration and all means to interact with Ignite.
When Ignite is being stopped, the `Stop` and `OnIgniteStop` methods are executed sequentially so that the plugin
implementation can accomplish all cleanup and shutdown-related tasks.
== IIgnite.GetPlugin
Plugins can expose user-facing API which is accessed via the `IIgnite.GetPlugin(string name)` method. The Ignite engine
will search for `IPluginProvider` with the passed name and call `GetPlugin` on it.
== Interacting With Java
The Ignite.NET plugin can interact with an Ignite Java plugin via the `PlatformTarget` & `IPlatformTarget` interface pair.
=== Java-Specific Logic
. Implement the `PlatformTarget` interface, which is a communication point with .NET:
class MyPluginTarget implements PlatformTarget {
@Override public long processInLongOutLong(int type, long val) throws IgniteCheckedException {
if (type == 1)
return val + 1;
return val - 1;
... // Other methods here.
* Implement the `PlatformPluginExtension` interface:
public class MyPluginExtension implements PlatformPluginExtension {
@Override public int id() {
return 42; // Unique id to be used from .NET side.
@Override public PlatformTarget createTarget() {
return new MyPluginTarget(); // Return target from previous step.
* Implement the `PluginProvider.initExtensions` method and register the `PlatformPluginExtension` class:
@Override public void initExtensions(PluginContext ctx, ExtensionRegistry registry) {
registry.registerExtension(PlatformPluginExtension.class, new MyPluginExtension());
=== .NET-specific Logic
Call `IPluginContext.GetExtension` with a corresponding id. This will invoke the `createTarget` call on the Java side:
IPlatformTarget extension = pluginContext.GetExtension(42);
long result = extension.InLongOutLong(1, 2); // processInLongOutLong is called in Java
Other `IPlatformTarget` methods provide an efficient way to exchange any kind of data between Java and .NET code.
=== Callbacks from Java
.NET \-> Java call mechanism is described above; you can also do Java \-> .NET calls:
* Register callback handler with some ID on the .NET side via the `IPluginContext.RegisterCallback` method.
* Call `PlatformCallbackGateway.pluginCallback` with that ID on the Java side.
=== Complete Example
A detailed walk-through plugin example can be found in[this blog post, window=_blank].