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= Split the dataset on test and train datasets
Data splitting is meant to split the data stored in a cache into two parts: the training part that is used to train the model, and the test part that is used to estimate the model quality.
All fit() methods has a special parameter to pass a filter condition to each cache.
Due to distributed and lazy nature of dataset operations, the dataset split is the lazy operation too and could be defined as a filter condition that could be applied to the initial cache to form both, the train and test datasets.
In the example below the model is trained only on 75% of the initial dataset. The filter parameter value is the result of the `split.getTrainFilter()` that could continue with or reject the row from the initial dataset to handle it during the training.
[source, java]
// Define the cache.
IgniteCache<Integer, Vector> dataCache = ...;
// Define the percentage of the train sub-set of the initial dataset.
TrainTestSplit<Integer, Vector> split = new TrainTestDatasetSplitter<>().split(0.75);
IgniteModel<Vector, Double> mdl = trainer
.fit(ignite, dataCache, split.getTrainFilter(), vectorizer);
The `split.getTestFilter()` could be used to validate the model on the test data.
Below is the example of working with the cache directly: printing the predicted and real regression value from the test sub-set of the initial dataset.
[source, java]
// Define the cache query and set the filter.
ScanQuery<Integer, Vector> qry = new ScanQuery<>();
try (QueryCursor<Cache.Entry<Integer, Vector>> observations = dataCache.query(qry)) {
for (Cache.Entry<Integer, Vector> observation : observations) {
Vector val = observation.getValue();
Vector inputs = val.copyOfRange(1, val.size());
double groundTruth = val.get(0);
double prediction = mdl.predict(inputs);
System.out.printf(">>> | %.4f\t\t| %.4f\t\t|\n", prediction, groundTruth);