blob: 8b672dbcd4c88109a5a18ffb29a021fd90961e8a [file] [log] [blame]
extend _components/base.pug
block pagetitle
title Apache Ignite Community - Start Contributing
meta(name="description", content="Meet an Apache Ignite community and get help. Contribute to Ignite by helping answer user questions, coding, changing technical documentation, or becoming a committer and PMC member.")
link(rel="canonical", href="")
meta(property="og:title", content="Apache Ignite Community - Start Contributing")
meta(property="og:type", content="article")
meta(property="og:url", content="")
meta(property="og:image", content="/img/og-pic.png")
meta(property="og:description", content="Meet an Apache Ignite community and get help. Contribute to Ignite by helping answer user questions, coding, changing technical documentation, or becoming a committer and PMC member.")
block css
link(rel="stylesheet", href="../css/communnity.css?ver=" + config.version)
block main
- global.pageHref = "community.html"
include ./_components/header.pug
Welcome To The Apache <br>Ignite Community
A community of software engineers, tech writers, and technologists who drive the evolution of a top-5 project of the Apache Software Foundation
a(href="" target="_blank") Learn more
| about Ignite ranking in various categories.
a(href="", target="_blank").cmtyhero__img
img(src="/img/community/b1-photo.svg", alt="Welcome to the Apache Ignite Community")
// /.cmtyhero
a.cmtynavblock__active(href="#story") Learn Our Story
a(href="#community") Meet the Community
a(href="#contributing") Start Contributing
a(href="#faq") Ask a Question
// /.cmtynavblock
h2.cmtyhistory1__title Apache Ignite Story
.cmtyhistory__year 2014
img(src="/img/community/b3-rocket1.svg", alt="")
h3.cmtyhistory1__h3.fz30.pb-3 Ignite is contributed to ASF
p A <a href="" target="_blank">new project enters the Apache Software Foundation incubator</a> under the name of "Apache Ignite"🚀. The first members form its community.
p It&nbsp;was a&nbsp;time of&nbsp;intensive learning. While being in&nbsp;the incubator, everyone was learning how to&nbsp;build a&nbsp;vibrant community, create releases, and do&nbsp;things other open-source projects&nbsp;do.
It&nbsp;was time of&nbsp;intensive learning experience. While being in&nbsp;the Incubator, guys were learning how to&nbsp;build a&nbsp;vibrant community, create releases and do&nbsp;tings other open source projects&nbsp;do.
img(src="/img/community/b2-cos.jpg", alt="")
.cmtyhistory__avaname Cos Boudnik
.cmtyhistory__avaproff ASF member, Apache Ignite Mentor
// /.cmtyhistory1
.cmtyhistory__year.cmtyhistory__year--right 2015
img(src="/img/community/b3-rocket2.svg", alt="")
h3.cmtyhistory1__h3.fz30.pb-3 Ignite graduates from the incubator
p In&nbsp;less than a&nbsp;year <a href="" target="_blank">Ignite successfully graduates</a> from the ASF incubator and became a&nbsp;top-level project of&nbsp;the Apache Software Foundation.
p The community keeps expanding rapidly. Hundreds of&nbsp;developers and architects start using Ignite as&nbsp;a&nbsp;distributed in-memory data grid (aka. write-through/read-through cache) for its native support of&nbsp;SQL, ACID transactions and high-performance computing APIs.
// /.cmtyhistory2
.cmtyhistory__year 2017
img(src="/img/community/b3-rocket3.svg", alt="")
h3.cmtyhistory1__h3.fz30.pb-3 Ignite introduces Native Persistence and becomes a Top-5 Project
p In 2017, two notable events happened.
p.pb-3 <a href="" target="_blank">First, with the donation of&nbsp;the Ignite native persistence</a> to&nbsp;the project&rsquo;s codebase, a&nbsp;new chapter in&nbsp;the Ignite story begins. Since then, many will be&nbsp;using Ignite as&nbsp;a&nbsp;distributed database that scales across memory and disk with no&nbsp;compromises💥.
p Second, this is&nbsp;the year when Ignite is&nbsp;ranked as&nbsp;a&nbsp;top-5 project of&nbsp;the ASF in&nbsp;various categories 🏆 for the first time. A&nbsp;trend that will continue in&nbsp;the years to&nbsp;come.
// /.cmtyhistory3
.cmtyhistory__year.cmtyhistory__year--right 2020
img(src="/img/community/b3-rocket4.svg", alt="")
h3.cmtyhistory1__h3.fz30.pb-3 Ignite becomes (officially) <br>a distributed database
p In 3 years, after the initial release of the Ignite native persistence, the community and application developers carried on improving and adopting this capability for mission-critical production workloads.
p Finally, after seeing the rapid adoption of Ignite as a database by application developers, the community repositions Ignite as "distributed database for high-performance computing with in-memory speed".
// /.cmtyhistory4
.cmtyhistory__year Today
img(src="/img/community/b3-rocket5.svg", alt="")
h3.cmtyhistory1__h3.fz30.pb-3 Ignite 3.0 version is under way
p Even when your project can boast of&nbsp;hundreds of&nbsp;thousands of&nbsp;downloads a&nbsp;month and is&nbsp;being selected by&nbsp;elite developers and architects for applications that are used by&nbsp;millions of&nbsp;people daily, there is&nbsp;still room for innovation.
p Ignite 3&nbsp;is a&nbsp;significant leap forward for both the project and its community. Join or&nbsp;support&nbsp;us in&nbsp;an&nbsp;effort to&nbsp;create a&nbsp;cutting-edge distributed database...
// /.cmtyhistory5
// /.cmtyhistory
h2.cmty-meet__h2 Meet The Community
A global community of professionals with different skills and experiences who drive the evolution of Ignite.
.cmty-meet__sub <a href="" target="_blank">The Apache Way</a> &ndash; get to know our collaboration and contribution values with principles.
img(src="/img/community/b4-img.svg", alt="")
// /.cmty-meet
h3.h4 Contributers
More than 100 members help the project grow and progress daily. Code contributions, documentation creation, project awareness, developer support <strong>this is just a sample of the contributions that we recognize.</strong>
img(src="/img/community/b5-img.png", alt="")
// /.cmty-contrib
h3.h4 Committers Most active contributors who make a&nbsp;significant contribution <br>to&nbsp;the project become Apache Ignite committers. Here is the list of committers for the project.
mixin committerNew(obj)
if obj["Comitter"]
.committer__name #{obj["Name"]}
if obj["GitHub"]
img(src="/img/icon-github.svg", alt="")
if obj["Apache profile"]
a.committer__apache(href=obj["Apache profile"])
img(src="/img/icon-pero.svg", alt="")
include ./_components/committers.pug
let arrayCommitters = JSON.parse(committers);
let committersLeft = arrayCommitters.slice(0,arrayCommitters.length / 2);
let committersRight = arrayCommitters.slice(arrayCommitters.length / 2);
let pmc = arrayCommitters.filter((el) => {
return el.PMC;
each val, index in committersLeft
if index > 6
- break;
a.committers__morelink(href="#", data-hideopen="committersLeft", data-invis="1") Load more
each val, index in committersLeft
if index <= 6
- continue;
each val, index in committersRight
if index > 6
- break;
a.committers__morelink(href="#", data-hideopen="committersRight", data-invis="1") Load more
each val, index in committersRight
if index <= 6
- continue;
//- include _components/cmty-committers.pug
// /.cmty-committers
h3.fz30 Project Management Committee A group of Ignite committers who oversee project management and operational matters. <br>They vote on new committers, releases and make other vital decisions. Here is the list of PMC members for the project.
mixin projectManagers(obj)
if obj["PMC"] == "PMC Chair"
img(src="/img/community/b7-chair-star.svg", alt="")
p.cmty-pmitem__name.h5 !{obj["Name"]} #{obj["Company"]}
if obj["GitHub"]
a.cmty-pmitem__github(href=obj["GitHub"], target="_blank")
img(src="/img/icon-github.svg", alt="")
if obj["Apache profile"]
a.cmty-pmitem__apache(href=obj["Apache profile"], target="_blank")
img(src="/img/icon-pero.svg", alt="")
//- include _components/cmty-phs.pug
"Name": "Dmitriy Govorukhin",
"Comitter": "YES",
"PMC": "PMC Chair",
"GitHub": "",
"Apache profile": "",
"Company": "",
each val, index in pmc
if index > 2
- break;
each val, index in pmc
if index < 4
- continue;
a.cmty-pm__morelink(href="#", data-hideopen="pmMore")
i Load more
span Hide
// /.cmty-pm
h2.h3.cmty-startcont__title Start Contributing
There are multiple ways you can contribute to Ignite &mdash; contribute to the codebase, help developers on the mailing lists, write technical docs or popularize our technology!
img(src="/img/community/b8-img.svg", alt="")
// /.cmty-startcont
h3.h4 Code and technical documentation contributions
img(src="/img/community/b9-icon-code.svg", alt="")
h3.cmty-docblock__title.h4 Develop Ignite
p Contribute to the Apache Ignite:
li code base
li integrations and extensions
li programming languages, such as .NET, Python, Node.JS, or other programming languages different from Java
img(src="/img/community/b9-icon-paper.svg", alt="")
h3.cmty-docblock__title.h4 Improve technical documentation
p Documentation educates users about Ignite capabilities, configuration techniques, optimization aspects and many other things.
li Produce and maintain the documentation pages <br>or API references
li Edit and correct existing content
// /.cmty-docs
strong Ready to start?
.cmty-ready__text.fz20 4 Steps to Start Contributing to the Code and Technical Documentation
i 01
p.fz20 Create an <a href="" target="_blank">ASF JIRA <br>account</a>, if&nbsp;you haven&rsquo;t <br>got one yet
i 02
p.fz20 Join <a href="" target="_blank">dev mailing list</a> and introduce yourself
i 03
p.fz20.pb-2 Pick a ticket to start with
span.cmty-ready__openlink(data-hideopen="cmtyready3") Chose the tickets to develop Apache Ignite:
p <a href="" target="_blank">Click here</a> to view the tickets for code contribution
p <a href="" target="_blank">Click here</a> to view the tickets for technical documentation
i 04
p.fz20 To get more details, check out the <a href="" target="_blank">Contribution and Development</a> process
.h5 Top contributors 💪<br>
<a href="" target="_blank">@Ignite Core and <br>Documentation</a><br>
<a href="" target="_blank">@Ignite Extensions</a><br>
<a href="" target="_blank">@Ignite Team City </a><br>
<a href="" target="_blank">@Ignite Website</a><br>
a(href="" target="_blank")
img(src="/img/community/b11-stat1.jpg", alt="")
a(href="" target="_blank")
img(src="/img/community/b11-stat2.jpg", alt="")
a(href="" target="_blank") Load more
// /.cmty-ready
h3.h4 Contribute By Building The Awareness <br>Of Ignite And Helping Fellow Developers
img(src="/img/community/b12-code.svg", alt="").tplbox__icon
h3.h4.pb-2 Build the project awareness
p.fz20 You can contribute by taking part in project awareness activities.
a(href="", target="_blank") Create demos
a(href="", target="_blank") Write a blog post
a(href="", target="_blank") Talk about Ignite at conferences and other events
img.cmty-redblock__questimg(src="/img/community/b12-icon-quest.svg", alt="").tplbox__icon
h3.h4.pb-2 Help application developers
p.fz20 If you already have some experience with Apache Ignite, for instance, you created your applications, or your services use AI, come and help others.
li <a href="">Answer on the user list</a>
li <a href="" target="_blank">Answer on StackOverflow</a>
// /.cmty-red
strong Ready to start?
p.fz20 2 steps to start contributing by building the awareness and helping developers
i 01
p <a href="">Join dev mailing list</a> and introduce yourself
i 02
.cmty-redstep__h3 If you want to build project awareness
p <a href="" target="_blank">Get instructions</a> and start spreading the word about Apache Ignite.
i 02
.cmty-redstep__h3 If you want to help application developpers
p Look for new questions on the <a href="">user mailing list</a> or <a href="" target="_blank">StackOverflow</a> (#ignite) and help others to use Ignite successfully.
strong Project Awareness <br>Top Contributors
p.h5.cmty-redstart__grey Previous Quarter
p We do recognise and welcome non-code contributions. There are dozens of Apache Ignite community members who contribute this way.
iframe(src="", frameborder="0").cmty-redstart__iframe.themescroll
a(href="", target="_blank") See all contributors
// /.cmty-redstart
h2.cmty-ask__title.fz50.pb-3 Ask a Question
.cmty-ask__text.h5 Feel free to&nbsp;reach to&nbsp;our community if&nbsp;you have any <br>questions, doubts or&nbsp;proposals. There are a&nbsp;few <br>ways to&nbsp;do&nbsp;that.
img.cmty-ask__bg(src="/img/community/b15-askimg.svg", alt="")
// /.cmty-ask
img(src="/img/community/b16-icon-quest.svg", alt="")
span For General Questions
p.faqblock__rightitle By e-mail
p For general questions about Ignite <a href=""></a>
img(src="/img/icon-email+.svg", alt="").faqblock__eicon
span Subscribe
img(src="/img/icon-email-.svg", alt="").faqblock__eicon
span Unsubscribe
a.faqblock__button.flexi(href="" target="_blank")
img(src="/img/icon-folder.svg", alt="")
span Archives
p.faqblock__rightitle On StackOverflow
p Many Ignite community members watch <a href="" target="_blank">Stack Overflow</a> for the tag "ignite" or "apacheignite", so you can post your questions there as well.
a.faqblock__button.flexi(href="" target="_blank")
img(src="/img/icon-stackoverflow.svg", alt="").faqblock__stackicon
span Ask question on StackOverflow
// /.faqblock
img(src="/img/community/b16-icon-comments.svg", alt="")
span For Contribution Related <br>Questions And Discussions
p.faqblock__rightitle By e-mail
p For contribution-related discussions <a href=""></a>
img(src="/img/icon-email+.svg", alt="").faqblock__eicon
span Subscribe
img(src="/img/icon-email-.svg", alt="").faqblock__eicon
span Unsubscribe
a.faqblock__button.flexi(href="" target="_blank")
img(src="/img/icon-folder.svg", alt="")
span Archives
p.faqblock__rightitle On StackOverflow
p Many Ignite community contributors monitor <a href="" target="_blank">Stack Overflow</a> for the tag "ignite" or "apacheignite" to support Ignite developers, so you can post your questions there as well.
img(src="/img/icon-stackoverflow.svg", alt="").faqblock__stackicon
span Ask question on StackOverflow
// /.faqblock
img(src="/img/community/b16-icon-reports.svg", alt="")
span Report An Issue
p.faqblock__rightitle On Jira
p Visit <a href="" target="_blank">Ignite Jira</a> if you would like to file a new issue or view existing issues.
a.faqblock__button.flexi(href="" target="_blank")
img(src="/img/icon-stackoverflow.svg", alt="").faqblock__stackicon
span Ask question on StackOverflow
// /.faqblock