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| <div class="subTitle">org.apache.ignite.cache</div> |
| <h2 title="Interface CacheMetrics" class="title">Interface CacheMetrics</h2> |
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| <div class="description"> |
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| <dl> |
| <dt>All Known Subinterfaces:</dt> |
| <dd><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/mxbean/CacheMetricsMXBean.html" title="interface in org.apache.ignite.mxbean">CacheMetricsMXBean</a></dd> |
| </dl> |
| <hr> |
| <br> |
| <pre>public interface <span class="strong">CacheMetrics</span></pre> |
| <div class="block">Cache metrics used to obtain statistics on cache itself. |
| Use <a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/IgniteCache.html#metrics()"><code>IgniteCache.metrics()</code></a> to obtain metrics for a cache.</div> |
| </li> |
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| <div class="summary"> |
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| <!-- ========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== --> |
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| <h3>Method Summary</h3> |
| <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Method Summary table, listing methods, and an explanation"> |
| <caption><span>Methods</span><span class="tabEnd"> </span></caption> |
| <tr> |
| <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th> |
| <th class="colLast" scope="col">Method and Description</th> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>float</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getAverageGetTime()">getAverageGetTime</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">The mean time to execute gets.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>float</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getAveragePutTime()">getAveragePutTime</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">The mean time to execute puts.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>float</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getAverageRemoveTime()">getAverageRemoveTime</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">The mean time to execute removes.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>float</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getAverageTxCommitTime()">getAverageTxCommitTime</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">The mean time to execute tx commit.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>float</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getAverageTxRollbackTime()">getAverageTxRollbackTime</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">The mean time to execute tx rollbacks.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getCacheEvictions()">getCacheEvictions</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">The total number of evictions from the cache.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getCacheGets()">getCacheGets</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">The total number of requests to the cache.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>float</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getCacheHitPercentage()">getCacheHitPercentage</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">This is a measure of cache efficiency.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getCacheHits()">getCacheHits</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">The number of get requests that were satisfied by the cache.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getCacheMisses()">getCacheMisses</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">A miss is a get request that is not satisfied.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>float</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getCacheMissPercentage()">getCacheMissPercentage</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Returns the percentage of cache accesses that did not find a requested entry |
| in the cache.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getCachePuts()">getCachePuts</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">The total number of puts to the cache.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getCacheRemovals()">getCacheRemovals</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">The total number of removals from the cache.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getCacheTxCommits()">getCacheTxCommits</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets total number of transaction commits.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getCacheTxRollbacks()">getCacheTxRollbacks</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets total number of transaction rollbacks.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>int</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getDhtEvictQueueCurrentSize()">getDhtEvictQueueCurrentSize</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets current size of evict queue used to batch up evictions.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>int</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getKeySize()">getKeySize</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets number of keys in the cache, possibly with <code>null</code> values.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code><a href="http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/String.html?is-external=true" title="class or interface in java.lang">String</a></code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getKeyType()">getKeyType</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Determines the required type of keys for this <code>Cache</code>, if any.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getOffHeapAllocatedSize()">getOffHeapAllocatedSize</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets memory size allocated in off-heap.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getOffHeapBackupEntriesCount()">getOffHeapBackupEntriesCount</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets number of backup entries stored in off-heap memory.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getOffHeapEntriesCount()">getOffHeapEntriesCount</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets number of entries stored in off-heap memory.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getOffHeapEvictions()">getOffHeapEvictions</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">The total number of evictions from the off-heap memory.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getOffHeapGets()">getOffHeapGets</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">The total number of get requests to the off-heap memory.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>float</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getOffHeapHitPercentage()">getOffHeapHitPercentage</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets the percentage of hits on off-heap memory.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getOffHeapHits()">getOffHeapHits</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">The number of get requests that were satisfied by the off-heap memory.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getOffHeapMaxSize()">getOffHeapMaxSize</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets off-heap memory maximum size.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getOffHeapMisses()">getOffHeapMisses</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">A miss is a get request that is not satisfied by off-heap memory.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>float</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getOffHeapMissPercentage()">getOffHeapMissPercentage</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets the percentage of misses on off-heap memory.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getOffHeapPrimaryEntriesCount()">getOffHeapPrimaryEntriesCount</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets number of primary entries stored in off-heap memory.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getOffHeapPuts()">getOffHeapPuts</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">The total number of put requests to the off-heap memory.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getOffHeapRemovals()">getOffHeapRemovals</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">The total number of removals from the off-heap memory.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getOverflowSize()">getOverflowSize</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets number of entries that was swapped to disk.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>int</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getSize()">getSize</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets number of non-<code>null</code> values in the cache.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getSwapEntriesCount()">getSwapEntriesCount</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets number of entries stored in swap.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getSwapGets()">getSwapGets</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">The total number of get requests to the swap.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>float</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getSwapHitPercentage()">getSwapHitPercentage</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets the percentage of hits on swap.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getSwapHits()">getSwapHits</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">The number of get requests that were satisfied by the swap.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getSwapMisses()">getSwapMisses</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">A miss is a get request that is not satisfied by swap.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>float</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getSwapMissPercentage()">getSwapMissPercentage</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets the percentage of misses on swap.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getSwapPuts()">getSwapPuts</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">The total number of put requests to the swap.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getSwapRemovals()">getSwapRemovals</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">The total number of removals from the swap.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getSwapSize()">getSwapSize</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets size of swap.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>int</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getTxCommitQueueSize()">getTxCommitQueueSize</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets committed transaction queue size.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>int</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getTxCommittedVersionsSize()">getTxCommittedVersionsSize</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets number of cached committed transaction IDs.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>int</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getTxDhtCommitQueueSize()">getTxDhtCommitQueueSize</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets committed DHT transaction queue size.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>int</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getTxDhtCommittedVersionsSize()">getTxDhtCommittedVersionsSize</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets number of cached committed DHT transaction IDs.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>int</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getTxDhtPrepareQueueSize()">getTxDhtPrepareQueueSize</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets prepared DHT transaction queue size.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>int</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getTxDhtRolledbackVersionsSize()">getTxDhtRolledbackVersionsSize</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets number of cached rolled back DHT transaction IDs.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>int</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getTxDhtStartVersionCountsSize()">getTxDhtStartVersionCountsSize</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets DHT start version counts map size.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>int</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getTxDhtThreadMapSize()">getTxDhtThreadMapSize</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets transaction DHT per-thread map size.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>int</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getTxDhtXidMapSize()">getTxDhtXidMapSize</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets transaction DHT per-Xid map size.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>int</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getTxPrepareQueueSize()">getTxPrepareQueueSize</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets prepared transaction queue size.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>int</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getTxRolledbackVersionsSize()">getTxRolledbackVersionsSize</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets number of cached rolled back transaction IDs.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>int</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getTxStartVersionCountsSize()">getTxStartVersionCountsSize</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets start version counts map size.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>int</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getTxThreadMapSize()">getTxThreadMapSize</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets transaction per-thread map size.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>int</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getTxXidMapSize()">getTxXidMapSize</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets transaction per-Xid map size.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code><a href="http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/String.html?is-external=true" title="class or interface in java.lang">String</a></code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getValueType()">getValueType</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Determines the required type of values for this <code>Cache</code>, if any.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>int</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getWriteBehindBufferSize()">getWriteBehindBufferSize</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets count of entries that were processed by the write-behind store and have not been |
| flushed to the underlying store yet.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>int</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getWriteBehindCriticalOverflowCount()">getWriteBehindCriticalOverflowCount</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets count of write buffer overflow events in progress at the moment.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>int</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getWriteBehindErrorRetryCount()">getWriteBehindErrorRetryCount</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets count of cache entries that are in a store-retry state.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getWriteBehindFlushFrequency()">getWriteBehindFlushFrequency</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets the cache flush frequency.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>int</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getWriteBehindFlushSize()">getWriteBehindFlushSize</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets the maximum size of the write-behind buffer.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>int</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getWriteBehindFlushThreadCount()">getWriteBehindFlushThreadCount</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets the number of flush threads that will perform store update operations.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>int</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getWriteBehindStoreBatchSize()">getWriteBehindStoreBatchSize</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets the maximum count of similar (put or remove) operations that can be grouped to a single batch.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>int</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#getWriteBehindTotalCriticalOverflowCount()">getWriteBehindTotalCriticalOverflowCount</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets count of write buffer overflow events since initialization.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>boolean</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#isEmpty()">isEmpty</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Returns <code>true</code> if this cache is empty.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>boolean</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#isManagementEnabled()">isManagementEnabled</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Checks whether management is enabled on this cache.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>boolean</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#isReadThrough()">isReadThrough</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Determines if a <code>Cache</code> should operate in read-through mode.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>boolean</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#isStatisticsEnabled()">isStatisticsEnabled</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Checks whether statistics collection is enabled in this cache.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>boolean</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#isStoreByValue()">isStoreByValue</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Whether storeByValue <code>true</code> or storeByReference <code>false</code>.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>boolean</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#isWriteBehindEnabled()">isWriteBehindEnabled</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Returns <code>true</code> if write-behind is enabled.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="rowColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code>boolean</code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#isWriteThrough()">isWriteThrough</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Determines if a <code>Cache</code> should operate in "write-through" |
| mode.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class="altColor"> |
| <td class="colFirst"><code><a href="http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/String.html?is-external=true" title="class or interface in java.lang">String</a></code></td> |
| <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/cache/CacheMetrics.html#name()">name</a></strong>()</code> |
| <div class="block">Gets name of this cache.</div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| </table> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| </div> |
| <div class="details"> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <!-- ============ METHOD DETAIL ========== --> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"><a name="method_detail"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <h3>Method Detail</h3> |
| <a name="getCacheHits()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getCacheHits</h4> |
| <pre>long getCacheHits()</pre> |
| <div class="block">The number of get requests that were satisfied by the cache.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>The number of hits.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getCacheHitPercentage()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getCacheHitPercentage</h4> |
| <pre>float getCacheHitPercentage()</pre> |
| <div class="block">This is a measure of cache efficiency.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>The percentage of successful hits, as a decimal e.g 75.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getCacheMisses()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getCacheMisses</h4> |
| <pre>long getCacheMisses()</pre> |
| <div class="block">A miss is a get request that is not satisfied.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>The number of misses.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getCacheMissPercentage()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getCacheMissPercentage</h4> |
| <pre>float getCacheMissPercentage()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Returns the percentage of cache accesses that did not find a requested entry |
| in the cache.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>The percentage of accesses that failed to find anything.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getCacheGets()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getCacheGets</h4> |
| <pre>long getCacheGets()</pre> |
| <div class="block">The total number of requests to the cache. This will be equal to the sum of |
| the hits and misses.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>The number of gets.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getCachePuts()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getCachePuts</h4> |
| <pre>long getCachePuts()</pre> |
| <div class="block">The total number of puts to the cache.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>The number of puts.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getCacheRemovals()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getCacheRemovals</h4> |
| <pre>long getCacheRemovals()</pre> |
| <div class="block">The total number of removals from the cache. This does not include evictions, |
| where the cache itself initiates the removal to make space.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>The number of removals.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getCacheEvictions()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getCacheEvictions</h4> |
| <pre>long getCacheEvictions()</pre> |
| <div class="block">The total number of evictions from the cache. An eviction is a removal |
| initiated by the cache itself to free up space. An eviction is not treated as |
| a removal and does not appear in the removal counts.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>The number of evictions.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getAverageGetTime()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getAverageGetTime</h4> |
| <pre>float getAverageGetTime()</pre> |
| <div class="block">The mean time to execute gets.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>The time in µs.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getAveragePutTime()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getAveragePutTime</h4> |
| <pre>float getAveragePutTime()</pre> |
| <div class="block">The mean time to execute puts.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>The time in µs.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getAverageRemoveTime()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getAverageRemoveTime</h4> |
| <pre>float getAverageRemoveTime()</pre> |
| <div class="block">The mean time to execute removes.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>The time in µs.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getAverageTxCommitTime()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getAverageTxCommitTime</h4> |
| <pre>float getAverageTxCommitTime()</pre> |
| <div class="block">The mean time to execute tx commit.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>The time in µs.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getAverageTxRollbackTime()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getAverageTxRollbackTime</h4> |
| <pre>float getAverageTxRollbackTime()</pre> |
| <div class="block">The mean time to execute tx rollbacks.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Number of transaction rollbacks.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getCacheTxCommits()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getCacheTxCommits</h4> |
| <pre>long getCacheTxCommits()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets total number of transaction commits.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Number of transaction commits.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getCacheTxRollbacks()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getCacheTxRollbacks</h4> |
| <pre>long getCacheTxRollbacks()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets total number of transaction rollbacks.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Number of transaction rollbacks.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="name()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>name</h4> |
| <pre><a href="http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/String.html?is-external=true" title="class or interface in java.lang">String</a> name()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets name of this cache.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Cache name.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getOverflowSize()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getOverflowSize</h4> |
| <pre>long getOverflowSize()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets number of entries that was swapped to disk.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Number of entries that was swapped to disk.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getOffHeapGets()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getOffHeapGets</h4> |
| <pre>long getOffHeapGets()</pre> |
| <div class="block">The total number of get requests to the off-heap memory.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>The number of gets.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getOffHeapPuts()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getOffHeapPuts</h4> |
| <pre>long getOffHeapPuts()</pre> |
| <div class="block">The total number of put requests to the off-heap memory.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>The number of puts.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getOffHeapRemovals()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getOffHeapRemovals</h4> |
| <pre>long getOffHeapRemovals()</pre> |
| <div class="block">The total number of removals from the off-heap memory. This does not include evictions.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>The number of removals.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getOffHeapEvictions()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getOffHeapEvictions</h4> |
| <pre>long getOffHeapEvictions()</pre> |
| <div class="block">The total number of evictions from the off-heap memory.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>The number of evictions.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getOffHeapHits()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getOffHeapHits</h4> |
| <pre>long getOffHeapHits()</pre> |
| <div class="block">The number of get requests that were satisfied by the off-heap memory.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>The off-heap hits number.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getOffHeapHitPercentage()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getOffHeapHitPercentage</h4> |
| <pre>float getOffHeapHitPercentage()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets the percentage of hits on off-heap memory.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>The percentage of hits on off-heap memory.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getOffHeapMisses()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getOffHeapMisses</h4> |
| <pre>long getOffHeapMisses()</pre> |
| <div class="block">A miss is a get request that is not satisfied by off-heap memory.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>The off-heap misses number.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getOffHeapMissPercentage()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getOffHeapMissPercentage</h4> |
| <pre>float getOffHeapMissPercentage()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets the percentage of misses on off-heap memory.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>The percentage of misses on off-heap memory.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getOffHeapEntriesCount()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getOffHeapEntriesCount</h4> |
| <pre>long getOffHeapEntriesCount()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets number of entries stored in off-heap memory.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Number of entries stored in off-heap memory.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getOffHeapPrimaryEntriesCount()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getOffHeapPrimaryEntriesCount</h4> |
| <pre>long getOffHeapPrimaryEntriesCount()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets number of primary entries stored in off-heap memory.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Number of primary entries stored in off-heap memory.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getOffHeapBackupEntriesCount()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getOffHeapBackupEntriesCount</h4> |
| <pre>long getOffHeapBackupEntriesCount()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets number of backup entries stored in off-heap memory.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Number of backup entries stored in off-heap memory.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getOffHeapAllocatedSize()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getOffHeapAllocatedSize</h4> |
| <pre>long getOffHeapAllocatedSize()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets memory size allocated in off-heap.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Memory size allocated in off-heap.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getOffHeapMaxSize()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getOffHeapMaxSize</h4> |
| <pre>long getOffHeapMaxSize()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets off-heap memory maximum size.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Off-heap memory maximum size.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getSwapGets()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getSwapGets</h4> |
| <pre>long getSwapGets()</pre> |
| <div class="block">The total number of get requests to the swap.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>The number of gets.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getSwapPuts()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getSwapPuts</h4> |
| <pre>long getSwapPuts()</pre> |
| <div class="block">The total number of put requests to the swap.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>The number of puts.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getSwapRemovals()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getSwapRemovals</h4> |
| <pre>long getSwapRemovals()</pre> |
| <div class="block">The total number of removals from the swap.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>The number of removals.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getSwapHits()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getSwapHits</h4> |
| <pre>long getSwapHits()</pre> |
| <div class="block">The number of get requests that were satisfied by the swap.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>The swap hits number.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getSwapMisses()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getSwapMisses</h4> |
| <pre>long getSwapMisses()</pre> |
| <div class="block">A miss is a get request that is not satisfied by swap.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>The swap misses number.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getSwapEntriesCount()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getSwapEntriesCount</h4> |
| <pre>long getSwapEntriesCount()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets number of entries stored in swap.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Number of entries stored in swap.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getSwapSize()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getSwapSize</h4> |
| <pre>long getSwapSize()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets size of swap.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Size of swap.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getSwapHitPercentage()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getSwapHitPercentage</h4> |
| <pre>float getSwapHitPercentage()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets the percentage of hits on swap.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>The percentage of hits on swap.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getSwapMissPercentage()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getSwapMissPercentage</h4> |
| <pre>float getSwapMissPercentage()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets the percentage of misses on swap.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>The percentage of misses on swap.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getSize()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getSize</h4> |
| <pre>int getSize()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets number of non-<code>null</code> values in the cache.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Number of non-<code>null</code> values in the cache.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getKeySize()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getKeySize</h4> |
| <pre>int getKeySize()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets number of keys in the cache, possibly with <code>null</code> values.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Number of keys in the cache.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="isEmpty()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>isEmpty</h4> |
| <pre>boolean isEmpty()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Returns <code>true</code> if this cache is empty.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd><code>True</code> if this cache is empty.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getDhtEvictQueueCurrentSize()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getDhtEvictQueueCurrentSize</h4> |
| <pre>int getDhtEvictQueueCurrentSize()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets current size of evict queue used to batch up evictions.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Current size of evict queue.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getTxThreadMapSize()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getTxThreadMapSize</h4> |
| <pre>int getTxThreadMapSize()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets transaction per-thread map size.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Thread map size.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getTxXidMapSize()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getTxXidMapSize</h4> |
| <pre>int getTxXidMapSize()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets transaction per-Xid map size.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Transaction per-Xid map size.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getTxCommitQueueSize()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getTxCommitQueueSize</h4> |
| <pre>int getTxCommitQueueSize()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets committed transaction queue size.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Committed transaction queue size.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getTxPrepareQueueSize()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getTxPrepareQueueSize</h4> |
| <pre>int getTxPrepareQueueSize()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets prepared transaction queue size.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Prepared transaction queue size.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getTxStartVersionCountsSize()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getTxStartVersionCountsSize</h4> |
| <pre>int getTxStartVersionCountsSize()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets start version counts map size.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Start version counts map size.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getTxCommittedVersionsSize()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getTxCommittedVersionsSize</h4> |
| <pre>int getTxCommittedVersionsSize()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets number of cached committed transaction IDs.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Number of cached committed transaction IDs.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getTxRolledbackVersionsSize()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getTxRolledbackVersionsSize</h4> |
| <pre>int getTxRolledbackVersionsSize()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets number of cached rolled back transaction IDs.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Number of cached rolled back transaction IDs.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getTxDhtThreadMapSize()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getTxDhtThreadMapSize</h4> |
| <pre>int getTxDhtThreadMapSize()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets transaction DHT per-thread map size.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>DHT thread map size.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getTxDhtXidMapSize()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getTxDhtXidMapSize</h4> |
| <pre>int getTxDhtXidMapSize()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets transaction DHT per-Xid map size.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Transaction DHT per-Xid map size.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getTxDhtCommitQueueSize()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getTxDhtCommitQueueSize</h4> |
| <pre>int getTxDhtCommitQueueSize()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets committed DHT transaction queue size.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Committed DHT transaction queue size.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getTxDhtPrepareQueueSize()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getTxDhtPrepareQueueSize</h4> |
| <pre>int getTxDhtPrepareQueueSize()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets prepared DHT transaction queue size.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Prepared DHT transaction queue size.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getTxDhtStartVersionCountsSize()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getTxDhtStartVersionCountsSize</h4> |
| <pre>int getTxDhtStartVersionCountsSize()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets DHT start version counts map size.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>DHT start version counts map size.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getTxDhtCommittedVersionsSize()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getTxDhtCommittedVersionsSize</h4> |
| <pre>int getTxDhtCommittedVersionsSize()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets number of cached committed DHT transaction IDs.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Number of cached committed DHT transaction IDs.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getTxDhtRolledbackVersionsSize()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getTxDhtRolledbackVersionsSize</h4> |
| <pre>int getTxDhtRolledbackVersionsSize()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets number of cached rolled back DHT transaction IDs.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Number of cached rolled back DHT transaction IDs.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="isWriteBehindEnabled()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>isWriteBehindEnabled</h4> |
| <pre>boolean isWriteBehindEnabled()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Returns <code>true</code> if write-behind is enabled.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd><code>True</code> if write-behind is enabled.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getWriteBehindFlushSize()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getWriteBehindFlushSize</h4> |
| <pre>int getWriteBehindFlushSize()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets the maximum size of the write-behind buffer. When the count of unique keys |
| in write buffer exceeds this value, the buffer is scheduled for write to the underlying store. |
| <p/> |
| If this value is <code>0</code>, then flush is performed only on time-elapsing basis. However, |
| when this value is <code>0</code>, the cache critical size is set to |
| <a href="../../../../org/apache/ignite/configuration/CacheConfiguration.html#DFLT_WRITE_BEHIND_CRITICAL_SIZE"><code>CacheConfiguration.DFLT_WRITE_BEHIND_CRITICAL_SIZE</code></a></div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Buffer size that triggers flush procedure.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getWriteBehindFlushThreadCount()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getWriteBehindFlushThreadCount</h4> |
| <pre>int getWriteBehindFlushThreadCount()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets the number of flush threads that will perform store update operations.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Count of worker threads.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getWriteBehindFlushFrequency()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getWriteBehindFlushFrequency</h4> |
| <pre>long getWriteBehindFlushFrequency()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets the cache flush frequency. All pending operations on the underlying store will be performed |
| within time interval not less then this value. |
| <p/> |
| If this value is <code>0</code>, then flush is performed only when buffer size exceeds flush size.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Flush frequency in milliseconds.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getWriteBehindStoreBatchSize()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getWriteBehindStoreBatchSize</h4> |
| <pre>int getWriteBehindStoreBatchSize()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets the maximum count of similar (put or remove) operations that can be grouped to a single batch.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Maximum size of batch.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getWriteBehindTotalCriticalOverflowCount()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getWriteBehindTotalCriticalOverflowCount</h4> |
| <pre>int getWriteBehindTotalCriticalOverflowCount()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets count of write buffer overflow events since initialization. Each overflow event causes |
| the ongoing flush operation to be performed synchronously.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Count of cache overflow events since start.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getWriteBehindCriticalOverflowCount()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getWriteBehindCriticalOverflowCount</h4> |
| <pre>int getWriteBehindCriticalOverflowCount()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets count of write buffer overflow events in progress at the moment. Each overflow event causes |
| the ongoing flush operation to be performed synchronously.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Count of cache overflow events since start.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getWriteBehindErrorRetryCount()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getWriteBehindErrorRetryCount</h4> |
| <pre>int getWriteBehindErrorRetryCount()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets count of cache entries that are in a store-retry state. An entry is assigned a store-retry state |
| when underlying store failed due some reason and cache has enough space to retain this entry till |
| the next try.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Count of entries in store-retry state.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getWriteBehindBufferSize()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getWriteBehindBufferSize</h4> |
| <pre>int getWriteBehindBufferSize()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Gets count of entries that were processed by the write-behind store and have not been |
| flushed to the underlying store yet.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Total count of entries in cache store internal buffer.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getKeyType()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getKeyType</h4> |
| <pre><a href="http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/String.html?is-external=true" title="class or interface in java.lang">String</a> getKeyType()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Determines the required type of keys for this <code>Cache</code>, if any.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>The fully qualified class name of the key type, |
| or <code>"java.lang.Object"</code> if the type is undefined.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="getValueType()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>getValueType</h4> |
| <pre><a href="http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/String.html?is-external=true" title="class or interface in java.lang">String</a> getValueType()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Determines the required type of values for this <code>Cache</code>, if any.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>The fully qualified class name of the value type, |
| or <code>"java.lang.Object"</code> if the type is undefined.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="isStoreByValue()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>isStoreByValue</h4> |
| <pre>boolean isStoreByValue()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Whether storeByValue <code>true</code> or storeByReference <code>false</code>. |
| When <code>true</code>, both keys and values are stored by value. |
| <p> |
| When <code>false</code>, both keys and values are stored by reference. |
| Caches stored by reference are capable of mutation by any threads holding |
| the reference. The effects are: |
| <ul> |
| <li>if the key is mutated, then the key may not be retrievable or |
| removable</li> |
| <li>if the value is mutated, then all threads in the JVM can potentially |
| observe those mutations, subject to the normal Java Memory Model rules.</li> |
| </ul> |
| Storage by reference only applies to the local heap. If an entry is moved off |
| heap it will need to be transformed into a representation. Any mutations that |
| occur after transformation may not be reflected in the cache. |
| <p> |
| When a cache is storeByValue, any mutation to the key or value does not affect |
| the key of value stored in the cache. |
| <p> |
| The default value is <code>true</code>.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd><code>True</code> if the cache is store by value.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="isStatisticsEnabled()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>isStatisticsEnabled</h4> |
| <pre>boolean isStatisticsEnabled()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Checks whether statistics collection is enabled in this cache. |
| <p> |
| The default value is <code>false</code>.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd><code>True</code> if statistics collection is enabled.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="isManagementEnabled()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>isManagementEnabled</h4> |
| <pre>boolean isManagementEnabled()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Checks whether management is enabled on this cache. |
| <p> |
| The default value is <code>false</code>.</div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd><code>true</code> if management is enabled.</dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="isReadThrough()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockList"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>isReadThrough</h4> |
| <pre>boolean isReadThrough()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Determines if a <code>Cache</code> should operate in read-through mode. |
| <p> |
| The default value is <code>false</code></div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd><code>True</code> when a <code>Cache</code> is in |
| "read-through" mode.</dd><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><code>CacheLoader</code></dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <a name="isWriteThrough()"> |
| <!-- --> |
| </a> |
| <ul class="blockListLast"> |
| <li class="blockList"> |
| <h4>isWriteThrough</h4> |
| <pre>boolean isWriteThrough()</pre> |
| <div class="block">Determines if a <code>Cache</code> should operate in "write-through" |
| mode. |
| <p> |
| will appropriately cause the configured <code>CacheWriter</code> to be invoked. |
| <p> |
| The default value is <code>false</code></div> |
| <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd><code>True</code> when a <code>Cache</code> is in "write-through" mode.</dd><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><code>CacheWriter</code></dd></dl> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
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