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<h1>Apache IGNITE python thin client 0.4.0</h1>
<li> Added partition awareness support</li>
<li> Added asyncio support</li>
<li> Added C module to speedup hashcode calculation</li>
<li> Implemented context management for connection method</li>
<li> Implemented cursors and context management for ScanQuery, SqlQuery and SqlFieldsQuery</li>
<li> Added the ability to activate/deactivate the cluster</li>
<li> Implemented support for big-endianness</li>
<li> Implemented support of password for certificates</li>
<li> Fixed performance issues while working with big bytearrays and binary objects</li>
<li> Fixed serialization/deserialization of cache configuration</li>
<li> Fixed handling of null fields</li>
<li> Fixed SQL API</li>
<li> Fixed UUID serialization/deserialization</li>
<li> Fixed nested complex objects</li>
<li> Fixed incorrect hash code calculation for classes as composite keys</li>
<li> Fixed hashing of complex object</li>
<li> Fixed insert and select VARBINARY data type through SQL</li>
<li> Fixed wrong order of the SQL query result</li>
<li> Fixed handling of bytes and bytearrays</li>
<li> Fixed bool arrays handling</li>
<li> Fixed cache.get_size with non-default PeekModes</li>