| extend ../_components/base.pug |
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| block pagetitle |
| title Key-Value Store / Database - Apache Ignite |
| meta(name="description", content="Apache Ignite is the best and fastest key-value database that stores data both in memory and on disk with support for key-value, SQL, ACID transactions, compute, and machine learning APIs.") |
| link(rel="canonical", href="https://ignite.apache.org/use-cases/key-value-store.html") |
| |
| meta(property="og:title", content="Key-Value Store / Database - Apache Ignite") |
| meta(property="og:type", content="article") |
| meta(property="og:url", content="https://ignite.apache.org/use-cases/key-value-store.html") |
| meta(property="og:image", content="/img/og-pic.png") |
| meta(property="og:description", content="Apache Ignite is the best and fastest key-value database that stores data both in memory and on disk with support for key-value, SQL, ACID transactions, compute, and machine learning APIs.") |
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| block css |
| link(rel="stylesheet", href="../css/native-persistence.css?ver=" + config.version) |
| link(rel="stylesheet", href="../css/compute-apis.css?ver=" + config.version) |
| link(rel="stylesheet", href="../css/digital-hub.css?ver=" + config.version) |
| link(rel="stylesheet", href="../css/datagrid.css?ver=" + config.version) |
| link(rel="stylesheet", href="../css/hadoop.css?ver=" + config.version) |
| link(rel="stylesheet", href="../css/key-value-store.css?ver=" + config.version) |
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| block main |
| - global.pageHref = "usecases" |
| - config.hdrClassName = "hdr__blue" |
| include ../_components/header.pug |
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| section.innerhero |
| .container.innerhero__cont |
| .innerhero__main |
| |
| h1.h1.innerhero__h1 Key-Value Store |
| <br> |
| span.with-apache With Apache Ignite |
| .innerhero__descr.pt-2.h5. |
| Distributed store for high-performance data access |
| .innerhero__action |
| a.button.innerhero__button(href="https://ignite.apache.org/docs/latest/index") Start Coding |
| img.innerhero__pic.innerhero__pic--key(src="/img/usecases/key-value/hero-image.svg", alt="hero-image") |
| // /.innerhero |
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| section.key1 |
| .container |
| .hub1__block.key1__block.flexi |
| .hub1__info |
| h2.h5.hub1__title What is a key-value store? |
| p.hub1__text A key-value store is a data storage software. It stores, retrieves, and manages data as a set of unique keys. Each one is associated with one and only one value. |
| h2.h5.hub1__title.hub1__titleend How a key-value store works |
| p.hub1__text A key-value store, or a key-value database, holds a collection of data records in various fields. The data records have unique keys to retrieve and modify records quickly. |
| |
| img.hub1__image(src="/img/usecases/key-value/image.svg", alt="image") |
| // /.hub1 |
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| section.compute2 |
| .container |
| .doop2__block |
| h2.compute2__h2 Benefits Of Key-Value Store |
| .compute2__grid.flexi.hub2__grid.doop2__grid |
| .compute2item.hub2item.doop2__item |
| .compute2-points__item.fz20 |
| .compute2item__block |
| h3.fz20.compute2item__title Low-latency access and high-performance |
| p.compute2__text.base2__text Thanks to their design, key-value stores can perform many more operations in a given amount of time than other database models |
| |
| .compute2item.hub2item.doop2__item |
| .compute2-points__item.fz20 |
| .compute2item__block |
| h3.fz20.compute2item__title Horizontal scalability |
| p.compute2__text.base2__text Key-value stores can keep and process large volumes of data by scaling horizontally |
| |
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| // /.compute2 |
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| section.key4 |
| .container |
| .grid4__blocks.flexi |
| h2.grid4__h2.h5.key4__h2 With Apache Ignite, a key-value store can cache data in memory and persist it on disk |
| .grid4__block |
| p.grid4__text The <a href="/arch/native-persistence.html">native persistence</a> feature eliminates the time-consuming cache warm-up step as well as the data reloading phase from external databases. |
| p.grid4__text.pt-1 Since native persistence always keeps a full copy of data on disk, you are free to cache a subset of records in memory. |
| p.grid4__text.pt-1 If a required data record is missing in memory, then Ignite reads it from disk automatically, regardless of the API you use. |
| // /.grid4 |
| |
| section.key5 |
| .container |
| h2.grid5__h2.key5__h2.h4 Key-value store is used when <strong>speed and scale are top priorities</strong> |
| .grid5__blocks.flexi |
| article.native2item.grid5__item |
| h3.key5__h3 User sessions caching |
| p.grid5__text.key5__text Key-value stores are used to accumulate user session details in web applications to personalize content. |
| article.native2item.grid5__item |
| h3.key5__h3 360 Customer View |
| p.grid5__text.key5__text Applications can collect user preferences and behavioral patterns to offer better services. The records can be stored in a key-value database to enable fast customer data lookups. |
| article.native2item.grid5__item |
| h3.key5__h3 Back-end systems acceleration |
| p.grid5__text.key5__text Developers use key-value stores to cache specific records that don’t require a regular update. This reduces the load on core back-end systems and databases. |
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| // /.key5 |
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| section.native-bottom.container |
| .native-bottom__grid |
| article.nativebotblock |
| .h4.nativebotblock__title |
| img(src="/img/features/native-rocket.svg", alt="").nativebotblock__icon |
| span Ready to Start? |
| p.nativebotblock__text Discover our quick start guide and build your first<br> application in 5-10 minutes |
| a.nativebotblock__link.arrowlink(href="https://ignite.apache.org/docs/latest/", target="_blank") Quick Start Guide |
| article.nativebotblock.nativebotblock--learn |
| .h4.nativebotblock__title |
| img(src="/img/features/native-docs.svg", alt="").nativebotblock__icon |
| span Want to Learn More? |
| p.nativebotblock__text Check out Ignite key-value APIs article |
| a.nativebotblock__link.arrowlink(href="/features/key-value-apis.html") Key-Value APIs Article |
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