| extend ../_components/base.pug |
| |
| block pagetitle |
| title In-Memory Data Grid - Apache Ignite |
| meta(name="description", content="The Apache Ignite in-memory data grid accelerates and scales out distributed databases, services, and APIs. Learn more about an IMDG with Apache Ignite.") |
| link(rel="canonical", href="https://ignite.apache.org/use-cases/in-memory-data-grid.html") |
| |
| meta(property="og:title", content="In-Memory Data Grid - Apache Ignite") |
| meta(property="og:type", content="article") |
| meta(property="og:url", content="https://ignite.apache.org/use-cases/in-memory-data-grid.html") |
| meta(property="og:image", content="/img/og-pic.png") |
| meta(property="og:description", content="The Apache Ignite in-memory data grid accelerates and scales out distributed databases, services, and APIs. Learn more about an IMDG with Apache Ignite.") |
| |
| block css |
| link(rel="stylesheet", href="../css/native-persistence.css?ver=" + config.version) |
| link(rel="stylesheet", href="../css/compute-apis.css?ver=" + config.version) |
| link(rel="stylesheet", href="../css/digital-hub.css?ver=" + config.version) |
| link(rel="stylesheet", href="../css/database.css?ver=" + config.version) |
| link(rel="stylesheet", href="../css/datagrid.css?ver=" + config.version) |
| |
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| block main |
| - global.pageHref = "usecases" |
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| include ../_components/header.pug |
| |
| |
| section.innerhero |
| .container.innerhero__cont |
| .innerhero__main |
| |
| h1.h1.innerhero__h1 In-Memory Data Grid |
| <br> |
| span.with-apache With Apache Ignite |
| .innerhero__descr.pt-2.h5. |
| Use an advanced read-through / write-through cache<br> that is deployed on top of one or several databases |
| .innerhero__action |
| a.button.innerhero__button(href="https://ignite.apache.org/docs/latest/index") Start Coding |
| img.innerhero__pic.innerhero__pic--datagrid(src="/img/usecases/datagrid/hero-image.svg", alt="hero-image") |
| // /.innerhero |
| |
| section.grid1 |
| .container |
| h2.grid1__h2.h4 In-memory data grid with Apache Ignite <strong>accelerates and scales</strong> your existing databases and data stores. |
| // /.grid1 |
| |
| section.hub1.grid2 |
| .container |
| h2.compute2__h2 In-Memory Data Grid Overview |
| .hub1__block.flexi |
| .hub1__info |
| h3.h5.hub1__title What is an in-memory data grid? |
| p.hub1__text An in-memory data grid (IMDG) is an advanced read-through/write-through cache that is deployed on top of multiple databases. |
| p.hub1__text Applications write to and read from the grid, and the grid propagates changes to the underlying data stores in a consistent way. |
| h3.h5.hub1__title.hub1__titleend How does an in-memory data grid work? |
| p.hub1__text Co-location is the main IMDG feature. It organizes related data for storage in the same node and enables low latency with high throughput computing. |
| p.hub1__text Co-located applications can access in-memory data without network movement. |
| p.hub1__text In an in-memory data grid queries are processed at high speeds and scaled to multiple nodes, because there's no distance between data and applications. |
| img.hub1__image(src="/img/usecases/datagrid/image.svg", alt="image") |
| // /.hub1 |
| |
| |
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| |
| section.base3 |
| .container |
| h2.base3__h2.h4 Apache Ignite as a data grid supports a variety of developer APIs |
| .base3__blocks.flexi |
| .base3__block |
| h3.base3__h3 Essential Developer APIs |
| .base3__images.flexi |
| .base3__item.flexi |
| img.base3__image(src="/img/features/03-distributed-SQL.svg", alt="sql") |
| .base3__subtext SQL |
| .base3__item.flexi |
| img.base3__image(src="/img/features/05-key-value-APIs.svg", alt="apis") |
| .base3__subtext Key-value |
| .base3__item.flexi |
| img.base3__image(src="/img/features/04-ACID-transactions.svg", alt="acid") |
| .base3__subtext ACID<br> transactions |
| p.base3__text Enable you to request, join, and group distributed datasets. |
| .base3__block |
| h3.base3__h3 High-Performance Computing APIs |
| .base3__images.flexi |
| .base3__item.flexi |
| img.base3__image(src="/img/features/06-compute-APIs.svg", alt="sql") |
| .base3__subtext Compute |
| .base3__item.flexi |
| img.base3__image(src="/img/features/07-machine-learning.svg", alt="apis") |
| .base3__subtext Machine<br> learning |
| .base3__item.flexi |
| img.base3__image(src="/img/features/08-services.svg", alt="acid") |
| .base3__subtext Services |
| p.base3__text Execute logic close to the data, thus eliminating expensive data shuffling over the network. |
| .base3__block |
| h3.base3__h3 Real-Time Streaming APIs |
| .base3__images.flexi |
| .base3__item.flexi |
| img.base3__image(src="/img/features/09-streaming.svg", alt="sql") |
| .base3__subtext Streaming |
| .base3__item.flexi |
| img.base3__image(src="/img/features/10-continuous-queries.svg", alt="apis") |
| .base3__subtext Continuous<br> Queries |
| .base3__item.flexi |
| img.base3__image(src="/img/features/11-messaging.svg", alt="acid") |
| .base3__subtext Messaging |
| p.base3__text.base3__textend Allow the seamless implementation of event-driven architectures. |
| // /.base3 |
| section.grid4 |
| .container |
| .grid4__blocks.flexi |
| h2.grid4__h2.h5 Native Persistence And In-Memory Data |
| .grid4__block |
| p.grid4__text When <a href="/arch/native-persistence.html">native persistence</a> is enabled, Ignite stores both data and indexes<br> on disk, thus eliminating the time-consuming cache warm-up step. |
| p.grid4__text.pt-1 Native persistence keeps a full copy of data on disk, so you are free<br> to cache a subset of records in memory. |
| p.grid4__text.pt-1 If a required data record is missing from memory, Ignite reads the record from the disk automatically. |
| // /.grid4 |
| |
| section.grid5 |
| .container |
| h2.grid5__h2.h4 An in-memory data grid is frequently used when a business works with large datasets at low latency and high throughput. |
| .grid5__blocks.flexi |
| article.native2item.grid5__item |
| p.grid5__text Increase the performance and scalability of real-time applications and external databases. |
| article.native2item.grid5__item |
| p.grid5__text Support <a href="/use-cases/high-performance-computing.html"> high-performance computing.</a> |
| article.native2item.grid5__item |
| p.grid5__text Cache data that is scattered across databases. |
| |
| // /.grid5 |
| |
| |
| |
| section.hub5 |
| .container |
| h2.compute2__h2 In-Memory Data Grid Ignite User Stories |
| .highcases__two |
| .hub5__twowrap.flexi.pt-5 |
| .hub5__item |
| +powvideo( |
| "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78UE11GrWzk&t=2586s ", |
| "/img/usecases/database/one-video.png", |
| "", |
| "Leveraging In Memory Data Grid For Faster Time To Market ", |
| "comvideo__txt--white hub5__video" |
| ) |
| .h4.hub5__title Agilent Technologies Inc. |
| p.hub5__text.base5__text improved its online channel by implementing in-memory solutions. They leveraged an in-memory data grid to achieve faster time-to-market, and data flexibility across digital channels. |
| .hub5__item |
| +powvideo( |
| "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPmwnjDJ1Sk&feature=emb_imp_woyt", |
| "/img/usecases/database/two-video.png", |
| "", |
| "Embracing The Service Consumption Shift In Banking", |
| "comvideo__txt--white comvideo__txthub hub5__video" |
| ) |
| .h4.hub5__title ING Bank |
| p.hub5__text.base5__text.base5__textend used in-memory computing platforms to meet increasing demand for performance and scalability. |
| |
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| |
| section.native-bottom.container |
| .native-bottom__grid |
| article.nativebotblock |
| .h4.nativebotblock__title |
| img(src="/img/features/native-rocket.svg", alt="").nativebotblock__icon |
| span Ready to Start? |
| p.nativebotblock__text Discover our quick start guide and build your first<br> application in 5-10 minutes |
| a.nativebotblock__link.arrowlink(href="https://ignite.apache.org/docs/latest/", target="_blank") Quick Start Guide |
| article.nativebotblock.nativebotblock--learn |
| .h4.nativebotblock__title |
| img(src="/img/features/native-docs.svg", alt="").nativebotblock__icon |
| span Want to View More Use-Cases? |
| p.nativebotblock__text Read the In-Memory Database article |
| a.nativebotblock__link.arrowlink(href="/use-cases/in-memory-database.html") In-Memory Database |
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