blob: 0d9c14a5cc7b11ae748bd7601169881c99f80218 [file] [log] [blame]
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title Digital Integration Hub - Apache Ignite
meta(name="description", content="Apache Ignite functions as a low-latency and shared store of the digital integration hub architecture that caches and persists data sets scattered across many disjointed back-end databases and systems.")
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meta(property="og:title", content="Digital Integration Hub - Apache Ignite")
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meta(property="og:url", content="")
meta(property="og:image", content="/img/og-pic.png")
meta(property="og:description", content="Apache Ignite functions as a low-latency and shared store of the digital integration hub architecture that caches and persists data sets scattered across many disjointed back-end databases and systems.")
block css
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h1.h1.innerhero__h1 Digital Integration Hub
span.with-apache With Apache Ignite
Build new types of applications that require real-time access<br> to data scattered across disparate data sources
a.button.innerhero__button(href="") Start Coding
img.innerhero__pic.innerhero__pic--hub(src="/img/usecases/digital-hub/hero-image.svg", alt="hero-image")
// /.innerhero
h2.compute2__h2 Digital Integration Hub Overview
h3.h5.hub1__title What is a digital integration hub?
p.hub1__text A digital integration hub (DIH) is an advanced platform architecture that aggregates multiple back-end systems and databases into a low-latency and shared data store. The store caches and persists data sets scattered across many disjointed back-end databases and makes them available to your applications through high-performance APIs.
h3.h5.hub1__title.hub1__titleend How digital integration hub works
p.hub1__text Applications access Ignite via an API service layer and experience substantial performance improvements by requesting data from only the Ignite distributed store.
img.hub1__image(src="/img/usecases/digital-hub/image.svg", alt="image")
// /.hub1
h2.compute2__h2 Benefits Of Using Apache Ignite as a Digital Integration Hub
h3.fz20.compute2item__title Advanced architecture that aggregates data<br> from multiple back-end data sources
p.compute2__text.hub2__text No need to clutter the applications with logic accessing numerous data stores.
h3.fz20.compute2item__title Unified data access layer for new types<br> of applications and services
p.compute2__text.hub2__text Have applications accessing a single low-latency store for hybrid operations.
// /.compute2
h2.h4 Digital Integration Hub Synchronization Techniques
p.hub3__subtext Ignite, as a high-performance data store, can be synchronized with the back-end databases via:
.hub3__item Streaming
.hub3__item Event-based
.hub3__item Change data capture (CDC)
.hub3__item And other techniques
p.hub3__text <strong>For uni-directional synchronization</strong> between an Ignite cluster<br> and an external store, Ignite provides the CacheStore interface. This interface allows Ignite to write-through or write-behind all the changes to the backend-systems automatically. It also includes transactions. Ignite coordinates and commits a transaction across its in-memory cluster as well as an external transactional database.
p.hub3__text <strong>For bi-directional synchronization,</strong> you can consider various streaming, CDC, and event-based technologies, such as: Kafka, Spark, Debezium and others.
// /.hub3
h2.hub4__h2.h4 Why Do Businesses Need<br> Digital Integration Hub Solutions?
p.hub4__subtext.h5 To create new types of applications that can query data from disperse data sources.
p.hub4__grey.h5 DIH is a contemporary way to complete this challenging task.
.hub4__num.h5 01
p.hub4__text Accumulate data from dozens of data sources
.hub4__num.h5 02
p.hub4__text.hub4__textall Keep data in a shared and low-latency store
.hub4__num.h5 03
p.hub4__text.hub4__textall Get data synchronized with back-end systems
// /.hub4
h2.compute2__h2 Apache Ignite User Stories
"Fitness + In Memory Computing = Getting Ahead Of The Game",
"comvideo__txt--white hub5__video"
.h4.hub5__title 24 Hour Fitness
p.hub5__text implements a Digital Integration Hub to offload API calls and enable new data access patterns.
"Using Ignite And JBoss Drools To Implement A Complex Event Processing Solution",
"comvideo__txt--black comvideo__txthub hub5__video"
.h4.hub5__title Вanco do Brasil
p.hub5__text uses digital integration hub capabilities to develop the omnichannel Horus platform.
"Leveraging In-Memory Compute Grids With Core Systems Of Record",
"comvideo__txt--white hub5__video"
.h4.hub5__title IBM
p.hub5__text launches the Z Digital Integration Hub built on Apache Ignite to enable real-time business agility for organizations.
img(src="/img/features/native-rocket.svg", alt="").nativebotblock__icon
span Ready to Start?
p.nativebotblock__text Discover our quick start guide and build your first<br> application in 5-10 minutes
a.nativebotblock__link.arrowlink(href="", target="_blank") Quick Start Guide
img(src="/img/features/native-docs.svg", alt="").nativebotblock__icon
span Want to Learn More?
p.nativebotblock__text Run our digital integration hub sample application
a.nativebotblock__link.arrowlink(href="", target="_blank") Download The Sample Project