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| title Use-Cases - Apache Ignite |
| meta(name="description", content="The most common use-cases for Apache Ignite. Learn more how companies deploy Apache Ignite in production.") |
| link(rel="canonical", href="https://ignite.apache.org/use-cases.html") |
| |
| meta(property="og:title", content="Use-Cases - Apache Ignite") |
| meta(property="og:type", content="article") |
| meta(property="og:url", content="https://ignite.apache.org/use-cases.html") |
| meta(property="og:image", content="/img/og-pic.png") |
| meta(property="og:description", content="The most common use-cases for Apache Ignite. Learn more how companies deploy Apache Ignite in production.") |
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| block css |
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| block main |
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| include _components/header.pug |
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| section.innerhero |
| .container.innerhero__cont |
| .innerhero__main |
| .innerhero__pre.pb-3 Apache Ignite |
| h1.h1.innerhero__h1 Use Cases |
| .innerhero__descr.pt-2.h5. |
| With plenty of capabilities, Apache Ignite finds its route in many use-cases, ranging from a basic distributed cache, distributed database for hybrid transactional/analytical processing, to a sophisticated digital integration hub. |
| img.innerhero__pic.innerhero__pic--usecase(src="/img/usecases/head-bg.svg", alt="Apache Ignite Use Cases") |
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| section.usecase2#usecase2 |
| .container |
| p.blockcapslead Widespread use-cases |
| header.blockheader.flexi |
| h2.h4.blockheader__left Application Acceleration<br> And Scale Out |
| .blockheader__right.fz20 |
| p Accelerate your existing applications by 100x or more by using in-memory computing. There are several deployment options. |
| .usecase2__wrap |
| .usecasecard.cardsimple |
| h4.cardsimple__title In-Memory Cache |
| .cardsimple__text Cache data with extra capabilities: query with SQL and update atomically by using ACID transactions. |
| .cardsimple__bottom |
| a(href="/use-cases/in-memory-cache.html").cardsimple__button.button.button--shadow Learn More |
| .usecasecard.cardsimple |
| h4.cardsimple__title In-Memory Data Grid |
| .cardsimple__text Use an advanced read-through / write-through cache that is deployed on top of one or several databases. |
| .cardsimple__bottom |
| a(href="/use-cases/in-memory-data-grid.html").cardsimple__button.button.button--shadow Learn More |
| .usecasecard.cardsimple |
| h4.cardsimple__title In-Memory Database |
| .cardsimple__text Use Apache Ignite as an ultra-fast and horizontally scalable in-memory database. |
| .cardsimple__bottom |
| a(href="/use-cases/in-memory-database.html").cardsimple__button.button.button--shadow Learn More |
| .usecasecard.cardsimple |
| h4.cardsimple__title High-Performance Computing |
| .cardsimple__text.cardsimple__text--long Execute kilobyte-size custom code over petabytes of data. Turn your Ignite database into a distributed supercomputer for low-latency calculations, complex analytics, and machine learning. |
| .cardsimple__bottom |
| a(href="/use-cases/high-performance-computing.html").cardsimple__button.button.button--shadow Learn More |
| // /.usecase2 |
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| section.usecase3#database |
| .container |
| .blockheader.usecase3__block.flexi |
| h2.h4.blockheader__left Distributed Database For HTAP Workloads |
| .blockheader__right.fz20 |
| p Build modern applications that support transactional and analytical workloads by using Ignite as a database that scales beyond available memory capacity. |
| p#digitalhub Ignite allocates memory for your hot data and goes to disk whenever applications query cold records. |
| .blockheader.usecase3__block.flexi |
| h2.h4.blockheader__left Digital Integration Hub |
| .blockheader__right.fz20 |
| p Аn advanced platform architecture that aggregates multiple back-end systems and databases into a low-latency and shared data store. |
| a(href="/use-cases/digital-integration-hub.html").blockheader__button.button.button--shadow Learn More |
| // /.usecase3 |
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| section.usecase4 |
| .container |
| p.blockcapslead Other use-cases |
| .usecase4__wrap |
| |
| .usecasecard.cardsimple |
| h4.cardsimple__title Key-Value Store |
| .cardsimple__text Access the cluster with key-value requests or take advantage of APIs available exclusively in Ignite. |
| .cardsimple__bottom |
| a(href="/use-cases/key-value-store.html").cardsimple__button.button Learn More |
| .usecasecard.cardsimple |
| h4.cardsimple__title Apache Spark Performance Acceleration |
| .cardsimple__text Accelerate the performance of Apache Spark® by keeping data in a shared Apache Ignite® in-memory cluster. |
| .cardsimple__bottom |
| a(href="/use-cases/spark-acceleration.html").cardsimple__button.button Learn More |
| .usecasecard.cardsimple |
| h4.cardsimple__title Apache Hadoop Performance Acceleration |
| .cardsimple__text Get real-time analytics across Apache™ Hadoop® operational and historical data silos. |
| .cardsimple__bottom |
| a(href="/use-cases/hadoop-acceleration.html").cardsimple__button.button Learn More |
| // /.usecase4 |
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