| extend _components/base.pug |
| |
| block pagetitle |
| title Apache Ignite Resources – Videos, Examples, Book |
| meta(name="description", content="Explore our collection of videos, webinar recordings, examples, and other Ignite resources. Download the Apache Ignite book.") |
| link(rel="canonical", href="https://ignite.apache.org/resources.html") |
| |
| meta(property="og:title", content="Apache Ignite Resources – Videos, Examples, Book") |
| meta(property="og:type", content="article") |
| meta(property="og:url", content="https://ignite.apache.org/resources.html") |
| meta(property="og:image", content="/img/og-pic.png") |
| meta(property="og:description", content="Explore our collection of videos, webinar recordings, examples, and other Ignite resources. Download the Apache Ignite book.") |
| |
| block css |
| link(rel="stylesheet", href="../css/communnity.css?ver=" + config.version) |
| link(rel="stylesheet", href="../css/resources.css?ver=" + config.version) |
| |
| block main |
| - global.pageHref = "resources.html" |
| - config.hdrClassName = "hdr__grey hdr__white" |
| include ./_components/header.pug |
| |
| |
| //Миксин для блока с видео |
| mixin resvideo(url, title, textclass="", thumbname="/img/resourses/video.png", sub="Webinar <br>recording", ) |
| article.comvideo |
| .comvideo__box |
| a.comvideo__screen(href=url, data-youtube) |
| span(class="comvideo__txt comvideo__txt--medium" + textclass) !{title} |
| span(class="comvideo__sub " + blacktitile) !{sub} |
| img(src=thumbname, alt="") |
| .comvideo__descr.pt-2 |
| block |
| |
| |
| section.reshero |
| .container |
| img.reshero__img(src="/img/resourses/hero.svg", alt="") |
| h1.reshero__h1.h1 Apache Ignite <br>Resources |
| .reshero__descr.h5.pt-3. |
| Elevate your Ignite experience with the help of community-curated technical resources, code samples, how-to videos, training courses and other materials |
| // /.reshero |
| |
| |
| |
| section.restechnical.container#technical |
| .restechnical__grid |
| article.restechnical__item |
| .restechnical__title.flexi.pb-5 |
| img(src="/img/resourses/res2-book.svg", alt="") |
| h2.h4 Apache Ignite Documentation |
| .restechnical__box.cardsimple |
| .restechnical__subtitle.h5 Start with the technical documentation to discover: |
| .restechnical__text.pt-2 |
| ul.dashlist |
| li Apache Ignite’s key capabilities |
| li How to use certain features |
| li How to approach cluster optimizations |
| li Best troubleshooting techniques |
| .restechnical__action |
| a.button(href="https://ignite.apache.org/docs/latest/index", target="_blank") Discover The Entire Documentation |
| // /.restechnical__item-1 |
| |
| article.restechnical__item |
| .restechnical__title.flexi.pb-5 |
| img(src="/img/resourses/res2-book2.svg", alt="") |
| h2.h4 Ignite Wiki |
| .restechnical__box.cardsimple |
| .restechnical__subtitle.h5 A collection of low-level design documents and instructions: |
| .restechnical__text.pt-2 |
| ul.dashlist |
| li Architectural internals of Ignite components |
| li Ignite Enhancement Proposals: next big things for Ignite |
| li Coding and release guidelines |
| .restechnical__action |
| a.button(href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/", target="_blank") Check Out Wiki |
| // /.restechnical__item-2 |
| |
| article.restechnical__item#git |
| .restechnical__title.flexi.pb-5 |
| img(src="/img/icon-github.svg", alt="") |
| h2.h4 Git Repositories |
| .restechnical__box.cardsimple |
| .restechnical__subtitle.h5 Ignite Source Code |
| .restechnical__text.pt-2 |
| p.pb-2 Download Apache Ignite and install in your environment. |
| p Select one of the following links: |
| .restechnical__action.flexi |
| a.button(href="https://github.com/apache/ignite", target="_blank") Ignite 2.X |
| a.button(href="https://github.com/apache/ignite-3", target="_blank") Ignite 3.X |
| // /.restechnical__item-1 |
| |
| article.restechnical__item |
| .restechnical__title.restechnical__title--empty.flexi.pb-5 |
| span.h4 |
| .restechnical__box.cardsimple |
| .restechnical__subtitle.h5 Ignite Extensions |
| .restechnical__text.pt-2 |
| p A group of integrations between Apache Ignite and various Java frameworks such as Kafka, Flink, and others. |
| .restechnical__action |
| a.button(href="https://github.com/apache/ignite-extensions", target="_blank") Ignite Extensions |
| // /.restechnical__item-2 |
| |
| .restechnical__box.cardsimple |
| .restechnical__subtitle.h5 Ignite Teamcity Bot |
| .restechnical__text.pt-2 |
| p.pb-2 A tool intended to monitor Apache Ignite Teamcity where Apache Ignite is tested |
| .restechnical__action.flexi |
| a.button(href="https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot", target="_blank") Teamcity Bot |
| // /.restechnical__item-3 |
| |
| .restechnical__box.cardsimple |
| .restechnical__subtitle.h5 Ignite Website |
| .restechnical__text.pt-2 |
| p.pb-2 The repository hosts the source code <br>of the Apache Ignite website |
| .restechnical__action.flexi |
| a.button(href="https://github.com/apache/ignite-website", target="_blank") Ignite Website |
| // /.restechnical__item-4 |
| |
| // /.restechnical |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| section.resvideos#learning |
| .container |
| h2.h4.resicontitle.flexi |
| img(src="/img/resourses/block-video.svg", alt="") |
| span Essential Videos And Webinar Recordings |
| p.h5.pt-1x Explore our collection of videos featuring widespread use-cases. |
| .resvideos__grid.pt-5 |
| +resvideo('https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeQKuAQaMNU', "In-Memory Computing Essentials") |
| p In this video, we introduce the fundamental capabilities of in-memory computing platforms, such as high-speed performance and scalability. |
| +resvideo('https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrnrsIkCnI0', "Distributed Computing <br>With Apache Ignite") |
| p In this video, we demonstrate how to design and execute distributed computations, and consider all the pros and cons. |
| +resvideo('https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCsl-W0tsEE', "Consistency And Transactions <Br>Of Apache Ignite") |
| p In this webinar, we provide a deep understanding of Apache Ignite’s support for ACID transactions and data consistency. |
| |
| +resvideo('https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYV-tNLzIts', "Apache Ignite <br>SQL Essentials") |
| p Learn how to apply a classic SQL database experience while enabling in-memory speeds at petabyte scale for a variety of workloads. |
| +resvideo('https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38YgdAOs038', "Deploying Apache Ignite In Kubernetes") |
| p In this webinar, speakers provide steps on how to deploy Ignite in Kubernetes. |
| +resvideo('https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGlmZoBSS8g', "Machine Learning<br>With Apache Ignite") |
| p Watch this webinar to learn how to leverage the Apache Ignite machine learning framework to implement a continuous machine learning platform. |
| .resvideos__youtube.h5. |
| Explore <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChYD3lCEnzHlWioUb2sNgSg" target="_blank">the full collection of Apache Ignite videos</a> and recordings on YouTube. |
| // /.resvideos |
| |
| |
| |
| section.rescourses.container#training |
| h2.h4.resicontitle.flexi |
| img(src="/img/resourses/icon-training.svg", alt="") |
| span Training and Courses |
| p.pt-2.h5 Enhance your knowledge of building high-performance and <br>data-intensive applications with the Apache Ignite capabilities. |
| .rescourses__wrap.pt-5 |
| article.rescourse.cardsimple |
| p.fz20.rescourse__title.pb-2.maxline3 Apache Ignite Management <br>And Monitoring Guide |
| img.rescourse__pic(src="/img/resourses/training1.svg", alt="") |
| p.rescourse__descr.pb-3.pt-2 Learn how to monitor and manage Apache Ignite clusters in production |
| a.rescourse__button.button(href="https://www.gridgain.com/docs/tutorials/management-monitoring/overview", target="_blank") Training Schedule |
| article.rescourse.cardsimple |
| p.fz20.rescourse__title.pb-2.maxline3. |
| Apache Ignite Essentials: Key Design Principles For Building Data-Intensive Applications |
| img.rescourse__pic(src="/img/resourses/training2.svg", alt="") |
| p.rescourse__descr.pb-3.pt-2 Learn about data partitioning, affinity co-location, and co-located processing |
| a.rescourse__button.button(href="https://www.gridgain.com/products/services/training/apache-ignite-essentials", target="_blank") Training Schedule |
| article.rescourse.cardsimple |
| p.fz20.rescourse__title.pb-2.maxline3 Apache Ignite For Spring Boot And Spring Data Development |
| img.rescourse__pic(src="/img/resourses/training3.svg", alt="") |
| p.rescourse__descr.pb-3.pt-2 Explore the best practices and nuances of using Spring Boot and Spring Data with Apache Ignite |
| a.rescourse__button.button(href="https://www.gridgain.com/docs/tutorials/spring/spring-ignite-tutorial", target="_blank") Training Schedule |
| .resourses__bottom.pt-5 |
| a.button.button--shadow(href="https://www.gridgain.com/services/training", target="_blank") Explore Other Free Training Courses |
| // /.rescourses |
| |
| |
| |
| section.resbook.container |
| h2.h4.resicontitle.flexi |
| img(src="/img/resourses/block-book.svg", alt="") |
| span Apache Ignite Book |
| p.pt-2.h5 This book is useful for developers and architects who want to expand <br>their knowledge of in-memory computing and distributed databases. |
| .resbook__wrap.pt-5.flexi |
| .resbook__picwrap |
| img(src="/img/resourses/book-cover.jpg", alt="") |
| .resbook__content |
| .resbook__caps.capstext.pb-5 The book is recommended by <br>the Apache Ignite Community |
| blockquote.resbook__quote.h5. |
| This is one of the very few good books on Apache Ignite. It covers <br>the whole spectrum of Ignite. From use-cases and architecture to maintenance and code examples that get your hands dirty. If you want one book to get it all, this is it! |
| .cmtyhistory__avaavtor.pt-3.flexi |
| .cmtyhistory__avaright.cmtyhistory__avaright--noimg |
| .cmtyhistory__avaname Edward Kuenen |
| .cmtyhistory__avaproff Software developer |
| a.button.resbook__button(href="https://www.shamimbhuiyan.com/ignitebook", target="_blank") Visit The Book Website |
| // /.resbook |
| |
| |
| |
| section.rescontacts.container |
| h2.h4.resicontitle.flexi |
| img(src="/img/resourses/block-email.svg", alt="") |
| span Mailing Lists, Forums And Discussion Archives |
| .rescontacts__wrap |
| article.faqblock.flexi |
| h3.faqblock__title.faqblock__title--simple.h5 |
| span For general questions about Ignite |
| .faqblock__right |
| p.faqblock__rightitle By e-mail |
| p For general questions about Ignite <a href="mailto:user@ignite.apache.org">user@ignite.apache.org</a> |
| .faqblock__buttons.flexi.pb-5.pt-2 |
| .faqblock__button.flexi(data-poplink="gen-sub") |
| img(src="/img/icon-email+.svg", alt="").faqblock__eicon |
| span Subscribe |
| .pushup(data-pop="gen-sub") |
| p By sending a |
| a(href="mailto:user-subscribe@ignite.apache.org") default e-mail |
| p By sending Hello to this e-mail <b>user-subscribe@ignite.apache.org</b> |
| .faqblock__button.flexi(data-poplink="gen-unsub") |
| img(src="/img/icon-email-.svg", alt="").faqblock__eicon |
| span Unsubscribe |
| .pushup(data-pop="gen-unsub") |
| p By sending a |
| a(href="mailto:user-unsubscribe@ignite.apache.org?subject=Unsubscribe&body=Stop") default e-mail |
| p By sending Stop to this e-mail <b>user-unsubscribe@ignite.apache.org</b> |
| a.faqblock__button.flexi(href="https://lists.apache.org/list.html?user@ignite.apache.org" target="_blank") |
| img(src="/img/icon-folder.svg", alt="") |
| span Archives |
| p.faqblock__rightitle On StackOverflow |
| p Or ask a question on StackOverflow tagging the question with «ignite» or «apacheignite» |
| .faqblock__buttons.flexi.pt-2 |
| a.faqblock__button.flexi(href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/ignite" target="_blank") |
| img(src="/img/icon-stackoverflow.svg", alt="").faqblock__stackicon |
| span Ask question on StackOverflow |
| // /.faqblock |
| |
| article.faqblock.flexi |
| h3.faqblock__title.faqblock__title--simple.h5 |
| span For contribution-related discussions |
| .faqblock__right |
| p.faqblock__rightitle By e-mail |
| p <a href="mailto:dev@ignite.apache.org">dev@ignite.apache.org</a> |
| .faqblock__buttons.flexi.pb-4.pt-2 |
| .faqblock__button.flexi(data-poplink="cont-sub") |
| img(src="/img/icon-email+.svg", alt="").faqblock__eicon |
| span Subscribe |
| .pushup(data-pop="cont-sub") |
| p By sending a |
| a(href="mailto:dev-subscribe@ignite.apache.org?subject=Subscribe&body=Hello") default e-mail |
| p By sending Hello to this e-mail <b>dev-subscribe@ignite.apache.org</b> |
| .faqblock__button.flexi(data-poplink="cont-unsub") |
| img(src="/img/icon-email-.svg", alt="").faqblock__eicon |
| span Unsubscribe |
| .pushup(data-pop="cont-unsub") |
| p By sending a |
| a(href="mailto:dev-unsubscribe@ignite.apache.org?subject=Unsubscribe&body=Stop") default e-mail |
| p By sending Stop to this e-mail <b>dev-unsubscribe@ignite.apache.org</b> |
| a.faqblock__button.flexi(href="https://lists.apache.org/list.html?dev@ignite.apache.org" target="_blank") |
| img(src="/img/icon-folder.svg", alt="") |
| span Archives |
| // /.faqblock |
| |
| article.faqblock.flexi |
| h3.faqblock__title.faqblock__title--simple.h5 |
| span Report bugs, possible <br>improvements and ctr. |
| .faqblock__right |
| p.faqblock__rightitle By e-mail |
| p <a href="mailto:issues@ignite.apache.org">issues@ignite.apache.org</a> |
| .faqblock__buttons.flexi.pb-5.pt-2 |
| .faqblock__button.flexi(data-poplink="bug-sub") |
| img(src="/img/icon-email+.svg", alt="").faqblock__eicon |
| span Subscribe |
| .pushup(data-pop="bug-sub") |
| p By sending a |
| a(href="mailto:notifications-subscribe@ignite.apache.org?subject=Subscribe&body=Hello") default e-mail |
| p By sending Hello to this e-mail <b>notifications-subscribe@ignite.apache.org</b> |
| .faqblock__button.flexi(data-poplink="bug-unsub") |
| img(src="/img/icon-email-.svg", alt="").faqblock__eicon |
| span Unsubscribe |
| .pushup(data-pop="bug-unsub") |
| p By sending a |
| a(href="mailto:notifications-unsubscribe@ignite.apache.org?subject=Unsubscribe&body=Stop") default e-mail |
| p By sending Stop to this e-mail <b>notifications-unsubscribe@ignite.apache.org</b> |
| a.faqblock__button.flexi(href="https://lists.apache.org/list.html?issues@ignite.apache.org" target="_blank") |
| img(src="/img/icon-folder.svg", alt="") |
| span Archives |
| // /.faqblock |