| extend ../_components/base.pug |
| |
| block pagetitle |
| title Tooling |
| |
| block css |
| link(rel="stylesheet", href="../css/tooling.css?ver=" + config.version) |
| |
| |
| |
| block main |
| - global.pageHref = "features" |
| - config.hdrClassName = "hdr__blue" |
| include ../_components/header.pug |
| |
| |
| section.innerhero.innerhero--tooling |
| .container.innerhero__cont |
| .innerhero__main |
| h1.h1.innerhero__h1. |
| Tools And Solutions <br> |
| For Apache Ignite Management <br> |
| And Monitoring |
| .innerhero__descr.pt-4.h4. |
| Apache Ignite exposes metrics in JMX and <br>OpenCensus formats. Use a broad range of tools |
| img.innerhero__pic.innerhero__pic--tooling(src="/img/features/tooling/herobg.svg", alt="") |
| // /.innerhero |
| |
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| |
| section.tooling-leading.container |
| h2.h4 Out-Of-The-Box Solutions |
| p.h5.pt-2 Tools developed specifically for Ignite cluster management and monitoring |
| |
| |
| |
| section.toolingbox.container |
| h2.toolingbox__title.h4.flexi |
| img(src="/img/features/tooling/icon-apache.svg", alt="") |
| |
| .toolingbox__picwrap |
| img(src="/img/features/tooling/visor-command-line.png", alt="") |
| .toolingbox__bg |
| .toolingbox__picdescr.h5. |
| Apache Ignite officially supports two command-line tools <br> |
| to manage and monitor the cluster: |
| .toolvarlist1 |
| .toolvarlist1__left |
| h3.toolvarlist1__title Visor Command Line tool |
| .toolvarlist1__list |
| dl.toolvarlist1__dl |
| dt Get statistics about |
| dd |
| p – cluster nodes |
| p – compute tasks |
| p – caches |
| dl.toolvarlist1__dl |
| dt Manage the size of your cluster by starting or stopping nodes. |
| .toolvarlist1__more |
| a.button(href="/use-cases/in-memory-cache.html") Learn more |
| .toolvarlist1__right |
| h3.toolvarlist1__title Control Script |
| p.toolvarlist1__descr An advanced command-line utility. It can <br>do the following: |
| .toolvarlist1__list |
| dl.toolvarlist1__dl |
| dt Change the baseline topology |
| dl.toolvarlist1__dl |
| dt Activate and deactivate the cluster |
| dl.toolvarlist1__dl |
| dt Perform consistency checks of your data and indexes |
| dl.toolvarlist1__dl |
| dt Detect long-running or hanging transactions |
| .toolvarlist1__more |
| a.button(href="/use-cases/in-memory-cache.html") Learn more |
| // /.toolingbox1 |
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| |
| section.toolingbox.container |
| h2.toolingbox__title.h4.flexi |
| img(src="/img/features/tooling/icon-gridgain.svg", alt="") |
| |
| .toolingbox__picwrap |
| img(src="/img/features/tooling/grid-gain.png", alt="") |
| .toolingbox__bg |
| .toolingbox__picdescr.h5. |
| GridGain Control Center is a troubleshooting, management <br> |
| and monitoring tool created just for Apache Ignite: |
| .toolvarlist1.toolvarlist1--simple |
| .toolvarlist1__left |
| .toolvarlist1__list |
| dl.toolvarlist1__dl |
| dt Debug SQL query performance bottleneck |
| dl.toolvarlist1__dl |
| dt Define custom alerts to track and react on over 200 cluster, node, and storage |
| dl.toolvarlist1__dl |
| dt Upgrade clusters while in production, with zero downtime |
| .toolvarlist1__right |
| .toolvarlist1__list |
| dl.toolvarlist1__dl |
| dt Trace the performance of your operations under load |
| dl.toolvarlist1__dl |
| dt Proactively manage data skews to optimize cluster utilization |
| dl.toolvarlist1__dl |
| dt Monitor the state of the cluster with customizable dashboards |
| .toolvarlist1-bottom |
| a.button(href="https://www.gridgain.com/products/control-center", target="_blank") Learn more |
| // /.toolingbox2 |
| |
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| |
| section.toolingbox.container |
| h2.toolingbox__title.h4.flexi |
| img(src="/img/features/tooling/icon-datadog.svg", alt="") |
| |
| .toolingbox__picwrap |
| img(src="/img/features/tooling/data-dog.jpg", alt="") |
| .toolingbox__bg |
| .toolingbox__picdescr.h5. |
| Datadog is a general-purpose monitoring service that integrates <br> |
| natively with Apache Ignite and supports the following: |
| .toolvarlist2 |
| .toolvarlist2__item |
| p Collect and visualize metrics for your Ignite nodes through an out-of-the-box dashboard |
| .toolvarlist2__item |
| p Track cluster-wide memory usage, including detailed garbage collection activity |
| .toolvarlist2__item |
| p Use the built-in health check for Ignite to create an alert and notify you about the «node goes offline» events |
| .toolvarlist1-bottom |
| a.button(href="https://www.datadoghq.com/blog/monitor-apache-ignite-with-datadog/", target="_blank") Learn more |
| // /.toolingbox3 |
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| |
| section.toolingbox.container |
| h2.toolingbox__title.h4.flexi |
| img(src="/img/features/tooling/icon-zabbix.svg", alt="") |
| span ZABBIX |
| |
| .toolingbox__picwrap |
| img(src="/img/features/tooling/zabbix.png", alt="") |
| .toolingbox__bg |
| .toolingbox4__wrap |
| .toolingbox4__left |
| h3.toolingbox4__title Zabbix is an open-source monitoring <br>software tool for diverse IT components: |
| ul.dashlist |
| li networks |
| li servers |
| li virtual machines |
| li cloud services |
| .toolingbox4__right |
| h3.toolingbox4__title Zabbix provides monitoring <br>metrics: |
| ul.dashlist |
| li network utilization |
| li CPU load |
| li disk space consumption. |
| .toolingbox4__numblock |
| h3.h5.toolingbox4__numtitle Essential characteristics: |
| .toolingbox4__numwrap.pt-3 |
| .toolingbox4__numitem |
| i 01 |
| p Official JMX Template for Apache Ignite computing platform. |
| p.toolingbox4__small This template is contributed and maintained by an Ignite community member. |
| .toolingbox4__numitem |
| i 02 |
| p For Zabbix version: 5.4 and higher of data loss or corruption execute on nodes across the cluster. |
| .toolingbox4__numitem |
| i 03 |
| p This template works with standalone and cluster instances. Metrics are collected by JMX. All metrics are discoverable. |
| .toolvarlist1-bottom |
| a.button(href="https://www.zabbix.com/integrations/ignite#tab:official1", target="_blank") Learn more |
| // /.toolingbox4 |
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| section.toolingend |
| .container.flexi |
| .toolingend__main |
| .toolingend__title.h4 Ready to Start with Apache Ignite? |
| p.fz20.pt-1x Start with our Quick Start Guides and build your first application <br>in 5-10 minutes |
| .toolingend__action |
| a.button Build your first application |
| |