blob: 2cd032f9ca98db996eb065a7349e10ddd3dfd2e3 [file] [log] [blame]
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block pagetitle
title Apache Ignite Streaming, Real-Time Data Processing
meta(name="description", content="Apache Ignite data loading, streaming, and real-time processing capabilities allow to inject large amounts of data into an Ignite cluster in a scalable and fault-tolerant way. Learn more here.")
link(rel="canonical", href="")
meta(property="og:title", content="Apache Ignite Streaming, Real-Time Data Processing")
meta(property="og:type", content="article")
meta(property="og:url", content="")
meta(property="og:image", content="/img/og-pic.png")
meta(property="og:description", content="Apache Ignite data loading, streaming, and real-time processing capabilities allow to inject large amounts of data into an Ignite cluster in a scalable and fault-tolerant way. Learn more here.")
block css
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include ../_components/header.pug
.innerhero__pre.pb-3 Apache Ignite
h1.h1.innerhero__h1 Real-Time Streaming<br> APIs
Ingest streams of data and build event-driven architectures
a.button.innerhero__button(href="") Start Coding
img.innerhero__pic.innerhero__pic--stream(src="/img/features/streaming/hero-image.svg", alt="stream-hero")
// /.innerhero
p.stream1__p.h4 With Apache Ignite you can<strong> load and stream</strong> large finite — or never-ending — volumes of data<strong> in a scalable and fault-tolerant way</strong> into the cluster.
img.stream1__img(src="/img/features/streaming/speed.png", alt="speed")
p.stream1__text The rate at which data can be injected into Ignite <strong>exceeds millions of events per second </strong>on a moderately sized cluster.
// /.stream1
h2.stream2__h2.h4 Ignite Core Streaming APIs
h3.stream2__h3 What are those APIs?
p.stream2__text With Ignite core streaming APIs such as IgniteDataStreamer you get basic streaming capabilities out of the box. You can stream and transform your data originating from multiple custom sources.<br><br>Ignite data streamers automatically buffer the data and group it into batches for better performance, and send it in parallel to multiple nodes.
img.stream2__img(src="/img/features/streaming/sql.svg", alt="sql")
// /.stream2
h2.stream3__h2.h4 IgniteDataStreamer is used for:
p.stream3__text Data loading
p.stream3__text Real-time data streaming
p.stream3__text Achieving advanced streaming capabilities by integrating with streaming frameworks:
img.stream3__img(src="/img/features/streaming/one.png", alt="one")
img.stream3__img(src="/img/features/streaming/two.svg", alt="two")
img.stream3__img(src="/img/features/streaming/three.png", alt="three")
img.stream3__img(src="/img/features/streaming/four.svg", alt="four")
img.stream3__img(src="/img/features/streaming/five.svg", alt="five")
img.stream3__img(src="/img/features/streaming/six.svg", alt="six")
// /.stream3
h2.stream4__h2.h4 Event-Driven Architecture Basic Principles
p.stream4__p In many cases, streams of data we receive comprise events that we have to react to.<br>
span.stream4__greys With Apache Ignite, you can:
.stream4__number 01
.stream4__text Enrich and transform your data <br>on the fly.
.stream4__number 02
.stream4__text Execute any calculations in response<br> to an event on the cluster-node side.
.stream4__number 03
.stream4__text React to your streams of data on the application side with continuous queries.
.stream4__grey If streamed data represents an event, your application-side logic can react to it after receiving a notification from continuous queries.
// /.stream4
img(src="/img/features/native-rocket.svg", alt="").nativebotblock__icon
span Ready to Start?
p.nativebotblock__text Start coding with Ignite Streaming APIs
a.nativebotblock__link.arrowlink(href="", target="_blank") Ignite Streaming APIs
img(src="/img/features/native-docs.svg", alt="").nativebotblock__icon
span Want to Learn More?
p.nativebotblock__text Explore our out-of-the-box integrations with Kafka, Flink, MQTT and other advanced streaming technologies
a.nativebotblock__link.arrowlink(href="", target="_blank") Extensions And Integrations Guide