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title Distributed ACID Transactions - Apache Ignite
meta(name="description", content="Apache Ignite can operate in a strongly consistent mode with full support for distributed ACID transactions. Ignite is an ACID compliant storage engine which can handle possible distributed failures properly to avoid data inconsistencies cluster-wide.")
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meta(property="og:title", content="Distributed ACID Transactions - Apache Ignite")
meta(property="og:type", content="article")
meta(property="og:url", content="")
meta(property="og:image", content="/img/og-pic.png")
meta(property="og:description", content="Apache Ignite can operate in a strongly consistent mode with full support for distributed ACID transactions. Ignite is an ACID compliant storage engine which can handle possible distributed failures properly to avoid data inconsistencies cluster-wide.")
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.innerhero__pre.pb-5 Apache Ignite
h1.h1.innerhero__h1 Distributed ACID <br>Transactions
//- .pt-2.h3 with Apache Ignite
Classical ACID transactions that let you update distributed data <br>consistently, durably and with in-memory speed
a.button.innerhero__button(href="") Start Coding
img.innerhero__pic.innerhero__pic--acid(src="/img/features/acid/hero.svg", alt="Distributed ACID transactions")
// /.innerhero
h2.acid1__h2.h4 Update multiple records from different tables that span across many cluster nodes
.acid1__title.fz20 Consistency
p Ignite transactional APIs are used by&nbsp;banks to&nbsp;implement payments services that transfer money between accounts in&nbsp;real-time.
.acid1__title.fz20 Durability
p Multi-tier storage persists changes durably to&nbsp;disk. Committed transactions always survive failures, and incomplete transactions are rolled back.
.acid1__title.fz20 Fault-Tolerance
p The transactional engine avoids inconsistencies even if your transaction fails halfway through.
// /.acid1
h2.acid2__h2 To guarantee data consistency, durability and fault-tolerance,<br> <strong>Ignite implements a two-phase commit protocol</strong>
p In distributed systems, a transaction usually spans multiple cluster nodes.
p To handle possible distributed failures properly and avoid data inconsistencies cluster-wide, a two-phase commit protocol (2PC) is used.
h3.acid2__subtitle.h5.pb-2 How ACID transactions work
p Whenever the records get updated within a&nbsp;transaction, Ignite keeps the transactional state in&nbsp;a&nbsp;local transaction map until the changes are committed.
p From here, the data is&nbsp;transferred to&nbsp;the participating remote nodes. Only the nodes that hold primary or&nbsp;backup copies of&nbsp;the data participate in&nbsp;the transaction.
p If&nbsp;a&nbsp;transaction is&nbsp;mapped to&nbsp;a&nbsp;single node, then Ignite optimizes the transaction execution by&nbsp;switching to&nbsp;the one-phase-commit (1PC) protocol.
img(src="/img/features/acid/acid-func.svg", alt="").acid2__funcimg
// /.acid2
h2.h4.acid3__title Records are updated consistently across <br>memory and disk tiers
h3.h5.pb-2 Transactions with Ignite native persistence
p.fz20.acid3__collead In case of any failure you can always recover to a consistent state
p When native persistence mode is&nbsp;enabled and Apache Ignite is&nbsp;used as&nbsp;a&nbsp;database that scales beyond available memory capacity, the distributed transactions update data across memory and disk in&nbsp;a&nbsp;consistent way.
p All the changes stay durable, because they are written to&nbsp;the write-ahead log (WAL) files. It&nbsp;guarantees data consistency even if&nbsp;the cluster or&nbsp;individual nodes go&nbsp;down in&nbsp;the middle of&nbsp;a&nbsp;transaction.
a.acid3__detlink(href="#", data-hideopen="acidbox") WAL in details
img(src="/img/features/acid/icon-cross.svg", alt="")
p The purpose of&nbsp;the WAL is&nbsp;to&nbsp;propagate updates to&nbsp;the disk in&nbsp;the append-only mode, which is&nbsp;the fastest way to&nbsp;persist data to&nbsp;disk. The WAL provides a&nbsp;recovery mechanism for failure scenarios when a&nbsp;single node or&nbsp;the whole cluster goes down. A&nbsp;cluster can always be&nbsp;recovered to&nbsp;the latest successfully committed transaction.
h3.h5.pb-2 Transactions with external databases
p.fz20.acid3__collead Your transactions will be updated both in&nbsp;the&nbsp;external database and in Apache Ignite
p When Apache Ignite is&nbsp;used as&nbsp;a&nbsp;caching layer for an&nbsp;external database, such as&nbsp;RDBMS, transactions span the cached data in&nbsp;Ignite as&nbsp;well as&nbsp;the data persisted in&nbsp;a&nbsp;database supporting transactional APIs.
p For instance, if&nbsp;a&nbsp;relational database is&nbsp;configured as&nbsp;a&nbsp;disk tier, Ignite writes the transactional changes to&nbsp;the database before sending a&nbsp;commit message to&nbsp;participating cluster nodes.
p This way, if&nbsp;a&nbsp;transaction fails at&nbsp;the database level, Ignite can still send the rollback message to&nbsp;the cluster nodes, keeping the data consistent across memory and disk tiers.
img(src="/img/features/native-rocket.svg", alt="").nativebotblock__icon
span Ready to Start?
p.nativebotblock__text Create your transactional application <br>with Apache Ignite
a.nativebotblock__link.arrowlink(href="", target="_blank") Performing ACID Transactions
img(src="/img/features/native-docs.svg", alt="").nativebotblock__icon
span Want to&nbsp;Learn More?
p.nativebotblock__text Ignite&nbsp;3.0 advances its replication and transactional components with the support of&nbsp;the <strong>Raft consensus algorithm</strong>
a.nativebotblock__link.arrowlink(href="", target="_blank") Ignite 3.0 and Raft Details