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| meta(property="og:description", content="What is Apache Ignite? What is in-memory computing? Read the answers on our FAQ page.") |
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| section.innerhero.innerhero--faq |
| .container.innerhero__cont |
| .innerhero__main.innerhero__main--long |
| h1.h1.innerhero__h1 Frequently Asked Questions <br>About Apache Ignite |
| .innerhero__descr.pt-5.h4. |
| Ignite’s rich feature set means it has a myriad of use cases.<br> |
| Is Ignite a cache, transactional database, key-value store? <br>Find the answers below. |
| img.innerhero__pic.innerhero__pic--faq(src="/img/faq/hero.svg", alt="Frequently asked questions") |
| // /.innerhero |
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| section.faqabout.container |
| .capstext Apache Ignite FAQs |
| .faqabout__wrap.flexi.pt-5 |
| .faqabout__left |
| h2.h4.pb-2 What Is In-Memory Computing? |
| p In-memory computing is a software and data-processing technique that stores data sets in memory across a cluster of interconnected nodes. An average speed performance is 10-1000x faster than in disk-based systems. |
| p In-memory computing software includes a distributed in-memory store with APIs and libraries optimized for high-performance data processing. Each cluster node (physical or virtual machine) contributes its available memory space with CPU cores to the total capacity of the cluster. |
| p An application interacts with the cluster as a single unit, letting the in-memory computing software shield and manage all the internals related to inter-node communications, data distribution, and queries processing. The cluster scales linearly and horizontally to meet the data volume and throughput goals of the applications. |
| aside.faqabout__right |
| .faqabout__num.h3 10-1000x |
| p.h5 performance increase |
| .faqabout__rightbot.h5 Unlimited horizontal scalability |
| // /.faqabout |
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| section.faqfeats.container |
| h2.h4.faqfeats__title Apache Ignite Belongs To The In-Memory <br>Computing Category: |
| .faqfeats__wrap.flexi.pt-5 |
| article.faqfeat.pt-1 |
| .faqfeat__iconwrap.flexi |
| img(src="/img/faq/icon-faq1.svg", alt="") |
| .faqfeat__text.pt-2 Build real-time and event-driven solutions that process data with in-memory speed |
| article.faqfeat.pt-1 |
| .faqfeat__iconwrap.flexi |
| img(src="/img/faq/icon-faq2.svg", alt="") |
| .faqfeat__text.pt-2 Scale up and out across available memory and disk capacity |
| article.faqfeat.pt-1 |
| .faqfeat__iconwrap.flexi |
| img(src="/img/faq/icon-faq3.svg", alt="") |
| .faqfeat__text.pt-2 Take advantage of built-in SQL, high-performance computing and real-time processing APIs |
| // /.faqfeats |
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| section.faqboxs.container |
| article.faqbox.cardsimple |
| h3.faqbox__itemtitle.h5 Is Ignite A Distributed Cache? |
| .faqbox__anwser.h5.pt-3 Yes |
| .faqbox__text.pt-3 |
| p When Ignite native persistence is disabled, Ignite can function as a distributed in-memory cache with support distributed ACID transactions, SQL queries, high-performance computing APIs, and more. |
| .cardsimple__bottom |
| a.cardsimple__button.button.button--shadow(href="/use-cases/in-memory-cache.html") Learn More: In-Memory Cache |
| |
| article.faqbox.cardsimple |
| h3.faqbox__itemtitle.h5 Is Ignite A Distributed Database? |
| .faqbox__anwser.h5.pt-3 Yes |
| .faqbox__text.pt-3 |
| p Ignite is a distributed database for high-performance computing with in-memory speed. |
| p Data in Ignite is stored in-memory and/or on-disk, and is either partitioned or replicated across a cluster of multiple nodes. This provides scalability, performance, and resiliency. |
| .cardsimple__bottom |
| a.cardsimple__button.button.button--shadow(href="/arch/multi-tier-storage.html") Learn More: Multi-Tier Storage |
| |
| article.faqbox.cardsimple |
| h3.faqbox__itemtitle.h5 Is Ignite An In-Memory Database? |
| .faqbox__anwser.h5.pt-3 Yes |
| .faqbox__text.pt-3 |
| p Ignite multi-tier storage supports both in-memory and disk tiers. You can always disable the native persistence and use Ignite as a distributed in-memory database, with support for SQL, transactions and other APIs. |
| .cardsimple__bottom |
| a.cardsimple__button.button.button--shadow(href="/use-cases/in-memory-database.html") Learn More: In-Memory Database |
| |
| article.faqbox.cardsimple |
| h3.faqbox__itemtitle.h5 Is Ignite An In-Memory Data Grid? |
| .faqbox__anwser.h5.pt-3 Yes |
| .faqbox__text.pt-3 |
| p Ignite is a full-featured distributed data grid. As a grid, Ignite can automatically integrate with and accelerate any 3rd party databases, including any RDBMS or NoSQL stores. |
| .cardsimple__bottom |
| a.cardsimple__button.button.button--shadow(href="/use-cases/in-memory-data-grid.html") Learn More: In-Memory Data Grid |
| |
| article.faqbox.cardsimple |
| h3.faqbox__itemtitle.h5 Is Ignite An SQL Database? |
| .faqbox__anwser.h5.pt-3 Not fully |
| .faqbox__text.pt-3 |
| p Although Ignite supports SQL natively, there are differences in how Ignite handles constraints and indexes. |
| p Ignite supports primary and secondary indexes, however the uniqueness can only be enforced for the primary indexes. Ignite also does not support foreign key constraints at the moment. |
| .cardsimple__bottom |
| a.cardsimple__button.button.button--shadow(href="/use-cases/in-memory-database.html") Learn More: SQL Database |
| |
| article.faqbox.cardsimple |
| h3.faqbox__itemtitle.h5 Is Ignite A Disk- Or Memory-Only Storage? |
| .faqbox__anwser.h5.pt-3 Both |
| .faqbox__text.pt-3 |
| p Native persistence in Ignite can be turned on and off. This allows Ignite to store data sets bigger than can fit in the available memory. |
| p Essentially, smaller operational data sets can be stored in-memory only, and larger data sets that do not fit in memory can be stored on disk, using memory as a caching layer for better performance. |
| .cardsimple__bottom |
| a.cardsimple__button.button.button--shadow(href="/arch/native-persistence.html") Learn More: Native Persistence |
| |
| article.faqbox.cardsimple |
| h3.faqbox__itemtitle.h5 Is Ignite A NoSQL Database? |
| .faqbox__anwser.h5.pt-3 Not exactly |
| .faqbox__text.pt-3 |
| p Just like other NoSQL databases, Ignite is highly available and horizontally scalable. |
| p However, unlike other NoSQL databases, Ignite supports SQL and ACID transactions across multiple cluster nodes. |
| |
| article.faqbox.cardsimple |
| h3.faqbox__itemtitle.h5 Is Ignite A Transactional Database? |
| .faqbox__anwser.h5.pt-3 Not fully |
| .faqbox__text.pt-3 |
| p ACID Transactions are supported, but only at key-value API level. Ignite also supports cross-partition transactions, which means that transactions can span keys residing in different partitions on different servers. |
| p At SQL level, Ignite supports atomic but not yet transactional consistency. A SQL transactions implementation is already <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/IEP-3%3A+Transactional+SQL" target="_blank">in the works</a> and will be released in Ignite 3. |
| .cardsimple__bottom |
| a.cardsimple__button.button.button--shadow(href="/features/acid-transactions.html") Learn More: ACID Transactions |
| |
| article.faqbox.cardsimple |
| h3.faqbox__itemtitle.h5 Is Ignite A Multi-Model Database? |
| .faqbox__anwser.h5.pt-3 Yes |
| .faqbox__text.pt-3 |
| p Ignite supports both key-value and SQL for modelling and accessing data. |
| p In addition, Ignite provides strong processing APIs for computing on distributed data. |
| .cardsimple__bottom |
| //- a.cardsimple__button.button.button--shadow(href="/use-cases/in-memory-database.html") Learn More: In-Memory Database |
| |
| article.faqbox.cardsimple |
| h3.faqbox__itemtitle.h5 Is Ignite A Key-Value Store? |
| .faqbox__anwser.h5.pt-3 Yes |
| .faqbox__text.pt-3 |
| p Ignite provides a feature-rich key-value API that is JCache (JSR-107) compliant and supports Java, C++, .NET, and other programming languages. |
| .cardsimple__bottom |
| a.cardsimple__button.button.button--shadow(href="/use-cases/key-value-store.html") Learn More: Distributed Key-Value Store |
| // /.faqboxs |
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| section.toolingend.toolingend--front |
| .container.flexi |
| .toolingend__main |
| p.toolingend__title.h3 |
| strong Ready To Start? |
| p.h5.pt-2 Discover our quick start guides and build your first <br>application in 5-10 minutes |
| .toolingend__action |
| a.button(href="https://ignite.apache.org/docs/latest/", target="_blank") Discover Quick Start Guide |