| extend _components/base.pug |
| |
| block pagetitle |
| title Apache Ignite Events - Meetups, Summit, Conference |
| meta(name="description", content="Join our upcoming events: in-memory computing meetups, Apache Ignite summits or conferences. Find an Apache Ignite meetup/group near you.") |
| link(rel="canonical", href="https://ignite.apache.org/events.html") |
| |
| meta(property="og:title", content="Apache Ignite Events - Meetups, Summit, Conference") |
| meta(property="og:type", content="article") |
| meta(property="og:url", content="https://ignite.apache.org/events.html") |
| meta(property="og:image", content="/img/og-pic.png") |
| meta(property="og:description", content="Join our upcoming events: in-memory computing meetups, Apache Ignite summits or conferences. Find an Apache Ignite meetup/group near you.") |
| |
| block css |
| link(rel="stylesheet", href="../css/events.css?ver=" + config.version) |
| |
| block main |
| - global.pageHref = "events.html" |
| include ./_components/header.pug |
| |
| |
| |
| section.eventhero |
| .container |
| .eventhero__main |
| h1.h2. |
| Join The Apache Ignite <br> |
| Community At Conferences, <br> |
| Summits And Other Events |
| .h5.pt-3. |
| The community meets online and offline regularly. <br> |
| Join our meetup groups and events to learn from <br>Ignite experts or to share your Ignite experience. |
| img.eventhero__img(src="/img/events/b1-mainpic.svg", alt="Join the Apache Ignite Community at Conferences, Summits and Other Events") |
| // /.eventhero |
| |
| |
| section.cmtynavblock |
| .container |
| ul.cmtynavblock__list.flexi |
| li |
| a.cmtynavblock__active(href="#summit") Ignite Summit |
| li |
| a(href="#meetups") Meetups Worldwide |
| li |
| a(href="#upcoming") Upcoming Events |
| li |
| a(href="#past") Past Events |
| // /.cmtynavblock |
| |
| |
| |
| section.event-featured.container |
| p.capstext Featured Event |
| a(href="https://ignite-summit.org/2022-june/", target="_blank").event-featured__banner.pt-5 |
| picture |
| source(srcset="/images/promos/ignite-Summit-cloud-edition--After-banner-375px.jpg" media="(max-width: 767px)") |
| img(src="/images/promos/ignite-Summit-cloud-edition--After-banner.jpg", alt="Ignite Summit watch on demand") |
| //- .event-featured__placeholder(style="background:#E8F2FA; height:340px;") |
| // /.event-featured |
| |
| |
| |
| section.evsummit.container#summit |
| .evsummit__date.flexi |
| .evsummit__day 14 |
| .evsummit__month.h5 JUNE <br>2022 |
| .evsummit__info.flexi.pt-5 |
| .evsummit__logo |
| img(src="/img/events/ignite-summit-logo.svg", alt="") |
| .evsummit__descr |
| h2.h3 Apache Ignite Summit |
| p.h5.pt-2. |
| This virtual conference will feature speakers from industry-leading companies <br> |
| and hundreds of participants from all over the world. |
| //.evsummit__blocks.pt-5.flexi |
| a(href="https://hopin.com/events/ignite-summit-cloud-edition", target="_blank").evsummblock.evsummblock--speaker |
| p.h4.evsummblock__title Become a speaker |
| p.fz20.pt-1x.evsummblock__descr Submit a talk by October 15 |
| p.evsummblock__listtitle.pt-4 |
| strong We are looking for: |
| ul.evsummblock__list.dashlist.pt-1 |
| li Ignite cloud-related deployment stories |
| li technical deep dives |
| li integration experiences |
| .evsummblock.evsummblock--join |
| p.h4.evsummblock__title Join Summit online |
| p.fz20.pt-1x.evsummblock__descr. |
| Become a part of a true community event |
| and learn more about up-to-date<br> |
| in-memory computing solutions. |
| .evsummit__twobanners.pt-5 |
| a(href="https://ignite-summit.org/2022-june/", target="_blank").evsummit__twobannerslink |
| img(src="/img/events/banner-bott-3.jpg", alt="") |
| a(href="https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMc7NR20hA-JvgLWtvp2R9tEnD5vlp9l0", target="_blank").evsummit__twobannerslink |
| img(src="/img/events/banner-bott-1.jpg", alt="") |
| a(href="https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMc7NR20hA-KF8c_hVICKpzKnWkjzfC2V", target="_blank").evsummit__twobannerslink |
| img(src="/img/events/banner-bott-2.jpg", alt="") |
| // /.evsummit |
| |
| |
| section.event-planet#meetups |
| .container |
| .event-planet__wrap.flexi |
| .event-planet__main |
| h2.h3.pb-1 Apache Ignite Meetups Worldwide |
| p.h5.pt-5 Meet the community — developers, experts, and practitioners — face-to-face, virtually, or onsite in your city. |
| .event-planet__pic |
| img(src="/img/events/b4-world.svg", alt="") |
| // /.event-planet |
| |
| |
| |
| section.event-virtual.container#virtual |
| .eventvirt.flexi |
| .eventvirt__left |
| h3.h4 Virtual Apache Ignite Meetup |
| p.pt-2 Join Ignite users, developers, committers, contributors, and architects from all over the world and get access to the online talks and presentations by Apache Ignite experts and practitioners. |
| .eventvirt__right |
| a.button(href="https://www.meetup.com/Apache-Ignite-Virtual-Meetup/", target="_blank") Join Virtual Meetup |
| |
| .event-virtbot |
| .event-virtbot__col |
| h4.h4 Recordings Of Past Meetups |
| p.pt-2 Find a collection of past Virtual Apache Ignite Meetup <br>presentations, talks, and webinars. |
| .event-virtbot__col.event-virtbot__col--long |
| h4.h4 Upcoming Virtual Meetup |
| .event-dynamicsect |
| h3.fz20 Join our group and don’t <br>miss an upcoming virtual event |
| .event-virtbot__col |
| .event-recording.pb-2 |
| a(href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2ArcJPH4iU&list=PLMc7NR20hA-LQ0GR1QW5SDQflMOuPUqDQ&index=1", target="_blank").event-recorditem.videoscr.glightbox |
| img.event-recpic(src="https://img.youtube.com/vi/f2ArcJPH4iU/maxresdefault.jpg", alt="") |
| a(href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCiZ3x8IRvI&list=PLMc7NR20hA-LQ0GR1QW5SDQflMOuPUqDQ&index=2" target="_blank").event-recorditem.videoscr.glightbox |
| img.event-recpic(src="https://img.youtube.com/vi/lCiZ3x8IRvI/maxresdefault.jpg", alt="") |
| a(href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UjENQBFvIQ&list=PLMc7NR20hA-LQ0GR1QW5SDQflMOuPUqDQ&index=3" target="_blank").event-recorditem.videoscr.glightbox |
| img.event-recpic(src="https://img.youtube.com/vi/7UjENQBFvIQ/maxresdefault.jpg", alt="") |
| a.event-recbutton.button.button--shadow(href="https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMc7NR20hA-LQ0GR1QW5SDQflMOuPUqDQ", target="_blank") |
| <i><svg width="9" height="10" viewBox="0 0 9 10" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> |
| <path d="M8.71423 4.99993L0.142805 9.94865L0.142805 0.0512134L8.71423 4.99993Z"/> |
| </svg></i> |
| span Watch Virtual Meetup videos |
| .event-virtbot__col |
| img.event-dynamicsect__pic(src="/img/events/logo-meetup.svg", alt="") |
| a.button.button--shadow.event-recmorebutton(href="https://www.meetup.com/Apache-Ignite-Virtual-Meetup", target="_blank") Learn more |
| // /.event-virtual |
| |
| |
| |
| section.eventyoucity.container |
| h2.h4 Apache Ignite Meetups In Your City |
| .eventyoucity__wrap.pt-5 |
| article.eventyoucity__item |
| .eventyoucity__icon |
| img(src="/img/events/flag-uk.svg", alt="") |
| .eventyoucity__town.h5 |
| strong London |
| span Apache Ignite Meetup |
| .eventyoucity__action |
| a.button.button--shadow(href="https://www.meetup.com/Apache-Ignite-London/" target="_blank") |
| img(src="/img/events/icon-plus.svg", alt="") |
| span Join |
| article.eventyoucity__item |
| .eventyoucity__icon |
| img(src="/img/events/flag-ru.svg", alt="") |
| .eventyoucity__town.h5 |
| strong St.Petersburg |
| span Apache Ignite Meetup |
| .eventyoucity__action |
| a.button.button--shadow(href="https://www.meetup.com/St-Petersburg-Apache-Ignite-Meetup/" target="_blank") |
| img(src="/img/events/icon-plus.svg", alt="") |
| span Join |
| article.eventyoucity__item |
| .eventyoucity__icon |
| img(src="/img/events/flag-ru.svg", alt="") |
| .eventyoucity__town.h5 |
| strong Moscow |
| span Apache Ignite Meetup |
| .eventyoucity__action |
| a.button.button--shadow(href="https://www.meetup.com/Moscow-Apache-Ignite-Meetup/" target="_blank") |
| img(src="/img/events/icon-plus.svg", alt="") |
| span Join |
| article.eventyoucity__last |
| p.fz20.pb-3 Start an onsite Apache Ignite Meetup in your city. |
| small Take the first step. |
| small Send us a note to <br><a href="mailto:dev@ignite.apache.org">dev@ignite.apache.org</a> <br>and we'll see what can be done. |
| // /.eventyoucity |
| |
| |
| |
| section.eventupcoming.container#upcoming |
| .capstext.pb-1 Upcoming Events Schedule |
| .eventupcoming__wrap.py-4 |
| h2.h4.eventupcoming__head.pb-5 Online events (1) |
| article.eventcomingitem.flexi |
| .eventcomingitem__left |
| p.eventcomingitem__num 16 |
| p.eventcomingitem__month JUNE |
| p.eventcomingitem__year.pt-3 2022 |
| .eventcomingitem__main |
| p.eventcomingitem__title.h5 How to write a high-performance database driver |
| p.eventcomingitem__descr.pt-1 Databases are at the heart of most services and applications. How do we communicate with our database? How does the driver (client) work, how to design and implement it? This report covers all the steps - working with TCP sockets, message format, serialization, fault tolerance, resource allocation, and much more. |
| a.eventcomingitem__more(href="https://dotnext.ru/", target="_blank") Learn more details |
| .eventcomingitem__right |
| .eventcomingitem__mic |
| .eventcomingitem__speaker. |
| Pavel Tupitsyn |
| .eventcomingitem__loc |
| .eventcomingitem__locblock |
| img(src="/img/events/content/dotnext.svg", alt="") |
| .eventcomingitem__camera Online, Russia |
| // /.eventcomingitem |
| |
| .eventupcoming__wrap.py-4 |
| h2.h4.pb-4 Offline events (1) |
| //article.eventcomingitem.flexi |
| .eventcomingitem__left |
| p.eventcomingitem__num 13 |
| p.eventcomingitem__month November |
| p.eventcomingitem__year.pt-3 2021 |
| .eventcomingitem__main |
| p.eventcomingitem__title.h5 Backward compatibility on the example of Apache Ignite. Why does it hurt so much? |
| p.eventcomingitem__descr.pt-1 I am developing an Apache Ignite distributed database. Our product provides backward compatibility between versions. What do you need to think about for backward compatibility? What is Backward Compatibility for Developers? How do I test it? Why does it hurt so much? How to relieve pain? I will tell you about all this with the code examples. |
| a.eventcomingitem__more(href="https://mergeconf.ru/development/opensource/izhikov", target="_blank") Learn more details |
| .eventcomingitem__right |
| .eventcomingitem__mic |
| .eventcomingitem__speaker Nikolay Izhikov |
| .eventcomingitem__loc |
| .eventcomingitem__locblock |
| img(src="/img/events/content/merge.svg", alt="") |
| .eventcomingitem__address Innopolis, Russia |
| // /.eventcomingitem |
| |
| article.eventcomingitem.flexi |
| .eventcomingitem__left |
| p.eventcomingitem__num 13 |
| p.eventcomingitem__month MAY |
| p.eventcomingitem__year.pt-3 2022 |
| .eventcomingitem__main |
| p.eventcomingitem__title.h5 Rebalancing in a distributed database. How to catch up with the state of the node to the state of the cluster? |
| p.eventcomingitem__descr.pt-1 The report will present the concept of historical rebalancing, implemented in the Apache Ignite distributed database. |
| a.eventcomingitem__more(href="https://www.highload.ru/foundation/2022/abstracts/7989", target="_blank") Learn more details |
| .eventcomingitem__right |
| .eventcomingitem__mic |
| .eventcomingitem__speaker Vlad Pyatkov |
| .eventcomingitem__loc |
| .eventcomingitem__locblock |
| img(src="/img/events/content/hl++.svg", alt="") |
| .eventcomingitem__address Moscow, Russia |
| // /.eventcomingitem |
| |
| // /.eventupcoming |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| section.eventspast#past.container.jsTabWrap |
| h3.capstext.pb-5 Past Events |
| .eventspast__tablinks.flexi |
| button.eventpast__link(data-tablink="e2022").active 2022 |
| button.eventpast__link(data-tablink="e2021") 2021 |
| button.eventpast__link(data-tablink="e2020") 2020 |
| button.eventpast__link(data-tablink="e2019") 2019 |
| button.eventpast__link(data-tablink="e2018") 2018 |
| button.eventpast__link(data-tablink="e2017") 2017 |
| button.eventpast__link(data-tablink="e2016") 2016 |
| button.eventpast__link(data-tablink="e2015") 2015 |
| button.eventpast__link(data-tablink="e2014") 2014 |
| .eventspast__tabs |
| .eventspast__tabwrap(data-tab="e2022").active |
| include ./_components/events/2022.pug |
| // /.eventspast__tabwrap 2022 |
| |
| .eventspast__tabwrap(data-tab="e2021") |
| include ./_components/events/2021.pug |
| // /.eventspast__tabwrap 2021 |
| |
| .eventspast__tabwrap(data-tab="e2020") |
| include ./_components/events/2020.pug |
| // /.eventspast__tabwrap 2020 |
| |
| .eventspast__tabwrap(data-tab="e2019") |
| include ./_components/events/2019.pug |
| // /.eventspast__tabwrap 2019 |
| |
| .eventspast__tabwrap(data-tab="e2018") |
| include ./_components/events/2018.pug |
| // /.eventspast__tabwrap 2018 |
| |
| .eventspast__tabwrap(data-tab="e2017") |
| include ./_components/events/2017.pug |
| // /.eventspast__tabwrap 2017 |
| |
| .eventspast__tabwrap(data-tab="e2016") |
| include ./_components/events/2016.pug |
| // /.eventspast__tabwrap 2016 |
| |
| .eventspast__tabwrap(data-tab="e2015") |
| include ./_components/events/2015.pug |
| // /.eventspast__tabwrap 2015 |
| |
| .eventspast__tabwrap(data-tab="e2014") |
| include ./_components/events/2014.pug |
| // /.eventspast__tabwrap 2014 |
| // /.eventspast |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |