| extend _components/base.pug |
| block pagetitle |
| title Download - Apache Ignite |
| meta(name="description", content="Download Apache Ignite here and install in your environment. It’s for free – just select from one of the available options and download.") |
| link(rel="canonical", href="https://ignite.apache.org/download.html") |
| meta(property="og:title", content="Download - Apache Ignite") |
| meta(property="og:type", content="article") |
| meta(property="og:url", content="https://ignite.apache.org/download.html") |
| meta(property="og:image", content="/img/og-pic.png") |
| meta(property="og:description", content="Download Apache Ignite here and install in your environment. It’s for free – just select from one of the available options and download.") |
| |
| block css |
| link(rel="stylesheet", href="../css/native-persistence.css?ver=" + config.version) |
| link(rel="stylesheet", href="../css/download.css?ver=" + config.version) |
| link(rel="stylesheet", href="../js/vendor/highlight/default.min.css?ver=" + config.version) |
| link(rel="stylesheet", href="../js/vendor/highlight/night-owl.css?ver=" + config.version) |
| script(src="../js/vendor/highlight/highlight.min.js") |
| script(src="../js/vendor/highlight/xml.min.js") |
| //- script(src="../js/vendor/highlight/bash.min.js") |
| |
| block main |
| - global.pageHref = "download" |
| - config.hdrClassName = "hdr__blue" |
| include ./_components/header.pug |
| |
| mixin downloadRow(params) |
| tr |
| td !{params.ver} |
| td |
| if(params.guide) |
| a(href=params.guide, target="_blank") guide |
| if(params.javadoc) |
| a(href=params.javadoc, target="_blank") javadoc |
| if(params.scaladoc) |
| a(href=params.scaladoc, target="_blank") scaladoc |
| td |
| if(params.notes) |
| a(href=params.notes, target="_blank") release notes |
| td !{params.date} |
| td.jsLinksInside |
| |
| if(params.sourcelink) |
| - let fileNameArr = params.sourcelink.split("/"); |
| - let fileName = fileNameArr[fileNameArr.length - 1]; |
| a.sourcelink(href=params.sourcelink, target="_blank", onclick=params.onclick) !{fileName} |
| | ( |
| a(href=params.sourcelink + ".asc", target="_blank") pgp |
| a(href=params.sourcelink + ".sha512", target="_blank") sha512 |
| | ) |
| |
| mixin downloadExtensionRow(params) |
| tr |
| td !{params.name} |
| td !{params.ver} |
| td |
| if(params.guide) |
| a(href=params.guide, target="_blank") guide |
| td |
| if(params.notes) |
| a(href=params.notes, target="_blank") release notes |
| td !{params.date} |
| td.jsLinksInside |
| |
| if(params.sourcelink) |
| - let fileNameArr = params.sourcelink.split("/"); |
| - let fileName = fileNameArr[fileNameArr.length - 1]; |
| a.sourcelink(href=params.sourcelink, target="_blank", onclick=params.onclick) !{fileName} |
| | ( |
| a(href=params.sourcelink + ".asc", target="_blank") pgp |
| a(href=params.sourcelink + ".sha512", target="_blank") sha512 |
| | ) |
| |
| mixin downloadDockerRow(params) |
| tr |
| td !{params.name} |
| td |
| if(params.guide) |
| a(href=params.guide, target="_blank", onclick=params.onclick) guide |
| td !{params.date} |
| td |
| if(params.links) |
| each link in params.links |
| a.sourcelink(href=link.url, target="_blank", onclick=link.onclick) !{link.url}<br> |
| |
| |
| .cgi(hidden). |
| <!-- Update the following template variables for every release --> |
| [define distdir]ignite[end] |
| [define disturl]https://www.apache.org/dist[end] |
| |
| |
| |
| section.innerhero.innerhero--download |
| .container.innerhero__cont |
| .innerhero__main |
| .innerhero__pre.pb-3 Apache Ignite |
| h1.h1.innerhero__h1.innerhero__mega Downloads |
| img.innerhero__pic.innerhero__pic--download(src="/img/downloads/hero.svg", alt="Downloads") |
| // /.innerhero |
| |
| |
| |
| section.downloadtitle.container.pb-5 |
| p Download Apache Ignite® and install in your environment. <br>Select from one of the available options. |
| |
| section.cmtynavblock.jsNavBlock.cmtynavblock--downwrap |
| .container |
| ul.cmtynavblock__list.flexi.cmtynavblock--down |
| li |
| a.cmtynavblock__active(href="#source") Source Releases |
| li |
| a(href="#binary") Binary Releases |
| li |
| a(href="#docker") Docker and <br>Cloud Images |
| li |
| a(href="#git") Git Repository |
| li |
| a(href="#extensions") Extensions |
| li |
| a(href="#party3rd") 3rd Party Binaries |
| // /.cmtynavblock |
| |
| section.download-src#source.container |
| h2.capstext.pb-5 SOURCE RELEASES |
| |
| include ./_components/download-source.pug |
| .download-src__bottom.flexi.pt-5 |
| .download-src__left |
| p. |
| If you are looking for an earlier version of Apache Ignite, please find it in the archive. If you encounter a problem with the selected mirror, please choose another one. If primary mirrors are not reachable, switch to backup servers added to the end of the list. |
| .download-src__right |
| include _components/download-select.html |
| // /.download-src |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| section.download-bin.container#binary |
| h2.capstext BINARY RELEASES |
| |
| .download-bin__header.pt-4.pb-5 |
| p. |
| Binary release packages are provided for your convenience and not considered as primary release artifacts of the ASF. It's recommended to verify a release downloadable, following <a href="#verification">this guidelines.</a> For more information about Apache release policy see <a href="http://www.apache.org/dev/release.html#what" target="_blank">What is a Release?</a> |
| |
| include ./_components/download-binary.pug |
| // /.downtable__wrap |
| p.pt-5 f you are looking for previous release versions of Apache Ignite, please have a look in the <a href="https://archive.apache.org/dist/ignite" target="_blank">archive</a>. |
| // /.download-bin |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| section.downloadslim.container |
| h3.h5.pb-2 Slim binary releases |
| include ./_components/download-slim.pug |
| // /.downloadslim |
| |
| |
| |
| section.download-docker.container#docker |
| h2.capstext.pb-5 DOCKER AND CLOUD IMAGES |
| include ./_components/download-docker.pug |
| // /.download-docker |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| section.downverify.container#verify.pt-5 |
| h3.h5 How to verify |
| .downverify__wrap.flexi.pt-4 |
| .downverify__left |
| p The PGP signatures can be verified using PGP or GPG. First download the <a href="https://downloads.apache.org/ignite/KEYS" target="_blank">Apache Ignite KEYS</a> file as well as the .asc signature files for the desired release version. Make sure you get these files from the main distribution directory, rather than from a mirror. Then verify the signatures. |
| aside.downverify__right |
| p Please check <a href="https://www.apache.org/info/verification.html" target="_blank">How to Verify Downloaded Files</a> for more information on how and why you should verify Apache Ignite releases. |
| downverify.downverify__code |
| p.pb-1 % gpg --import KEYS |
| p % gpg --verify apache-ignite-2.9.1-src.zip.asc apache-ignite-2.9.1-src.zip |
| // /.downverify |
| |
| |
| |
| section.downfooter.container#git |
| h2.capstext.pb-3 GIT REPOSITORY |
| pre.nativecode__codebox.nomargin |
| code.bash. |
| $ git clone https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf/ignite |
| |
| .downfooter__spacer.pt-5.pb-5 |
| |
| section.download-extenstions.container#extensions |
| h2.capstext.pb-3 EXTENSIONS |
| |
| h3.h5.pb-2 Source Releases |
| include ./_components/download-extension-source.pug |
| |
| h3.h5.pt-5.pb-2 Binary Releases |
| p.pb-2 Binary release packages are provided for your convenience and not considered as primary release artifacts of the ASF. It's recommended to verify a release downloadable, following <a href="#verify">this guidelines</a>. For more information about Apache release policy see <a href="https://www.apache.org/legal/release-policy.html#what" target="_blank">What is a Release?</a> |
| include ./_components/download-extension-binary.pug |
| p.pt-2.pb-2 Spring Boot extensions: |
| - |
| var xmlCode = `<dependency> |
| <groupId>org.apache.ignite</groupId> |
| <artifactId>ignite-spring-boot-autoconfigure-ext</artifactId> |
| <version>1.0.0</version> |
| </dependency> |
| <dependency> |
| <groupId>org.apache.ignite</groupId> |
| <artifactId>ignite-spring-boot-thin-client-autoconfigure-ext</artifactId> |
| <version>1.0.0</version> |
| </dependency>`; |
| |
| pre.nativecode__codebox.nomargin |
| code.xml #{xmlCode} |
| |
| |
| |
| section.party3rd#party3rd.container |
| h2.capstext 3RD PARTY BINARIES |
| .party3rd__wrap.pt-5.flexi |
| .party3rd__left |
| p.pb-2 This is a list of 3rd party binary packages based on Apache Ignite. The Apache Ignite project does not endorse or maintain any 3rd party binary packages. |
| p <a href="https://www.gridgain.com/resources/download#communityEdition" target="_blank">GridGain Community Edition</a> is a binary build of Apache Ignite created by GridGain, which includes optional LGPL dependencies, such as Hibernate L2 cache integration and Geospatial Indexing, as well as bug fixes and features which may be included into the future official Apache Ignite releases. |
| .party3rd__right |
| p GridGain also provides his own <a href="http://www.gridgainsystems.com/nexus/content/repositories/external" target="_blank">GridGain Maven Repository</a> containing Apache Ignite LGPL artifacts such as ignite-hibernate. |
| p Please note that artifacts located at GridGain Maven Repository provided for convenience and are NOT official Apache Ignite artifacts. |
| p If you would like to provide your own edition of Apache Ignite here, please send email to <a href="mailto:dev@ignite.apache.org">Ignite dev list.</a> |
| |
| |
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