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| <h1>Amazon EKS Deployment</h1> |
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| <p>This page is a step-by-step guide on how to deploy an Ignite cluster on Amazon EKS.</p> |
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| <p>We will consider two deployment modes: stateful and stateless. |
| Stateless deployments are suitable for in-memory use cases where your cluster keeps the application data in RAM for better performance. |
| A stateful deployment differs from a stateless deployment in that it includes setting up persistent volumes for the cluster’s storage.</p> |
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| This guide focuses on deploying server nodes on Kubernetes. If you want to run client nodes on Kubernetes while your cluster is deployed elsewhere, you need to enable the communication mode designed for client nodes running behind a NAT. Refer to <a href="/docs/2.10.0/clustering/running-client-nodes-behind-nat">this section</a>. |
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