blob: f3b56e2380beb00ddf587fc001e5a27aabc488cc [file] [log] [blame]
extend _components/base.pug
block pagetitle
title Apache Ignite Community - Start Contributing
meta(name="description", content="Meet an Apache Ignite community and get help. Contribute to Ignite by helping answer user questions, coding, changing technical documentation, or becoming a committer and PMC member.")
link(rel="canonical", href="")
meta(property="og:title", content="Apache Ignite Community - Start Contributing")
meta(property="og:type", content="article")
meta(property="og:url", content="")
meta(property="og:image", content="/img/og-pic.png")
meta(property="og:description", content="Meet an Apache Ignite community and get help. Contribute to Ignite by helping answer user questions, coding, changing technical documentation, or becoming a committer and PMC member.")
block css
link(rel="stylesheet", href="../css/communnity.css?ver=" + config.version)
block main
- global.pageHref = "community.html"
include ./_components/header.pug
Welcome To The Apache <br>Ignite Community
A community of software engineers, tech writers, and technologists who drive the evolution of a top-5 project of the Apache Software Foundation
a(href="" target="_blank") Learn more
| about Ignite ranking in various categories.
a(href="", target="_blank").cmtyhero__img
img(src="/img/community/b1-photo.svg", alt="Welcome to the Apache Ignite Community")
// /.cmtyhero
a.cmtynavblock__active(href="#story") Learn Our Story
a(href="#community") Meet the Community
a(href="#contributing") Start Contributing
a(href="#faq") Ask a Question
// /.cmtynavblock
h2.cmtyhistory1__title Apache Ignite Story
.cmtyhistory__year 2014
img(src="/img/community/b3-rocket1.svg", alt="")
h3.cmtyhistory1__h3.fz30.pb-3 Ignite is contributed to ASF
p GridGain donates the core of its in-memory computing platform to the Apache Software Foundation under the name of "Apache Ignite"🚀. The <a href="" target="_blank">project enters the Apache Incubator</a>. The first members form its community.
It was a time of intense learning and almost daily challenges. Incubation lets people find ways to become a true community, how to create a project without fighting for an "intellectual property", and how to multiply the success by sharing rather than restricting. It wasn't an easy, quick nor smooth transition, but in retrospect it was worth it!
img(src="/img/community/b2-cos.jpg", alt="")
.cmtyhistory__avaname Konstantin (Cos) Boudnik
.cmtyhistory__avaproff ASF member, Apache Ignite Mentor
// /.cmtyhistory1
.cmtyhistory__year.cmtyhistory__year--right 2015
img(src="/img/community/b3-rocket2.svg", alt="")
h3.cmtyhistory1__h3.fz30.pb-3 Ignite graduates from the incubator
p In&nbsp;less than a&nbsp;year <a href="" target="_blank">Ignite successfully graduates</a> from the ASF incubator and became a&nbsp;top-level project of&nbsp;the Apache Software Foundation.
p The community keeps expanding rapidly. Hundreds of&nbsp;developers and architects start using Ignite as&nbsp;a&nbsp;distributed in-memory data grid (aka. write-through/read-through cache) for its native support of&nbsp;SQL, ACID transactions and high-performance computing APIs.
// /.cmtyhistory2
.cmtyhistory__year 2017
img(src="/img/community/b3-rocket3.svg", alt="")
h3.cmtyhistory1__h3.fz30.pb-3 Ignite introduces Native Persistence and becomes a Top-5 Project
p In 2017, two notable events happened.
p.pb-3 <a href="" target="_blank">First, with the donation of&nbsp;the Ignite native persistence</a> to&nbsp;the project&rsquo;s codebase, a&nbsp;new chapter in&nbsp;the Ignite story begins. Since then, many will be&nbsp;using Ignite as&nbsp;a&nbsp;distributed database that scales across memory and disk with no&nbsp;compromisesđź’Ą.
p Second, this is&nbsp;the year when Ignite is&nbsp;ranked as&nbsp;a&nbsp;top-5 project of&nbsp;the ASF in&nbsp;various categories 🏆 for the first time. A&nbsp;trend that will continue in&nbsp;the years to&nbsp;come.
// /.cmtyhistory3
.cmtyhistory__year.cmtyhistory__year--right 2020
img(src="/img/community/b3-rocket4.svg", alt="")
h3.cmtyhistory1__h3.fz30.pb-3 Ignite becomes (officially) <br>a distributed database
p 3 years after the initial release of the Ignite native persistence, the community and application developers carried on improving and adopting this capability for mission-critical production workloads.
p Finally, after seeing the rapid adoption of Ignite as a database by application developers, the community repositions Ignite as a "distributed database for high-performance computing with in-memory speed".
// /.cmtyhistory4
.cmtyhistory__year Today
img(src="/img/community/b3-rocket5.svg", alt="")
h3.cmtyhistory1__h3.fz30.pb-3 Ignite 3.0 version is under way
p Even when your project boasts hundreds of thousands of downloads a month and is&nbsp;being selected by&nbsp;elite developers and architects for applications that are used by&nbsp;millions of&nbsp;people daily, there is&nbsp;still room for innovation.
p Ignite 3&nbsp;is a&nbsp;significant leap forward for both the project and its community. Join or&nbsp;support&nbsp;us in&nbsp;an&nbsp;effort to&nbsp;create a&nbsp;cutting-edge distributed database...
// /.cmtyhistory5
// /.cmtyhistory
h2.cmty-meet__h2 Meet The Community
A global community of professionals with different skills and experiences who drive the evolution of Ignite.
.cmty-meet__sub <a href="" target="_blank">The Apache Way</a> &ndash; get to know our collaboration and contribution values with principles.
img(src="/img/community/b4-img.svg", alt="")
// /.cmty-meet
h3.h4 Contributors
More than 100 members help the project grow and progress daily. Code contributions, documentation creation, project awareness, developer support — <strong>this is just a sample of the contributions that we recognize.</strong>
img(src="/img/community/b5-img.png", alt="")
// /.cmty-contrib
h3.h4 Committers Most active contributors who make a&nbsp;significant contribution <br>to&nbsp;the project become Apache Ignite committers. Here is the list of committers for the project.
include ./_components/committers.pug
const arrayCommitters = JSON.parse(committers);
const pmc = arrayCommitters.filter((el) => {
return el.PMC;
each val, index in arrayCommitters
if index > 13
- break;
each val, index in arrayCommitters
if index <= 13
- continue;
a.committers__morelink(href="#", data-hideopen="committersMore")
i Load more
span Hide
// /.cmty-committers
h3.fz30 Project Management Committee A group of Ignite committers who oversee project management and operational matters. <br>They vote on new committers, releases and make other vital decisions. Here is the list of PMC members for the project.
mixin projectManagers(obj)
if obj["PMC"] == "PMC Chair"
img(src="/img/community/b7-chair-star.svg", alt="")
p.cmty-pmitem__name.h5 !{obj["Name"]}
if obj["GitHub"]
a.cmty-pmitem__github(href=obj["GitHub"], target="_blank")
img(src="/img/icon-github.svg", alt="")
if obj["Apache profile"]
a.cmty-pmitem__apache(href=obj["Apache profile"], target="_blank")
img(src="/img/icon-pero.svg", alt="")
//- include _components/cmty-phs.pug
"Name": "Dmitriy Pavlov",
"Comitter": "YES",
"PMC": "PMC Chair",
"GitHub": "",
"Apache profile": "",
"Company": "SberTech",
each val, index in pmc
if index > 2
- break;
each val, index in pmc
if index < 3
- continue;
a.cmty-pm__morelink(href="#", data-hideopen="pmMore")
i Load more
span Hide
// /.cmty-pm
h2.h3.cmty-startcont__title Start Contributing
There are multiple ways you can contribute to Ignite &mdash; contribute to the codebase, help developers on the mailing lists, write technical docs or popularize our technology!
img(src="/img/community/b8-img.svg", alt="")
// /.cmty-startcont
h3.h4 Code and technical documentation contributions
img(src="/img/community/b9-icon-code.svg", alt="")
h3.cmty-docblock__title.h4 Develop Ignite
p Contribute to the Apache Ignite:
li code base
li integrations and extensions
li programming languages, such as .NET, Python, Node.JS, or other programming languages different from Java
img(src="/img/community/b9-icon-paper.svg", alt="")
h3.cmty-docblock__title.h4 Improve technical documentation
p Documentation educates users about Ignite capabilities, configuration techniques, optimization aspects and many other things.
li Produce and maintain the documentation pages <br>or API references
li Edit and correct existing content
// /.cmty-docs
strong Ready to start?
.cmty-ready__text.fz20 4 Steps to Start Contributing to the Code and Technical Documentation
i 01
p.fz20 Create an <a href="" target="_blank">ASF JIRA <br>account</a>, if&nbsp;you haven&rsquo;t <br>got one yet
i 02
| Join
em dev mailing list
p By sending a
a(href="") default e-mail
p By sending Hello to this e-mail <b></b>
| and introduce yourself
i 03
p.fz20.pb-2 Pick a ticket to start with
span.cmty-ready__openlink(data-hideopen="cmtyready3") Chose the tickets to develop Apache Ignite:
p <a href="" target="_blank">Click here</a> to view the tickets for code contribution
p <a href="" target="_blank">Click here</a> to view the tickets for technical documentation
i 04
p.fz20 To get more details, check out the <a href="" target="_blank">Contribution and Development</a> process
.h5 Top contributors đź’Ş<br>
<a href="" target="_blank">@Ignite Core and <br>Documentation</a><br>
<a href="" target="_blank">@Ignite Extensions</a><br>
<a href="" target="_blank">@Ignite Team City </a><br>
<a href="" target="_blank">@Ignite Website</a><br>
a(href="" target="_blank")
img(src="/img/community/b11-stat1.jpg", alt="")
a(href="" target="_blank")
img(src="/img/community/b11-stat2.jpg", alt="")
a(href="" target="_blank") Load more
// /.cmty-ready
h3.h4 Contribute By Building The Awareness <br>Of Ignite And Helping Fellow Developers
img(src="/img/community/b12-code.svg", alt="").tplbox__icon
h3.h4.pb-2 Build the project awareness
p.fz20 You can contribute by taking part in project awareness activities.
a(href="", target="_blank") Create demos
a(href="", target="_blank") Write a blog post
a(href="", target="_blank") Talk about Ignite at conferences and other events
img.cmty-redblock__questimg(src="/img/community/b12-icon-quest.svg", alt="").tplbox__icon
h3.h4.pb-2 Help application developers
p.fz20 If you already have some experience with Apache Ignite – you may have created your applications, or your services may use AI – come and help others.
li <a href="">Answer on the user list</a>
li <a href="" target="_blank">Answer on StackOverflow</a>
// /.cmty-red
strong Ready to start?
p.fz20 2 steps to start contributing by building the awareness and helping developers
i 01
em Join dev mailing list
p By sending a
a(href="") default e-mail
p By sending Hello to this e-mail <b></b>
| and introduce yourself
i 02
.cmty-redstep__h3 If you want to build project awareness
p <a href="" target="_blank">Get instructions</a> and start spreading the word about Apache Ignite.
i 02
.cmty-redstep__h3 If you want to help application developers
| Look for new questions on the
em user mailing list
p By sending a
a(href="") default e-mail
p By sending Hello to this e-mail <b></b>
| or <a href="" target="_blank">StackOverflow</a> (#ignite) and help others to use Ignite successfully.
strong Project Awareness <br>Top Contributors
p We do recognize and welcome non-code contributions. There are dozens of Apache Ignite community members who contribute this way.
iframe(src="", frameborder="0").cmty-redstart__iframe.themescroll
a(href="", target="_blank") See all contributors
// /.cmty-redstart
h2.cmty-ask__title.fz50.pb-3 Ask a Question
.cmty-ask__text.h5 Feel free to&nbsp;reach out to&nbsp;our community if&nbsp;you have <br>any questions, doubts or&nbsp;proposals. There are a&nbsp;few <br>ways to&nbsp;do&nbsp;this.
img.cmty-ask__bg(src="/img/community/b15-askimg.svg", alt="")
// /.cmty-ask
img(src="/img/community/b16-icon-quest.svg", alt="")
span For General Questions
p.faqblock__rightitle By e-mail
p For general questions about Ignite <a href=""></a>
img(src="/img/icon-email+.svg", alt="").faqblock__eicon
span Subscribe
p By sending a
a(href="") default e-mail
p By sending Hello to this e-mail <b></b>
img(src="/img/icon-email-.svg", alt="").faqblock__eicon
span Unsubscribe
p By sending a
a(href="") default e-mail
p By sending Stop to this e-mail <b></b>
a.faqblock__button.flexi(href="" target="_blank")
img(src="/img/icon-folder.svg", alt="")
span Archives
p.faqblock__rightitle On StackOverflow
p Many Ignite community members watch <a href="" target="_blank">Stack Overflow</a> for the tag "ignite" or "apacheignite", so you can post your questions there as well.
a.faqblock__button.flexi(href="" target="_blank")
img(src="/img/icon-stackoverflow.svg", alt="").faqblock__stackicon
span Ask question on StackOverflow
// /.faqblock
img(src="/img/community/b16-icon-comments.svg", alt="")
span For Contribution Related <br>Questions And Discussions
p.faqblock__rightitle By e-mail
p For contribution-related discussions <a href=""></a>
img(src="/img/icon-email+.svg", alt="").faqblock__eicon
span Subscribe
p By sending a
a(href="") default e-mail
p By sending Hello to this e-mail <b></b>
img(src="/img/icon-email-.svg", alt="").faqblock__eicon
span Unsubscribe
p By sending a
a(href="") default e-mail
p By sending Stop to this e-mail <b></b>
a.faqblock__button.flexi(href="" target="_blank")
img(src="/img/icon-folder.svg", alt="")
span Archives
p.faqblock__rightitle On StackOverflow
p Many Ignite community contributors monitor <a href="" target="_blank">Stack Overflow</a> for the tag "ignite" or "apacheignite" to support Ignite developers, so you can post your questions there as well.
img(src="/img/icon-stackoverflow.svg", alt="").faqblock__stackicon
span Ask question on StackOverflow
// /.faqblock
img(src="/img/community/b16-icon-reports.svg", alt="")
span Report An Issue
p.faqblock__rightitle On Jira
p Visit <a href="" target="_blank">Ignite Jira</a> if you would like to file a new issue or view existing issues.
a.faqblock__button.flexi(href="" target="_blank")
img(src="/img/icon-jira.svg", alt="").faqblock__stackicon
span File ticket in Jira
// /.faqblock