blob: 53d704f945fd1a6f8448404d21e80bd126c8dc44 [file] [log] [blame]
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include /app/helpers/jade/mixins
mixin discovery-zookeeper(modelAt = '$ctrl.clonedCluster')
-var discoveryKind = 'ZooKeeper'
-var required = `${modelAt}.discovery.kind == '${discoveryKind}'`
-var model = `${modelAt}.discovery.ZooKeeper`
-var modelRetryPolicyKind = `${model}.retryPolicy.kind`
label: 'Curator:',
model: `${model}.curator`,
name: '"curator"',
tip: 'The Curator framework in use<br/>\
By default generates curator of org.apache.curator. framework.imps.CuratorFrameworkImpl\
class with configured connect string, retry policy, and default session and connection timeouts',
validationActive: required
label: 'Connect string:',
model: `${model}.zkConnectionString`,
name: `'${discoveryKind}ConnectionString'`,
required: required,
placeholder: 'host:port[chroot][,host:port[chroot]]',
tip: 'When <b>IGNITE_ZK_CONNECTION_STRING</b> system property is not configured this property will be used.<br><br>This should be a comma separated host:port pairs, each corresponding to a zk server. e.g. ",".<br>If the optional chroot suffix is used the example would look like: ",".<br><br>Where the client would be rooted at "/app/a" and all paths would be relative to this root - ie getting/setting/etc... "/foo/bar" would result in operations being run on "/app/a/foo/bar" (from the server perspective).<br><br><a href=",%20int,%20org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher)">Zookeeper docs</a>'
label: 'Retry policy:',
model: `${model}.retryPolicy.kind`,
name: '"retryPolicy"',
placeholder: 'Default',
options: '[\
{value: "ExponentialBackoff", label: "Exponential backoff"},\
{value: "BoundedExponentialBackoff", label: "Bounded exponential backoff"},\
{value: "UntilElapsed", label: "Until elapsed"},\
{value: "NTimes", label: "Max number of times"},\
{value: "OneTime", label: "Only once"},\
{value: "Forever", label: "Always allow retry"},\
{value: "Custom", label: "Custom"},\
{value: null, label: "Default"}\
tip: 'Available retry policies:\
<li>Exponential backoff - retries a set number of times with increasing sleep time between retries</li>\
<li>Bounded exponential backoff - retries a set number of times with an increasing (up to a maximum bound) sleep time between retries</li>\
<li>Until elapsed - retries until a given amount of time elapses</li>\
<li>Max number of times - retries a max number of times</li>\
<li>Only once - retries only once</li>\
<li>Always allow retry - retries infinitely</li>\
<li>Custom - custom retry policy implementation</li>\
<li>Default - exponential backoff retry policy with configured base sleep time equal to 1000ms and max retry count equal to 10</li>\
include ./zookeeper/retrypolicy/exponential-backoff
include ./zookeeper/retrypolicy/bounded-exponential-backoff
include ./zookeeper/retrypolicy/until-elapsed
include ./zookeeper/retrypolicy/n-times
include ./zookeeper/retrypolicy/one-time
include ./zookeeper/retrypolicy/forever
include ./zookeeper/retrypolicy/custom
-var model = `${modelAt}.discovery.ZooKeeper`
label: 'Base path:',
model: `${model}.basePath`,
name: '"basePath"',
placeholder: '/services',
tip: 'Base path for service registration'
label:'Service name:',
model: `${model}.serviceName`,
name: '"serviceName"',
placeholder: 'ignite',
tip: 'Service name to use, as defined by Curator&#39;s ServiceDiscovery recipe<br/>\
In physical ZooKeeper terms, it represents the node under basePath, under which services will be registered'
label: 'Allow duplicate registrations',
model: `${model}.allowDuplicateRegistrations`,
name: '"allowDuplicateRegistrations"',
tip: 'Whether to register each node only once, or if duplicate registrations are allowed<br/>\
Nodes will attempt to register themselves, plus those they know about<br/>\
By default, duplicate registrations are not allowed, but you might want to set this property to <b>true</b> if you have multiple network interfaces or if you are facing troubles'