blob: 1f6eef2dd5160f2426fce358cbb781121a2da21c [file] [log] [blame]
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include /app/helpers/jade/mixins
-var credentialsModel = '$checkpointSPI.S3.awsCredentials'
-var clientCfgModel = '$checkpointSPI.S3.clientConfiguration'
-var checkpointS3 = '$checkpointSPI.kind === "S3"'
-var checkpointS3Path = checkpointS3 + ' && $checkpointSPI.S3.awsCredentials.kind === "Properties"'
-var checkpointS3Custom = checkpointS3 + ' && $checkpointSPI.S3.awsCredentials.kind === "Custom"'
-var clientRetryModel = clientCfgModel + '.retryPolicy'
-var checkpointS3DefaultMaxRetry = checkpointS3 + ' && ' + clientRetryModel + '.kind === "DefaultMaxRetries"'
-var checkpointS3DynamoDbMaxRetry = checkpointS3 + ' && ' + clientRetryModel + '.kind === "DynamoDBMaxRetries"'
-var checkpointS3CustomRetry = checkpointS3 + ' && ' + clientRetryModel + '.kind === "Custom"'
.pc-form-grid-col-60(ng-if-start='$checkpointSPI.kind === "S3"')
label: 'AWS credentials:',
model: '$checkpointSPI.S3.awsCredentials.kind',
name: '"checkpointS3AwsCredentials"',
required: checkpointS3,
placeholder: 'Custom',
options: '[\
{value: "Basic", label: "Basic"},\
{value: "Properties", label: "Properties"},\
{value: "Anonymous", label: "Anonymous"},\
{value: "BasicSession", label: "Basic with session"},\
{value: "Custom", label: "Custom"}\
tip: 'AWS credentials\
<li>Basic - Allows callers to pass in the AWS access key and secret access in the constructor</li>\
<li>Properties - Reads in AWS access keys from a properties file</li>\
<li>Anonymous - Allows use of "anonymous" credentials</li>\
<li>Database - Session credentials with keys and session token</li>\
<li>Custom - Custom AWS credentials provider</li>\
label: 'Path:',
model: `${credentialsModel}.Properties.path`,
name: '"checkpointS3PropertiesPath"',
required: checkpointS3Path,
placeholder: 'Input properties file path',
tip: 'The file from which to read the AWS credentials properties'
label: 'Class name:',
model: credentialsModel + '.Custom.className',
name: '"checkpointS3CustomClassName"',
required: checkpointS3Custom,
tip: 'Custom AWS credentials provider implementation class',
label Note, AWS credentials will be generated as stub
label: 'Bucket name suffix:',
model: '$checkpointSPI.S3.bucketNameSuffix',
name: '"checkpointS3BucketNameSuffix"',
placeholder: 'default-bucket'
label: 'Bucket endpoint:',
model: `$checkpointSPI.S3.bucketEndpoint`,
name: '"checkpointS3BucketEndpoint"',
placeholder: 'Input bucket endpoint',
tip: 'Bucket endpoint for IP finder<br/> \
For information about possible endpoint names visit <a href=""></a>'
label: 'SSE algorithm:',
model: `$checkpointSPI.S3.SSEAlgorithm`,
name: '"checkpointS3SseAlgorithm"',
placeholder: 'Input SSE algorithm',
tip: 'Server-side encryption algorithm for Amazon S3-managed encryption keys<br/> \
For information about possible S3-managed encryption keys visit <a href=""></a>'
label: 'Listener:',
model: '$checkpointSPI.S3.checkpointListener',
name: '"checkpointS3Listener"',
tip: 'Checkpoint listener implementation class name',
validationActive: checkpointS3
span Client configuration
label: 'Protocol:',
model: clientCfgModel + '.protocol',
name: '"checkpointS3Protocol"',
placeholder: 'HTTPS',
options: '[\
{value: "HTTP", label: "HTTP"},\
{value: "HTTPS", label: "HTTPS"}\
tip: 'Provides an ability to save an intermediate job state\
<li>HTTP - Using the HTTP protocol is less secure than HTTPS, but can slightly reduce\
the system resources used when communicating with AWS</li>\
<li>HTTPS - Using the HTTPS protocol is more secure than using the HTTP protocol, but\
may use slightly more system resources. AWS recommends using HTTPS for maximize security</li>\
label:'Maximum connections:',
model:clientCfgModel + '.maxConnections',
name: '"checkpointS3MaxConnections"',
placeholder: '50',
min: '1',
tip: 'Maximum number of allowed open HTTP connections'
label: 'User agent prefix:',
model: `${clientCfgModel}.userAgentPrefix`,
name: '"checkpointS3UserAgentPrefix"',
placeholder: 'System specific header',
tip: 'HTTP user agent prefix to send with all requests'
label: 'User agent suffix:',
model: `${clientCfgModel}.userAgentSuffix`,
name: '"checkpointS3UserAgentSuffix"',
placeholder: 'System specific header',
tip: 'HTTP user agent suffix to send with all requests'
label: 'Local address:',
model: clientCfgModel + '.localAddress',
name: '"checkpointS3LocalAddress"',
enabled: 'true',
placeholder: 'Not specified',
tip: 'Optionally specifies the local address to bind to'
label: 'Proxy host:',
model: `${clientCfgModel}.proxyHost`,
name: '"checkpointS3ProxyHost"',
placeholder: 'Not specified',
tip: 'Optional proxy host the client will connect through'
label: 'Proxy port:',
model: clientCfgModel + '.proxyPort',
name: '"checkpointS3ProxyPort"',
placeholder: 'Not specified',
min: '0',
tip: 'Optional proxy port the client will connect through'
label: 'Proxy user:',
model: clientCfgModel + '.proxyUsername',
name: '"checkpointS3ProxyUsername"',
placeholder: 'Not specified',
tip: 'Optional proxy user name to use if connecting through a proxy'
label: 'Proxy domain:',
model: `${clientCfgModel}.proxyDomain`,
name: '"checkpointS3ProxyDomain"',
placeholder: 'Not specified',
tip: 'Optional Windows domain name for configuring an NTLM proxy'
label: 'Proxy workstation:',
model: `${clientCfgModel}.proxyWorkstation`,
name: '"checkpointS3ProxyWorkstation"',
placeholder: 'Not specified',
tip: 'Optional Windows workstation name for configuring NTLM proxy support'
label: 'Non proxy hosts:',
model: `${clientCfgModel}.nonProxyHosts`,
name: '"checkpointS3NonProxyHosts"',
placeholder: 'Not specified',
tip: 'Optional hosts the client will access without going through the proxy'
label: 'Retry policy:',
model: `${clientRetryModel}.kind`,
name: '"checkpointS3RetryPolicy"',
placeholder: 'Default',
options: '[\
{value: "Default", label: "Default SDK retry policy"},\
{value: "DefaultMaxRetries", label: "Default with the specified max retry count"},\
{value: "DynamoDB", label: "Default for DynamoDB client"},\
{value: "DynamoDBMaxRetries", label: "DynamoDB with the specified max retry count"},\
{value: "Custom", label: "Custom configured"}\
tip: 'Provides an ability to save an intermediate job state\
<li>SDK default retry policy - This policy will honor the maxErrorRetry set in ClientConfiguration</li>\
<li>Default with the specified max retry count - Default SDK retry policy with the specified max retry count</li>\
<li>Default for DynamoDB client - This policy will honor the maxErrorRetry set in ClientConfiguration</li>\
<li>DynamoDB with the specified max retry count - This policy will honor the maxErrorRetry set in ClientConfiguration with the specified max retry count</li>\
<li>Custom configured - Custom configured SDK retry policy</li>\
label: 'Maximum retry attempts:',
model: clientRetryModel + '.DefaultMaxRetries.maxErrorRetry',
name: '"checkpointS3DefaultMaxErrorRetry"',
required: checkpointS3DefaultMaxRetry,
placeholder: '-1',
min: '1',
tip: 'Maximum number of retry attempts for failed requests'
label: 'Maximum retry attempts:',
model: clientRetryModel + '.DynamoDBMaxRetries.maxErrorRetry',
name: '"checkpointS3DynamoDBMaxErrorRetry"',
required: checkpointS3DynamoDbMaxRetry,
placeholder: '-1',
min: '1',
tip: 'Maximum number of retry attempts for failed requests'
label: 'Retry condition:',
model: clientRetryModel + '.Custom.retryCondition',
name: '"checkpointS3CustomRetryPolicy"',
required: checkpointS3CustomRetry,
tip: 'Retry condition on whether a specific request and exception should be retried',
validationActive: checkpointS3CustomRetry
label: 'Backoff strategy:',
model: clientRetryModel + '.Custom.backoffStrategy',
name: '"checkpointS3CustomBackoffStrategy"',
required: checkpointS3CustomRetry,
tip: 'Back-off strategy for controlling how long the next retry should wait',
validationActive: checkpointS3CustomRetry
label: 'Maximum retry attempts:',
model: clientRetryModel + '.Custom.maxErrorRetry',
name: '"checkpointS3CustomMaxErrorRetry"',
required: checkpointS3CustomRetry,
placeholder: '-1',
min: '1',
tip: 'Maximum number of retry attempts for failed requests'
label: 'Honor the max error retry set',
model: clientRetryModel + '.Custom.honorMaxErrorRetryInClientConfig',
name: '"checkpointS3CustomHonorMaxErrorRetryInClientConfig"',
tip: 'Whether this retry policy should honor the max error retry set by ClientConfiguration#setMaxErrorRetry(int)'
label: 'Maximum retry attempts:',
model: `${clientCfgModel}.maxErrorRetry`,
name: '"checkpointS3MaxErrorRetry"',
placeholder: '-1',
min: '0',
tip: 'Maximum number of retry attempts for failed retryable requests<br/>\
If -1 the configured RetryPolicy will be used to control the retry count'
label: 'Socket timeout:',
model: `${clientCfgModel}.socketTimeout`,
name: '"checkpointS3SocketTimeout"',
placeholder: '50000',
min: '0',
tip: 'Amount of time in milliseconds to wait for data to be transfered over an established, open connection before the connection times out and is closed<br/>\
A value of <b>0</b> means infinity'
label: 'Connection timeout:',
model: `${clientCfgModel}.connectionTimeout`,
name: '"checkpointS3ConnectionTimeout"',
placeholder: '50000',
min: '0',
tip: 'Amount of time in milliseconds to wait when initially establishing a connection before giving up and timing out<br/>\
A value of <b>0</b> means infinity'
label: 'Request timeout:',
model: `${clientCfgModel}.requestTimeout`,
name: '"checkpointS3RequestTimeout"',
placeholder: '0',
min: '-1',
tip: 'Amount of time in milliseconds to wait for the request to complete before giving up and timing out<br/>\
A non - positive value means infinity'
label: 'Idle timeout:',
model: `${clientCfgModel}.connectionMaxIdleMillis`,
name: '"checkpointS3ConnectionMaxIdleMillis"',
placeholder: '60000',
min: '0',
tip: 'Maximum amount of time that an idle connection may sit in the connection pool and still be eligible for reuse'
label: 'Signature algorithm:',
model: `${clientCfgModel}.signerOverride`,
name: '"checkpointS3SignerOverride"',
placeholder: 'Not specified',
tip: 'Name of the signature algorithm to use for signing requests made by this client'
label: 'Connection TTL:',
model: `${clientCfgModel}.connectionTTL`,
name: '"checkpointS3ConnectionTTL"',
placeholder: '-1',
min: '-1',
tip: 'Expiration time in milliseconds for a connection in the connection pool<br/>\
By default, it is set to <b>-1</b>, i.e. connections do not expire'
label: 'DNS resolver:',
model: clientCfgModel + '.dnsResolver',
name: '"checkpointS3DnsResolver"',
tip: 'DNS Resolver that should be used to for resolving AWS IP addresses',
validationActive: checkpointS3
label: 'Response metadata cache size:',
model: `${clientCfgModel}.responseMetadataCacheSize`,
name: '"checkpointS3ResponseMetadataCacheSize"',
placeholder: '50',
min: '0',
tip: 'Response metadata cache size'
label: 'SecureRandom class name:',
model: clientCfgModel + '.secureRandom',
name: '"checkpointS3SecureRandom"',
tip: 'SecureRandom to be used by the SDK class name',
validationActive: checkpointS3
label: 'Client execution timeout:',
model: `${clientCfgModel}.clientExecutionTimeout`,
name: '"checkpointS3ClientExecutionTimeout"',
placeholder: '0',
min: '0',
tip: 'Amount of time in milliseconds to allow the client to complete the execution of an API call<br/>\
<b>0</b> value disables that feature'
label: 'Cache response metadata',
model: clientCfgModel + '.cacheResponseMetadata',
name: '"checkpointS3CacheResponseMetadata"',
tip: 'Cache response metadata'
label: 'Use expect continue',
model: clientCfgModel + '.useExpectContinue',
name: '"checkpointS3UseExpectContinue"',
tip: 'Optional override to enable/disable support for HTTP/1.1 handshake utilizing EXPECT: 100-Continue'
label: 'Use throttle retries',
model: clientCfgModel + '.useThrottleRetries',
name: '"checkpointS3UseThrottleRetries"',
tip: 'Retry throttling will be used'
label: 'Use reaper',
model: clientCfgModel + '.useReaper',
name: '"checkpointS3UseReaper"',
tip: 'Checks if the IdleConnectionReaper is to be started'
label: 'Use GZIP',
model: clientCfgModel + '.useGzip',
name: '"checkpointS3UseGzip"',
tip: 'Checks if gzip compression is used'
label: 'Preemptively basic authentication',
model: clientCfgModel + '.preemptiveBasicProxyAuth',
name: '"checkpointS3PreemptiveBasicProxyAuth"',
tip: 'Attempt to authenticate preemptively against proxy servers using basic authentication'
label: 'TCP KeepAlive',
model: clientCfgModel + '.useTcpKeepAlive',
name: '"checkpointS3UseTcpKeepAlive"',
tip: 'TCP KeepAlive support is enabled'