blob: b2a241fb9206a0efe754ce83d89735d2a8aa8523 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import _ from 'lodash';
import controller from './input-dialog.controller';
import templateUrl from './input-dialog.tpl.pug';
import {CancellationError} from 'app/errors/CancellationError';
type InputModes = 'text' | 'number' | 'email' | 'date' | 'time' | 'date-and-time';
interface ValidationFunction<T> {
(value: T): boolean
* Options for rendering inputs.
interface InputOptions<T> {
/** Input type. */
mode?: InputModes,
/** Dialog title. */
title?: string,
/** Input field label. */
label?: string,
/** Message for tooltip in label. */
tip?: string,
/** Default value. */
value: T,
/** Placeholder for input. */
placeholder?: string,
/** Validator function. */
toValidValue?: ValidationFunction<T>,
/** Min value for number input. */
min?: number,
/** Max value for number input. */
max?: number,
/** Postfix for units in number input. */
postfix?: string
export default class InputDialog {
static $inject = ['$modal', '$q'];
constructor(private $modal: mgcrea.ngStrap.modal.IModalService, private $q: ng.IQService) {}
* Fabric for creating modal instance with different input types.
* @returns User input.
private dialogFabric<T>(args: InputOptions<T>) {
const deferred = this.$q.defer<T>();
const modal = this.$modal({
resolve: {
deferred: () => deferred,
ui: () => args
controllerAs: 'ctrl'
const modalHide = modal.hide;
modal.hide = () => deferred.reject(new CancellationError());
return deferred.promise
* Open input dialog to configure custom value.
* @param title Dialog title.
* @param label Input field label.
* @param value Default value.
* @param toValidValue Validator function.
* @param mode Input type.
input<T>(title: string, label: string, value: T, toValidValue?: ValidationFunction<T>, mode: InputModes = 'text') {
return this.dialogFabric<T>({title, label, value, toValidValue, mode});
* Open input dialog to configure cloned object name.
* @param srcName Name of source object.
* @param names List of already exist names.
* @returns New name.
clone(srcName: string, names: Array<string>) {
const uniqueName = (value) => {
let num = 1;
let tmpName = value;
while (_.includes(names, tmpName)) {
tmpName = `${value}_${num}`;
return tmpName;
return this.input<string>('Clone', 'New name', uniqueName(srcName), uniqueName);
* Open input dialog to configure custom number value.
* @param options Object with settings for rendering number input.
* @returns User input.
number(options: InputOptions<number>) {
return this.dialogFabric({mode: 'number', ...options});
* Open input dialog to configure custom e-mail.
* @param options Object with settings for rendering e-mail input.
* @return User input.
email(options: InputOptions<string>) {
return this.dialogFabric({mode: 'email', ...options});
* Open input dialog to configure custom date value.
* @param options Settings for rendering date input.
* @returns User input.
date(options: InputOptions<Date>) {
return this.dialogFabric({mode: 'date', ...options});
* Open input dialog to configure custom time value.
* @param options Settings for rendering time input.
* @returns User input.
time(options: InputOptions<Date>) {
return this.dialogFabric({mode: 'time', ...options});
* Open input dialog to configure custom date and time value.
* @param options Settings for rendering date and time inputs.
* @returns User input.
dateTime(options: InputOptions<Date>) {
return this.dialogFabric({mode: 'date-and-time', ...options});