blob: 924efcfaca9025234b36b57f9cbb5100ee73c876 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
function drawTable(srvId, element) {
let tableId = "serverContributions-" + srvId;
element.append("<div id='expandAllButton-" + srvId + "' align='right' style='margin-right:50px'></div><br>" +
"<table id=\"" + tableId + "\" class='ui-widget ui-widget-content'>\n" +
" <thead>\n" +
" <tr class=\"ui-widget-header \">\n" +
" <th>.</th>\n" +
" <th>.</th>\n" +
" <th>...</th>\n" +
" <th>Loading</th>\n" +
" <th>...</th>\n" +
" <th>.</th>\n" +
" <th>.</th>\n" +
" </tr>\n" +
" </thead>\n" +
" </table>\n");
function requestTableForServer(srvId, element) {
let tableId = "serverContributions-" + srvId;
if ($("#" + tableId).length > 0)
return; //protection from duplicate
drawTable(srvId, element);
url: "rest/visa/contributions?serverId=" + srvId,
function (result) {
showContributionsTable(result, srvId, "");
fillBranchAutocompleteList(result, srvId);
function normalizeDateNum(num) {
return num < 10 ? '0' + num : num;
function showContributionsTable(result, srvId, suiteId) {
let tableId = 'serverContributions-' + srvId;
let tableForSrv = $('#' + tableId);
if (isDefinedAndFilled(result) && result.length > 0)
$("#expandAllButton-"+ srvId).html("<button class='more green' id='expandAll'>Expand all</button>");
var table = tableForSrv.DataTable({
order: [[1, 'desc']],
data: result,
"iDisplayLength": 30, //rows to be shown by default
//"dom": '<lf<t>ip>',
//"dom": '<"wrapper"flipt>',
stateSave: true,
columnDefs: [
targets: 1,
className: 'dt-body-center'
columns: [
"className": 'details-control',
//"orderable": false,
"data": null,
"title": "",
"defaultContent": "",
"render": function (data, type, row, meta) {
if (type === 'display') {
return "<button class='more full green' type='button' id='button_" + row.prNumber +"'>" +
"<b>ᴍᴏʀᴇ</b><i class='fas fa-caret-down'></i></button>";
"data": "prTimeUpdate",
title: "Update Time",
"render": function (data, type, row, meta) {
if (type === 'display' && isDefinedAndFilled(data) && data.length >0) {
let date = new Date(data);
data = normalizeDateNum(date.getFullYear()) + '-' + normalizeDateNum(date.getMonth() + 1) +
'-' + normalizeDateNum(date.getDate()) + "<br>" + normalizeDateNum(date.getHours()) +
':' + normalizeDateNum(date.getMinutes()) + ":" + normalizeDateNum(date.getSeconds());
return data;
"data": "prHtmlUrl",
title: "PR Number",
"render": function (data, type, row, meta) {
if (type === 'display' && row.prNumber > 0) {
data = "<a href='" + data + "'>#" + row.prNumber + "</a>";
if (type === 'display' && isDefinedAndFilled(row.prHeadCommit)) {
data += " (" + row.prHeadCommit + ")";
return data;
, {
"data": "prTitle",
title: "Title"
"data": "prAuthor",
title: "Author",
"render": function (data, type, row, meta) {
if (type === 'display' && isDefinedAndFilled(row.prAuthorAvatarUrl) && row.prAuthorAvatarUrl.length >0) {
data = "<img src='" + row.prAuthorAvatarUrl + "' width='20px' height='20px'> " + data + "";
return data;
"data": "jiraIssueId",
title: "JIRA Issue",
"render": function (data, type, row, meta) {
if (type === 'display') {
if (data != null && row.jiraIssueUrl != null)
data = "<a href='" + row.jiraIssueUrl + "'>" + data + "</a>";
return data;
"data": "tcBranchName",
title: "Resolved Branch Name",
"render": function (data, type, row, meta) {
let prId = data;
if (type === 'display' && isDefinedAndFilled(data)) {
data = " " + data + "";
return data;
$('#expandAll').on('click', function () {
// Add event listener for opening and closing details, enable to only btn 'td.details-control'
$('#' + tableId + ' tbody').on('click', 'td.details-control', function () {
var tr = $(this).closest('tr');
var row = table.row(tr);
if (row.child.isShown()) {
// This row is already open - close it
$("#button_" +"<b>ᴍᴏʀᴇ</b><i class='fas fa-caret-down'></i>");
else {
// Open this row
row.child(formatContributionDetails(, srvId, suiteId)).show();
$("#button_" +"<b>ʟᴇss&nbsp;</b><i class='fas fa-caret-up'></i>");
function showWaitingResults(stageNum, prId, text) {
let stageOneStatus = $('#visaStage_' + stageNum + '_' + prId);
stageOneStatus.css('background', 'darkorange');
stageOneStatus.attr("title", text);
function showStageResult(stageNum, prId, passed, failed) {
let stageOneStatus = $('#visaStage_' + stageNum + '_' + prId);
let html;
if (passed) {
html = "&#x2714;";
stageOneStatus.css('background', '#12AD5E');
} else {
html = "&#x274C;";
stageOneStatus.css('background', 'red');
function showStageBlockers(stageNum, prId, blockers) {
let stageOneStatus = $('#visaStage_' + stageNum + '_' + prId);
let html;
if (!isDefinedAndFilled(blockers) || blockers == null) {
html = "?";
stageOneStatus.css('background', 'darkorange');
} else if (blockers === 0) {
html = blockers + " ";
stageOneStatus.css('background', '#12AD5E');
} else {
html = blockers + " ";
stageOneStatus.css('background', 'red');
/* Formatting function for row details - modify as you need */
function formatContributionDetails(row, srvId) {
// row is the original data object for the row
let prId = row.prNumber;
var res = "";
res += "<div class='formgroup'>";
res += "<table cellpadding='5' cellspacing='0' border='0' style='padding-left:50px;'>\n";
res += "<tr><td colspan='4' id='choiceOfChain_" + prId + "'></td></tr>";
//caption of stage
res += "<tr>\n" +
" <td>PR naming</td>\n" +
" <td>Build Queued</td>\n" +
" <td>Results ready</td>\n" +
" <td>JIRA comment</td>\n" +
//todo " <td>Validity check</td>\n" +
" </tr>\n";
//icon of stage
res += "<tr>\n" +
" <th title='PR should have valid naming starting with issue name'><span class='visaStage' id='visaStage_1_" + prId + "'></span></th>\n" +
" <th title='Suite should be triggered'><span class='visaStage' id='visaStage_2_" + prId + "'></span></th>\n" +
" <th><span class='visaStage' id='visaStage_3_" + prId + "'></span></th>\n" +
" <th><span class='visaStage' id='visaStage_4_" + prId + "'></span></th>\n" +
//todo validityCheck;" <th><span class='visaStage' id='visaStage_5_" + prId + "'></span></th>\n" +
" </tr>\n";
//action for stage
res += " <tr>\n" +
" <td></td>\n" +
" <td id='triggerBuildFor" + prId + "'>Loading builds...</td>\n" +
" <td id='showResultFor" + prId + "'>Loading builds...</td>\n" +
" <td id='commentJiraFor" + prId + "'></td>\n" +
" </tr>";
//action row 2
res += " <tr>\n" +
" <td id='testDraw'></td>\n" +
" <td id='triggerAndObserveBuildFor" + prId + "' colspan='3' align='center'></td>\n" +
" </tr>";
res += " <tr>\n";
if (row.prNumber > 0)
res += " <td>Edit PR: " + "<a href='" + row.prHtmlUrl + "'>#" + row.prNumber + "</a>" + "</td>\n";
res += " <td></td>\n";
res += " <td id='viewQueuedBuildsFor" + prId + "'></td>\n" +
" <td></td>\n" +
" <td></td>\n" +
" </tr>";
res += " </table>";
res += "</div>";
url: "rest/visa/contributionStatus" +
"?serverId=" + srvId +
"&prId=" + prId,
function (result) {
let selectHtml = "<select id='selectChain_" + prId + "' style='width: 350px'>";
let isCompleted = [],
isIncompleted = [],
suites = new Map();
for (let status of result) {
suites.set(status.suiteId, status);
if (isDefinedAndFilled(status.branchWithFinishedSuite))
for (let status of isCompleted)
selectHtml += "<option value='true'>" + status.suiteId + "</option>";
for (let status of isIncompleted)
selectHtml += "<option value='false' style='color:grey'>" + status.suiteId + "</option>";
selectHtml += "</select>";
$('#choiceOfChain_' + prId).html(selectHtml);
prs.set(prId, suites);
let select = $("#selectChain_" + prId);
select.change(function () {
let pr = prs.get(prId);
let selectedOption = $("#selectChain_" + prId + " option:selected").text();
let buildIsCompleted = select.val() === 'true';
showContributionStatus(pr.get(selectedOption), prId, row, srvId, selectedOption, buildIsCompleted);
return res;
function repaint(srvId) {
let tableId = 'serverContributions-' + srvId;
let datatable = $('#' + tableId).DataTable();
var filteredRows = datatable.rows({filter: 'applied'});
for (let i = 0; i < filteredRows.length; i++) {
const rowId = filteredRows[i];
let row = datatable.row(rowId);
if (isDefinedAndFilled(row.child)) {
if (row.child.isShown()) {
// Replaint this row
row.child(formatContributionDetails(, srvId)).show();
function repaintLater(srvId) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 3000);
* @param status contribution status related to selected run-configuration.
* @param prId
* @param row
* @param srvId
* @param suiteIdSelected
function showContributionStatus(status, prId, row, srvId, suiteIdSelected) {
let tdForPr = $('#showResultFor' + prId);
if (!isDefinedAndFilled(status)) {
console.log("Status for " + prId + " is undefined. Wait for the Bot to load the suite list.");
let buildIsCompleted = isDefinedAndFilled(status.branchWithFinishedSuite);
let hasJiraIssue = isDefinedAndFilled(row.jiraIssueId);
let hasQueued = status.queuedBuilds > 0 || status.runningBuilds > 0;
let queuedStatus = "Has queued builds: " + status.queuedBuilds + " queued " + " " + status.runningBuilds + " running";
let replaintCall = "repaintLater(" +
"\"" + srvId + "\"" +
var linksToRunningBuilds = "";
for (let i = 0; i < status.webLinksQueuedSuites.length; i++) {
const l = status.webLinksQueuedSuites[i];
linksToRunningBuilds += "<a href=" + l + ">View queued at TC</a> "
$('#viewQueuedBuildsFor' + prId).html(linksToRunningBuilds);
if (buildIsCompleted) {
let finishedBranch = status.branchWithFinishedSuite;
let reportLink = "<a id='showReportlink_" + prId + "' href='" + prShowHref(srvId, suiteIdSelected, finishedBranch) + "'>" +
"<button id='show_" + prId + "'>Show " + finishedBranch + " report</button>" +
if(isDefinedAndFilled(status.finishedSuiteCommit)) {
reportLink += "<br>(" + status.finishedSuiteCommit + ")";
if (hasJiraIssue) {
let jiraBtn = "<button onclick='" +
"commentJira(" +
"\"" + srvId + "\", " +
"\"" + finishedBranch + "\", " +
"\"" + suiteIdSelected + "\", " +
"\"" + row.jiraIssueId + "\"" +
"); " +
replaintCall +
if (hasQueued) {
jiraBtn += " class='disabledbtn' title='" + queuedStatus + "'";
jiraBtn += ">Comment JIRA</button>";
$('#commentJiraFor' + prId).html(jiraBtn);
} else {
tdForPr.html("No builds, please trigger " + suiteIdSelected);
showStageResult(1, prId, hasJiraIssue, !hasJiraIssue);
let buildFinished = isDefinedAndFilled(status.suiteFinished) && status.suiteFinished;
let noNeedToTrigger = hasQueued || buildIsCompleted;
showStageResult(2, prId, noNeedToTrigger, false);
showStageResult(3, prId, buildIsCompleted, false);
if(hasQueued) {
showWaitingResults(3, prId, queuedStatus);
if(isDefinedAndFilled(status.observationsStatus)) {
showWaitingResults(4, prId, status.observationsStatus);
function prepareStatusOfTrigger() {
var res = "";
if (hasQueued || buildIsCompleted) {
res += " class='disabledbtn'";
if (hasQueued)
res += " title='" + queuedStatus + "'";
res += " title='Results are ready. It is still possible to trigger Build'";
return res;
if (isDefinedAndFilled(status.resolvedBranch)) {
var jiraOptional = hasJiraIssue ? row.jiraIssueId : "";
// triggerBuilds(serverId, suiteIdList, branchName, top, observe, ticketId) defined in test fails
let triggerBuildsCall = "triggerBuilds(" +
"\"" + srvId + "\", " +
"null, " +
"\"" + suiteIdSelected + "\", " +
"\"" + status.resolvedBranch + "\"," +
" false," +
" false," +
"\"" + jiraOptional + "\"); ";
var res = "<button onClick='" + triggerBuildsCall + replaintCall + "'";
res += prepareStatusOfTrigger();
res += ">Trigger build</button>";
$("#triggerBuildFor" + prId).html(res);
if (hasJiraIssue && isDefinedAndFilled(status.resolvedBranch)) {
// triggerBuilds(serverId, suiteIdList, branchName, top, observe, ticketId) defined in test fails
let trigObserveCall = "triggerBuilds(" +
"\"" + srvId + "\", " +
"null, " +
"\"" + suiteIdSelected + "\", " +
"\"" + status.resolvedBranch + "\"," +
" false," +
" true," +
"\"" + jiraOptional + "\"); ";
var trigAndObs = "<button onClick='" + trigObserveCall + replaintCall + "'";
trigAndObs += prepareStatusOfTrigger();
trigAndObs += ">Trigger build and comment JIRA after finish</button>";
$('#triggerAndObserveBuildFor' + prId).html(trigAndObs);
if(isDefinedAndFilled(status.branchWithFinishedSuite)) {
url: "rest/visa/visaStatus" +
"?serverId=" + srvId +
"&suiteId=" + suiteIdSelected +
"&tcBranch=" + status.branchWithFinishedSuite,
function (result) {
showStageBlockers(3, prId, result.blockers);