blob: 0424aecf50d68730af42802c89792e7b2e314f46 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
//loadData(); // should be defined by page
//loadStatus element should be provided on page
//triggerConfirm & triggerDialog element should be provided on page (may be hidden)
var g_initMoreInfoDone = false;
/** Object used to notify git. See ChainAtServerCurrentStatus Java class. */
var g_srv_to_notify_git;
//@param results - TestFailuresSummary
function showChainOnServersResults(result) {
var minFailRateP = findGetParameter("minFailRate");
var minFailRate = minFailRateP == null ? 0 : parseFloat(minFailRateP);
var maxFailRateP = findGetParameter("maxFailRate");
var maxFailRate = maxFailRateP == null ? 100 : parseFloat(maxFailRateP);
var hideFlakyFailuresP = findGetParameter("hideFlakyFailures");
var hideFlakyFailures = hideFlakyFailuresP == null ? false : "true"===hideFlakyFailuresP;
return showChainResultsWithSettings(result, new Settings(minFailRate, maxFailRate, result.javaFlags, hideFlakyFailures));
class Settings {
constructor(minFailRate, maxFailRate, javaFlags, hideFlakyFailures) {
this.minFailRate = minFailRate;
this.maxFailRate = maxFailRate;
this.javaFlags = javaFlags;
this.hideFlakyFailures = hideFlakyFailures;
isTeamCityAvailable() {
return this.javaFlags & 1;
isGithubAvailable() {
return this.javaFlags & 2
isJiraAvailable() {
return this.javaFlags & 4
//@param results - TestFailuresSummary
//@param settings - Settings (JS class)
function showChainResultsWithSettings(result, settings) {
var res = "";
res += "<table border='0px'><tr><td colspan='4'>Chain results";
if(isDefinedAndFilled(result.trackedBranch)) {
res+=" for [" + result.trackedBranch + "]";
if (isDefinedAndFilled(result.failedTests) &&
isDefinedAndFilled(result.failedToFinish)) {
res += " [";
res += "tests " + result.failedTests + " suites " + result.failedToFinish + "";
res += "]";
} else
res += " is absent";
res += "</td></tr>";
res += "</table></br>";
for (var i = 0; i < result.servers.length; i++) {
var server = result.servers[i];
res += showChainCurrentStatusData(server, settings);
setTimeout(initMoreInfo, 100);
return res;
* @param chain - see Java Class.
* @param settings - see Settings JavaScript class.
function showChainCurrentStatusData(chain, settings) {
if(isDefinedAndFilled(chain.buildNotFound) && chain.buildNotFound ) {
return "<tr><td><b>Error: Build not found for branch [" + chain.branchName + "]</b>" +
"<br><br><span style='color:grey; font-size:12px;'>Perhaps, more than 2 weeks have passed since the last build " +
"run. <br>There is no data on the TC server</span></td></tr>";
var res = "";
res += "<table style='width: 100%;' border='0px'>";
res += "<tr bgcolor='#F5F5FF'><td colspan='3' width='75%'>";
res += "<table style='width: 40%'>";
res += "<tr><td><b> Server: </b></td><td>[" + chain.serverCode +"] TC: ["+ chain.tcServerCode + "]</td></tr>";
if (isDefinedAndFilled(chain.prNum)) {
res += "<tr><td><b> PR: </b></td><td>";
if (isDefinedAndFilled(chain.webToPr))
res += "<a href='" + chain.webToPr + "'>[#" + chain.prNum + "]</a>";
res += "[#" + chain.prNum + "]";
res += "</td></tr>";
if (isDefinedAndFilled(chain.webToTicket) && isDefinedAndFilled(chain.ticketFullName)) {
res += "<tr><td><b> Ticket: </b></td><td>";
res += "<a href='" + chain.webToTicket + "'>[" + chain.ticketFullName + "]</a>";
res += "</td></tr>";
let parentSuitId;
if (isDefinedAndFilled(findGetParameter("suiteId")))
parentSuitId = findGetParameter("suiteId");
else if (isDefinedAndFilled(chain.suiteId))
parentSuitId = chain.suiteId;
if (isDefinedAndFilled(parentSuitId) || isDefinedAndFilled(chain.webToHist)) {
res += "<tr><td>";
if (isDefinedAndFilled(parentSuitId)) {
res += "<b> Suite: </b></td>" +
"<td>[" + parentSuitId + "] ";
if (isDefinedAndFilled(chain.webToHist)) {
res += " <a href='" + chain.webToHist + "' title='Chain history'>[TC history]</a>";
if (isDefinedAndFilled(chain.webToBuild)) {
res += " <a href='" + chain.webToBuild + "' title='Build without applying re-runs'>[Build]</a>";
res += "</td></tr>";
res += "</table>";
res += "</br>";
if (isDefinedAndFilled(chain.chainName)) {
res += chain.chainName + " ";
res += "<b>Chain result: </b>";
if (isDefinedAndFilled(chain.failedToFinish) && isDefinedAndFilled(chain.failedTests))
res += chain.failedToFinish + " suites and " + chain.failedTests + " tests failed";
res += "empty";
res += " ";
var moreInfoTxt = "";
var cntFailed = 0;
var suitesFailedList = "";
for (var i = 0; i < chain.suites.length; i++) {
var suite = chain.suites[i];
if (!isDefinedAndFilled(suite.suiteId))
//may check failure here in case mode show all
if (suitesFailedList.length !== 0)
suitesFailedList += ",";
suitesFailedList += suite.suiteId;
//chain.tcServerCode can represent reference to a service generated using alias.
let srvCodeForTriggering = chain.serverCode;
if (suitesFailedList.length !== 0 && isDefinedAndFilled(srvCodeForTriggering) && isDefinedAndFilled(chain.branchName)) {
moreInfoTxt += "Trigger failed " + cntFailed + " builds";
moreInfoTxt += " <a href='javascript:void(0);' ";
moreInfoTxt += " onClick='triggerBuilds(\"" + srvCodeForTriggering + "\", \"" + parentSuitId + "\", " +
"\"" + suitesFailedList + "\", \"" + chain.branchName + "\", false, false, null, \"" + chain.prNum + "\", null)' ";
moreInfoTxt += " title='trigger builds'>in queue</a> ";
moreInfoTxt += " <a href='javascript:void(0);' ";
moreInfoTxt += " onClick='triggerBuilds(\"" + srvCodeForTriggering + "\", \"" + parentSuitId + "\", " +
"\"" + suitesFailedList + "\", \"" + chain.branchName + "\", true, false, null, \"" + chain.prNum + "\", null)' ";
moreInfoTxt += " title='trigger builds'>on top</a><br>";
moreInfoTxt += "Duration: " + chain.durationPrintable + " " +
"(Net Time: " + chain.durationNetTimePrintable + "," +
" Tests: " + chain.testsDurationPrintable + "," +
" Src. Update: " + chain.sourceUpdateDurationPrintable + "," +
" Artifacts Publishing: " + chain.artifcactPublishingDurationPrintable + "," +
" Dependecies Resolving: " + chain.dependeciesResolvingDurationPrintable + "," +
" Timeouts: " + chain.lostInTimeouts + ")<br>";
moreInfoTxt += " <span title='Not muted and not ignored tests'>Total tests: " + chain.totalTests + "</span>";
moreInfoTxt += " <span title='Tests which not filtered out because of flakyness'>Trusted tests: " + chain.trustedTests + "</span>";
moreInfoTxt += "<br>";
if (isDefinedAndFilled(chain.topLongRunning) && chain.topLongRunning.length > 0) {
moreInfoTxt += "Top long running:<br>";
moreInfoTxt += "<table>";
for (var j = 0; j < chain.topLongRunning.length; j++) {
moreInfoTxt += showTestFailData(chain.topLongRunning[j], false, settings);
moreInfoTxt += "</table>";
if (isDefinedAndFilled(chain.logConsumers) && chain.logConsumers.length > 0) {
moreInfoTxt += "Top Log Consumers:<br>";
moreInfoTxt += "<table>";
for (var k = 0; k < chain.logConsumers.length; k++) {
moreInfoTxt += showTestFailData(chain.logConsumers[k], false, settings);
moreInfoTxt += "</table>";
if(!isDefinedAndFilled(findGetParameter("reportMode"))) {
res += "<span class='container'>";
res += " <a href='javascript:void(0);' class='header'>" + more + "</a>";
res += "<div class='content'>" + moreInfoTxt + "</div></span>";
res += "</td><td>";
// if (settings.isGithubAvailable()) {
// g_srv_to_notify_git = server;
// res += "<button onclick='notifyGit()'>Update PR status</button>";
// }
let baseBranchForTc = chain.baseBranchForTc;
if (settings.isJiraAvailable() && isDefinedAndFilled(srvCodeForTriggering)) {
res += "<button onclick='commentJira(\"" + srvCodeForTriggering + "\", " +
"\"" + chain.branchName + "\", " +
"\"" + parentSuitId + "\", " +
"\"\", " + // ticket id
"\"" + baseBranchForTc + "\")'>Comment JIRA</button>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
var blockersList = "";
for (var l = 0; l < chain.suites.length; l++) {
var suite0 = chain.suites[l];
var suiteOrNull = filterPossibleBlocker(suite0);
if (suiteOrNull != null) {
if (blockersList.length !== 0)
blockersList += ",";
blockersList += suite0.suiteId;
res += "<button onclick='triggerBuilds(" +
"\"" + srvCodeForTriggering + "\", " +
"\"" + parentSuitId + "\", " +
"\"" + blockersList + "\", " +
"\"" + chain.branchName + "\", " +
"false, " + //top
"false, " + //observe
"null, " + // ticketId
"\"" + + chain.prNum + "\", " +
"\"" + baseBranchForTc + "\" " +
")'> " +
"Re-run possible blockers</button><br>";
res += "<button onclick='triggerBuilds(" +
"\"" + srvCodeForTriggering + "\", " +
"\"" + parentSuitId + "\", " +
"\"" + blockersList + "\", " +
"\"" + chain.branchName + "\", " +
"true, " + //top
"false, " + //observe
"null, " + // ticketId
"\"" + chain.prNum + "\", " + //prNum
"\"" + baseBranchForTc + "\")'> " +
"Re-run possible blockers (top queue)</button><br>";
if (isDefinedAndFilled(baseBranchForTc)) {
// if (settings.isGithubAvailable())
// res+="<br>";
if (settings.isJiraAvailable())
res += "<br>";
res += "Base branch";
res += ": " + baseBranchForTc.replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
res += "&nbsp;</td></tr>";
res += addBlockersData(chain, settings);
for (var m = 0; m < chain.suites.length; m++) {
var subSuite = chain.suites[m];
res += showSuiteData(subSuite, settings, chain.prNum);
res += "<tr><td colspan='4'>&nbsp;</td></tr>";
res += "</table>";
return res;
* Creates table with possible blockers.
* @param server - see ChainAtServerCurrentStatus Java class.
* @param settings - see Settings JavaScript class.
* @returns {string} Table rows with possible blockers and table headers.
* Or empty string if no blockers found.
function addBlockersData(server, settings) {
if (findGetParameter("action") !== "Latest")
return "";
var blockers = "";
for (var i = 0; i < server.suites.length; i++) {
var suite = server.suites[i];
suite = filterPossibleBlocker(suite);
if (suite != null)
blockers += showSuiteData(suite, settings, server.prNum);
if (blockers === "") {
blockers = "<tr bgcolor='#D6F7C1'><th colspan='3' class='table-title'>" +
"<b>Possible Blockers not found!</b></th>" +
"<th class='table-title'>Base Branch</th></tr>";
else {
let blockersHeader = "<tr bgcolor='#F5F5FF'><th colspan='3' class='table-title'><b>Possible Blockers";
if (isDefinedAndFilled(server.totalBlockers))
blockersHeader += " (" + server.totalBlockers + ")";
blockersHeader += "</b></th>" + "<th class='table-title'>Base Branch</th></tr>";
blockers = blockersHeader + blockers;
blockers += "<tr bgcolor='#F5F5FF'><th colspan='3' class='table-title'><b>All Failures</b></th>" +
"<th class='table-title'>Base Branch</th></tr>";
return blockers;
* Copy suite and remove flaky tests from the copy.
* @param suite - see SuiteCurrentStatus Java class.
* @returns Suite without flaky tests. Or null - if suite have only flaky tests.
function filterPossibleBlocker(suite) {
var suite0 = Object.assign({}, suite);
var j = 0;
suite0.testFailures = suite0.testFailures.slice();
while (j < suite0.testFailures.length) {
var testFailure = suite0.testFailures[j];
if (isDefinedAndFilled(testFailure.blockerComment) && testFailure.blockerComment !== "")
suite0.testFailures.splice(j, 1);
if(isDefinedAndFilled(suite.blockerComment) && suite.blockerComment!=="")
return suite0;
if (suite0.testFailures.length > 0)
return suite0;
return null;
function triggerBuilds(tcServerCode, parentSuiteId, suiteIdList, branchName, top, observe, ticketId, prNum, baseBranchForTc) {
var queueAtTop = isDefinedAndFilled(top) && top;
var observeJira = isDefinedAndFilled(observe) && observe;
var suiteIdsNotExists = !isDefinedAndFilled(suiteIdList) || suiteIdList.length === 0;
var branchNotExists = !isDefinedAndFilled(branchName) || branchName.length === 0;
branchName = branchNotExists ? null : branchForTc(branchName);
ticketId = (isDefinedAndFilled(ticketId) && ticketId.length > 0) ? ticketId : null;
prNum = (isDefinedAndFilled(prNum) && prNum.length > 0) ? prNum : null;
var triggerConfirm = $("#triggerConfirm");
if (suiteIdsNotExists || branchNotExists) {
triggerConfirm.html("No " + (suiteIdsNotExists ? "suites" +
(branchNotExists ? " and branch" : "") : "branch") + " to run!");
modal: true,
buttons: {
"Ok" : closeDialog
var suites = suiteIdList.split(',');
var parentSuite = isDefinedAndFilled(parentSuiteId) ? parentSuiteId : suites[0];
var fewSuites = suites.length > 1;
var message = "Trigger build" + (fewSuites ? "s" : "") + " at <b>TC server:</b> " + tcServerCode + "<br>" +
"<b>Branch:</b> " + branchName + "<br><b>Top:</b> " + top + "<br>" +
"<b>Suite ID" + (fewSuites ? "s" : "") + ":</b> ";
for (var i = 0; i < suites.length; i++)
message += suites[i] + "<br>";
if (fewSuites) {
modal: true,
buttons: {
"Run" : function () {
"Cancel": closeDialog
} else
* See
function sendGetRequest() {
url: 'rest/build/trigger',
data: {
"srvCode": tcServerCode,
"branchName": branchName,
"parentSuiteId" : parentSuite,
"suiteIdList": suiteIdList,
"top": queueAtTop,
"observe": observeJira,
"ticketId": ticketId,
"prNum": prNum,
"baseBranchForTc": baseBranchForTc
success: successDialog,
error: showErrInLoadStatus
function successDialog(result) {
var triggerDialog = $("#triggerDialog");
triggerDialog.html(message + "<br><b>Result:</b> " + result.result);
modal: true,
buttons: {
"Ok": closeDialog
if (loadData && typeof(loadData) === "function")
function closeDialog() {
* Converts PR number to branch for TeamCity.
* @param pr - Pull Request number.
* @returns {String} Branch for TeamCity.
function branchForTc(pr) {
var regExpr = /(\d*)/i;
if (regExpr.exec(pr)[0] === pr)
return "pull/" + regExpr.exec(pr)[0] + "/head";
return pr;
function commentJira(serverCode, branchName, parentSuiteId, ticketId, baseBranchForTc) {
var branchNotExists = !isDefinedAndFilled(branchName) || branchName.length === 0;
branchName = branchNotExists ? null : branchForTc(branchName);
ticketId = (isDefinedAndFilled(ticketId) && ticketId.length > 0) ? ticketId : null;
if (branchNotExists) {
var triggerConfirm = $("#triggerConfirm");
triggerConfirm.html("No branch to run!");
modal: true,
buttons: {
"Ok" : function () {
$("#notifyJira").html("<img src='' width=20px height=20px>" +
" Please wait. First action for PR run-all data may require significant time.");
url: 'rest/build/commentJira',
data: {
"serverId": serverCode, //general Servers code
"suiteId": parentSuiteId,
"branchName": branchName,
"ticketId": ticketId,
"baseBranchForTc": baseBranchForTc
success: function(result) {
var needTicketId = result.result.lastIndexOf("TicketNotFoundException") !== -1;
if (needTicketId) {
var buttons = {
"Retry": function () {
ticketId = $("#enterTicketId").val();
commentJira(serverCode, branchName, parentSuiteId, ticketId, baseBranchForTc)
"Cancel": function () {
else {
buttons = {
"Ok": function () {
var dialog = $("#triggerDialog");
dialog.html("Comment ticket for server: " + serverCode + "<br>" +
" Suite: " + parentSuiteId + "<br>Branch:" + branchName +
"<br><br> Result: " + result.result +
(needTicketId ? ("<br><br>Enter JIRA ticket number: <input type='text' id='enterTicketId'>") : ""));
modal: true,
buttons: buttons
loadData(); // should be defined by page
error: showErrInLoadStatus
* Create html string with table rows, containing suite data.
* @param suite - see Java class.
* @param settings - see Settings JavaScript class.
* @param prNum - PR shown, used by triggering.
* @returns {string} Table rows with suite data.
function showSuiteData(suite, settings, prNum) {
var moreInfoTxt = "";
if (isDefinedAndFilled(suite.userCommits) && suite.userCommits !== "") {
moreInfoTxt += "Last commits from: " + suite.userCommits + " <br>";
moreInfoTxt += "Duration: " + suite.durationPrintable + " " +
"(Net Time: " + suite.durationNetTimePrintable + "," +
" Tests: " + suite.testsDurationPrintable + "," +
" Src. Update: " + suite.sourceUpdateDurationPrintable + "," +
" Artifacts Publishing: " + suite.artifcactPublishingDurationPrintable + "," +
" Dependecies Resolving: " + suite.dependeciesResolvingDurationPrintable + "," +
" Timeouts: " + suite.lostInTimeouts + ")<br>";
moreInfoTxt += " <span title='Not muted and not ignored tests'>Total tests: " + suite.totalTests + "</span>";
moreInfoTxt += " <span title='Tests which not filtered out because of flakyness'>Trusted tests: " + suite.trustedTests + "</span>";
moreInfoTxt += "<br>";
var res = "<tr class='suiteBlock'><td colspan='4' style='width: 100%'>" +
"<table style='width: 100%' border='0px'>";
res += "<tr bgcolor='#FAFAFF'><td align='right' valign='top' width='10%' colspan='2'>";
var failRateText = "";
if (isDefinedAndFilled(suite.failures) && isDefinedAndFilled(suite.runs) && isDefinedAndFilled(suite.failureRate)) {
failRateText += "(fail rate " + suite.failureRate + "%)";
moreInfoTxt += "Recent fails : "+ suite.failureRate +"% [" + suite.failures + " fails / " + suite.runs + " runs]; <br> " ;
if(isDefinedAndFilled(suite.criticalFails) && isDefinedAndFilled(suite.criticalFails.failures)) {
moreInfoTxt += "Critical recent fails: "+ suite.criticalFails.failureRate + "% [" + suite.criticalFails.failures + " fails / " + suite.criticalFails.runs + " runs]; <br> " ;
if(isDefinedAndFilled(suite.blockerComment) && suite.blockerComment!=="") {
res += "<span title='"+ suite.blockerComment +"'> &#x1f6ab;</span> "
if(isDefinedAndFilled(suite.problemRef)) {
res += "<span title='"+ +"'>&#128030;</span> "
var color;
if(isDefinedAndFilled(suite.success) && suite.success===true) {
color = 'green';
} else {
color = failureRateToColor(suite.failureRate);
if (isDefinedAndFilled(suite.latestRuns)) {
res += drawLatestRuns(suite.latestRuns) + " ";
res +="</td><td>";
res += "<span style='border-color: " + color + "; width:6px; height:6px; display: inline-block; border-width: 4px; color: black; border-style: solid;' title='" + failRateText + "'></span> ";
res += "<a href='" + suite.webToHist + "'>" + + "</a> " +
"[ " + "<a href='" + suite.webToBuild + "' title=''> " +
"tests " + suite.failedTests + " " + suite.result;
if (isDefinedAndFilled(suite.warnOnly) && suite.warnOnly.length > 0) {
res += " warn " + suite.warnOnly.length;
res += "</a> ]";
if(isDefinedAndFilled(suite.tags)) {
for (let i = 0; i < suite.tags.length; i++) {
const tag = suite.tags[i];
res += " <span class='buildTag'>" + tag + "</span>" ;
if (isDefinedAndFilled(suite.runningBuildCount) && suite.runningBuildCount !== 0) {
res += " <img src='' width=12px height=12px> ";
res += " " + suite.runningBuildCount + " running";
if (isDefinedAndFilled(suite.queuedBuildCount) && suite.queuedBuildCount !== 0) {
res += " <img src='' width=12px height=12px> ";
res += "" + suite.queuedBuildCount + " queued";
var mInfo = "";
if (isDefinedAndFilled(suite.serverId) && isDefinedAndFilled(suite.suiteId) && isDefinedAndFilled(suite.branchName)) {
mInfo += " Trigger build: ";
mInfo += "<a href='javascript:void(0);' ";
mInfo += " onClick='triggerBuilds(\"" + suite.serverId + "\", null, \"" +
suite.suiteId + "\", \"" + suite.branchName + "\", false, false, null, \"" + prNum + "\", null)' ";
mInfo += " title='trigger build' >queue</a> ";
mInfo += "<a href='javascript:void(0);' ";
mInfo += " onClick='triggerBuilds(\"" + suite.serverId + "\", null, \"" +
suite.suiteId + "\", \"" + suite.branchName + "\", true, false, null, \"" + prNum + "\", null)' ";
mInfo += " title='trigger build at top of queue'>top</a><br>";
mInfo += moreInfoTxt;
if (isDefinedAndFilled(suite.topLongRunning) && suite.topLongRunning.length > 0) {
mInfo += "Top long running:<br>";
mInfo += "<table>";
for (var j = 0; j < suite.topLongRunning.length; j++) {
mInfo += showTestFailData(suite.topLongRunning[j], false, settings);
mInfo += "</table>";
if (isDefinedAndFilled(suite.warnOnly) && suite.warnOnly.length > 0) {
mInfo += "Warn Only:<br>";
mInfo += "<table>";
for (var k = 0; k < suite.warnOnly.length; k++) {
mInfo += showTestFailData(suite.warnOnly[k], false, settings);
mInfo += "</table>";
if (isDefinedAndFilled(suite.logConsumers) && suite.logConsumers.length > 0) {
mInfo += "Top Log Consumers:<br>";
mInfo += "<table>";
for (var l = 0; l < suite.logConsumers.length; l++) {
mInfo += showTestFailData(suite.logConsumers[l], false, settings);
mInfo += "</table>";
if(!isDefinedAndFilled(findGetParameter("reportMode"))) {
res += "<span class='container'>";
res += " <a href='javascript:void(0);' class='header'>" + more + "</a>";
res += "<div class='content'>" + mInfo + "</div></span>";
res += "</td>";
res += "<td width='25%'>"; //fail rate
if(isDefinedAndFilled(suite.hasCriticalProblem) && suite.hasCriticalProblem
&& isDefinedAndFilled(suite.criticalFails) && isDefinedAndFilled(suite.criticalFails.failures)) {
res += "<a href='" + suite.webToHistBaseBranch + "'>";
res += "Critical F.R.: "+ suite.criticalFails.failureRate + "% </a> " ;
} else {
res += "</td>"; //fail rate
res += " </tr>";
for (var i = 0; i < suite.testFailures.length; i++) {
var testFailure = suite.testFailures[i];
res += showTestFailData(testFailure, true, settings);
if (isDefinedAndFilled(suite.webUrlThreadDump)) {
res += "<tr><td colspan='2'></td><td>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href='" + suite.webUrlThreadDump + "'>";
res += "<img src='' width=12px height=12px> ";
res += "Thread Dump</a>";
res += "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
res += "</td></tr>";
res += "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td width='12px'>&nbsp;</td><td colspan='2'></td></tr>";
res += "</tr></table>"
return res;
function failureRateToColor(failureRate) {
var redSaturation = 255;
var greenSaturation = 0;
var blueSaturation = 0;
var colorCorrect = 0;
if (isDefinedAndFilled(failureRate)) {
colorCorrect = parseFloat(failureRate);
if (colorCorrect < 50) {
redSaturation = 255;
greenSaturation += colorCorrect * 5;
} else {
greenSaturation = 255 - (colorCorrect - 50) * 5;
redSaturation = 255 - (colorCorrect - 50) * 5;
return rgbToHex(redSaturation, greenSaturation, blueSaturation);
//@param testFail - see DsTestFailureUi
function showTestFailData(testFail, isFailureShown, settings) {
var failRateDefined =
&& isDefinedAndFilled(testFail.histBaseBranch.recent)
&& isDefinedAndFilled(testFail.histBaseBranch.recent.failureRate);
var failRate = failRateDefined ? testFail.histBaseBranch.recent.failureRate : null;
var flakyCommentsInBase =
isDefinedAndFilled(testFail.histBaseBranch) && isDefinedAndFilled(testFail.histBaseBranch.flakyComments)
? testFail.histBaseBranch.flakyComments
: null;
let shownBecauseOfDuration = (isDefinedAndFilled(testFail.success) && testFail.success === true) || !isFailureShown;
if (!shownBecauseOfDuration) {
if (failRate != null) {
if (parseFloat(failRate) < settings.minFailRate)
return ""; //test is hidden
if (parseFloat(failRate) > settings.maxFailRate)
return ""; //test is hidden
if (flakyCommentsInBase != null && settings.hideFlakyFailures)
return ""; // test is hidden
var res = "<tr><td align='right' valign='top' colspan='2' width='10%'>";
var haveIssue = isDefinedAndFilled(testFail.webIssueUrl) && isDefinedAndFilled(testFail.webIssueText);
var color;
if (testFail.success === true) {
color = "green";
} else {
color = (isFailureShown && failRateDefined)
? failureRateToColor(failRate)
: "white";
var investigated = isDefinedAndFilled(testFail.investigated) && testFail.investigated;
if (investigated) {
res += "<img src='' width=11px height=11px> ";
res += "<span style='opacity: 0.75'> ";
// has both base and current, draw current latest runs here.
var comparePage =
findGetParameter('action') != null
|| (
isDefinedAndFilled(testFail.histCurBranch) && isDefinedAndFilled(testFail.histCurBranch.latestRuns)
&& isDefinedAndFilled(testFail.histBaseBranch) && isDefinedAndFilled(testFail.histBaseBranch.latestRuns)
var baseBranchMarks = "";
if (isFailureShown && flakyCommentsInBase != null) {
baseBranchMarks += "<span title='" + flakyCommentsInBase + "' style=\"color: #303030; font-size: 125%;\">" + "&#9858;" + "</span> "; //&asymp;
if (comparePage) {
var flakyCommentsInCur =
isDefinedAndFilled(testFail.histCurBranch) && isDefinedAndFilled(testFail.histCurBranch.flakyComments)
? testFail.histCurBranch.flakyComments
: null;
res += "<span title='" + flakyCommentsInCur + "' style=\"color: #303030; font-size: 125%;\">" + "&#9858;" + "</span> "; //&asymp;
else {
res += baseBranchMarks;
if (isDefinedAndFilled(testFail.blockerComment) && testFail.blockerComment !== "") {
res += "<span title='" + testFail.blockerComment + "'> &#x1f6ab;</span> "
var bold = false;
if(isFailureShown && isDefinedAndFilled(testFail.problemRef)) {
res += "<span title='" +"'>&#128030;</span>";
res += "<b>";
bold = true;
var haveWeb = isDefinedAndFilled(testFail.webUrl);
if (haveWeb)
res += "<a href='" + testFail.webUrl + "'>";
if(comparePage) {
if (isDefinedAndFilled(testFail.histCurBranch))
res += drawLatestRuns(testFail.histCurBranch.latestRuns);
} else if(isDefinedAndFilled(testFail.histBaseBranch) && isDefinedAndFilled(testFail.histBaseBranch.latestRuns))
res += drawLatestRuns(testFail.histBaseBranch.latestRuns); // has only base branch
if (haveWeb)
res += "</a> ";
res += "</td><td valign='top'>";
res += "<span style='background-color: " + color + "; width:8px; height:8px; display: inline-block; border-width: 1px; border-color: black; border-style: solid; '></span> ";
if (isDefinedAndFilled(testFail.curFailures) && testFail.curFailures > 1)
res += "[" + testFail.curFailures + "] ";
if (haveIssue) {
res += "<a href='" + testFail.webIssueUrl + "'>";
res += testFail.webIssueText;
res += "</a>";
res += ": ";
if (isDefinedAndFilled(testFail.suiteName) && isDefinedAndFilled(testFail.testName))
res += "<font color='grey'>" + testFail.suiteName + ":</font> " + testFail.testName;
res +=;
var histContent = "";
//see class TestHistory
var hist;
hist = testFail.histBaseBranch;
hist = null;
if (isFailureShown && hist!=null) {
if(comparePage) {
histContent += baseBranchMarks + " ";
var testFailTitle = "";
if(isDefinedAndFilled(hist.recent) && isDefinedAndFilled(hist.recent.failures))
testFailTitle = "recent rate: " + hist.recent.failures + " fails / " + hist.recent.runs + " runs" ;
histContent += " <span title='" +testFailTitle + "'>";
if (isDefinedAndFilled(hist.recent) && isDefinedAndFilled(hist.recent.failureRate))
histContent += "(fail rate " + hist.recent.failureRate + "%)";
histContent += "(no data)";
histContent += "</span>";
if(comparePage && isDefinedAndFilled(testFail.histBaseBranch) && isDefinedAndFilled(testFail.histBaseBranch.latestRuns)) {
histContent += " " + drawLatestRuns(testFail.histBaseBranch.latestRuns); // has both base and current, draw current base runs here.
} else if (haveWeb) {
histContent += " (test history)";
if (shownBecauseOfDuration && isDefinedAndFilled(testFail.durationPrintable))
res += " duration " + testFail.durationPrintable;
if (bold)
res += "</b>";
if (investigated)
res += "</span> ";
if (isDefinedAndFilled(testFail.warnings) && testFail.warnings.length > 0
&& !isDefinedAndFilled(findGetParameter("reportMode"))) {
res += "<span class='container'>";
res += " <a href='javascript:void(0);' class='header'>" + more + "</a>";
res += "<div class='content'>";
res += "<p class='logMsg'>";
for (var i = 0; i < testFail.warnings.length; i++) {
res += "&nbsp; &nbsp; ";
res += "&nbsp; &nbsp; ";
res += testFail.warnings[i];
res += " <br>";
res += "</p>";
res += "</div></span>";
res += "<td width='25%'>";
var haveBaseBranchWeb = isDefinedAndFilled(testFail.webUrlBaseBranch);
if (haveBaseBranchWeb)
res += "<a href='" + testFail.webUrlBaseBranch + "'>";
res += histContent;
if (haveBaseBranchWeb)
res += "</a>";
res += "&nbsp;</td>";
res += "</td></tr>";
return res;
function drawLatestRuns(latestRuns) {
return "";
var res = "";
res += "<nobr><span style='white-space: nowrap; width:" + (latestRuns.length * 1) + "px; display: inline-block;' " +
"title='Latest master runs history from right to left is oldest to newest." +
" Red-failed,green-passed,black-critical failure'>";
var len = 1;
var prevState = null;
for (var i = 0; i < latestRuns.length; i++) {
var runCode = latestRuns[i];
if (prevState == null) {
} else if (prevState === runCode) {
} else {
res += drawLatestRunsBlock(prevState, len);
len = 1;
prevState = runCode;
if (prevState != null) {
res += drawLatestRunsBlock(prevState, len);
res += "</span></nobr>";
return res;
function drawLatestRunsBlock(state, len) {
var runColor = "white";
const resOk = 0;
if (state === resOk)
runColor = "green";
else if (state === 1)
runColor = "red";
else if (state === 2) // deprected MUTED
runColor = "grey";
else if (state === 3) // CRITICAL failure - incomplete suite
runColor = "#000000";
else if (state === 4) // RES_MISSING(4), missing in run
runColor = "#AAAAAA";
else if (state === 5) // RES_OK_MUTED(5),
runColor = "#44AA44";
else if (state === 6) // RES_FAILURE_MUTED(6),
runColor = "#b76a6a";
else if (state === 7) // RES_IGNORED(7);
runColor = "#F09F00";
return "<span style='background-color: " + runColor + "; width:" + (len * 1) + "px; height:10px; display: inline-block;'></span>";