blob: e9d8b4c8e88890f41c885eff53e00df87b1962f0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import asyncio
from typing import Any, Iterable, Optional, Union
from .api.tx_api import get_tx_connection
from .datatypes import ExpiryPolicy
from .datatypes.internal import AnyDataObject
from .exceptions import CacheCreationError, CacheError, ParameterError
from .utils import status_to_exception
from .api.cache_config import (
cache_create_async, cache_get_or_create_async, cache_destroy_async, cache_get_configuration_async,
cache_create_with_config_async, cache_get_or_create_with_config_async
from .api.key_value import (
cache_get_async, cache_contains_key_async, cache_clear_key_async, cache_clear_keys_async, cache_clear_async,
cache_replace_async, cache_put_all_async, cache_get_all_async, cache_put_async, cache_contains_keys_async,
cache_get_and_put_async, cache_get_and_put_if_absent_async, cache_put_if_absent_async, cache_get_and_remove_async,
cache_get_and_replace_async, cache_remove_key_async, cache_remove_keys_async, cache_remove_all_async,
cache_remove_if_equals_async, cache_replace_if_equals_async, cache_get_size_async,
from .cursors import AioScanCursor
from .cache import __parse_settings, BaseCache
async def get_cache(client: 'AioClient', settings: Union[str, dict]) -> 'AioCache':
name, settings = __parse_settings(settings)
if settings:
raise ParameterError('Only cache name allowed as a parameter')
return AioCache(client, name)
async def create_cache(client: 'AioClient', settings: Union[str, dict]) -> 'AioCache':
name, settings = __parse_settings(settings)
conn = await client.random_node()
if settings:
result = await cache_create_with_config_async(conn, settings)
result = await cache_create_async(conn, name)
if result.status != 0:
raise CacheCreationError(result.message)
return AioCache(client, name)
async def get_or_create_cache(client: 'AioClient', settings: Union[str, dict]) -> 'AioCache':
name, settings = __parse_settings(settings)
conn = await client.random_node()
if settings:
result = await cache_get_or_create_with_config_async(conn, settings)
result = await cache_get_or_create_async(conn, name)
if result.status != 0:
raise CacheCreationError(result.message)
return AioCache(client, name)
class AioCache(BaseCache):
Ignite cache abstraction. Users should never use this class directly,
but construct its instances with
:py:meth:`~pyignite.aio_client.AioClient.get_or_create_cache` or
:py:meth:`~pyignite.aio_client.AioClient.get_cache` methods instead. See
:ref:`this example <create_cache>` on how to do it.
def __init__(self, client: 'AioClient', name: str, expiry_policy: ExpiryPolicy = None):
Initialize async cache object. For internal use.
:param client: Async Ignite client,
:param name: Cache name.
super().__init__(client, name, expiry_policy)
async def _get_best_node(self, key=None, key_hint=None):
tx_conn = get_tx_connection()
if tx_conn:
return tx_conn
return await self.client.get_best_node(self, key, key_hint)
async def settings(self, timeout: Union[int, float] = 0) -> Optional[dict]:
Lazy Cache settings. See the :ref:`example <sql_cache_read>`
of reading this property.
All cache properties are documented here: :ref:`cache_props`.
:param timeout: (optional) request timeout.
:return: dict of cache properties and their values.
if self._settings is None:
conn = await self._get_best_node()
config_result_coro = cache_get_configuration_async(conn, self.cache_info)
if timeout:
config_result = await asyncio.wait_for(config_result_coro, timeout)
config_result = await config_result_coro
if config_result.status == 0:
self._settings = config_result.value
raise CacheError(config_result.message)
return self._settings
async def destroy(self, timeout: Union[int, float] = 0):
Destroys cache with a given name.
:param timeout: (optional) request timeout.
conn = await self._get_best_node()
return await cache_destroy_async(conn, self.cache_id)
async def get(self, key, key_hint: object = None, timeout: Union[int, float] = 0) -> Any:
Retrieves a value from cache by key.
:param key: key for the cache entry. Can be of any supported type,
:param key_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given key
should be converted,
:param timeout: (optional) request timeout.
:return: value retrieved.
if key_hint is None:
key_hint = AnyDataObject.map_python_type(key)
conn = await self._get_best_node(key, key_hint)
result = await cache_get_async(conn, self.cache_info, key, key_hint=key_hint)
result.value = await self.client.unwrap_binary(result.value)
return result
async def put(self, key, value, key_hint: object = None, value_hint: object = None, timeout: Union[int, float] = 0):
Puts a value with a given key to cache (overwriting existing value
if any).
:param key: key for the cache entry. Can be of any supported type,
:param value: value for the key,
:param key_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given key
should be converted,
:param value_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given
value should be converted,
:param timeout: (optional) request timeout.
if key_hint is None:
key_hint = AnyDataObject.map_python_type(key)
conn = await self._get_best_node(key, key_hint)
return await cache_put_async(conn, self.cache_info, key, value, key_hint=key_hint, value_hint=value_hint)
async def get_all(self, keys: list, timeout: Union[int, float] = 0) -> dict:
Retrieves multiple key-value pairs from cache.
:param keys: list of keys or tuples of (key, key_hint),
:param timeout: (optional) request timeout,
:return: a dict of key-value pairs.
conn = await self._get_best_node()
result = await cache_get_all_async(conn, self.cache_info, keys)
if result.value:
keys = list(result.value.keys())
values = await asyncio.gather(*[self.client.unwrap_binary(value) for value in result.value.values()])
for i, key in enumerate(keys):
result.value[key] = values[i]
return result
async def put_all(self, pairs: dict, timeout: Union[int, float] = 0):
Puts multiple key-value pairs to cache (overwriting existing
associations if any).
:param pairs: dictionary type parameters, contains key-value pairs
to save. Each key or value can be an item of representable
Python type or a tuple of (item, hint),
:param timeout: (optional) request timeout.
conn = await self._get_best_node()
return await cache_put_all_async(conn, self.cache_info, pairs)
async def replace(self, key, value, key_hint: object = None, value_hint: object = None,
timeout: Union[int, float] = 0):
Puts a value with a given key to cache only if the key already exist.
:param key: key for the cache entry. Can be of any supported type,
:param value: value for the key,
:param key_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given key
should be converted,
:param value_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given
value should be converted,
:param timeout: (optional) request timeout.
if key_hint is None:
key_hint = AnyDataObject.map_python_type(key)
conn = await self._get_best_node(key, key_hint)
result = await cache_replace_async(conn, self.cache_info, key, value, key_hint=key_hint, value_hint=value_hint)
result.value = await self.client.unwrap_binary(result.value)
return result
async def clear(self, keys: Optional[list] = None, timeout: Union[int, float] = 0):
Clears the cache without notifying listeners or cache writers.
:param keys: (optional) list of cache keys or (key, key type
hint) tuples to clear (default: clear all).
:param timeout: (optional) request timeout.
conn = await self._get_best_node()
if keys:
return await cache_clear_keys_async(conn, self.cache_info, keys)
return await cache_clear_async(conn, self.cache_info)
async def clear_key(self, key, key_hint: object = None, timeout: Union[int, float] = 0):
Clears the cache key without notifying listeners or cache writers.
:param key: key for the cache entry,
:param key_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given key
should be converted,
:param timeout: (optional) request timeout.
if key_hint is None:
key_hint = AnyDataObject.map_python_type(key)
conn = await self._get_best_node(key, key_hint)
return await cache_clear_key_async(conn, self.cache_info, key, key_hint=key_hint)
async def clear_keys(self, keys: Iterable, timeout: Union[int, float] = 0):
Clears the cache key without notifying listeners or cache writers.
:param keys: a list of keys or (key, type hint) tuples
:param timeout: (optional) request timeout.
conn = await self._get_best_node()
return await cache_clear_keys_async(conn, self.cache_info, keys)
async def contains_key(self, key, key_hint=None, timeout: Union[int, float] = 0) -> bool:
Returns a value indicating whether given key is present in cache.
:param key: key for the cache entry. Can be of any supported type,
:param key_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given key
should be converted,
:param timeout: (optional) request timeout,
:return: boolean `True` when key is present, `False` otherwise.
if key_hint is None:
key_hint = AnyDataObject.map_python_type(key)
conn = await self._get_best_node(key, key_hint)
return await cache_contains_key_async(conn, self.cache_info, key, key_hint=key_hint)
async def contains_keys(self, keys: Iterable, timeout: Union[int, float] = 0) -> bool:
Returns a value indicating whether all given keys are present in cache.
:param keys: a list of keys or (key, type hint) tuples,
:param timeout: (optional) request timeout,
:return: boolean `True` when all keys are present, `False` otherwise.
conn = await self._get_best_node()
return await cache_contains_keys_async(conn, self.cache_info, keys)
async def get_and_put(self, key, value, key_hint=None, value_hint=None, timeout: Union[int, float] = 0) -> Any:
Puts a value with a given key to cache, and returns the previous value
for that key, or null value if there was not such key.
:param key: key for the cache entry. Can be of any supported type,
:param value: value for the key,
:param key_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given key
should be converted,
:param value_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given
value should be converted,
:param timeout: (optional) request timeout,
:return: old value or None.
if key_hint is None:
key_hint = AnyDataObject.map_python_type(key)
conn = await self._get_best_node(key, key_hint)
result = await cache_get_and_put_async(conn, self.cache_info, key, value, key_hint, value_hint)
result.value = await self.client.unwrap_binary(result.value)
return result
async def get_and_put_if_absent(self, key, value, key_hint=None, value_hint=None, timeout: Union[int, float] = 0):
Puts a value with a given key to cache only if the key does not
already exist.
:param key: key for the cache entry. Can be of any supported type,
:param value: value for the key,
:param key_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given key
should be converted,
:param value_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given
value should be converted,
:param timeout: (optional) request timeout,
:return: old value or None.
if key_hint is None:
key_hint = AnyDataObject.map_python_type(key)
conn = await self._get_best_node(key, key_hint)
result = await cache_get_and_put_if_absent_async(conn, self.cache_info, key, value, key_hint, value_hint)
result.value = await self.client.unwrap_binary(result.value)
return result
async def put_if_absent(self, key, value, key_hint=None, value_hint=None, timeout: Union[int, float] = 0):
Puts a value with a given key to cache only if the key does not
already exist.
:param key: key for the cache entry. Can be of any supported type,
:param value: value for the key,
:param key_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given key
should be converted,
:param value_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given
value should be converted,
:param timeout: (optional) request timeout,
if key_hint is None:
key_hint = AnyDataObject.map_python_type(key)
conn = await self._get_best_node(key, key_hint)
return await cache_put_if_absent_async(conn, self.cache_info, key, value, key_hint, value_hint)
async def get_and_remove(self, key, key_hint=None, timeout: Union[int, float] = 0) -> Any:
Removes the cache entry with specified key, returning the value.
:param key: key for the cache entry. Can be of any supported type,
:param key_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given key
should be converted,
:param timeout: (optional) request timeout,
:return: old value or None.
if key_hint is None:
key_hint = AnyDataObject.map_python_type(key)
conn = await self._get_best_node(key, key_hint)
result = await cache_get_and_remove_async(conn, self.cache_info, key, key_hint)
result.value = await self.client.unwrap_binary(result.value)
return result
async def get_and_replace(self, key, value, key_hint=None, value_hint=None, timeout: Union[int, float] = 0) -> Any:
Puts a value with a given key to cache, returning previous value
for that key, if and only if there is a value currently mapped
for that key.
:param key: key for the cache entry. Can be of any supported type,
:param value: value for the key,
:param key_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given key
should be converted,
:param value_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given
value should be converted,
:param timeout: (optional) request timeout,
:return: old value or None.
if key_hint is None:
key_hint = AnyDataObject.map_python_type(key)
conn = await self._get_best_node(key, key_hint)
result = await cache_get_and_replace_async(conn, self.cache_info, key, value, key_hint, value_hint)
result.value = await self.client.unwrap_binary(result.value)
return result
async def remove_key(self, key, key_hint=None, timeout: Union[int, float] = 0):
Clears the cache key without notifying listeners or cache writers.
:param key: key for the cache entry,
:param key_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given key
should be converted,
:param timeout: (optional) request timeout.
if key_hint is None:
key_hint = AnyDataObject.map_python_type(key)
conn = await self._get_best_node(key, key_hint)
return await cache_remove_key_async(conn, self.cache_info, key, key_hint)
async def remove_keys(self, keys: list, timeout: Union[int, float] = 0):
Removes cache entries by given list of keys, notifying listeners
and cache writers.
:param keys: list of keys or tuples of (key, key_hint) to remove,
:param timeout: (optional) request timeout.
conn = await self._get_best_node()
return await cache_remove_keys_async(conn, self.cache_info, keys)
async def remove_all(self, timeout: Union[int, float] = 0):
Removes all cache entries, notifying listeners and cache writers.
:param timeout: (optional) request timeout.
conn = await self._get_best_node()
return await cache_remove_all_async(conn, self.cache_info)
async def remove_if_equals(self, key, sample, key_hint=None, sample_hint=None, timeout: Union[int, float] = 0):
Removes an entry with a given key if provided value is equal to
actual value, notifying listeners and cache writers.
:param key: key for the cache entry,
:param sample: a sample to compare the stored value with,
:param key_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given key
should be converted,
:param sample_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for whic
the given sample should be converted,
:param timeout: (optional) request timeout.
if key_hint is None:
key_hint = AnyDataObject.map_python_type(key)
conn = await self._get_best_node(key, key_hint)
return await cache_remove_if_equals_async(conn, self.cache_info, key, sample, key_hint, sample_hint)
async def replace_if_equals(self, key, sample, value, key_hint=None, sample_hint=None, value_hint=None,
timeout: Union[int, float] = 0) -> Any:
Puts a value with a given key to cache only if the key already exists
and value equals provided sample.
:param key: key for the cache entry,
:param sample: a sample to compare the stored value with,
:param value: new value for the given key,
:param key_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given key
should be converted,
:param sample_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for whic
the given sample should be converted
:param value_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given
value should be converted,
:param timeout: (optional) request timeout,
:return: boolean `True` when key is present, `False` otherwise.
if key_hint is None:
key_hint = AnyDataObject.map_python_type(key)
conn = await self._get_best_node(key, key_hint)
result = await cache_replace_if_equals_async(conn, self.cache_info, key, sample, value, key_hint, sample_hint,
result.value = await self.client.unwrap_binary(result.value)
return result
async def get_size(self, peek_modes=None, timeout: Union[int, float] = 0):
Gets the number of entries in cache.
:param peek_modes: (optional) limit count to near cache partition
(PeekModes.NEAR), primary cache (PeekModes.PRIMARY), or backup cache
(PeekModes.BACKUP). Defaults to primary cache partitions (PeekModes.PRIMARY),
:param timeout: (optional) request timeout,
:return: integer number of cache entries.
conn = await self._get_best_node()
return await cache_get_size_async(conn, self.cache_info, peek_modes)
def scan(self, page_size: int = 1, partitions: int = -1, local: bool = False,
timeout: Union[int, float] = 0) -> AioScanCursor:
Returns all key-value pairs from the cache, similar to `get_all`, but
with internal pagination, which is slower, but safer.
:param page_size: (optional) page size. Default size is 1 (slowest
and safest),
:param partitions: (optional) number of partitions to query
(negative to query entire cache),
:param local: (optional) pass True if this query should be executed
on local node only. Defaults to False,
:return: async scan query cursor
return AioScanCursor(self.client, self.cache_info, page_size, partitions, local)