blob: b62272ea4000d9c76e495e965d557324b9203c34 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
namespace Apache\Ignite\Type;
use Apache\Ignite\Exception\ClientException;
use Apache\Ignite\Internal\Binary\BinaryUtils;
* Class representing a complex type of Ignite object.
* It corresponds to the ObjectType::COMPLEX_OBJECT Ignite type code.
* This class may be needed to help Ignite client to:
* - deserialize an Ignite complex object to a PHP object when reading data,
* - serialize a PHP object to an Ignite complex object when writing data.
* Note: only public properties of PHP objects can be serialized/deserialized.
class ComplexObjectType extends ObjectType
private $phpClassName;
private $typeName;
private $fieldTypes;
* Public constructor.
* Creates a default representation of Ignite complex object type.
* setPhpClassName(), setIgniteTypeName(), setFieldType() methods may be used
* to change the default representation.
public function __construct()
$this->phpClassName = null;
$this->typeName = null;
$this->fieldTypes = [];
* Sets the name of the PHP class.
* Affects data reading operations only.
* The specified name will be used as PHP class name to instantiate a PHP object
* the received Ignite complex object is deserialized to.
* By default (if the name is not specified), the Ignite complex type name of the received complex object
* is used as PHP class name to instantiate a PHP object during deserialization.
* The PHP Class must have a constructor without parameters or with optional parameters only.
* @param string|null $phpClassName name of the PHP class or null (the name is not specified).
* @return ComplexObjectType the same instance of the ComplexObjectType.
public function setPhpClassName(?string $phpClassName): ComplexObjectType
$this->phpClassName = $phpClassName;
return $this;
* Gets the name of the PHP class.
* @return string|null name of the PHP class or null (the name is not specified).
public function getPhpClassName(): ?string
return $this->phpClassName;
* Sets the name of the Ignite complex type.
* Affects data writing operations only.
* The specified name will be used as the Ignite complex type name during the complex object's writing operations.
* By default (if the name is not specified), the Ignite complex type name of the serialized complex object
* is taken from the name of the PHP class which instance is provided in a data writing operation.
* @param string|null $typeName name of the Ignite complex type or null (the name is not specified).
* @return ComplexObjectType the same instance of the ComplexObjectType.
public function setIgniteTypeName(?string $typeName): ComplexObjectType
$this->typeName = $typeName;
return $this;
* Gets the name of the Ignite complex type.
* @return string|null name of the Ignite complex type or null (the name is not specified).
public function getIgniteTypeName(): ?string
return $this->typeName;
* Specifies Ignite type of the indicated field in the complex type.
* Affects data writing operations only.
* During data serialization Ignite client will assume that the indicated field
* has the Ignite type specified by this method.
* By default (if the type of the field is not specified),
* Ignite client tries to make automatic mapping between PHP types and Ignite object types -
* according to the mapping table defined in the description of the ObjectType class.
* @param string $fieldName name of the field.
* @param int|ObjectType|null $fieldType Ignite type of the field:
* - either a type code of primitive (simple) type (@ref PrimitiveTypeCodes)
* - or an instance of class representing non-primitive (composite) type
* - or null (or not specified) that means the type is not specified
* @return ComplexObjectType the same instance of the ComplexObjectType.
* @throws ClientException if error.
public function setFieldType(string $fieldName, $fieldType): ComplexObjectType
BinaryUtils::checkObjectType($fieldType, 'fieldType');
$this->fieldTypes[$fieldName] = $fieldType;
return $this;
* Gets Ignite type of the indicated field in the complex type.
* @param string $fieldName name of the field.
* @return int|ObjectType|null Ignite type of the field:
* - either a type code of primitive (simple) type (@ref PrimitiveTypeCodes)
* - or an instance of class representing non-primitive (composite) type
* - or null that means the type is not specified
public function getFieldType(string $fieldName)
if (array_key_exists($fieldName, $this->fieldTypes)) {
return $this->fieldTypes[$fieldName];
return null;