Apache Ignite PHP Thin Client

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  1. d76ff73 IGNITE-9171: SQL: redesigned lazy mode. This closes #5473. by tledkov-gridgain · 6 years ago master
  2. b09f264 IGNITE-10022: JS, PHP thin clients: a more meaningful exception when by ekaterina-nbl · 6 years ago
  3. 3dbff1d IGNITE-9951 PHP: Fixes for Date data type by Pavel Petroshenko · 6 years ago
  4. 6765311 IGNITE-9832: Minors fix to Doxygen licences. This closes #4938. by Vyacheslav Daradur · 6 years ago
  5. 0af441f IGNITE-7783: PHP thin client by Igor Sapego · 6 years ago

PHP Thin Client


The client requires PHP version 7.2 or higher (http://php.net/manual/en/install.php) and Composer Dependency Manager (https://getcomposer.org/download/).

The client additionally requires PHP Multibyte String extension. Depending on you PHP configuration you may need to additionally install/configure it (http://php.net/manual/en/mbstring.installation.php)

Installation from the PHP Package Repository

Run from your application root

composer require apache/apache-ignite-client

To use the client in your application, include vendor/autoload.php file, generated by Composer, to your source code, eg.

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

Installation from Sources

  1. Download Ignite sources to local_ignite_path
  2. Go to local_ignite_path/modules/platforms/php folder
  3. Execute composer install --no-dev command
cd local_ignite_path/modules/platforms/php
composer install --no-dev

To use the client in your application, include vendor/autoload.php file, generated by Composer, to your source code, eg.

require_once "<local_ignite_path>/vendor/autoload.php";

For more information, see Apache Ignite PHP Thin Client documentation.