blob: 7fa1c0d71be3e8553f3800a11b4f1f1c0586d05b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
'use strict';
const JasmineReporters = require('jasmine-reporters');
const psTree = require('ps-tree');
const Util = require('util');
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const child_process = require('child_process');
const config = require('./config');
const LogReader = require('./LogReader');
const {IgniteClient, IgniteClientConfiguration, Errors, EnumItem, Timestamp, Decimal, BinaryObject, ObjectType} = require('apache-ignite-client');
const TIMEOUT_MS = 60000;
jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new JasmineReporters.TeamCityReporter());
const dateComparator = (date1, date2) => { return !date1 && !date2 || date1.value === date2.value; };
const floatComparator = (date1, date2) => { return Math.abs(date1 - date2) < 0.00001; };
const defaultComparator = (value1, value2) => { return value1 === value2; };
const enumComparator = (value1, value2) => {
return value1.getTypeId() === value2.getTypeId() &&
value1.getOrdinal() === value2.getOrdinal(); };
const decimalComparator = (value1, value2) => {
return value1 === null && value2 === null ||
const timestampComparator = (value1, value2) => {
return value1 === null && value2 === null ||
dateComparator(value1.getTime(), value2.getTime()) &&
value1.getNanos() === value2.getNanos(); };
const numericValueModificator = (data) => { return data > 0 ? data - 10 : data + 10; };
const charValueModificator = (data) => { return String.fromCharCode(data.charCodeAt(0) + 5); };
const booleanValueModificator = (data) => { return !data; };
const stringValueModificator = (data) => { return data + 'xxx'; };
const dateValueModificator = (data) => { return new Date(data.getTime() + 12345); };
const UUIDValueModificator = (data) => { return data.reverse(); };
const enumValueModificator = (data) => { return new EnumItem(data.getTypeId(), data.getOrdinal() + 1); };
const decimalValueModificator = (data) => { return data.add(12345); };
const timestampValueModificator = (data) => { return new Timestamp(new Date(data.getTime() + 12345), data.getNanos() + 123); };
const primitiveValues = {
values : [-128, 0, 127],
isMapKey : true,
modificator : numericValueModificator
values : [-32768, 0, 32767],
isMapKey : true,
modificator : numericValueModificator
values : [12345, 0, -54321],
isMapKey : true,
modificator : numericValueModificator
values : [12345678912345, 0, -98765432112345],
isMapKey : true,
modificator : numericValueModificator
values : [-1.155, 0, 123e-5],
isMapKey : false,
modificator : numericValueModificator
values : [-123e5, 0, 0.0001],
typeOptional : true,
isMapKey : false,
modificator : numericValueModificator
values : ['a', String.fromCharCode(0x1234)],
isMapKey : true,
modificator : charValueModificator
values : [true, false],
isMapKey : true,
typeOptional : true,
modificator : booleanValueModificator
values : ['abc', ''],
isMapKey : true,
typeOptional : true,
modificator : stringValueModificator
values : [
[ 18, 70, 2, 119, 154, 254, 198, 254, 195, 146, 33, 60, 116, 230, 0, 146 ],
[ 141, 77, 31, 194, 127, 36, 184, 255, 192, 4, 118, 57, 253, 209, 111, 147 ]
isMapKey : false,
modificator : UUIDValueModificator
values : [new Date(), new Date('1995-12-17T03:24:00'), new Date(0)],
typeOptional : true,
isMapKey : false,
modificator : dateValueModificator
// [ObjectType.PRIMITIVE_TYPE.ENUM] : {
// values : [new EnumItem(12345, 7), new EnumItem(0, 0)],
// typeOptional : true,
// isMapKey : false,
// modificator : enumValueModificator
// },
values : [new Decimal('123456789.6789345'), new Decimal(0), new Decimal('-98765.4321e15')],
typeOptional : true,
isMapKey : false,
modificator : decimalValueModificator
values : [new Timestamp(new Date().getTime(), 12345), new Timestamp(new Date('1995-12-17T03:24:00').getTime(), 543), new Timestamp(0, 0)],
typeOptional : true,
isMapKey : false,
modificator : timestampValueModificator
values : [new Date(), new Date('1995-12-17T03:24:00'), new Date(123)],
isMapKey : false,
modificator : dateValueModificator
const arrayValues = {
[ObjectType.PRIMITIVE_TYPE.DOUBLE_ARRAY] : { elemType : ObjectType.PRIMITIVE_TYPE.DOUBLE, typeOptional : true },
[ObjectType.PRIMITIVE_TYPE.BOOLEAN_ARRAY] : { elemType : ObjectType.PRIMITIVE_TYPE.BOOLEAN, typeOptional : true },
[ObjectType.PRIMITIVE_TYPE.STRING_ARRAY] : { elemType : ObjectType.PRIMITIVE_TYPE.STRING, typeOptional : true },
[ObjectType.PRIMITIVE_TYPE.DATE_ARRAY] : { elemType : ObjectType.PRIMITIVE_TYPE.DATE, typeOptional : true },
//[ObjectType.PRIMITIVE_TYPE.ENUM_ARRAY] : { elemType : ObjectType.PRIMITIVE_TYPE.ENUM, typeOptional : true },
[ObjectType.PRIMITIVE_TYPE.DECIMAL_ARRAY] : { elemType : ObjectType.PRIMITIVE_TYPE.DECIMAL, typeOptional : true },
[ObjectType.PRIMITIVE_TYPE.TIMESTAMP_ARRAY] : { elemType : ObjectType.PRIMITIVE_TYPE.TIMESTAMP, typeOptional : true },
// Helper class for testing apache-ignite-client library.
// Contains common methods for testing environment initialization and cleanup.
class TestingHelper {
static get TIMEOUT() {
return TIMEOUT_MS;
static get primitiveValues() {
return primitiveValues;
static get arrayValues() {
return arrayValues;
// Initializes only cluster
static async initClusterOnly(serversNum = 1, needLogging = false) {
await TestingHelper.startTestServers(needLogging, serversNum);
// Create test client instance
static makeClient() {
const client = new IgniteClient();
return client;
// Initializes testing environment: creates and starts the library client, sets default jasmine test timeout.
// Should be called from any test suite beforeAll method.
static async init(partitionAwareness = config.partitionAwareness, serversNum = 1, needLogging = false, endpoints) {
if (!endpoints)
endpoints = TestingHelper.getEndpoints(serversNum);
await TestingHelper.startTestServers(needLogging, serversNum);
TestingHelper._igniteClient = TestingHelper.makeClient();
await TestingHelper._igniteClient.connect(new IgniteClientConfiguration(...endpoints).
setConnectionOptions(false, null, partitionAwareness));
// Cleans up testing environment.
// Should be called from any test suite afterAll method.
static async cleanUp() {
try {
if (TestingHelper._igniteClient) {
await TestingHelper._igniteClient.disconnect();
delete TestingHelper._igniteClient;
if (TestingHelper._logReaders)
delete TestingHelper._logReaders;
finally {
await TestingHelper.stopTestServers();
static get igniteClient() {
return TestingHelper._igniteClient;
static async destroyCache(cacheName, done) {
try {
await TestingHelper.igniteClient.destroyCache(cacheName);
catch (err) {
TestingHelper.checkOperationError(err, done);
static getEndpoints(serversNum) {
if (serversNum < 1)
throw 'Wrong number of nodes: ' + serversNum;
let res = [];
for (let i = 1; i < serversNum + 1; ++i)
res.push('' + (10800 + i));
return res;
static isWindows() {
return process.platform === 'win32';
static getNodeRunner() {
if (!config.igniteHome)
throw 'Can not start node: ' +
'IGNITE_HOME is not set';
const ext = TestingHelper.isWindows() ? '.bat' : '.sh';
const runner = path.join(config.igniteHome, 'bin', 'ignite' + ext);
if (!fs.existsSync(runner))
throw 'Can not find ' + runner + '. Please, check your IGNITE_HOME environment variable';
return runner;
static getConfigPath(needLogging, idx = 1) {
if (!needLogging)
return path.join(__dirname, 'configs', 'ignite-config-default.xml');
return path.join(__dirname, 'configs', Util.format('ignite-config-%d.xml', idx));
static async sleep(milliseconds) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, milliseconds));
static async waitForCondition(cond, timeout) {
const startTime =;
let now = startTime;
do {
const ok = await cond();
if (ok)
return true;
await TestingHelper.sleep(100);
now =;
} while ((now - startTime) < timeout);
return await cond();
static async waitForConditionOrThrow(cond, timeout) {
const startTime =;
while (!await cond()) {
if ( - startTime > timeout) {
throw 'Failed to achieve condition within timeout ' + timeout;
await TestingHelper.sleep(100);
static async tryConnectClient(idx = 1, debug = false) {
const endPoint = Util.format('', 10800 + idx);
TestingHelper.logDebug('Checking endpoint: ' + endPoint);
let cli = new IgniteClient();
return await cli.connect(new IgniteClientConfiguration(endPoint).
setConnectionOptions(false, null, false)).
then(() => {
TestingHelper.logDebug('Successfully connected');
return true;
catch(error => {
TestingHelper.logDebug('Error while connecting: ' + error.toString());
return false;
static async startTestServers(needLogging, serversNum) {
TestingHelper.logDebug('Starting ' + serversNum + ' node[s]');
if (serversNum < 0)
throw 'Wrong number of servers to start: ' + serversNum;
for (let i = 1; i < serversNum + 1; ++i)
await TestingHelper.startTestServer(needLogging, i);
static async startTestServer(needLogging, idx) {
if (!TestingHelper._servers)
TestingHelper._servers = [];
if (!TestingHelper._logReaders)
TestingHelper._logReaders = new Map();
TestingHelper._servers.push(await TestingHelper._startNode(needLogging, idx));
const logs = TestingHelper.getLogFiles(idx);
if (!needLogging && logs.length > 0)
throw 'Unexpected log file for node ' + idx;
if (needLogging) {
if (logs.length !== 1)
throw 'Unexpected number of log files for node ' + idx + ': ' + logs.length;
TestingHelper._logReaders.set(idx, new LogReader(logs[0]));
static async stopTestServers() {
if (TestingHelper._servers) {
for (let server of TestingHelper._servers) {
await TestingHelper.killNodeAndWait(server);
delete TestingHelper._servers;
static async killNodeByIdAndWait(idx) {
if (!TestingHelper._servers || idx < 0 || idx > TestingHelper._servers.length)
throw 'Invalid index';
const srv = TestingHelper._servers[idx - 1];
if (srv)
await TestingHelper.killNodeAndWait(srv);
static async killNodeAndWait(proc) {
const ProcessExists = require('process-exists');
const pid =;
await TestingHelper.waitForConditionOrThrow(async () => {
return !(await ProcessExists(pid));
}, 5000);
static killNode(proc) {
TestingHelper.logDebug('Killing Ignite process: ' +;
if (TestingHelper.isWindows()) {
child_process.spawnSync('taskkill', ['/F', '/T', '/PID',])
psTree(, function (err, children) { => {
TestingHelper.logDebug('Killing Ignite process child: ' + p.PID);
try {
process.kill(p.PID, 'SIGKILL');
catch (_error) {
TestingHelper.logDebug('Can not kill Ignite process child: ' + _error.toString());
// Make sure that topology is stable, version won't change and partition map is up-to-date for the given cache.
static async ensureStableTopology(igniteClient, cache, key = 1, skipLogs=false, timeout=5000) {
let oldTopVer = igniteClient._router._affinityTopologyVer;
await cache.get(key);
let newTopVer = igniteClient._router._affinityTopologyVer;
while (newTopVer !== oldTopVer) {
oldTopVer = newTopVer;
await cache.get(key);
newTopVer = igniteClient._router._affinityTopologyVer;
// Now when topology stopped changing, let's ensure we received distribution map.
let ok = await TestingHelper.waitForCondition(async () => {
await cache.get(key);
return await TestingHelper._waitMapObtained(igniteClient, cache, 1000);
}, timeout);
if (!ok)
throw 'getting of partition map timed out';
if (skipLogs)
await TestingHelper.getRequestGridIdx();
// Waiting for distribution map to be obtained.
static async _waitMapObtained(igniteClient, cache, timeout) {
return await TestingHelper.waitForCondition(() => {
return igniteClient._router._distributionMap.has(cache._cacheId);
}, timeout);
static async readLogFile(idx) {
const reader = TestingHelper._logReaders.get(idx);
if (!reader) {
TestingHelper.logDebug('WARNING: Reader is null');
return null;
return await reader.nextRequest();
static async getRequestGridIdx(message='Get') {
if (!TestingHelper._logReaders)
throw 'Logs are not enabled for the cluster';
let res = -1
for(let [id, logReader] of TestingHelper._logReaders) {
if (!logReader)
let req = null;
do {
req = await logReader.nextRequest();
TestingHelper.logDebug('Node' + id +': Got ' + req + ', looking for ' + message);
if (req === message)
res = id;
} while (req != null);
TestingHelper.logDebug('Request "' + message + '" node: ' + res);
return res;
static getLogFiles(idx) {
const glob = require('glob');
// glob package only works with slashes so no need in 'path' here.
const logsPattern = Util.format('./logs/ignite-log-%d*.txt', idx);
const res = glob.sync(logsPattern);
return res;
static clearLogs(idx) {
for (const f of TestingHelper.getLogFiles(idx))
static async _startNode(needLogging, idx = 1) {
const runner = TestingHelper.getNodeRunner();
let nodeEnv = {};
for (const ev in process.env)
nodeEnv[ev] = process.env[ev];
if (config.debug) {
nodeEnv['JVM_OPTS'] = ' -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE \
-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=' + (5005 + idx);
const nodeCfg = TestingHelper.getConfigPath(needLogging, idx);
TestingHelper.logDebug('Trying to start node using following command: ' + runner + ' ' + nodeCfg);
const srv = child_process.spawn(runner, [nodeCfg], {env: nodeEnv});
srv.on('error', (error) => {'Failed to start node: ' + error);
throw 'Failed to start node: ' + error;
srv.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
if (config.nodeDebug)
srv.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
if (config.nodeDebug)
const started = await TestingHelper.waitForCondition(async () =>
TestingHelper.tryConnectClient(idx), 30000);
if (!started) {
await TestingHelper.killNodeAndWait(srv);
throw 'Failed to start Node: timeout while trying to connect';
return srv;
static executeExample(name, outputChecker) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
child_process.exec('node ' + name, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
then(output => {
expect(output).toMatch('Client is started');
static checkOperationError(error, done) {
TestingHelper.checkError(error, Errors.OperationError, done)
static checkIllegalArgumentError(error, done) {
TestingHelper.checkError(error, Errors.IgniteClientError, done)
static checkEnumItemSerializationError(error, done) {
if (!(error instanceof Errors.IgniteClientError) ||
error.message.indexOf('Enum item can not be serialized') < 0) {'unexpected error: ' + error);
static checkError(error, errorType, done) {
if (!(error instanceof errorType)) {'unexpected error: ' + error);
static logDebug(message) {
if (config.debug) {
static printValue(value) {
const val = Util.inspect(value, false, null);
const length = 500;
return val.length > length ? val.substr(0, length) + '...' : val;
static async compare(value1, value2) {
TestingHelper.logDebug(Util.format('compare: %s and %s', TestingHelper.printValue(value1), TestingHelper.printValue(value2)));
if (value1 === undefined || value2 === undefined) {
TestingHelper.logDebug(Util.format('compare: unexpected "undefined" value'));
return false;
if (value1 === null && value2 === null) {
return true;
if (value1 === null && value2 !== null || value1 !== null && value2 === null) {
return false;
if (typeof value1 !== typeof value2) {
TestingHelper.logDebug(Util.format('compare: value types are different: %s and %s',
typeof value1, typeof value2));
return false;
if (typeof value1 === 'number') {
return floatComparator(value1, value2);
else if (typeof value1 !== 'object') {
return defaultComparator(value1, value2);
else if ( !== && !value2 instanceof BinaryObject) {
TestingHelper.logDebug(Util.format('compare: value types are different: %s and %s',,;
return false;
else if (value1 instanceof Date && value2 instanceof Date) {
return dateComparator(value1, value2);
else if (value1 instanceof EnumItem && value2 instanceof EnumItem) {
return enumComparator(value1, value2);
else if (value1 instanceof Decimal && value2 instanceof Decimal) {
return decimalComparator(value1, value2);
else if (value1 instanceof Timestamp && value2 instanceof Timestamp) {
return timestampComparator(value1, value2);
else if (value1 instanceof Array && value2 instanceof Array) {
if (value1.length !== value2.length) {
TestingHelper.logDebug(Util.format('compare: array lengths are different'));
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < value1.length; i++) {
if (!await[i], value2[i])) {
TestingHelper.logDebug(Util.format('compare: array elements are different: %s, %s',
TestingHelper.printValue(value1[i]), TestingHelper.printValue(value2[i])));
return false;
return true;
else if (value1 instanceof Map && value2 instanceof Map) {
if (value1.size !== value2.size) {
TestingHelper.logDebug(Util.format('compare: map sizes are different'));
return false;
for (var [key, val] of value1) {
if (!value2.has(key)) {
TestingHelper.logDebug(Util.format('compare: maps are different: %s key is absent', TestingHelper.printValue(key)));
return false;
if (!(await, value2.get(key)))) {
TestingHelper.logDebug(Util.format('compare: map values are different: %s, %s',
TestingHelper.printValue(val), TestingHelper.printValue(value2.get(key))));
return false;
return true;
else if (value1 instanceof Set && value2 instanceof Set) {
if (value1.size !== value2.size) {
TestingHelper.logDebug(Util.format('compare: set sizes are different'));
return false;
const value1Arr = [...value1].sort();
const value2Arr = [...value2].sort();
if (!await, value2Arr)) {
TestingHelper.logDebug(Util.format('compare: sets are different: %s and %s',
TestingHelper.printValue(value1Arr), TestingHelper.printValue(value2Arr)));
return false;
return true;
else if (value2 instanceof BinaryObject) {
if (value1 instanceof BinaryObject) {
if (value1.getTypeName() !== value2.getTypeName()) {
TestingHelper.logDebug(Util.format('compare: binary object type names are different'));
return false;
if (!await, value2.getFieldNames())) {
TestingHelper.logDebug(Util.format('compare: binary object field names are different'));
return false;
for (let fieldName of value1.getFieldNames()) {
if (!value1.hasField(fieldName) || !value2.hasField(fieldName) ||
!await value1.getField(fieldName), await value1.getField(fieldName))) {
TestingHelper.logDebug(Util.format('compare: binary objects field "%s" values are different', fieldName));
return false;
return true;
else {
let value;
for (let key of Object.keys(value1)) {
value = await value2.getField(key);
if (!(await[key], value))) {
TestingHelper.logDebug(Util.format('compare: binary object values for key %s are different: %s and %s',
TestingHelper.printValue(key), TestingHelper.printValue(value1[key]), TestingHelper.printValue(value)));
return false;
return true;
else {
for (let key of Object.keys(value1)) {
if (!(await[key], value2[key]))) {
TestingHelper.logDebug(Util.format('compare: object values for key %s are different: %s and %s',
TestingHelper.printValue(key), TestingHelper.printValue(value1[key]), TestingHelper.printValue(value2[key])));
return false;
return true;
module.exports = TestingHelper;