blob: 29b6afe6ee7781431bb4e21f8c5c2bce78346d7d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
'use strict';
const Util = require('util');
const BinaryUtils = require('./BinaryUtils');
class AffinityTopologyVersion {
constructor(payload) {
this._major = payload.readLong();
this._minor = payload.readInteger();
compareTo(other) {
let diff = this._major - other._major;
if (diff !== 0) {
return diff;
return this._minor - other._minor;
equals(other) {
return this.compareTo(other) === 0;
toString() {
return Util.format('%d.%d', this._major, this._minor);
class PartitionAwarenessCacheGroup {
constructor(caches, partitionMap) {
this._caches = caches;
this._partitionMap = partitionMap;
static async build(communicator, payload) {
const applicable = payload.readBoolean();
const cachesNum = payload.readInteger();
const caches = new Array(cachesNum);
for (let i = 0; i < cachesNum; i++) {
const cacheId = payload.readInteger();
if (!applicable) {
caches[i] = [cacheId, new Map()];
caches[i] = [cacheId, this._readCacheKeyConfig(payload)];
if (!applicable) {
return new PartitionAwarenessCacheGroup(caches, new Map());
const partitionMap = await this._readPartitionMap(communicator, payload);
return new PartitionAwarenessCacheGroup(caches, partitionMap);
get caches() {
// Array [[cacheId, cfg]]
return this._caches;
get partitionMap() {
// Array [[nodeId, [partitions]]]
return this._partitionMap;
static _readCacheKeyConfig(payload) {
const configsNum = payload.readInteger();
// {Key Type ID -> Affinity Key Field ID}
let configs = new Map();
if (configsNum > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < configsNum; i++) {
const keyTypeId = payload.readInteger();
const affinityKeyFieldId = payload.readInteger();
configs.set(keyTypeId, affinityKeyFieldId);
return configs;
static async _readPartitionMap(communicator, payload) {
const partitionMapSize = payload.readInteger();
// [[nodeId, [partitions]]]
const partitionMap = new Array(partitionMapSize);
for (let i = 0; i < partitionMapSize; i++) {
const nodeId = await communicator.readObject(payload, BinaryUtils.TYPE_CODE.UUID);
const partitionsNum = payload.readInteger();
const partitions = new Array(partitionsNum);
for (let j = 0; j < partitionsNum; j++) {
partitions[j] = payload.readInteger();
partitionMap[i] = [nodeId, partitions];
return partitionMap;
class CacheAffinityMap {
constructor(cacheId, partitionMapping, keyConfig) {
this._cacheId = cacheId;
this._partitionMapping = partitionMapping;
this._keyConfig = keyConfig;
get cacheId() {
return this._cacheId;
get partitionMapping() {
// Map {partition -> nodeId}
return this._partitionMapping;
get keyConfig() {
// Map {Key Type ID -> Affinity Key Field ID}
return this._keyConfig;
class RendezvousAffinityFunction {
static calcPartition(keyHash, partitionsNum) {
const mask = (partitionsNum & (partitionsNum - 1)) == 0 ? partitionsNum - 1 : -1;
if (mask >= 0) {
return (keyHash ^ (keyHash >> 16)) & mask;
return Math.abs(keyHash % partitionsNum);
module.exports.AffinityTopologyVersion = AffinityTopologyVersion;
module.exports.PartitionAwarenessCacheGroup = PartitionAwarenessCacheGroup;
module.exports.CacheAffinityMap = CacheAffinityMap;
module.exports.RendezvousAffinityFunction = RendezvousAffinityFunction;