blob: 8973a67a7030f04334fa4823683e5999729c12b8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
'use strict';
import * as Util from "util";
import ArgumentChecker from "./internal/ArgumentChecker";
import { IgniteClientError } from "./Errors";
import { PRIMITIVE_TYPE, COMPOSITE_TYPE } from "./internal/Constants";
import BinaryUtils from "./internal/BinaryUtils";
* Base class representing a type of Ignite object.
* The class has no public constructor. Only subclasses may be instantiated.
* There are two groups of Ignite object types:
* - Primitive (simple) types. To fully describe such a type it is enough to specify
* Ignite type code {@link ObjectType.PRIMITIVE_TYPE} only.
* - Non-primitive (composite) types. To fully describe such a type
* Ignite type code {@link ObjectType.COMPOSITE_TYPE} with additional information should be specified.
* Eg. a kind of map or a kind of collection.
* This class helps the Ignite client to make a mapping between JavaScript types
* and types used by Ignite.
* In many methods the Ignite client does not require to directly specify a type of Ignite object.
* In this case the Ignite client tries to make automatic mapping between JavaScript types
* and Ignite object types according to the following mapping tables:
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* DEFAULT MAPPING FROM JavaScript type TO Ignite type code.
* This mapping is used when an application does not explicitly specify an Ignite type
* for a field and is writing data to that field.
* <pre>
* | JavaScript type | Ignite type code |
* | ------------------------- | ----------------------|
* | number | DOUBLE |
* | boolean | BOOLEAN |
* | string | STRING |
* | Date | DATE |
* | Timestamp* | TIMESTAMP |
* | EnumItem* | ENUM |
* | Decimal** | DECIMAL |
* | BinaryObject* | COMPLEX_OBJECT |
* | Array of number | DOUBLE_ARRAY |
* | Array of boolean | BOOLEAN_ARRAY |
* | Array of string | STRING_ARRAY |
* | Array of Date | DATE_ARRAY |
* | Array of Timestamp* | TIMESTAMP_ARRAY |
* | Array of EnumItem* | ENUM_ARRAY |
* | Array of Decimal** | DECIMAL_ARRAY |
* | Array of BinaryObject* | OBJECT_ARRAY |
* | Array of any other Object | OBJECT_ARRAY |
* | Map | MAP (HASH_MAP) |
* | any other Object | COMPLEX_OBJECT |
* </pre>
* Type of an array content is determined by the type of the first element of the array.
* Empty array has no default mapping.
* All other JavaScript types have no default mapping.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* DEFAULT MAPPING FROM Ignite type code TO JavaScript type.
* This mapping is used when an application does not explicitly specify an Ignite type
* for a field and is reading data from that field.
* <pre>
* | Ignite type code | JavaScript type |
* | ---------------------------- | --------------------------------------|
* | BYTE | number |
* | SHORT | number |
* | INTEGER | number |
* | LONG | number |
* | FLOAT | number |
* | DOUBLE | number |
* | DECIMAL | Decimal** |
* | BOOLEAN | boolean |
* | STRING | string |
* | CHAR | string (one character) |
* | UUID | Array of number (16 numbers) |
* | DATE | Date |
* | TIME | Date |
* | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp* |
* | ENUM | EnumItem* |
* | COMPLEX_OBJECT | BinaryObject* |
* | BYTE_ARRAY | Array of number |
* | SHORT_ARRAY | Array of number |
* | INTEGER_ARRAY | Array of number |
* | LONG_ARRAY | Array of number |
* | FLOAT_ARRAY | Array of number |
* | DOUBLE_ARRAY | Array of number |
* | DECIMAL_ARRAY | Array of Decimal** |
* | BOOLEAN_ARRAY | Array of boolean |
* | STRING_ARRAY | Array of string |
* | CHAR_ARRAY | Array of string (one character) |
* | UUID_ARRAY | Array of Array of number (16 numbers) |
* | DATE_ARRAY | Array of Date |
* | TIME_ARRAY | Array of Date |
* | TIMESTAMP_ARRAY | Array of Timestamp* |
* | ENUM_ARRAY | Array of EnumItem* |
* | OBJECT_ARRAY | Array |
* | MAP (HASH_MAP) | Map |
* | NULL | null |
* </pre>
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* RETURNED JavaScript types WHEN READING DATA OF THE SPECIFIED Ignite type code.
* When an application explicitly specifies an Ignite type for a field
* and is reading data from that field - the following JavaScript types
* are returned for every concrete Ignite type code -
* SEE THE PREVIOUS TABLE with the following additional comments:
* - for COMPLEX_OBJECT the Ignite Client returns a JavaScript Object
* which is defined by the specified {@link ComplexObjectType}.
* - the returned Map for MAP is defined by the specified {@link MapObjectType}.
* - the returned Set or Array for COLLECTION is defined by the specified {@link CollectionObjectType}.
* - the returned Array for OBJECT_ARRAY is defined by the specified {@link ObjectArrayType}.
* - NULL cannot be specified as a type of a field but JavaScript null may be returned
* as a value of a field.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* ALLOWED JavaScript types WHEN WRITING DATA OF THE SPECIFIED Ignite type code.
* When an application explicitly specifies an Ignite type for a field
* and is writing data to that field - the following JavaScript types
* are allowed for every concrete Ignite type code -
* SEE THE PREVIOUS TABLE with the following additional comments:
* - for COMPLEX_OBJECT the Ignite Client allows a JavaScript Object
* which is defined by the specified {@link ComplexObjectType}.
* - the allowed Map for MAP is defined by the specified {@link MapObjectType}.
* - the allowed Set or Array for COLLECTION is defined by the specified {@link CollectionObjectType}.
* - the allowed Array for OBJECT_ARRAY is defined by the specified {@link ObjectArrayType}.
* - NULL cannot be specified as a type of a field but JavaScript null is allowed
* as value of a field (but not as a key/value in a cache) or as a value of Array/Set/Map element
* for all Ignite types, except BYTE, SHORT, INTEGER, LONG, FLOAT, DOUBLE, CHAR, BOOLEAN.
* - for all *_ARRAY Ignite types an empty JavaScript Array is allowed.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* JavaScript type - is a JavaScript primitive or a JavaScript Object
* ({@link})
* (*) Timestamp, EnumItem and BinaryObject - are JavaScript Objects introduced by the Ignite client.
* (**) Decimal - is an external JavaScript Object exported into the Ignite client
* ({@link})
* Ignite type code - is the type code of an Ignite primitive type ({@link ObjectType.PRIMITIVE_TYPE})
* or an Ignite composite type ({@link ObjectType.COMPOSITE_TYPE}).
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @hideconstructor
export class ObjectType {
private _typeCode: number;
static get PRIMITIVE_TYPE(): typeof PRIMITIVE_TYPE {
static get COMPOSITE_TYPE(): typeof COMPOSITE_TYPE {
constructor(typeCode: number) {
this._typeCode = typeCode;
get typeCode() {
return this._typeCode;
* Base class representing a non-primitive (composite) type of Ignite object.
* The class has no public constructor. Only subclasses may be instantiated.
* @hideconstructor
* @extends ObjectType
export class CompositeType extends ObjectType {
* Supported kinds of map.
* @typedef MapObjectType.MAP_SUBTYPE
* @enum
* @readonly
* @property HASH_MAP 1
* @property LINKED_HASH_MAP 2
export enum MAP_SUBTYPE {
* Class representing a map type of Ignite object.
* It is described by COMPOSITE_TYPE.MAP {@link ObjectType.COMPOSITE_TYPE}
* and one of {@link MapObjectType.MAP_SUBTYPE}.
* @extends CompositeType
export class MapObjectType extends CompositeType {
private _subType: MAP_SUBTYPE;
private _keyType: PRIMITIVE_TYPE | CompositeType;
private _valueType: PRIMITIVE_TYPE | CompositeType;
static get MAP_SUBTYPE() {
* Public constructor.
* Optionally specifies a kind of map and types of keys and values in the map.
* If a kind of map is not specified, MAP_SUBTYPE.HASH_MAP is assumed.
* If key and/or value type is not specified then during operations the Ignite client
* will try to make automatic mapping between JavaScript types and Ignite object types -
* according to the mapping table defined in the description of the {@link ObjectType} class.
* @param {MAP_SUBTYPE} [mapSubType=MAP_SUBTYPE.HASH_MAP] - map subtype, one of the
* {@link MAP_SUBTYPE} constants.
* @param {PRIMITIVE_TYPE | CompositeType} [keyType=null] - type of the keys in the map:
* - either a type code of primitive (simple) type
* - or an instance of class representing non-primitive (composite) type
* - or null (or not specified) that means the type is not specified
* @param {PRIMITIVE_TYPE | CompositeType} [valueType=null] - type of the values in the map:
* - either a type code of primitive (simple) type
* - or an instance of class representing non-primitive (composite) type
* - or null (or not specified) that means the type is not specified
* @return {MapObjectType} - new MapObjectType instance
* @throws {IgniteClientError} if error.
constructor(mapSubType: MAP_SUBTYPE = MapObjectType.MAP_SUBTYPE.HASH_MAP, keyType: PRIMITIVE_TYPE | CompositeType = null, valueType: PRIMITIVE_TYPE | CompositeType = null) {
ArgumentChecker.hasValueFrom(mapSubType, 'mapSubType', false, MapObjectType.MAP_SUBTYPE);
this._subType = mapSubType;
BinaryUtils.checkObjectType(keyType, 'keyType');
BinaryUtils.checkObjectType(valueType, 'valueType');
this._keyType = keyType;
this._valueType = valueType;
* Supported kinds of collections.
* @typedef CollectionObjectType.COLLECTION_SUBTYPE
* @enum
* @readonly
* @property USER_SET -1
* @property USER_COL 0
* @property ARRAY_LIST 1
* @property LINKED_LIST 2
* @property HASH_SET 3
* @property LINKED_HASH_SET 4
* @property SINGLETON_LIST 5
USER_SET = -1,
* Class representing a collection type of Ignite object.
* It is described by COMPOSITE_TYPE.COLLECTION {@link ObjectType.COMPOSITE_TYPE}
* and one of {@link CollectionObjectType.COLLECTION_SUBTYPE}.
* @extends CompositeType
export class CollectionObjectType extends CompositeType {
private _subType: COLLECTION_SUBTYPE;
private _elementType: PRIMITIVE_TYPE | CompositeType;
* Public constructor.
* Specifies a kind of collection
* and optionally specifies a type of elements in the collection.
* If the type of elements is not specified then during operations the Ignite client
* will try to make automatic mapping between JavaScript types and Ignite object types -
* according to the mapping table defined in the description of the {@link ObjectType} class.
* @param {COLLECTION_SUBTYPE} collectionSubType - collection subtype, one of the
* {@link COLLECTION_SUBTYPE} constants.
* @param {PRIMITIVE_TYPE | CompositeType} [elementType=null] - type of elements in the collection:
* - either a type code of primitive (simple) type
* - or an instance of class representing non-primitive (composite) type
* - or null (or not specified) that means the type is not specified
* @return {CollectionObjectType} - new CollectionObjectType instance
* @throws {IgniteClientError} if error.
constructor(collectionSubType: COLLECTION_SUBTYPE, elementType: PRIMITIVE_TYPE | CompositeType = null) {
collectionSubType, 'collectionSubType', false, CollectionObjectType.COLLECTION_SUBTYPE);
this._subType = collectionSubType;
BinaryUtils.checkObjectType(elementType, 'elementType');
this._elementType = elementType;
/** Private methods */
* @ignore
static _isSet(subType) {
return subType === CollectionObjectType.COLLECTION_SUBTYPE.USER_SET ||
subType === CollectionObjectType.COLLECTION_SUBTYPE.HASH_SET ||
subType === CollectionObjectType.COLLECTION_SUBTYPE.LINKED_HASH_SET;
* @ignore
_isSet() {
return CollectionObjectType._isSet(this._subType);
* Class representing an array type of Ignite objects.
* It is described by COMPOSITE_TYPE.OBJECT_ARRAY {@link ObjectType.COMPOSITE_TYPE}.
* @extends CompositeType
export class ObjectArrayType extends CompositeType {
_elementType: PRIMITIVE_TYPE | CompositeType;
* Public constructor.
* Optionally specifies a type of elements in the array.
* If the type of elements is not specified then during operations the Ignite client
* will try to make automatic mapping between JavaScript types and Ignite object types -
* according to the mapping table defined in the description of the {@link ObjectType} class.
* @param {PRIMITIVE_TYPE | CompositeType} [elementType=null] - type of the array element:
* - either a type code of primitive (simple) type
* - or an instance of class representing non-primitive (composite) type
* - or null (or not specified) that means the type is not specified
* @return {ObjectArrayType} - new ObjectArrayType instance
* @throws {IgniteClientError} if error.
constructor(elementType: PRIMITIVE_TYPE | CompositeType = null) {
BinaryUtils.checkObjectType(elementType, 'elementType');
this._elementType = elementType;
* Class representing a complex type of Ignite object.
* It is described by COMPOSITE_TYPE.COMPLEX_OBJECT {@link ObjectType.COMPOSITE_TYPE},
* by a name of the complex type and by a JavaScript Object which is mapped to/from the Ignite complex type.
* @extends CompositeType
export class ComplexObjectType extends CompositeType {
private _template: object;
private _objectConstructor: Function;
private _typeName: string;
private _fields: Map<string, any>;
* Public constructor.
* Specifies a JavaScript Object type which will be mapped to/from the complex type.
* This specification is done using an instance of the JavaScript Object.
* If an object of the complex type is going to be received (deserialized),
* the JavaScript Object must have a constructor without parameters or with optional parameters only.
* The JavaScript Object defines a set of fields of the complex type.
* By default, the fields have no types specified. It means during operations the Ignite client
* will try to make automatic mapping between JavaScript types and Ignite object types -
* according to the mapping table defined in the description of the {@link ObjectType} class.
* A type of any field may be specified later by setFieldType() method.
* By default, the name of the complex type is the name of the JavaScript Object.
* The name may be explicitely specified using optional typeName parameter in the constructor.
* @param {object} jsObject - instance of JavaScript Object which will be mapped to/from this complex type.
* @param {string} [typeName] - name of the complex type.
* @return {ComplexObjectType} - new ComplexObjectType instance
* @throws {IgniteClientError} if error.
constructor(jsObject, typeName = null) {
ArgumentChecker.notEmpty(jsObject, 'jsObject');
this._template = jsObject;
this._objectConstructor = jsObject && jsObject.constructor ?
jsObject.constructor : Object;
if (!typeName) {
typeName =;
this._typeName = typeName;
this._fields = new Map<string, any>();
for (let fieldName of BinaryUtils.getJsObjectFieldNames(this._template)) {
this._fields.set(fieldName, null);
* Specifies a type of the field in the complex type.
* If the type is not specified then during operations the Ignite client
* will try to make automatic mapping between JavaScript types and Ignite object types -
* according to the mapping table defined in the description of the {@link ObjectType} class.
* @param {string} fieldName - name of the field.
* @param {ObjectType.PRIMITIVE_TYPE | CompositeType} fieldType - type of the field:
* - either a type code of primitive (simple) type
* - or an instance of class representing non-primitive (composite) type
* - or null (means the type is not specified).
* @return {ComplexObjectType} - the same instance of the ComplexObjectType.
* @throws {IgniteClientError} if error.
setFieldType(fieldName, fieldType) {
if (!this._fields.has(fieldName)) {
throw IgniteClientError.illegalArgumentError(
Util.format('Field "%s" is absent in the complex object type', fieldName));
BinaryUtils.checkObjectType(fieldType, 'fieldType');
this._fields.set(fieldName, fieldType);
return this;
/** Private methods */
* @ignore
_getFieldType(fieldName) {
return this._fields.get(fieldName);
get typeName() {
return this._typeName;