| # |
| # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more |
| # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with |
| # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. |
| # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 |
| # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with |
| # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| # |
| |
| # Local address to bind to. |
| local.ip= |
| |
| # TCP communication port |
| comm.tcp.port=30010 |
| |
| # JBoss JNDI |
| # JBoss context factory for JNDI connection establishing. |
| jboss.jndi.context.factory=org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory |
| # JBoss specific parameter for JNDI connection establishing. |
| jboss.jndi.pkg.prefixes=org.jboss.naming:org.jnp.interfaces |
| # URL of JBoss server for the 1st node. |
| jboss.jndi.node1.provider.url=jnp://localhost:1199 |
| # URL of JBoss server for the 2nd node. |
| jboss.jndi.node2.provider.url=jnp://localhost:1299 |
| # JBoss Discovery test max wait time. |
| jboss.disco.test.wait=180000 |
| |
| # Deployment configuration paths. |
| # You will either need to override deploy.uri.dir or supply CLASSES_URI as system property. |
| # |
| # Path to keystore with private and public keys. |
| deploy.uri.secure.keystore=@{IGNITE_HOME}/modules/tests/config/securedeploy/keystore |
| # Temporary dir where deployment unit stored before deploy. |
| deploy.uri.tmpdir=${java.io.tmpdir}/gg |
| # Deployment dir for file scanner test with different types of GAR's. |
| deploy.uri.file2.path=${java.io.tmpdir}/gg/verification/ |
| # URI string. |
| deploy.uri.file2=file://freq=200@localhost/${java.io.tmpdir}/gg/verification/ |
| # File scanner URI for local file deployment. |
| deploy.uri.file=file://localhost/@{IGNITE_HOME}/modules/extdata/uri/target/file/ |
| # FTP scanner URI for FTP deployment. |
| deploy.uri.ftp=ftp://ftptest:iddqd@ |
| # Classes scanner URI for classes deployment. Must be overridden for every user. |
| deploy.uri.cls=${CLASSES_URI} |
| # Http scanner URI for HTTP deployment. |
| deploy.uri.http=http://fake.uri |
| # Http scanner URI for secure SSL HTTPs deployment. |
| deploy.uri.https=https://fake.uri |
| # Directory with descriptors to construct GAR files. |
| deploy.gar.descriptor.dir=modules/urideploy/src/test/java/org/apache/ignite/spi/deployment/uri/META-INF |
| |
| # Directory with a number of descriptors for the Ant gar task. |
| ant.gar.descriptor.dir=modules/extdata/p2p/META-INF |
| # Temporary directory for the Ant task resulting GAR file. |
| ant.gar.tmpdir=${java.io.tmpdir}/gg |
| # The same as p2p.uri.cls but without protocol |
| ant.gar.srcdir=@{IGNITE_HOME}/modules/extdata/uri/target/classes/ |
| |
| # Paths to use in URI deployment SPI tests |
| urideployment.jar.uri=modules/extdata/uri/target/deploy/uri.jar |
| urideployment.path.tmp=modules/extdata/uri/target/deploy_tmp/ |
| |
| # GAR paths to use in URI deployment SPI tests |
| ant.urideployment.gar.uri=file://freq=5000@localhost/EXTDATA/uri/target/deploy |
| ant.urideployment.gar.file=modules/extdata/uri/target/deploy/uri.gar |
| ant.urideployment.gar.libs-file=modules/extdata/uri/target/deploy2/uri-libs.gar |
| ant.urideployment.gar.classes-file=modules/extdata/uri/target/deploy2/uri-classes.gar |
| ant.urideployment.gar.path=modules/extdata/uri/target/deploy/ |
| |
| # Classpath directory for GridP2PUserVersionChangeSelfTest |
| ant.userversion.class.dir=@{IGNITE_HOME}/modules/tests/java/ |
| |
| # Multicast discovery self test. |
| discovery.mbeanserver.selftest.baseport=50000 |
| |
| # TCP communication self test. |
| comm.mbeanserver.selftest.baseport=50100 |
| |
| # Kernel tests. |
| grid.comm.selftest.sender.timeout=1000 |
| grid.comm.selftest.timeout=10000 |
| |
| #P2P tests |
| #Overwrite this property. It should point to P2P module compilation directory. |
| p2p.uri.cls=file://localhost/@{IGNITE_HOME}/modules/extdata/p2p/target/classes/ |
| p2p.uri.cls.second=file://localhost/@{IGNITE_HOME}/modules/extdata/uri/target/classes/ |
| |
| # AOP tests. |
| # Connector port for RMI. |
| connector.rmi.port=7657 |
| # Connector port for XFire Web Service. |
| connector.ws.port=9090 |
| |
| # Load test duration in minutes. |
| load.test.duration=500 |
| load.test.threadnum=50 |
| load.test.nodenum=5 |
| |
| # Loaders tests |
| loader.self.test.config=modules/core/src/test/config/loaders/grid-cfg.xml |
| loader.self.multipletest.config=modules/core/src/test/config/loaders/grid-cfg-2-grids.xml |
| loader.self.test.jboss.config=modules/core/src/test/config/loaders/grid-cfg.xml |
| |
| # WebSphere jmx properties |
| websphere.jmx.connector.host=localhost |
| websphere.jmx.connector.port=8880 |
| websphere.jmx.connector.security=false |
| websphere.jmx.username= |
| websphere.jmx.pwd= |
| |
| # GlassFish jmx properties for GlassFish Loader |
| glassfish.jmx.rmi.connector.port=8686 |
| glassfish.jmx.username=admin |
| glassfish.jmx.password=adminadmin |
| |
| # Tomcat jmx properties for Servlet Loader |
| tomcat.jmx.rmi.connector.port=1097 |
| |
| # Marshaller for tests |
| #marshaller.class=org.apache.ignite.marshaller.jdk.GridJdkMarshaller |
| |
| # EC2 configuration for tests |
| #amazon.access.key= |
| #amazon.secret.key= |
| |
| # SSH config. |
| ssh.username=uname |
| ssh.password=passwd |
| |
| # SSL tests keystore. |
| ssl.keystore.path=@{IGNITE_HOME}/modules/clients/src/test/keystore/server.jks |
| ssl.keystore.password=123456 |
| |
| # node01 signed with trust-one, node02 and node03 by trust-two, node02old is expired |
| # trust-both contains both CAs |
| ssl.keystore.node01.path=@{IGNITE_HOME}/modules/clients/src/test/keystore/ca/node01.jks |
| ssl.keystore.node02.path=@{IGNITE_HOME}/modules/clients/src/test/keystore/ca/node02.jks |
| ssl.keystore.node03.path=@{IGNITE_HOME}/modules/clients/src/test/keystore/ca/node03.jks |
| ssl.keystore.trustone.path=@{IGNITE_HOME}/modules/clients/src/test/keystore/ca/trust-one.jks |
| ssl.keystore.trusttwo.path=@{IGNITE_HOME}/modules/clients/src/test/keystore/ca/trust-two.jks |
| ssl.keystore.trustboth.path=@{IGNITE_HOME}/modules/clients/src/test/keystore/ca/trust-both.jks |
| ssl.keystore.node02old.path=@{IGNITE_HOME}/modules/clients/src/test/keystore/ca/node02old.jks |
| |
| # Hadoop home directory. |
| hadoop.home=@{HADOOP_HOME} |