blob: 1ae59bef9bf3386fbc89d564be4deb1643c00973 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteDataStreamer;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteException;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteLogger;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.internal.A;
import com.github.rholder.retry.Retryer;
import com.github.rholder.retry.RetryerBuilder;
import com.github.rholder.retry.StopStrategies;
import com.github.rholder.retry.StopStrategy;
import com.github.rholder.retry.WaitStrategies;
import com.github.rholder.retry.WaitStrategy;
import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.IMqttDeliveryToken;
import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttCallback;
import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttClient;
import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttClientPersistence;
import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttConnectOptions;
import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttMessage;
* Streamer that consumes from a MQTT topic and feeds key-value pairs into an {@link IgniteDataStreamer} instance,
* using Eclipse Paho as an MQTT client.
* <p>
* You must also provide a {@link StreamSingleTupleExtractor} or a {@link StreamMultipleTupleExtractor} to extract
* cache tuples out of the incoming message.
* <p>
* This Streamer has many features:
* <ul>
* <li>Subscribing to a single topic or multiple topics at once.</li>
* <li>Specifying the subscriber's QoS for a single topic or for multiple topics.</li>
* <li>Allows setting {@link MqttConnectOptions} to support features like last will testament, persistent
* sessions, etc.</li>
* <li>Specifying the client ID. A random one will be generated and maintained throughout reconnections if the user
* does not provide one.</li>
* <li>(Re-)Connection retries based on the <i>guava-retrying</i> library. Retry wait and retry stop policies
* can be configured.</li>
* <li>Blocking the start() method until connected for the first time.</li>
* </ul>
* Note: features like durable subscriptions, last will testament, etc. can be configured via the
* {@link #setConnectOptions(MqttConnectOptions)} setter.
* @see <a href="">guava-retrying library</a>
public class MqttStreamer<K, V> extends StreamAdapter<MqttMessage, K, V> implements MqttCallback {
/** Logger. */
private IgniteLogger log;
/** The MQTT client object for internal use. */
private MqttClient client;
/** The broker URL, set by the user. */
private String brokerUrl;
/** The topic to subscribe to, if a single topic. */
private String topic;
/** The quality of service to use for a single topic subscription (optional). */
private Integer qualityOfService;
/** The topics to subscribe to, if many. */
private List<String> topics;
* The qualities of service to use for multiple topic subscriptions. If specified, it must contain the same
* number of elements as {@link #topics}.
private List<Integer> qualitiesOfService;
/** The MQTT client ID (optional). */
private String clientId;
/** A configurable persistence mechanism. If not set, Paho will use its default. */
private MqttClientPersistence persistence;
/** The MQTT client connect options, where users can configured the last will and testament, durability, etc. */
private MqttConnectOptions connectOptions;
/** Quiesce timeout on disconnection. */
private Integer disconnectQuiesceTimeout;
/** Whether to disconnect forcibly or not. */
private boolean disconnectForcibly;
/** If disconnecting forcibly, the timeout. */
private Integer disconnectForciblyTimeout;
* The strategy to determine how long to wait between retry attempts. By default, this streamer uses a
* Fibonacci-based strategy.
private WaitStrategy retryWaitStrategy = WaitStrategies.fibonacciWait();
/** The strategy to determine when to stop retrying to (re-)connect. By default, we never stop. */
private StopStrategy retryStopStrategy = StopStrategies.neverStop();
/** The internal connection retrier object with a thread pool of size 1. */
private MqttConnectionRetrier connectionRetrier;
/** Whether to block the start() method until connected for the first time. */
private boolean blockUntilConnected;
/** State keeping. */
private volatile boolean stopped = true;
/** Cached log prefix for cache messages. */
private String cachedLogValues;
* Starts streamer.
* @throws IgniteException If failed.
public void start() throws IgniteException {
if (!stopped)
throw new IgniteException("Attempted to start an already started MQTT Streamer");
// For simplicity, if these are null initialize to empty lists.
topics = topics == null ? new ArrayList<String>() : topics;
qualitiesOfService = qualitiesOfService == null ? new ArrayList<Integer>() : qualitiesOfService;
try {
Map<String, Object> logValues = new HashMap<>();
// Parameter validations.
A.notNull(getStreamer(), "streamer");
A.notNull(getIgnite(), "ignite");
A.ensure(!(getSingleTupleExtractor() == null && getMultipleTupleExtractor() == null),
"tuple extractor missing");
A.ensure(getSingleTupleExtractor() == null || getMultipleTupleExtractor() == null,
"cannot provide both single and multiple tuple extractor");
A.notNullOrEmpty(brokerUrl, "broker URL");
// If the client ID is empty, generate one.
if (clientId == null || clientId.length() == 0)
clientId = MqttClient.generateClientId();
// If we have both a single topic and a list of topics (but the list of topic is not of
// size 1 and == topic, as this would be a case of re-initialization), fail.
if (topic != null && topic.length() > 0 && !topics.isEmpty() &&
topics.size() != 1 && !topics.get(0).equals(topic))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot specify both a single topic and a list at the same time.");
// Same as above but for QoS.
if (qualityOfService != null && !qualitiesOfService.isEmpty() && qualitiesOfService.size() != 1 &&
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot specify both a single QoS and a list at the same time.");
// Paho API requires disconnect timeout if providing a quiesce timeout and disconnecting forcibly.
if (disconnectForcibly && disconnectQuiesceTimeout != null)
A.notNull(disconnectForciblyTimeout, "disconnect timeout cannot be null when disconnecting forcibly " +
"with quiesce");
// If we have multiple topics.
if (!topics.isEmpty()) {
for (String t : topics)
A.notNullOrEmpty(t, "topic in list of topics");
A.ensure(qualitiesOfService.isEmpty() || qualitiesOfService.size() == topics.size(),
"qualities of service must be either empty or have the same size as topics list");
logValues.put("topics", topics);
else {
// Just the single topic.
if (qualityOfService != null)
logValues.put("topic", topic);
// Finish building log values.
logValues.put("brokerUrl", brokerUrl);
logValues.put("clientId", clientId);
// Cache log values.
cachedLogValues = "[" + Joiner.on(", ").withKeyValueSeparator("=").join(logValues) + "]";
// Create logger.
log = getIgnite().log();
// Create the MQTT client.
if (persistence == null)
client = new MqttClient(brokerUrl, clientId);
client = new MqttClient(brokerUrl, clientId, persistence);
// Set this as a callback.
// Set stopped to false, as the connection will start async.
stopped = false;
// Build retrier.
Retryer<Void> retrier = RetryerBuilder.<Void>newBuilder()
.retryIfResult(new Predicate<Void>() {
@Override public boolean apply(Void v) {
return !client.isConnected() && !stopped;
// Create the connection retrier.
connectionRetrier = new MqttConnectionRetrier(retrier);
if (log.isInfoEnabled())"Starting MQTT Streamer " + cachedLogValues);
// Connect.
catch (Exception e) {
throw new IgniteException("Failed to initialize MQTT Streamer.", e);
* Stops streamer.
* @throws IgniteException If failed.
public void stop() throws IgniteException {
if (stopped)
throw new IgniteException("Failed to stop MQTT Streamer (already stopped).");
// Stop the retrier.
try {
if (disconnectForcibly) {
if (disconnectQuiesceTimeout == null && disconnectForciblyTimeout == null)
else if (disconnectForciblyTimeout != null && disconnectQuiesceTimeout == null)
client.disconnectForcibly(disconnectQuiesceTimeout, disconnectForciblyTimeout);
else {
if (disconnectQuiesceTimeout == null)
stopped = true;
catch (Exception e) {
throw new IgniteException("Failed to stop Exception while stopping MQTT Streamer.", e);
// -------------------------------
// MQTT Client callback methods
// -------------------------------
* Implements the {@link MqttCallback#connectionLost(Throwable)} callback method for the MQTT client to inform the
* streamer that the connection has been lost.
* {@inheritDoc}
@Override public void connectionLost(Throwable throwable) {
// If we have been stopped, we do not try to establish the connection again.
if (stopped)
log.warning(String.format("MQTT Connection to broker was lost [brokerUrl=%s, type=%s, err=%s]", brokerUrl,
throwable.getClass(), throwable.getMessage()));
* Implements the {@link MqttCallback#messageArrived(String, MqttMessage)} to receive an MQTT message.
* {@inheritDoc}
@Override public void messageArrived(String topic, MqttMessage message) throws Exception {
if (getMultipleTupleExtractor() != null) {
Map<K, V> entries = getMultipleTupleExtractor().extract(message);
if (log.isTraceEnabled())
log.trace("Adding cache entries: " + entries);
else {
Map.Entry<K, V> entry = getSingleTupleExtractor().extract(message);
if (log.isTraceEnabled())
log.trace("Adding cache entry: " + entry);
* Empty implementation of {@link MqttCallback#deliveryComplete(IMqttDeliveryToken)}.
* Not required by the streamer as it doesn't produce messages.
* {@inheritDoc}
@Override public void deliveryComplete(IMqttDeliveryToken token) {
// ignore, as we don't send messages
// -------------------------------
// Getters and setters
// -------------------------------
* Sets the broker URL (compulsory).
* @param brokerUrl The Broker URL (compulsory).
public void setBrokerUrl(String brokerUrl) {
this.brokerUrl = brokerUrl;
* Gets the broker URL.
* @return The Broker URL.
public String getBrokerUrl() {
return brokerUrl;
* Sets the topic to subscribe to, if a single topic.
* @param topic The topic to subscribe to.
public void setTopic(String topic) {
this.topic = topic;
* Gets the subscribed topic.
* @return The subscribed topic.
public String getTopic() {
return topic;
* Sets the quality of service to use for a single topic subscription (optional).
* @param qualityOfService The quality of service.
public void setQualityOfService(Integer qualityOfService) {
this.qualityOfService = qualityOfService;
* Gets the quality of service set by the user for a single topic consumption.
* @return The quality of service.
public Integer getQualityOfService() {
return qualityOfService;
* Sets the topics to subscribe to, if many.
* @param topics The topics.
public void setTopics(List<String> topics) {
this.topics = topics;
* Gets the topics subscribed to.
* @return The topics subscribed to.
public List<String> getTopics() {
return topics;
* Sets the qualities of service to use for multiple topic subscriptions. If specified, the list must contain the
* same number of elements as {@link #topics}.
* @param qualitiesOfService The qualities of service.
public void setQualitiesOfService(List<Integer> qualitiesOfService) {
this.qualitiesOfService = qualitiesOfService;
* Gets the qualities of service for multiple topics.
* @return The qualities of service.
public List<Integer> getQualitiesOfService() {
return qualitiesOfService;
* Sets the MQTT client ID (optional). If one is not provided, the streamer will generate one and will maintain
* it througout any reconnection attempts.
* @param clientId The client ID.
public void setClientId(String clientId) {
this.clientId = clientId;
* Gets the client ID, either the one set by the user or the automatically generated one.
* @return The client ID.
public String getClientId() {
return clientId;
* Gets the currently set persistence mechanism.
* @return The persistence mechanism.
public MqttClientPersistence getPersistence() {
return persistence;
* Sets the persistence mechanism. If not set, Paho will use its default.
* @param persistence A configurable persistence mechanism.
public void setPersistence(MqttClientPersistence persistence) {
this.persistence = persistence;
* Gets the currently used MQTT client connect options.
* @return The MQTT client connect options.
public MqttConnectOptions getConnectOptions() {
return connectOptions;
* Sets the MQTT client connect options, where users can configured the last will and testament, durability, etc.
* @param connectOptions The MQTT client connect options.
public void setConnectOptions(MqttConnectOptions connectOptions) {
this.connectOptions = connectOptions;
* Sets whether to disconnect forcibly or not when shutting down. By default, it's {@code false}.
* @param disconnectForcibly Whether to disconnect forcibly or not. By default, it's {@code false}.
public void setDisconnectForcibly(boolean disconnectForcibly) {
this.disconnectForcibly = disconnectForcibly;
* Gets whether this MQTT client will disconnect forcibly when shutting down.
* @return Whether to disconnect forcibly or not.
public boolean isDisconnectForcibly() {
return disconnectForcibly;
* Sets the quiesce timeout on disconnection. If not provided, this streamer won't use any.
* @param disconnectQuiesceTimeout The disconnect quiesce timeout.
public void setDisconnectQuiesceTimeout(Integer disconnectQuiesceTimeout) {
this.disconnectQuiesceTimeout = disconnectQuiesceTimeout;
* Gets the disconnect quiesce timeout.
* @return The disconnect quiesce timeout.
public Integer getDisconnectQuiesceTimeout() {
return disconnectQuiesceTimeout;
* Sets the timeout if disconnecting forcibly. Compulsory in that case.
* @param disconnectForciblyTimeout The disconnect forcibly timeout.
public void setDisconnectForciblyTimeout(Integer disconnectForciblyTimeout) {
this.disconnectForciblyTimeout = disconnectForciblyTimeout;
* Gets the timeout if disconnecting forcibly.
* @return Timeout.
public Integer getDisconnectForciblyTimeout() {
return disconnectForciblyTimeout;
* Sets the strategy to determine how long to wait between retry attempts. By default, this streamer uses a
* Fibonacci-based strategy.
* @param retryWaitStrategy The retry wait strategy.
public void setRetryWaitStrategy(WaitStrategy retryWaitStrategy) {
this.retryWaitStrategy = retryWaitStrategy;
* Gets the retry wait strategy.
* @return The retry wait strategy.
public WaitStrategy getRetryWaitStrategy() {
return retryWaitStrategy;
* Sets the strategy to determine when to stop retrying to (re-)connect. By default, we never stop.
* @param retryStopStrategy The retry stop strategy.
public void setRetryStopStrategy(StopStrategy retryStopStrategy) {
this.retryStopStrategy = retryStopStrategy;
* Gets the retry stop strategy.
* @return The retry stop strategy.
public StopStrategy getRetryStopStrategy() {
return retryStopStrategy;
* Sets whether to block the start() method until connected for the first time. By default, it's {@code false}.
* @param blockUntilConnected Whether to block or not.
public void setBlockUntilConnected(boolean blockUntilConnected) {
this.blockUntilConnected = blockUntilConnected;
* Gets whether to block the start() method until connected for the first time. By default, it's {@code false}.
* @return {@code true} if should connect synchronously in start.
public boolean isBlockUntilConnected() {
return blockUntilConnected;
* Returns whether this streamer is stopped.
* @return {@code true} if stopped; {@code false} if not.
public boolean isStopped() {
return stopped;
* Returns whether this streamer is connected by delegating to the underlying {@link MqttClient#isConnected()}
* @return {@code true} if connected; {@code false} if not.
* @see MqttClient#isConnected()
public boolean isConnected() {
return client.isConnected();
* A utility class to help us with (re-)connecting to the MQTT broker. It uses a single-threaded executor to perform
* the (re-)connections.
private class MqttConnectionRetrier {
/** The guava-retrying retrier object. */
private final Retryer<Void> retrier;
/** Single-threaded pool. */
private final ExecutorService exec = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
* Constructor.
* @param retrier The retryier object.
public MqttConnectionRetrier(Retryer<Void> retrier) {
this.retrier = retrier;
* Method called by the streamer to ask us to (re-)connect.
public void connect() {
Callable<Void> callable = retrier.wrap(new Callable<Void>() {
@Override public Void call() throws Exception {
// If we're already connected, return immediately.
if (client.isConnected())
return null;
if (stopped)
return null;
// Connect to broker.
if (connectOptions == null)
// Always use the multiple topics variant of the mqtt client; even if the user specified a single
// topic and/or QoS, the initialization code would have placed it inside the 1..n structures.
if (qualitiesOfService.isEmpty())
client.subscribe(topics.toArray(new String[0]));
else {
int[] qoses = new int[qualitiesOfService.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < qualitiesOfService.size(); i++)
qoses[i] = qualitiesOfService.get(i);
client.subscribe(topics.toArray(new String[0]), qoses);
if (log.isInfoEnabled())"MQTT Streamer (re-)connected and subscribed " + cachedLogValues);
return null;
Future<Void> result = exec.submit(callable);
if (blockUntilConnected) {
try {
catch (Throwable e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Stops this connection utility class by shutting down the thread pool.
public void stop() {