blob: 4fd3e073b2afb72c142cc0875a448efe117e4ec9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ignite.springdata.misc;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import javax.cache.Cache;
import org.apache.ignite.springdata22.repository.IgniteRepository;
import org.apache.ignite.springdata22.repository.config.Query;
import org.apache.ignite.springdata22.repository.config.RepositoryConfig;
* Test repository.
@RepositoryConfig(cacheName = "PersonCache")
public interface PersonRepository extends IgniteRepository<Person, Integer> {
/** */
public List<Person> findByFirstName(String val);
/** */
@Query("firstName = ?")
public List<PersonProjection> queryByFirstNameWithProjection(String val);
/** */
@Query("firstName = :firstname")
public List<PersonProjection> queryByFirstNameWithProjectionNamedParameter(@Param("firstname") String val);
/** */
@Query("firstName = :firstname")
public <P> List<P> queryByFirstNameWithProjectionNamedParameter(Class<P> dynamicProjection, @Param("firstname") String val);
/** */
@Query("firstName = :firstname")
public <P> P queryOneByFirstNameWithProjectionNamedParameter(Class<P> dynamicProjection, @Param("firstname") String val);
/** */
@Query("firstName = ?#{[1]}")
public List<PersonProjection> queryByFirstNameWithProjectionNamedIndexedParameter(@Param("notUsed") String notUsed, @Param("firstname") String val);
/** */
@Query(textQuery = true, value = "#{#firstname}", limit = 2)
public List<PersonProjection> textQueryByFirstNameWithProjectionNamedParameter(@Param("firstname") String val);
@Query(value = "select * from (sElecT * from #{#entityName} where firstName = :firstname)", forceFieldsQuery = true)
public List<PersonProjection> queryByFirstNameWithProjectionNamedParameterAndTemplateDomainEntityVariable(@Param("firstname") String val);
@Query(value = "firstName = ?#{sampleExtension.transformParam(#firstname)}")
public List<PersonProjection> queryByFirstNameWithProjectionNamedParameterWithSpELExtension(@Param("firstname") String val);
/** */
public List<Person> findByFirstNameContaining(String val);
/** */
public List<Person> findByFirstNameRegex(String val, Pageable pageable);
/** */
public Collection<Person> findTopByFirstNameContaining(String val);
/** */
public Iterable<Person> findFirst10ByFirstNameLike(String val);
/** */
public int countByFirstName(String val);
/** */
public int countByFirstNameLike(String val);
/** */
public int countByFirstNameLikeAndSecondNameLike(String like1, String like2);
/** */
public int countByFirstNameStartingWithOrSecondNameStartingWith(String like1, String like2);
/** */
public List<Cache.Entry<Integer, Person>> findBySecondNameLike(String val);
/** */
public Cache.Entry<Integer, Person> findTopBySecondNameLike(String val);
/** */
public PersonProjection findTopBySecondNameStartingWith(String val);
/** */
@Query("firstName = ?")
public List<Person> simpleQuery(String val);
/** */
@Query("firstName REGEXP ?")
public List<Person> queryWithSort(String val, Sort sort);
/** */
@Query("SELECT * FROM Person WHERE firstName REGEXP ?")
public List<Person> queryWithPageable(String val, Pageable pageable);
/** */
@Query("SELECT secondName FROM Person WHERE firstName REGEXP ?")
public List<String> selectField(String val, Pageable pageable);
/** */
@Query("SELECT _key, secondName FROM Person WHERE firstName REGEXP ?")
public List<List> selectSeveralField(String val, Pageable pageable);
/** */
@Query("SELECT count(1) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT secondName FROM Person WHERE firstName REGEXP ?)")
public int countQuery(String val);
/** Top 3 query */
public List<Person> findTop3ByFirstName(String val);
/** Delete query */
public long deleteByFirstName(String firstName);
/** Remove Query */
public List<Person> removeByFirstName(String firstName);
/** Delete using @Query with keyword in lower-case */
@Query("delete FROM Person WHERE secondName = ?")
public void deleteBySecondNameLowerCase(String secondName);
/** Delete using @Query but with errors on the query */
@Query("DELETE FROM Person WHERE firstName = ? AND ERRORS = 'ERRORS'")
public void deleteWrongByFirstNameQuery(String firstName);
/** Update using @Query with keyword in mixed-case */
@Query("upDATE Person SET secondName = ? WHERE firstName = ?")
public int setFixedSecondNameMixedCase(String secondName, String firstName);
/** Update using @Query but with errors on the query */
@Query("UPDATE Person SET secondName = ? WHERE firstName = ? AND ERRORS = 'ERRORS'")
public int setWrongFixedSecondName(String secondName, String firstName);
/** Produces a list of domain entity classes whose fields are obtained from the query result row. */
@Query(value = "SELECT firstName, secondName, birthday, _key, _val, NULL as one FROM Person", forceFieldsQuery = true)
public List<Person> queryWithRowToEntityConversion();
/** Produces a list of domain entity classes whose fields are obtained from the query result row. */
@Query(value = "SELECT firstName, birthday FROM Person", forceFieldsQuery = true)
public List<Person> queryWithIncompleteRowToEntityConversion();