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  1. config/
  2. src/
  3. .gitignore
  4. build.gradle

Apache Ignite 3 Examples

This project contains code examples for Apache Ignite 3.

Examples are shipped as a separate Gradle module, so to start running you simply need to import provided build.gradle file into your favourite IDE.

The following examples are included:

  • RecordViewExample - demonstrates the usage of the org.apache.ignite.table.RecordView API
  • KeyValueViewExample - demonstrates the usage of the org.apache.ignite.table.KeyValueView API
  • SqlJdbcExample - demonstrates the usage of the Apache Ignite JDBC driver.
  • SqlApiExample - demonstrates the usage of the Java API for SQL.
  • VolatilePageMemoryStorageExample - demonstrates the usage of the PageMemory storage engine configured with an in-memory data region.
  • PersistentPageMemoryStorageExample - demonstrates the usage of the PageMemory storage engine configured with a persistent data region.
  • RocksDbStorageExample - demonstrates the usage of the RocksDB storage engine.

Before running the examples, read about cli.

To run the examples, refer to their JavaDoc for instructions.